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Is it just me? (1 Viewer)


blond bombshell
DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
Although i would admit people have partly contributed to climate change and maybe we should make moves to try and stop this i just cant help but noticed that:


Its the same groups of people who are anti-capitalist the sort of people who hate their own countries the kind of self righteous **** heads who are in it to claim they are somehow saving the world by having a solar panel on their house.

i swear they cause less interest by putting themselves to the forefront of movements and pressure groups.

The thing is on one side you have scientists that are trying to cause a calm debate about their concerns about the environment. Then you have a bunch of idiots who love the idea of climate change because they get to jump up and down complain at politicians have protest marches all about something there is no realistic or workable plans to combat.
It can get annoying for sure. But have you ever heard the old saying, "Give them an inch and they will take a mile?"

I think many Americans do not want our country to be like toxic Russia when our grandchildren are at the helm.

Some others prefer to make the bucks today, regardless of the repercussions in the future. There is another old saying, "Make hay where the sun shines."

So, I guess environmental concerns fall upon two distant lines. Tree huggers who want to save the tree owl even if it means the whole village goes hungry, and the money grubbers, who don't give a **** what kinda pollution we have to wade around in 50 more year from now. They won't be here so who cares?
There is also a third .....to which I belong, the realist.

After researching the likelyhood, I fully believe Climate change will have an effect on my kids. Thus I live in a place that will suffer less as a result of the change. Once you come to understand we are only a small part of the change, and can have no measurable effect on the inevitable.....you just gotta accept it, and adapt.
tecoyah said:
There is also a third .....to which I belong, the realist.

After researching the likelyhood, I fully believe Climate change will have an effect on my kids. Thus I live in a place that will suffer less as a result of the change. Once you come to understand we are only a small part of the change, and can have no measurable effect on the inevitable.....you just gotta accept it, and adapt.

Actually, humans have quite a bit of impact on climate change. Despite the fact that water vapor is the most prevalent greenhouse gas (somewhere around 97% by volume), the feedback loop nature means that small changes can amplify to big events. A doubling in the CO2 (a mere 0.038% by volume) can have huge and drastic affects on climate change. That is something humans have quite a bit of control over.
Kelzie said:
Actually, humans have quite a bit of impact on climate change. Despite the fact that water vapor is the most prevalent greenhouse gas (somewhere around 97% by volume), the feedback loop nature means that small changes can amplify to big events. A doubling in the CO2 (a mere 0.038% by volume) can have huge and drastic affects on climate change. That is something humans have quite a bit of control over.

No one cares :doh
Sir_Alec said:
No one cares :doh

This is going to be really shocking for you....if you don't care....DON'T READ IT!! Wow, I know. Deep, right? :roll:
Kelzie said:
This is going to be really shocking for you....if you don't care....DON'T READ IT!! Wow, I know. Deep, right? :roll:

Its not that I don't care, its that nobody else cares. I was just saying what the less knowledgable were thinking.

And did anyone hear about the glaciers that started to slide into the ocean these past weeks? If we don't act fast we are simply screwed.
Sir_Alec said:
Its not that I don't care, its that nobody else cares. I was just saying what the less knowledgable were thinking.

And did anyone hear about the glaciers that started to slide into the ocean these past weeks? If we don't act fast we are simply screwed.

Man, you threw me for a second. 'S hard to tell when you're joking over the internet. :mrgreen:
Kelzie said:
Actually, humans have quite a bit of impact on climate change. Despite the fact that water vapor is the most prevalent greenhouse gas (somewhere around 97% by volume), the feedback loop nature means that small changes can amplify to big events. A doubling in the CO2 (a mere 0.038% by volume) can have huge and drastic affects on climate change. That is something humans have quite a bit of control over.

Hogwash. You don't know how much of global warming is due to human activity, and neither does anyone else.
alphamale said:
Hogwash. You don't know how much of global warming is due to human activity, and neither does anyone else.

The exact number? No, nobody knows that. However, we do know that humans are directly responsible for the rise in CO2, which is a greenhouse gas, which will increase the temperature.
Kelzie said:
The exact number? No, nobody knows that. However, we do know that humans are directly responsible for the rise in CO2, which is a greenhouse gas, which will increase the temperature.

And, is already having an impact. Really, when it comes right down to it....I dont care if anyone else belives these changes are happening as it does not change my understanding. My conclusion at this point, after taking in as much data as I can : The Earth is going through a change in climate.

The likelyhood of Human intervention reversing this effect is so low as to be irrelevant, thus the need to adapt to the realities of the change. Even if the developed world decided to stop all CO2 emmisions today, we would change nothing, as the developing world would still be energy starved and cintinue to pump greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. There can be no other future for this planet than increased warming, so my thoughts have shifted.
Five years ago I worried about the likelyhood of Climate change, today I instead, plan and act to minimize the impact it will have on my family. Call me what you will, but I now live on the shores of the great lakes, partially because the increased Temps of the future will be tempered somewhat by the location, both by the heat sink of lake Ontario, and the lattitude of the area.
I do not look forward to the day when we humans are actually forced to take this change seriously, but I am damn well gonna be as prepared as I can. Besides...if I am wrong, I still get to live by the lake....heh.
I ALSO think world governments make these token gestures to lower emissions that dont really make a difference what so ever people dont wanna pay the real cost to lower co2 when it might not make a difference anyway.

I agree where just gonna have to adapt but in the uk they dont know if it will just get hotter or the cold water from the ice caps will stop the gulf stream sending us into an ice age.

to be honest i'll just see what happens im not worried not because i dont believe in climate change evidence definetly shows an increase in world temperature (not that they can agree what the world temperature is).Im not worried because we are always going into a future on uncertainty and maybe having a world concentrating on adapting will lose interest in killing each other for a while.
tecoyah said:
And, is already having an impact. Really, when it comes right down to it....I dont care if anyone else belives these changes are happening as it does not change my understanding. My conclusion at this point, after taking in as much data as I can : The Earth is going through a change in climate.

The likelyhood of Human intervention reversing this effect is so low as to be irrelevant, thus the need to adapt to the realities of the change. Even if the developed world decided to stop all CO2 emmisions today, we would change nothing, as the developing world would still be energy starved and cintinue to pump greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. There can be no other future for this planet than increased warming, so my thoughts have shifted.
Five years ago I worried about the likelyhood of Climate change, today I instead, plan and act to minimize the impact it will have on my family. Call me what you will, but I now live on the shores of the great lakes, partially because the increased Temps of the future will be tempered somewhat by the location, both by the heat sink of lake Ontario, and the lattitude of the area.
I do not look forward to the day when we humans are actually forced to take this change seriously, but I am damn well gonna be as prepared as I can. Besides...if I am wrong, I still get to live by the lake....heh.

Climate change could be very severe even if it is natural.
Get ready for:
Crops dying in bad temperatures
Mass starvation
The 10-20 feet of snow covering your house
Coastal waters rising and falling
Some of the worst Hurricanes ever
Freak waves or mega-tsunamis (1-100m)
F5 Tornados becoming the avg.
Riots in every city on the planet (better buy a gun, maybe two)

Even if the climate change is slow it will still produce all of these things. All of this could happen tommorrow or 1000 years from now.
Sir_Alec said:
Climate change could be very severe even if it is natural.

It is natural.

Sir_Alec said:
Get ready for:
Crops dying in bad temperatures


Sir_Alec said:
Mass starvation


Sir_Alec said:
The 10-20 feet of snow covering your house


Sir_Alec said:
Coastal waters rising and falling


Sir_Alec said:
Some of the worst Hurricanes ever

Don't live in the path of hurricanes.

Sir_Alec said:
Freak waves or mega-tsunamis (1-100m)

Boogie boarding.

Sir_Alec}F5 Tornados becoming the avg.[/QUOTE said:
Kite flying.

Sir_Alec said:
Riots in every city on the planet (better buy a gun, maybe two)

Second amendment, Constitution.

Sir_Alec said:
Even if the climate change is slow it will still produce all of these things. All of this could happen tommorrow or 1000 years from now.

Tomorrow? No, it couldn't. A thousand years from now? None of my concern.
Kelzie said:
The exact number? No, nobody knows that. However, we do know that humans are directly responsible for the rise in CO2, which is a greenhouse gas, which will increase the temperature.

Yes, but you don't know what percentage of global warming is due to CO2 production and what due to non-human natural processes. Another human cause of increased CO2 that is mostly the fault of third world countries is deforestation.
Sir_Alec said:
Climate change could be very severe even if it is natural.
Get ready for:
Crops dying in bad temperatures
Mass starvation

Nonsense. Food production will simply shift to areas that were too cold for it before - northern canada and siberia. No mass starvation.

The 10-20 feet of snow covering your house

Blah ha ha har!!! :2razz:

Coastal waters rising and falling

Duh, that already happens - it's called "tides".

Some of the worst Hurricanes ever

Maybe fewer bizzards!

Freak waves or mega-tsunamis (1-100m)

Warning....warning...you are entering the sci-fi zone.....

F5 Tornados becoming the avg.

Warning....warning...you are still in the sci-fi zone.....
Obviously....its all made up.

Just ask Time Magazine....and virtually every scientist on earth. You may want to read this:

"No one can say exactly what it looks like when a planet takes ill, but it probably looks a lot like Earth.

Never mind what you've heard about global warming as a slow-motion emergency that would take decades to play out. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the crisis is upon us.

From heat waves to storms to floods to fires to massive glacial melts, the global climate seems to be crashing around us.

The problem -- as scientists suspected but few others appreciated -- is that global climate systems are booby-trapped with tipping points and feedback loops, thresholds past which the slow creep of environmental decay gives way to sudden and self-perpetuating collapse. That's just what's happening now."

tecoyah said:
Obviously....its all made up.

Just ask Time Magazine....and virtually every scientist on earth. You may want to read this:

"No one can say exactly what it looks like when a planet takes ill, but it probably looks a lot like Earth.

Never mind what you've heard about global warming as a slow-motion emergency that would take decades to play out. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the crisis is upon us.

From heat waves to storms to floods to fires to massive glacial melts, the global climate seems to be crashing around us.

The problem -- as scientists suspected but few others appreciated -- is that global climate systems are booby-trapped with tipping points and feedback loops, thresholds past which the slow creep of environmental decay gives way to sudden and self-perpetuating collapse. That's just what's happening now."


The Time report in the CNN site (both infamous liberal news organizations) contains no proof of human-caused global warming, nor of the consequences to expected from it, and ignores the possible positive consequences.
alphamale said:
The Time report in the CNN site (both infamous liberal news organizations) contains no proof of human-caused global warming, nor of the consequences to expected from it, and ignores the possible positive consequences.

Its funny...not only did I not mention any human cause....nor did they, but the article, and the science tends to focus on the actual change. But please....stick your head back in the sand, it might help.
Sir_Alec said:
Climate change could be very severe even if it is natural.
Get ready for:
Crops dying in bad temperatures
Mass starvation
The 10-20 feet of snow covering your house
Coastal waters rising and falling
Some of the worst Hurricanes ever
Freak waves or mega-tsunamis (1-100m)
F5 Tornados becoming the avg.
Riots in every city on the planet (better buy a gun, maybe two)

Even if the climate change is slow it will still produce all of these things. All of this could happen tommorrow or 1000 years from now.
Democrats likely to take congress!
Get ready for:
Higher taxes
security at its worst
lower fertility due to abortion
pink ferraris
and worst of all.....
tecoyah said:
Its funny...not only did I not mention any human cause....nor did they, but the article, and the science tends to focus on the actual change. But please....stick your head back in the sand, it might help.

It offered no proof for the supposed "changes", and as such is just somebody's idle speculation - more properly located in a sci-fi publication.
alphamale said:
Nonsense. Food production will simply shift to areas that were too cold for it before - northern canada and siberia. No mass starvation.

Blah ha ha har!!! :2razz:

Duh, that already happens - it's called "tides".

Maybe fewer bizzards!

Warning....warning...you are entering the sci-fi zone.....

Warning....warning...you are still in the sci-fi zone.....

This is the kind of stuff that happens when climates shift. Most likley the climate shift will affect the northen hemisphere so canada and siberia will be hit the hardest. We will need to grow crops farther south below the US border to keep up neccisary production. This will be very hard and if not done right many will die of starvation. This stuff may not happen for thousands of years but there is no reason to say we should not care.
alphamale said:
It offered no proof for the supposed "changes", and as such is just somebody's idle speculation - more properly located in a sci-fi publication.

Fair Enough....Heres a bit more Science Fiction for you, written by people with astounding imaginations:








I would list a couple thousand more but, I doubt you can see them for the Sand in your eyes.
alphamale said:
It offered no proof for the supposed "changes", and as such is just somebody's idle speculation - more properly located in a sci-fi publication.

Why take a chance on the enviroment then be wrong and be totaly ****ed. You have no logic. You have no proof that there is no such thing as climate change. You have no idea how bad it could be.
Sir_Alec said:
Why take a chance on the enviroment then be wrong and be totaly ****ed. You have no logic. You have no proof that there is no such thing as climate change. You have no idea how bad it could be.

I didn't say there was no global warming, O reading impaired one, I said there is no proof that it's caused, or significantly caused, by human activity. Also, O logic-proof one - the burden of proof is on the asserter, which is the global warming nuts, not me.

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