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Is Cracker Jack a racist product? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2005
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Is Cracker Jack a racist product?


So, I was looking for a snack last night at a convenience store and I decided to grab a bag of Cracker Jack. As I was munching away, I was looking at the bag. Then it hit me. They print on the bag near the picture of the boy and dog that the boy is "Sailor Jack". The title of the product is Cracker Jack. Are they calling Jack a Cracker? If so, isn't that a bit racist?

I probably never would have thought of it, had the issue of Race not be brought up every other week by the national media in a situation where it wasn't necessary at all.


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Is Cracker Jack a racist product?


So, I was looking for a snack last night at a convenience store and I decided to grab a bag of Cracker Jack. As I was munching away, I was looking at the bag. Then it hit me. They print on the bag near the picture of the boy and dog that the boy is "Sailor Jack". The title of the product is Cracker Jack. Are they calling Jack a Cracker? If so, isn't that a bit racist?

I probably never would have thought of it, had the issue of Race not be brought up every other week by the national media in a situation where it wasn't necessary at all.

Yes because he hates Avians.
Jack does look like he has pasty white skin and light brown( or blond hair) like a stereotype of a white person.
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One of the definitions of "Cracker"

A small cardboard cylinder covered with decorative paper that holds candy or a party favor and pops when a paper strip is pulled at one or both ends and torn. Cracker Jack is also a colloquial term used to define someone who's very good at what they do. But in this case, "Cracker Jack" is trademarked (or is it copyright?) to describe the candy popcorn snack. I wouldn't be surprised if it was named out of the colloquial term "Cracker Jack".

For example, some old movies used the term like, "That master sergeant sure is a cracker jack with that machine gun". Also not racist...


However, it does cause cancer and was the impetus of World War I. Not many people know this but the King of Hungary was pissed off because he cracked a molar on one of the hard peanuts in the popular snack. This made the King mispronounce a Hungarian word for "Dentist" which he asked one of his general to for, instead the General heard him say "assasinate". Hence the start of WWI. True story.
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Cracker Jack has been around since 1896. I really doubt that "cracker" has even existed as a racial slur for that long. Heck, the whole concept of "white" as a race is relatively recent; up until the last century, white people were defined more by their national origin than by their skin color.

According to Wikipedia, "crackerjack" was a slang term in the 1890s meaning "of excellent quality."
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This isn't even a poll? I think what would be a more appropriate poll is "What wouldn't law enforcement use/buy that ends with "aser"?
My friend was a Japanese business major (lol I know right?) and he went on a few trips to Japan before. He took pictures of a Japanese banana Popsicle that had a black guy that looked like a 1920s caricature wrapping it's gigantic night crawler lips around a banana. Oh and then there is this:

Your really bored arent you?

Yeah. Just trying to be humorous.

Although after a breif search of "racist products", this one did make a list somewhere, along with Uncle Ben's, Land o' Lakes Butter, Aunt Jemima Pancakes, and some other foreign products I've never heard of.
I was astounded when i found a packet of Negro's at my local shop. They do actually taste really yummy though :)

Is Cracker Jack a racist product?


So, I was looking for a snack last night at a convenience store and I decided to grab a bag of Cracker Jack. As I was munching away, I was looking at the bag. Then it hit me. They print on the bag near the picture of the boy and dog that the boy is "Sailor Jack". The title of the product is Cracker Jack. Are they calling Jack a Cracker? If so, isn't that a bit racist?

I probably never would have thought of it, had the issue of Race not be brought up every other week by the national media in a situation where it wasn't necessary at all.

That's the whole point of the racism business; to make you think everything is racist.

BTW, where's the poll?
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From wiki

1896: Rueckheim devises a way to keep the popcorn kernels separate. As each batch was mixed in a cement-mixer-like drum, a small quantity of oil was added — a closely-guarded trade secret. Before this change, the mixture had been difficult to handle as it stuck together in chunks. In 1896, the first lot of Cracker Jack was produced. It was named by an enthusiastic sampler who remarked, "That's crackerjack!" (a colloquialism meaning "of excellent quality"[1])
As a child, in Texas, we were raised calling brazilian nuts "nigger toes" and when we would go to the fireworks stand on independance day, we would always order bottle rockets and "nigger chasers." My father had a hunting dog he named "Nigger." He would stand on the porch and call the dog in shouting, "Here Nigger, Nigger."

So, as you can all imagine, I was somewhat conditioned and raised around the word. I have had to re-educate myself as I grew older. It is a rude and offensive word and should not be tossed around so lightly. But, honestly, even to this day, most white folks still use it when there is no one around that gets offended by it. But you will be hard pressed to get them to admit it. But these days, it even offends white people so I think it is better to just not say the word at all.
As a child, in Texas, we were raised calling brazilian nuts "nigger toes" and when we would go to the fireworks stand on independance day, we would always order bottle rockets and "nigger chasers." My father had a hunting dog he named "Nigger." He would stand on the porch and call the dog in shouting, "Here Nigger, Nigger."

So, as you can all imagine, I was somewhat conditioned and raised around the word. I have had to re-educate myself as I grew older. It is a rude and offensive word and should not be tossed around so lightly. But, honestly, even to this day, most white folks still use it when there is no one around that gets offended by it. But you will be hard pressed to get them to admit it. But these days, it even offends white people so I think it is better to just not say the word at all.

LOL @ Southern states
Cracker Jack has been around since 1896. I really doubt that "cracker" has even existed as a racial slur for that long. Heck, the whole concept of "white" as a race is relatively recent; up until the last century, white people were defined more by their national origin than by their skin color.

According to Wikipedia, "crackerjack" was a slang term in the 1890s meaning "of excellent quality."

The next time someone is called a cracker by that New Black Panther jerk, he should say "that's Cracker JACK!! to you sir."
Speaking of brazil nuts...

Sheniqua: "Girl, who you seein' now?
Tanika: "I'm seeing me a Brazillian."
Sheniqua: "You just 'ho like yo' mama. How many is a brazillian anyways?
Yeah. Just trying to be humorous.

Although after a breif search of "racist products", this one did make a list somewhere, along with Uncle Ben's, Land o' Lakes Butter, Aunt Jemima Pancakes, and some other foreign products I've never heard of.

Only racists would ever eat Cracker Jacks.

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