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Is anti-gay unconstitutional (1 Viewer)

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Mar 7, 2005
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Slightly Liberal
I'm a huge conservative, but isn't not letting gays marry unconstitutional. If we live in a free country how come we can't choose our sexual preferance? How come we can choose our religion, but not our partner? Being gay, I beleive, is a sin, but it's constitutional. America isn't gonna follow the bible, but the constitution. So what do you think?
satinloveslibs said:
I'm a huge conservative, but isn't not letting gays marry unconstitutional. If we live in a free country how come we can't choose our sexual preferance? How come we can choose our religion, but not our partner? Being gay, I beleive, is a sin, but it's constitutional. America isn't gonna follow the bible, but the constitution. So what do you think?

Can't comment on your constitution, but I find this post very interesting.

It appears that you are willing to support something you believe to be wrong. Is that the case?
no that is not the case. I vote against gay marriage. Is that constitutional? What is more important, the bible or the constitution? Religion or democracy?
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Naughty Nurse are you gay?
Tell me satanloveslibs, does two men or two woman getting married affect your life in any way or form?

The bible says I will be punished for the sins of my ancestors and that woman are not allowed to speak in church.

Don't get me wrong I respect the teachings of Christ. Did he speak out against homosexuals? (It's not rhetorical, I don't know, I'm curious). If your referring to the Old Testament rules against homosexuality, well there is alot of crazy rules in there.

Christ teached love, respect and compassion (something lacked in SOME christains nowadays). Ask yourself what does banning gay marriage solve? There will stil be gay people. I think straight people have ruined marriage enough, I don't think homosexuals can ruin it any further.
Don't get me wrong I respect the teachings of Christ. Did he speak out against homosexuals? (It's not rhetorical, I don't know, I'm curious).

the bible clearly states in the new testament (1st Corinthians 6:9) that homosexuals will not go to heaven. God inspired the words of the bible. and Jesus is God so yes he did sort of speak out against it.
You can be anti-gay, anti-black, anti-woman in America all you want and it's all constitutional to have those thoughts and feelings. HOWEVER, acting upon those feelings have different recourses. Hate crimes against gays, hiring practices that bar blacks, and housing discrimination against women are in some states illegal, and in some cases unconstitutional.

This all stems from the 14th amendment: (I've only copied one of the five sections, the first being the most pertinent)
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
the bible says being gay is a sin. ( 1st Corinthians 6:9) do you beleive murder should be legalized? or stealing be legalized? because saying that we should legalize gay marriage is legalizing a sin. murder and stealing is a sin. Maybe if you were president GARZA UK you could also legalize muder and stealing since you support sin.
satinloveslibs said:
the bible says being gay is a sin. ( 1st Corinthians 6:9) do you beleive murder should be legalized? or stealing be legalized? because saying that we should legalize gay marriage is legalizing a sin. murder and stealing is a sin. Maybe if you were president GARZA UK you could also legalize muder and stealing since you support sin.
The bible says a lot of things are sins. Like judgment. Of course the bible never used the words gay, lesbian, or homosexual.

Of course, just cuz the bible says it, doesn't make it law (or so, for that matter). The bible also says that "thou shalt not have any gods before me". According to the bible that is a sin. So, anyone worshipping a non-judeo-christian god MUST be sinning. And if they're sinning it's therefore illegal and should not be allowed.

Is that really how your logic is working here?
satinloveslibs said:
Naughty Nurse are you gay?

Yes, I am. And I'll bet I'm a nicer person than you are.
satinloveslibs said:
no that is not the case. I vote against gay marriage. Is that constitutional? What is more important, the bible or the constitution? Religion or democracy?

If you say that religion (and of course you mean YOUR religion to the exclusion of all others) is more important than democracy, then you don't believe in democracy. Why not just say so?

And I don't know if satin loves "libs", but this "lib" sure looks good in satin!
satinloveslibs said:
the bible says being gay is a sin. ( 1st Corinthians 6:9) do you beleive murder should be legalized? or stealing be legalized? because saying that we should legalize gay marriage is legalizing a sin. murder and stealing is a sin. Maybe if you were president GARZA UK you could also legalize muder and stealing since you support sin.

Lying in a sin, so you would make lying illegal? Talk about crowded prisons?

"Hey what you in for?"
"I told my pregnent wife she didn't look fat."

If Bush was a real Christain, he would forgive the 9/11 bombers. But of course the US would be in outrage of him obeying the teachings of Christ.

Politics is different than the teachings of religion, that is why they should always be made seperate. When you start making laws because the bible says so, well Afganistan tried that and we all know what happened.
satinloveslibs said:
the bible clearly states in the new testament (1st Corinthians 6:9) that homosexuals will not go to heaven.

The bible clearly states "Judge not" but you Christians conveniently choose to overlook that one.

Surely satinloveballs can't be that erotic? I recommend the really hard ones.
satinloveslibs said:
the bible says being gay is a sin. ( 1st Corinthians 6:9) do you beleive murder should be legalized? or stealing be legalized? because saying that we should legalize gay marriage is legalizing a sin. murder and stealing is a sin. Maybe if you were president GARZA UK you could also legalize muder and stealing since you support sin.

You're not serious, right? You're suggesting that what two people consent to do alone in the privacy of their bedroom is the same thing as murder or stealing? In the USA the bible has ZERO legal value. While some laws maybe reflect the ethics of the bible, the only laws that count are the ones passed by our elected officials. How about Oral and Anal Sex? Is that a sin too? Masturbation? Where do you draw the line?

Being Gay is no different than being straight. We're all the same. Using your logic means that anyone who's not Christian is sinning? There a two zillion examples of the hypocrisy of your comment. It makes absolutely no sense. Murder = Stealing = Being Gay = Being Jewish = Being Islamic = Being Hindu = Being Atheist = Being Wicker = Being Anyone who believes that being Gay is OK, since if you say it's OK to be gay, by your logic then you're also saying it's OK to murder?

I have a great suggestion! Live and let live! Murder and being Gay have nothing in common. One could argue that murdering is stupid and believing that being gay equals the sin of murder is STUPID....if one wanted to argue....
FORGIVE THE 9-11 BOMBERS! I think you said that just because you were'nt affected by it. That is the most insensitive thing I've ever heard GazaraUK. I dare you to say that to a 9-11victim's family you sicko!
listen I support the war so how could i not like democracy
I want to spread democracy.
satinloveslibs said:
I want to spread democracy.
Of course you DO know that the United States is NOT a democracy, right?
satinloveslibs said:
FORGIVE THE 9-11 BOMBERS! I think you said that just because you were'nt affected by it. That is the most insensitive thing I've ever heard GazaraUK. I dare you to say that to a 9-11victim's family you sicko!

What? I want the men that were responsible for 9/11 to be brought to justice like any decent person. I think you misunderstood me. I don't think Jesus would have waged war on Afganistan or Iraq, I can't imagine him waging a war at all, he liked to discuss things. Since Christains try to be like Jesus Christ, Bush is quite a lousy Christain, but he is a politican and politicans need to wage war sometimes. I laugh at these Evangelicalists saying God's man - Bush is working to smite Islam. Some of these people think that only Christainity has to defeat Islam, these people are not real christains

I think it would be very hard for ANY politican to be a good christain, because they have to make unchristain decisions. I'm not sure if Bush is a god fearing man (although he has admitted conversations with the almighty), but I'd say quite alot of politicans say they are God fearing for the PR value.

Politics = Chalk
Religion = Cheese
satinloveslibs said:
the bible says being gay is a sin. ( 1st Corinthians 6:9) do you beleive murder should be legalized? or stealing be legalized? because saying that we should legalize gay marriage is legalizing a sin. murder and stealing is a sin. Maybe if you were president GARZA UK you could also legalize muder and stealing since you support sin.

wanna know what is not a sin according to the bible? huh? having sex with a daughter. but hey, that is illegal. I would never do it, but just because it isn't in the bible! (sarcasm)

you don't support sin when you support equal rights for all, something that christianity usually champions. but hey, just ebcause they have a different genetic makeup and choose a different lifestyle, that makes them evil and their acts evil. of course man, we can take that viewpoint seriously, of course... :applaud
ShamMol said:
wanna know what is not a sin according to the bible?

You're also allowed to take slaves provided they come from a neighbouring country. Presumably satinloveballs has no problem owning slaves, provided they're Canadian or Mexican.

I'll have an Italian one, permanantly in my bedroom.
To paraphrase my paramour Urethra,

Satinlovesballs - Homosexuality is a "Sin". This is assuming the validation of a phoney concept called "sin" which was used to control the ignorant masses into conforming with the greatest fairy tale ever told... Christianity (and also Judiasm, Islam etc... all nonsense stories designed to control the masses)

Anyway, assuming you believe this nonsense, AND believe in the word of the bible as "the word of god", why then, according to YOUR BIBLE... are you

..... permitted to sell you kids into slavery Exodus 7 "If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as menservants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, [2] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money. – Exodus 21-7

Working on Sabbath punishable by death 1 Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them, "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do: 2 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD . Whoever does any work on it must be put to death. 3 Do not light a fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day."
– Exodus 35-2

Touching the skin of a Pig is unpure . 7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. – Leviticus 11-7 Boy this will screw up the football crowd!!

Planting different crops in rows side by side will get you stoned to death. Let's kill the farmers too!!

As will wearing garments made of two threads get you stoned to death. Might as well get the fashion designers while we're at it...

It is absolutely mind boggling to me that you people can be so absolutely ignorant. If I told you your wife was cheating on you with your neighbor, or you could become invisible by drinking a Starbucks Mocha Latte, you would laugh and demand proof... but to question the nonsense you were fed as a kid?? No way. You just drink the Kool Aid :drink You blindly follow without question which is is beyond comprehension.
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wasn't the bible written (by many men most of which are fairly unknown) hundreds of years ago? hasn't the world changed since then?

my point being that the book was written at a time when the rules of society were being codified by ancient peoples. much of it, particularly in the old testament, is only slightly relevant in the 21st century. the real rules that it codified don't change much, but much of the rules set down have been disproved by scientific knowledge. certain animals are not unclean as set out in the bible now that we have better animal husbandry, certain foods are not taboo because we have found how they are made safe by processing, etc. science has debunked the old taboos, although, the laws at the time were more for safety's sake than actual evil avoidance. for instance, the israelites escaped much of the plagues of egypt during moses' time because of where they lived, away from the aristocracy and apart from the egyptians. they were not entitled to the top layers of grain which more than likely contained molds that killed the egyptians' first born, they lived farther from the nile and escaped the red tide and plagues of frogs. many of the jewish laws forbade things because their priests were keen observers of nature. the flesh of pigs were riddled with disease (something which in modern countries have been virtually eliminated).

those laws had their times, after 2,000 years, their times are at the very least faded, maybe it's time to take another look at them and re-codify them. the few "laws" or admonitions against onanism or homosexuality applied only to men and the reason was that every jew had a duty to reproduce familial lines than ran high to males because these were the people in the minority. there were no such admonitions against female homosexuality. think about it all.

this is just my rant on this subject take it as you will.

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