1) We can't seal the borders. Since the end of the War, there has been one Reinforced Regiment (10,000 Marines) guarding the Al-Anbar Province. This is the territory between Syria and Baghdad. This terrirtory is roughly the size of Utah. It is an impossible task. It is a task that we could do were we to put our entire military in, but that would only encourage the Iraqis to take their time with taking control of their own destiny. Planning better would have involved the rest of our Allies, but they refused to help. Even after the surprise of the insurgency, which nobody could predict, our "high and mighty" European "allies" have refused to help. They speak of humanity, but refuse to get invoilved to save these civilians that are being punished by their own religious fanatics. Invading Syria would calm this insurgency. Invading Iran (which is going to eventually happen) would have been a very decisive thing to do, but I am not the President and it is easy to wallow in hind sight. As it stands, Iran is at the "mercy" of the EU. If history continues to repeat itself, then eventually America will act in spite of Europe's continuing appeasements, but allied help in with Iran is a MUST. We would win easy enough, but because of the terrain, we would take heavy loss it would be slow going. Same goes with North Korea. Iraq was the logical and strategic place to spark democracy.
2) The connection between 9/11 and Iraq will not be on paper, unless they actually find something. Many of us were never under any illusion. The connection is the governmental teaching of hate against us that makes terrorists. It is Middle eastern wide and Iraq offered us a tactful situation. This war in Iraq had multiple reasons. Again...we are somewhere else. We are in the HOA. Other oppressions around the world are not a threat to our country. The Middle East is. Europe used this same arguments on us and they specified Sudan while snubbing us smugly about Iraqis. U.S. Marines have been in the HOA since last year. In the interest of not looking hypocritical, some German troops are also deployed there. Where is the rest of Europe if Africa was a worthy cause and Iraq wasn't? They are absent. America is all over the place. Only the focus is Iraq.
3) I've said before that this war is half-ass. As long as Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and Palestine stand, we will always be victim to terrorists attacks. The problem is a hijacked religion that has been used to oppress it's people and the continuing fingering of America and Israel has been their Arab government's scapegoats. As long as this remains an issue...nothing will change. If Iraq is all we do for the time being, then the hopeful spread of Democracy from there is all we have going for us. The human condition is to want to be free. Just the taste of it in Iraq will disrupt any oppressive government that could take over after we leave.