Now, it's one thing to find documents detailing the friendship of Saddam and al-Qaida, or intelligence showing Saddam transporting suspicious material through the Syrian boarder, or confirmed ties through the 9/11 Commission, but it's another to convince someone who just wont see the facts, like the few we see here on this board. Now most, will accuse the government of lying or stretching the truth, when in fact, they are the ones lying to themselves. And it is sad really, because the overwhelming evidence towards Iraq’s continued defiance and violations of UN Resolutions, Economic Sanctions, and human rights, just to name a few, are mountains of documents. So, if these people, the people that refuse to see past their nose when it comes to the truth, are going to accuse the government, even the CIA of lying to the American public, and to the many countries that are backing us, then my fellow conservatives, I will join you in shaking your head to them. They have continued to defend Saddam Hussein as if they were his own defense lawyer. They look at the Iraqi population with disgrace, and are completely stereotypical of them, immediately stating that they all hate America, and that they will become Terrorists due to that hate. Because of that Terrorism, they believe that the American troops will be over run, and more Americans will die. They can only hope, because, said simply, it gives them more blood to debate with. The more blood is spilt, whether it be the same Iraqis they immediately call Terrorists and hateful people, or their own countrymen, the more they can disagree with George here at home.
Does anyone see the pattern? A domino effect, through the war, through the hearts of Iraqis and Americans (of which are now working together to fight real Terrorism), which all leads back at home, just so they can bash Bush. And, what they don’t seem to see, is that they are maiming this country more so than ever before. They are calling this wonderful country, a terrorist state, even a fascist state with a fascist government. What they continue to fail to see is that that attitude is one of hate, negativity, and pure pessimisms. This, ladies and gentlemen of the Right, is why they lost this election. The American people saw this hatred (of which started January, 2000), and the American people were appalled. How could a political party, be so drastic as to secretly put forth illegal documents into the “un-bias” news media. How could a party be so extreme as to criticize Alberto Gonzalez immediately as anti-humanitarian or some such idiocy? How could a party be so cynical as to call the United States “stingy” in providing humanitarian relief, when it was the United State’s ships first to land in Southern Asia, when it was Collin Powell first to make the phone call to the President of Sri Lanka? It continue to baffle me folks.
Now Iraq, has been debated thoroughly elsewhere in this forum, and the leftist liberals have continued to ignore my points simply because they don't want to see the
facts. But I’m no longer just reaching out to them, seeing as how they refuse to correlate with the basis of this web site. I’m reaching out to my fellow conservatives. It is a tough job; listening to these liberal socialists who want radical change in this government, simply because it is not Bush’s policy. They show no regard for the future, all they care about is the now. Everything is a political opportunity to them, and they will make anything, even the smallest things they can find, into a political opportunity to bash our brilliant, steadfast, resolute President.
Just remember this; the Left just can't stand this country looking good when they're not running it. So our job is to keep doing what we’re doing. If the Democrats are angry, we know we are doing the right thing, because unfortunately, that’s what it has come to. And it is not due to us, it is due to the radical left (which is becoming the mainstream of the Democrats). Their condescending attitude has made the divide in this country so deep, and their continued ignorance to fact, logic, and morality will further deepen that divide. I hope all of you read through this, and I hope that I made a few of you really think about what’s going on in this world and here at home. Please, don’t take my word for it. Step outside, and see how the Left reacts when things happen for the better. They will thrash anything and anyone who disagrees with them, purely because they want to.
If you ever want the truth, do not depend on me, nor anyone in this forum. Think for yourself; Americans, and the civilized world are capable of such.