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Iraqis Progress in Conditions for Troop Withdrawal, Official Says (1 Viewer)

cnredd said:
Your hatred of one man overruns your love of country...

If a Demo was elected Pres in 2008, it seems you would think there was thunder and lightning on Jan. 19th; sunshine & flowers on Jan. 20th.

Acctually no, I don't support any of the existing political parties. I don't believe in democratic-republics. I don't hate Bush..I dissaprove of his policy. And since when does love of country come before common sense? Read the 9/11 commission report, listen to the majority of the muslim population when they say they do not approve of these attacks. America does not have the right to go trouncing around the world flexing it's military muscle for the sole purpose of imposing western beliefs and ideals in a foreign country, it doesn't have the right to meddle in the affairs of state in other nations especially through force, and it has no buisiness shamefully spouting false information to justify a war. Read the 9/11 commission report.
You see napoleon what I am telling you is the bare truth and you are blind to see it becasue your hatred for one man and the constant inflictions from the left-wing machine is actually blinding you with a wool blanket over your eyes. Just because you may or may not agree with the president and he doesnt share your parties views doesnt mean you can undermine what we as a nation are doing to the security of the worlds instability.

The fact of the matter is this, the liberals are basically wrong on almost everything. The more the liberals try to unjustify what we are doing in Iraq the more they look like idiots. And to think I was once democrat. You see I losed all respect for liberalism and democrats when they started acting like whine-babies.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder if you think that sadaam is innocent. Stop reading the new york times. You need to go to Iraq and see what is taking place there. If you really sincerely beleive sadaam and his sons are innocent then mabe Hitler was innocent as well.

And mr oreally I didnt bring up wmd's napoleon did please learn to fully read before talking, thank you.
The 9/11 Commission Report said:
With the Sudanese regime acting as intermediary, Bin Ladin himself met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early 1995. Bin Ladin is said to have asked for space to establish training camps, as well as assistance in procuring weapons, but there is no evidence that Iraq responded to this request. As described below, the ensuing years saw additional efforts to establish connections.
The 9/11 Commission Report said:
In March 1998, after Bin Ladin's public fatwa against the United States, two al Qaeda members reportedly went to Iraq to meet with Iraqi intelligence. In July, an Iraqi delegation traveled to Afghanistan to meet first with the Taliban and then with Bin Ladin. Sources reported that one, or perhaps both, of these meetings was apparently arranged through Bin Ladin's Egyptian deputy, Zawahiri, who had ties of his own to the Iraqis. In 1998, Iraq was under intensifying U.S. pressure, which culminated in a series of large air attacks in December.

Similar meetings between Iraqi officials and Bin Ladin or his aides may have occurred in 1999 during a period of some reported strains with the Taliban. According to the reporting, Iraqi officials offered Bin Ladin a safe haven in Iraq. Bin Ladin declined, apparently judging that his circumstances in Afghanistan remained more favorable than the Iraqi alternative. The reports describe friendly contacts and indicate some common themes in both sides' hatred of the United States.
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The Weekly Standard said:
OSAMA BIN LADEN and Saddam Hussein had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, logistical support for terrorist attacks, al Qaeda training camps and safe haven in Iraq, and Iraqi financial support for al Qaeda--perhaps even for Mohamed Atta--according to a top secret U.S. government memorandum obtained by The Weekly Standard.
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CNS News said:
Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by CNSNews.com, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans.
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The Washington Post said:
Saddam Hussein periodically removed guards on the Syrian border and replaced them with his own intelligence agents who supervised the movement of banned materials between the two countries, U.S. investigators have discovered.
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USA Today said:
U.S. authorities in Iraq say they have new evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime gave money and housing to Abdul Rahman Yasin, a suspect in the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, according to U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials.
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Now, it's one thing to find documents detailing the friendship of Saddam and al-Qaida, or intelligence showing Saddam transporting suspicious material through the Syrian boarder, or confirmed ties through the 9/11 Commission, but it's another to convince someone who just wont see the facts, like the few we see here on this board. Now most, will accuse the government of lying or stretching the truth, when in fact, they are the ones lying to themselves. And it is sad really, because the overwhelming evidence towards Iraq’s continued defiance and violations of UN Resolutions, Economic Sanctions, and human rights, just to name a few, are mountains of documents. So, if these people, the people that refuse to see past their nose when it comes to the truth, are going to accuse the government, even the CIA of lying to the American public, and to the many countries that are backing us, then my fellow conservatives, I will join you in shaking your head to them. They have continued to defend Saddam Hussein as if they were his own defense lawyer. They look at the Iraqi population with disgrace, and are completely stereotypical of them, immediately stating that they all hate America, and that they will become Terrorists due to that hate. Because of that Terrorism, they believe that the American troops will be over run, and more Americans will die. They can only hope, because, said simply, it gives them more blood to debate with. The more blood is spilt, whether it be the same Iraqis they immediately call Terrorists and hateful people, or their own countrymen, the more they can disagree with George here at home.

Does anyone see the pattern? A domino effect, through the war, through the hearts of Iraqis and Americans (of which are now working together to fight real Terrorism), which all leads back at home, just so they can bash Bush. And, what they don’t seem to see, is that they are maiming this country more so than ever before. They are calling this wonderful country, a terrorist state, even a fascist state with a fascist government. What they continue to fail to see is that that attitude is one of hate, negativity, and pure pessimisms. This, ladies and gentlemen of the Right, is why they lost this election. The American people saw this hatred (of which started January, 2000), and the American people were appalled. How could a political party, be so drastic as to secretly put forth illegal documents into the “un-bias” news media. How could a party be so extreme as to criticize Alberto Gonzalez immediately as anti-humanitarian or some such idiocy? How could a party be so cynical as to call the United States “stingy” in providing humanitarian relief, when it was the United State’s ships first to land in Southern Asia, when it was Collin Powell first to make the phone call to the President of Sri Lanka? It continue to baffle me folks.

Now Iraq, has been debated thoroughly elsewhere in this forum, and the leftist liberals have continued to ignore my points simply because they don't want to see the facts. But I’m no longer just reaching out to them, seeing as how they refuse to correlate with the basis of this web site. I’m reaching out to my fellow conservatives. It is a tough job; listening to these liberal socialists who want radical change in this government, simply because it is not Bush’s policy. They show no regard for the future, all they care about is the now. Everything is a political opportunity to them, and they will make anything, even the smallest things they can find, into a political opportunity to bash our brilliant, steadfast, resolute President.

Just remember this; the Left just can't stand this country looking good when they're not running it. So our job is to keep doing what we’re doing. If the Democrats are angry, we know we are doing the right thing, because unfortunately, that’s what it has come to. And it is not due to us, it is due to the radical left (which is becoming the mainstream of the Democrats). Their condescending attitude has made the divide in this country so deep, and their continued ignorance to fact, logic, and morality will further deepen that divide. I hope all of you read through this, and I hope that I made a few of you really think about what’s going on in this world and here at home. Please, don’t take my word for it. Step outside, and see how the Left reacts when things happen for the better. They will thrash anything and anyone who disagrees with them, purely because they want to.

If you ever want the truth, do not depend on me, nor anyone in this forum. Think for yourself; Americans, and the civilized world are capable of such.
OMG Napoleon we are speaking to a brick wall you just said that and we just ansered and explained to you why we are and why it is just to do so.

Of course muslims beleive fighting is wrong they beleive all fighting is wrong. Muslim at its core is a good religion. However, I have friends who used to live in Iraq and they told me that they dont beleive in any type of fighting but what we are doing is a good thing and its a just and noble thing to put the Iraqis lives before ours. So they respect us and honor us for that. Of course theres always going tobe an opposition. But the opposition is nothing compared to the people who are for it.

You need to understand that its nt about WMD's or rooting out terrorits in Iraq. For christ sake, we have terrorists living in the US. But its about stabilizing and freeing a nation who has been tormented and enslaved for years. And its about time someone had the courage and resources to stand up against a bully and took him out.

Go ahead, go on and on about nonchalant ideals of terrorist connections and wmds. I realy dont care I am glad we as a nation have done something worth while with our military muscle as you call it. I think we should go into Korea next. Why? You may ask becasue it would be a good thing to get Kim Jung IL out. And to free another crutching nation that needs our help and we are the ones who can do it.

Remember, "with great power comes great responsibility." Yes its from the movie but it is a good quote

Let me guess, we cant go in there cause they dont have wmds that can reach our mainland?
You see napoleon what I am telling you is the bare truth and you are blind to see it becasue your hatred for one man and the constant inflictions from the left-wing machine is actually blinding you with a wool blanket over your eyes. Just because you may or may not agree with the president and he doesnt share your parties views doesnt mean you can undermine what we as a nation are doing to the security of the worlds instability.

The fact of the matter is this, the liberals are basically wrong on almost everything. The more the liberals try to unjustify what we are doing in Iraq the more they look like idiots. And to think I was once democrat. You see I losed all respect for liberalism and democrats when they started acting like whine-babies.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder if you think that sadaam is innocent. Stop reading the new york times. You need to go to Iraq and see what is taking place there. If you really sincerely beleive sadaam and his sons are innocent then mabe Hitler was innocent as well.

And mr oreally I didnt bring up wmd's napoleon did please learn to fully read before talking, thank you.

I just said it..perhaps you should learn to fully read before talking ;) I have no party affiliations and I certainly don't read the NYT. I chose to read the facts from the 9/11 commission reports and other committes. I didn't say that Saddam was innocent I said it is a possibility regarding SOME of the charges and I NEVER once said that his sons are innocent. Frankly you dont know all of the facts either so forming judgement is not a just thing to do ;) The 9/11 commission..a non-biased and joint commission of both democrats and republicans stated in their report that there were 0 connections and 0 threats to the US from Iraq in the forseeable future. Those are facts. I mentioned WMDs on my own because it was one of the reasons for going to war. I didn't say you said anything about WMDs..I brought it up to prove a point. I think the 9/11 commission knows more about it than you so I continue to believe the facts stated in that report instead of the maybes, mights, coulds, an unverifiable hogwash circulated by both the right and left.
I ask you now..there's tyranny all over the world. Why aren't we invading Iran, North Korea, the Sudan, Russia, China, etc etc. Why Iraq? There certainly are worse things happening in those countries. My belief is that perhaps..just maybe Bush thought that his reasons were legit..despite the 9/11 commission report and despite conflicting evidence. Perhaps he made up this excuse because we were already there and feels that we need to finish the job.
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Wow tetracide that was some awesome info. How were you able to post that info on here? Cause I have been trying to get those same paragraphs on here so I can simply shut napoleon up about this crazy non sense about the 9/11 commission. He must be reading the 9/11 commission for liberals.
Wow tetracide that was some awesome info. How were you able to post that info on here? Cause I have been trying to get those same paragraphs on here so I can simply shut napoleon up about this crazy non sense about the 9/11 commission. He must be reading the 9/11 commission for liberals.
The difference between Napoleon and myself, is I actually read the 9/11 Commission report. :roll:
Omg napoleon we just linked up some of the 9/11 commission for you. There it is in black ink straight from the commission. So I hope that satisfies you now. Now that that argument is solidified is there anything else napoleon you would like to discuss my freind?
Hey tetracide, I hope we arent being too hard on the guy. I mean we are bringing the facts straight from the commission are we not?
Hey tetracide, I hope we arent being too hard on the guy. I mean we are bringing the facts straight from the commission are we not?
I don't happen to think sharing facts is "being hard" on someone. I think teacher is rubbing off on me, and I feel like I'm informing him of the real situation, not the one he wants to believe in. Then again, I have a good feeling it's a lost cause.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
Acctually no, I don't support any of the existing political parties. I don't believe in democratic-republics. I don't hate Bush..I dissaprove of his policy. And since when does love of country come before common sense? Read the 9/11 commission report, listen to the majority of the muslim population when they say they do not approve of these attacks. America does not have the right to go trouncing around the world flexing it's military muscle for the sole purpose of imposing western beliefs and ideals in a foreign country, it doesn't have the right to meddle in the affairs of state in other nations especially through force, and it has no buisiness shamefully spouting false information to justify a war. Read the 9/11 commission report.

I was going to respond, but SKILMATIC has already testified...

I sit back and say. "Yeah...What he said."
Yeah well liberalism is the most illusive epidemic that is sweeping this nation and its all becuase of tv. But your wright I think its a lost cause as well due to people g=being in there own little world and they have no idea wha turns the real world.
cnredd, sorry buddy. Ok I promise you can have the next reply.
cnredd, sorry buddy. Ok I promise you can have the next reply.

Ain't it grand when two people with truth race to be the first to provide it?:smile:
cnredd said:
Ain't it grand when two people with truth race to be the first to provide it?:smile:
I'd make it three, but I'm off to bed. I'll want a full report on Napoleon's kicking and screaming tomorrow.

Here's Tetra saying good night American! :2wave:
Tetracide said:
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Now, it's one thing to find documents detailing the friendship of Saddam and al-Qaida, or intelligence showing Saddam transporting suspicious material through the Syrian boarder, or confirmed ties through the 9/11 Commission, but it's another to convince someone who just wont see the facts, like the few we see here on this board. Now most, will accuse the government of lying or stretching the truth, when in fact, they are the ones lying to themselves. And it is sad really, because the overwhelming evidence towards Iraq’s continued defiance and violations of UN Resolutions, Economic Sanctions, and human rights, just to name a few, are mountains of documents. So, if these people, the people that refuse to see past their nose when it comes to the truth, are going to accuse the government, even the CIA of lying to the American public, and to the many countries that are backing us, then my fellow conservatives, I will join you in shaking your head to them. They have continued to defend Saddam Hussein as if they were his own defense lawyer. They look at the Iraqi population with disgrace, and are completely stereotypical of them, immediately stating that they all hate America, and that they will become Terrorists due to that hate. Because of that Terrorism, they believe that the American troops will be over run, and more Americans will die. They can only hope, because, said simply, it gives them more blood to debate with. The more blood is spilt, whether it be the same Iraqis they immediately call Terrorists and hateful people, or their own countrymen, the more they can disagree with George here at home.

Does anyone see the pattern? A domino effect, through the war, through the hearts of Iraqis and Americans (of which are now working together to fight real Terrorism), which all leads back at home, just so they can bash Bush. And, what they don’t seem to see, is that they are maiming this country more so than ever before. They are calling this wonderful country, a terrorist state, even a fascist state with a fascist government. What they continue to fail to see is that that attitude is one of hate, negativity, and pure pessimisms. This, ladies and gentlemen of the Right, is why they lost this election. The American people saw this hatred (of which started January, 2000), and the American people were appalled. How could a political party, be so drastic as to secretly put forth illegal documents into the “un-bias” news media. How could a party be so extreme as to criticize Alberto Gonzalez immediately as anti-humanitarian or some such idiocy? How could a party be so cynical as to call the United States “stingy” in providing humanitarian relief, when it was the United State’s ships first to land in Southern Asia, when it was Collin Powell first to make the phone call to the President of Sri Lanka? It continue to baffle me folks.

Now Iraq, has been debated thoroughly elsewhere in this forum, and the leftist liberals have continued to ignore my points simply because they don't want to see the facts. But I’m no longer just reaching out to them, seeing as how they refuse to correlate with the basis of this web site. I’m reaching out to my fellow conservatives. It is a tough job; listening to these liberal socialists who want radical change in this government, simply because it is not Bush’s policy. They show no regard for the future, all they care about is the now. Everything is a political opportunity to them, and they will make anything, even the smallest things they can find, into a political opportunity to bash our brilliant, steadfast, resolute President.

Just remember this; the Left just can't stand this country looking good when they're not running it. So our job is to keep doing what we’re doing. If the Democrats are angry, we know we are doing the right thing, because unfortunately, that’s what it has come to. And it is not due to us, it is due to the radical left (which is becoming the mainstream of the Democrats). Their condescending attitude has made the divide in this country so deep, and their continued ignorance to fact, logic, and morality will further deepen that divide. I hope all of you read through this, and I hope that I made a few of you really think about what’s going on in this world and here at home. Please, don’t take my word for it. Step outside, and see how the Left reacts when things happen for the better. They will thrash anything and anyone who disagrees with them, purely because they want to.

If you ever want the truth, do not depend on me, nor anyone in this forum. Think for yourself; Americans, and the civilized world are capable of such.

"but there is no evidence that Iraq responded to this request" - need I say more than NO EVIDENCE.

"The reports describe friendly contacts and indicate some common themes in both sides' hatred of the United States." - what else is new? why is this a suprise that they both hate the U.S.?

"As described below, the ensuing years saw additional efforts to establish connections." - Yes..on the part of Al Qaeda not of Iraq. This is a fact stated by a commission member on national television.

You'll clearly see that most of the contacts were made by "Iraqi Officials"..that doesn't mean that Saddam approved any of these meetings or even knew about them. It only means that someone in the government was meeting someone from Al Qaeda. Hence why they DONT say Saddam or mention his foreign policy with any of this. I'll also remind you that one of their sources was Chalabi..a man who is a proven liar and embezzeler for personal gain. And you're also ignoring the fact that the commissioners said both IN the report AND on national television that Iraq and Al Qaeda had "no collaborative operational relationship" I'll also note that all of the other sources used display NO quotes from any doccuments so I consider them heresay. "No collaborative operational relationship" period.
Good nite tetra and thanks for helping meout getting the right info to people. Same goes for you cnredd.

And napoleon dont take this the wrong way but you are a nice guy and you seem like you mean well. But you really need to watch what you hear or read. You need to read the 9/11 commission more thoroughly I mean I schimmed it and i got all those notions that tetra posted.

Sorry for getting on you so much, I just want to make sure we get you on the wright path.

The moralization is simple, no man has the wright to precariously go and kill tens of thousands of people becuase they are rioting. We dont do that here so why would that be ok in your eyes? And why is it bad if we want to spread democracy in regions that have a thirst for it? If all the iraqis people didnt want democracy then there wouldnt be elections there. So you need to have a little more common sense here my friend.
Tetracide said:
I'd make it three, but I'm off to bed. I'll want a full report on Napoleon's kicking and screaming tomorrow.

Here's Tetra saying good night American! :2wave:

Ok napoleon I didnt want to have to do this but you made me have no other choice. You want to know how sadaam has connections to terrorism? Do you? Do you want to really know?

Ok here it is, sadaam is a terrorist himself. Killing thousands of his own people and then dumping them into mass graves and letting his sons terrorize young school girls by raping them is terrorism at its best. You want more terrorism? How about when my friends uncle who used to work for Iraqis government under sadaam got caught smuggling curds into Turkey, so sadaam kelled him by putting him in a huge mulch grinder. My friends uncle got grinded into mulch. Is that enough terrorism or do I need to go on? How about the soldiers who got ambushed, and then we found their bodies in a grave after they have been tortured? Or is it terrorism to kill anyone who opposes you in any way? Or how about when sadaam invaded kuwait? Was it necassary to use our military might then? I think kuwait got a little terrorized when iraq invaded them?

I can go on and on. Need I say more or have you finally realized sadaam himself was a terrorists which makes him public enemy number 1.
Good nite tetra and thanks for helping meout getting the right info to people. Same goes for you cnredd.

And napoleon dont take this the wrong way but you are a nice guy and you seem like you mean well. But you really need to watch what you hear or read. You need to read the 9/11 commission more thoroughly I mean I schimmed it and i got all those notions that tetra posted.

Sorry for getting on you so much, I just want to make sure we get you on the wright path.

The moralization is simple, no man has the wright to precariously go and kill tens of thousands of people becuase they are rioting. We dont do that here so why would that be ok in your eyes? And why is it bad if we want to spread democracy in regions that have a thirst for it? If all the iraqis people didnt want democracy then there wouldnt be elections there. So you need to have a little more common sense here my friend.

Why would it be ok? Because it's not our country. And you failed to answer my question.. if we're there to stop oppression and massacre why out of the many infinatley more tyranous nations in the world did Bush chose Iraq? It's not our place to use our military to topple governments which which have not harmed us and don't have the ability to. It's bad to "spread democracy" because the system of government does not and will not work in many regions of the world..it's not the right form of government for the region. It will destabalyze the region. Iraq will fail because most of the rich fled to Jordon..the government doesn't have enough money...the U.S. is paying for just about everything from building contracts to military training. The U.S. cannot sustain this financial burden forever and most Americans wont allow it to go on much longer. Without money the government is nothing. Changes in government need to happen within the country itself without outside interference else they are weak and are likely to topple. You can't just slap a country with a brand new system of government it has never experianced immediatley and expect it to work. Many Iraqi's do not want democracy,many Iraqi's didn't know who they were voting for anyway..there were more than 200 people on the ballots. I will guarentee you that there will be a civil war over this and the democracy will fail. Perhaps it would have been different if the coalition had a clearer post-Saddam plan. Instead we got General SirFumblesAlot Franks.
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Ok napoleon I didnt want to have to do this but you made me have no other choice. You want to know how sadaam has connections to terrorism? Do you? Do you want to really know?

Ok here it is, sadaam is a terrorist himself. Killing thousands of his own people and then dumping them into mass graves and letting his sons terrorize young school girls by raping them is terrorism at its best. You want more terrorism? How about when my friends uncle who used to work for Iraqis government under sadaam got caught smuggling curds into Turkey, so sadaam kelled him by putting him in a huge mulch grinder. My friends uncle got grinded into mulch. Is that enough terrorism or do I need to go on? How about the soldiers who got ambushed, and then we found their bodies in a grave after they have been tortured? Or is it terrorism to kill anyone who opposes you in any way? Or how about when sadaam invaded kuwait? Was it necassary to use our military might then? I think kuwait got a little terrorized when iraq invaded them?

I can go on and on. Need I say more or have you finally realized sadaam himself was a terrorists which makes him public enemy number 1.

America massacred the Indians, terrorized the Japaneese here at home, terrorized the african-americans etc..need I go on? The point is that Iraq is a soveirgn nation so what goes on within it's borders is not the business of the US it's the business of the UN. Instead of taking action ourselves and sending troops in we should have forced the UN to do something about it. Thats what it's for. And again. Whynot anyother tyranous country in the world? You're still evading that question.
And you know what napoleon, I think your wright we should aid or invade other nations as well. We have the power and the resources but its pasive people like you who make things like these difficult. I bellieve we should go into africa and clean all that mess up as well as go into other nations and stop the genocide.

Theres no financial burden please learn how the worlds economy works. Germany still owes us some multi trillion dollars from WW2 and so does alot of other euro nations. So we have money its just not gotten to us yet. The worlds economy is like a circle. We are still the number 1 economy by far. And I dont mind paying for such an ordeal. I would die happy and knowing that I did something for this world. Instead of being like everyone else in how can I make a buck. Greedyiness needs to stop sometime. So if your worried about our economy please dont.
Yeah and the japs and the indians is not something this nation is proud of. But is that going to be your excuse for not wanting to help another man out? Well we wernt perfect so I guess we cant do anything? Wow thats a load of BS and you know it. C'mon gimme something that the stupid liberals havent said already.
Talk about me dodging questions, you have just about dodged everysingle fact we through at you. We through you a fact and you threw us an excuse. Excuses are like buttholes everyone has 1. Get over them.
And you know what napoleon, I think your wright we should aid or invade other nations as well. We have the power and the resources but its pasive people like you who make things like these difficult. I bellieve we should go into africa and clean all that mess up as well as go into other nations and stop the genocide.

Theres no financial burden please learn how the worlds economy works. Germany still owes us some multi trillion dollars from WW2 and so does alot of other euro nations. So we have money its just not gotten to us yet. The worlds economy is like a circle. We are still the number 1 economy by far. And I dont mind paying for such an ordeal. I would die happy and knowing that I did something for this world. Instead of being like everyone else in how can I make a buck. Greedyiness needs to stop sometime. So if your worried about our economy please dont.

Is that so? Then please..tell me when we're getting the money ;) The money isn't ours until it changes hands. But hey..if you want to see the armed forces massacred for the cause of another foreign nation which we have no real business meddling in. You're too much of a do-gooder and not enough of a realist. Do you honestly believe that our economy is in any condition to have another war consecutively after this one? It seems to me that people like you only approve of this to make themselves feel good. I also provided you with facts but you chose to ignore them, such as "No collaborative relationship", put your thinking cap on or look up the words seperatley in the dictionary. You must love beating the war drum but I highly doubt if you were acctually directly in the litteral line of fire you'd be so enthralled by war. I'm not completely against war I just know the proper time and reasons to go to war instead of making up excuse after excuse after the other excuses are unproven. We may be the number one economy but not by far and it is VERY fragile. It would be better to go to war once the economy stabalizes. Just because a nation has great power and resources doesn't make wielding it all the time and waving it in peoples faces the right thing to do. I can and have done good things for the world without tossing bombs, lobbing missles, and sending soldiers to their deaths. I dunno if I can say the same for you.

P.S. I'll say this one more time so listen up..I'm NOT a liberal. Perhaps I'll tell you what government system I prefer sometime. And no, it's not a dictatorship or totalitarianism. :lol:

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