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IQ: What's it good for? What's it not good for? Is it legit? (1 Viewer)


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Jul 29, 2009
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Jordan Peterson answers all 3 of those questions and points out the thing that bothers me the most when it comes to IQ data:

I have no doubt that the IQ data that's been collected for a century now by scientists and psychologists is legitimate. While it shows that there's no difference between men and women when it comes to IQ, it has shown that there are differences between racial and ethnic groups, and that leads to the one problem I have when it comes to IQ data. Far too often people use IQ data as a means to determine the value of a person or group, and I find that reprehensible. As Peterson pointed out, there is no correlation between IQ and virtue, yet there are some who believe people or groups with higher IQs are better than people or group that score lower, and that's the kind of bullshit I can't stand.

Ah, yes. Jordan Peterson. What a wonderful person from which wisdom is imparted.

<slams door>
At least you're consistent... Attack the source and avoid the topic.

There are times where attacking the source is justified. Like when the source (Peterson) is a total piece of shit. You love him because he's helping you wage your racist culture war. Republicans suck so hard.
There are times where attacking the source is justified.
LMAO... He points out FACTS, and as we all know facts contradict your political narrative.

The title of this thread is: IQ: What's it good for? What's it not good for? Is it legit? It poses three questions and instead of addressing any one of them, all you manage to do is make an ass of yourself with your baseless partisan personal attacks.

LMAO... He points out FACTS, and as we all know facts contradict your political narrative.

The title of this thread is: IQ: What's it good for? What's it not good for? Is it legit? It poses three questions and instead of addressing any one of them, all you manage to do is make an ass of yourself with your baseless partisan personal attacks.

LOL. You are an amazing poster. Have a nice night.
Jordan Peterson answers all 3 of those questions and points out the thing that bothers me the most when it comes to IQ data:

I have no doubt that the IQ data that's been collected for a century now by scientists and psychologists is legitimate. While it shows that there's no difference between men and women when it comes to IQ, it has shown that there are differences between racial and ethnic groups, and that leads to the one problem I have when it comes to IQ data. Far too often people use IQ data as a means to determine the value of a person or group, and I find that reprehensible. As Peterson pointed out, there is no correlation between IQ and virtue, yet there are some who believe people or groups with higher IQs are better than people or group that score lower, and that's the kind of bullshit I can't stand.


IQ doesn't correlate with personal virtue, but the average IQ of a population has an enormous impact on what kind of society they'll build.
IQ doesn't correlate with personal virtue, but the average IQ of a population has an enormous impact on what kind of society they'll build.

This probably explains why there is not one single example of a successful conservative run government anywhere in the entire world.
This probably explains why there is not one single example of a successful conservative run government anywhere in the entire world.
True that.
Jordan Peterson answers all 3 of those questions and points out the thing that bothers me the most when it comes to IQ data:

I have no doubt that the IQ data that's been collected for a century now by scientists and psychologists is legitimate. While it shows that there's no difference between men and women when it comes to IQ, it has shown that there are differences between racial and ethnic groups, and that leads to the one problem I have when it comes to IQ data. Far too often people use IQ data as a means to determine the value of a person or group, and I find that reprehensible. As Peterson pointed out, there is no correlation between IQ and virtue, yet there are some who believe people or groups with higher IQs are better than people or group that score lower, and that's the kind of bullshit I can't stand.


Nothing wrong with low IQ----------but it is a good indicator of you voted for Trump....
Jordan Peterson answers all 3 of those questions and points out the thing that bothers me the most when it comes to IQ data:

I have no doubt that the IQ data that's been collected for a century now by scientists and psychologists is legitimate. While it shows that there's no difference between men and women when it comes to IQ, it has shown that there are differences between racial and ethnic groups, and that leads to the one problem I have when it comes to IQ data. .

As the Flynn Effect shows, differences in IQ between different groups reflectial social conditions rather than genetic or hereditary factors.
Caption to video in tweet: "Curious journalist Andy Ngo asks Professor Emeritus Jordan Peterson how psychology can explain why Antifa is so evil and bad. JBP says it's "revenge against God for the crime of Being." Then he starts crying."

A crazy person sitting down for an interview with a lying shithole propagandist and provacateur. That's who @Grim17 expects people to listen to.
Jordan Peterson answers all 3 of those questions and points out the thing that bothers me the most when it comes to IQ data:

I have no doubt that the IQ data that's been collected for a century now by scientists and psychologists is legitimate. While it shows that there's no difference between men and women when it comes to IQ, it has shown that there are differences between racial and ethnic groups, and that leads to the one problem I have when it comes to IQ data. Far too often people use IQ data as a means to determine the value of a person or group, and I find that reprehensible. As Peterson pointed out, there is no correlation between IQ and virtue, yet there are some who believe people or groups with higher IQs are better than people or group that score lower, and that's the kind of bullshit I can't stand.


Didn't watch the video, but I'll pick up on your post. Looks like you're saying we shouldn't disparage groups of people based on IQ. I couldn't agree more, if that's what you mean.
As far as the social malady of Trumpism goes, it's better for their base to be "poorly educated". They can't even have people with lower IQ's hearing the truth, that could spell disaster for them. You could also argue that IQ level could be the determining factor in who is more likely to disbelieve the truth due to a propensity for disinformation (or the easy way out) that aligns with their personal preferences.
i like 'em dumb. that way i can take their money.
More shit copy and paste trolling
IQ is a talent, like athleticism, or being able to sing well.

Its great if you want to do something in life where that talent will be built on. Its wasted of you go another path.
IQ doesn't correlate with personal virtue, but the average IQ of a population has an enormous impact on what kind of society they'll build.

The average IQ of an African American today is higher than the average IQ of a white person in the 1940s.

Didn't watch the video, but I'll pick up on your post. Looks like you're saying we shouldn't disparage groups of people based on IQ. I couldn't agree more, if that's what you mean.

When people use IQ data to disparage people or groups of people, it really pisses me off. IQ should never be used to prejudge individual people, or as a metric for human value. Every individual is unique with their own individual traits, strengths and weaknesses. For example, just because there are a higher percentage of Asians in stem fields than there are Hispanics, doesn't mean every Asian person is smarter or more qualified for a job in that field than every Hispanic person is.

IQ data can be beneficial in ending some forms of hatred because it can in part explain some of the overall disparities in certain professions, such as why there are proportionately more Jewish lawyers than with any other ethnic group in the US. IQ can also be used in tandem with personality traits to disprove claims of racial or gender discrimination.


When people use IQ data to disparage people or groups of people, it really pisses me off. IQ should never be used to prejudge individual people, or as a metric for human value. Every individual is unique with their own individual traits, strengths and weaknesses. For example, just because there are a higher percentage of Asians in stem fields than there are Hispanics, doesn't mean every Asian person is smarter or more qualified for a job in that field than every Hispanic person is.

IQ data can be beneficial in ending some forms of hatred because it can in part explain some of the overall disparities in certain professions, such as why there are proportionately more Jewish lawyers than with any other ethnic group in the US. IQ can also be used in tandem with personality traits to disprove claims of racial or gender discrimination.


The average IQ of an African American today is higher than the average IQ of a white person in the 1940s.
The average IQ of an African American today is higher than the average IQ of a white person in the 1940s.

In my opinion, social and environmental factors do play a part in IQ scores and your point substantiates that, otherwise there would have been no change over the years.

Another example of this is that black sub-Saharan Africans score significantly lower on IQ tests than black people of African decent everywhere else in the world.


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