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Information for Calif Republicans (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 5, 2016
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Richmond, VA
Political Leaning
The Republican Party is dying in California:


This story has implications beyond California. The two parties are in fundamentally different places nationally. The GOP has tied itself to the personality of Trump. Doing so it has left behind the social purposes that legitimatized it as a national party, such as fiscal discipline (blown to pieces with the tax cuts) and limited government (not when you adore a President who in turn prefers tyrants to other democratic leaders and would be one himself if he could). White nationalism, thinly disguised as "MAGA" and its sidekick, illegal immigration, are about all the party has now as a unifying politic, reducing Republicans to not much more than a throwback to the "Know Nothings" anti-immigration party of the 1850's. The cheap morality of MAGA is long term fatal poison. Democrats profit from this. They have the field almost to themselves now for broad based issues like health care, women's rights, civil rights, fair wages, etc. The Democratic party can afford to be as progressive as it was with the New Deal and Johnson's 'Great Society', and is showing signs it is going to be.
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The Republican Party is dying in California:


This story has implications beyond California. The two parties are in fundamentally different places nationally. The GOP has tied itself to the personality of Trump. Doing so it has left behind the social purposes that legitimatized it as a national party, such as fiscal discipline (blown to pieces with the tax cuts) and limited government (not when you adore a President who in turn prefers tyrants to other democratic leaders and would be one himself if he could). White nationalism, thinly disguised as "MAGA" and its sidekick, illegal immigration, are about all the party has now as a unifying politic, reducing Republicans to not much more than a throwback to the "Know Nothings" anti-immigration party of the 1850's. The cheap morality of MAGA is long term fatal poison. Democrats profit from this. They have the field almost to themselves now for broad based issues like health care, women's rights, civil rights, fair wages, etc. The Democratic party can afford to be as progressive as it was with the New Deal and Johnson's 'Great Society', and is showing signs it is going to be.

The death spiral in Orange county is going to take it's toll on the GOP. The GOP is now trying to figure out an exit stategy on MAGA. They've been complicit all the way, but many are starting to see the wheels come off. IDK if they will ever fully turn on him, but if they don't, they will pay a huge price electorally.

If the GOP can't expand the base beyond the MAGA crowd, they're doomed.
Yet another "yay demorats, boo republicants" thread which boils down to the typical call for ever more federal income redistribution programs.
Yet another "yay demorats, boo republicants" thread which boils down to the typical call for ever more federal income redistribution programs.

It also fails to take into account the significant demographics changes that have been occurring in California over the years due to "migration" trends.
It also fails to take into account the significant demographics changes that have been occurring in California over the years due to "migration" trends.

Those demographic trends give CA more House seats and EC votes - which help to advance the national (federal?) power of demorats. No mention of CA being among the worst states for displaying growing "income inequality" - the alleged great evil that many (most?) demorats claim to be against.

California is returning to the Democratic Party's historic model and goal of white people are the masters with the money and non-whites are second class servants of rich white Democrats.
It also fails to take into account the significant demographics changes that have been occurring in California over the years due to "migration" trends.

That is the singular reason and why the Democratic Party wants open borders. They literally want to destroy American culture and bringing in people of socialist and totalitarian minded people and governments is their way to do it.
Yet another "yay demorats, boo republicants" thread which boils down to the typical call for ever more federal income redistribution programs.

What you want is a decrease in revenue.

The Republicans are finding out that their Titanic is sinking: they loaded it up with too many crazies that shot holes in their boat. The Dems have been in their boat with one oar since Reagan, but at least people don;t think they're crazy. Those of you on the right are just going to have come to Jesus on this. Trump put the screws to everybody.
What you want is a decrease in revenue.

The Republicans are finding out that their Titanic is sinking: they loaded it up with too many crazies that shot holes in their boat. The Dems have been in their boat with one oar since Reagan, but at least people don;t think they're crazy. Those of you on the right are just going to have come to Jesus on this. Trump put the screws to everybody.

Nope, what I want is a decrease in federal government power (its expense would fall as a byproduct) - trimming it back, over time, to its original constitutionally limited powers. What demorats and republicants want is to continue adding to federal government power (its expense rising as a byproduct). The initial republicant call was to repeal PPACA (return power to the states) but that soon morphed into replace PPACA (keep adding power to the federal government).
The death spiral in Orange county is going to take it's toll on the GOP. The GOP is now trying to figure out an exit stategy on MAGA. They've been complicit all the way, but many are starting to see the wheels come off. IDK if they will ever fully turn on him, but if they don't, they will pay a huge price electorally.

If the GOP can't expand the base beyond the MAGA crowd, they're doomed.

Whenever the GOP runs to the left becoming Democrat-lite they lose the Presidency and Congress.

California is a write-off to Republicans. The GOP is better off letting the most radical leftwing run California into the ground as the state with a few rich white Democrats and their horde of impoverished Latino servants to see what that increasingly leads to.
Yet another "yay demorats, boo republicants" thread which boils down to the typical call for ever more federal income redistribution programs.

No, the thread primarily is about the policy weakness that loyalty to Trump has sowed in the Republican Party and the corresponding advantage this is giving to Democrats. Ignore that development if it makes you feel better.
No, the thread primarily is about the policy weakness that loyalty to Trump has sowed in the Republican Party and the corresponding advantage this is giving to Democrats. Ignore that development if it makes you feel better.

CA was bright blue before Trump and will be bright blue after Trump.
The thread is only superficially about California.

Yep, its mostly about your opposition to ending the ability of foreign nationals to decide they should be permitted enter and/or remain in the US on their own terms. Your idea of immigration reform is more lax immigration laws or at least preventing and/or hindering the (federal) enforcement of those now in place.
The Republican Party is dying in California:


This story has implications beyond California. The two parties are in fundamentally different places nationally. The GOP has tied itself to the personality of Trump. Doing so it has left behind the social purposes that legitimatized it as a national party, such as fiscal discipline (blown to pieces with the tax cuts) and limited government (not when you adore a President who in turn prefers tyrants to other democratic leaders and would be one himself if he could). White nationalism, thinly disguised as "MAGA" and its sidekick, illegal immigration, are about all the party has now as a unifying politic, reducing Republicans to not much more than a throwback to the "Know Nothings" anti-immigration party of the 1850's. The cheap morality of MAGA is long term fatal poison. Democrats profit from this. They have the field almost to themselves now for broad based issues like health care, women's rights, civil rights, fair wages, etc. The Democratic party can afford to be as progressive as it was with the New Deal and Johnson's 'Great Society', and is showing signs it is going to be.

Easy there, killer. We had to fight like holy hell to kick Republicans out of House offices in California. Republicans are still going to be here come next election.
Easy there, killer. We had to fight like holy hell to kick Republicans out of House offices in California. Republicans are still going to be here come next election.

But kick them out you did. In my Seventh District in Virginia, Trumpite Dave Brat received a similar kick from a progressive woman. Democrats won't win with soft balls.
But kick them out you did. In my Seventh District in Virginia, Trumpite Dave Brat received a similar kick from a progressive woman. Democrats won't win with soft balls.

Yes, but we did that by showing up to vote. That's not something Democrats are typically good at. If we can maintain that voting behavior, then great, the Republican party is dying here. But if Democratic voters return to their typical complacency, then be prepared to say hi to Congressman Dana ****ing Rohrabacher again.
Yes, but we did that by showing up to vote. That's not something Democrats are typically good at. If we can maintain that voting behavior, then great, the Republican party is dying here. But if Democratic voters return to their typical complacency, then be prepared to say hi to Congressman Dana ****ing Rohrabacher again.

It's not like there's any shortage of crazy Republicans that will run for office next election, who are just waiting to pounce for when Democratic voters start neglecting local election again.

It's not like there's any shortage of crazy Republicans that will run for office next election, who are just waiting to pounce for when Democratic voters start neglecting local election again.

And lest it be forgotten, Devin ****ing Nunes won re-election here. If nothing else, he serves as a lesson of fear for anybody who forgets what happens when not enough Democrats show up to vote.
Yes, but we did that by showing up to vote. That's not something Democrats are typically good at. If we can maintain that voting behavior, then great, the Republican party is dying here. But if Democratic voters return to their typical complacency, then be prepared to say hi to Congressman Dana ****ing Rohrabacher again.

True, and Democrats and others who voted for Democrats showed up most probably because they were motivated to vote. This is the only point I've made here. Democrats can keep winning if they stay progressive. Hillary played it safe, or so she thought, and we have Trump for her carefulness.
True, and Democrats and others who voted for Democrats showed up most probably because they were motivated to vote. This is the only point I've made here. Democrats can keep winning if they stay progressive. Hillary played it safe, or so she thought, and we have Trump for her carefulness.

The pertinent question is, "What consistently motivates Republicans to vote more than Democrats?" When you can successfully address the systemic difference there, then Democrats could plausibly relegate Republicans to total irrelevance in two election cycles. But until you address that systemic difference, be prepared to live with the **** show we've got now.

And yes, I know what that systemic difference is.
The pertinent question is, "What consistently motivates Republicans to vote more than Democrats?" When you can successfully address the systemic difference there, then Democrats could plausibly relegate Republicans to total irrelevance in two election cycles. But until you address that systemic difference, be prepared to live with the **** show we've got now.

And yes, I know what that systemic difference is.

The question is factually flawed. More voters chose Hillary than Trump just as more voters chose Gore than Bush. In state legislative elections, Democrats often have received more votes than Republicans but failed to capture a house majority due to gerrymandering. This happened in Virginia in 2016 and it happened in several other states this November. In this year's Congressional races across the country, Democrats outpolled Republicans by about 8 percent.

I know what the systemic difference is too. Republicans are more anal.
The question is factually flawed. More voters chose Hillary than Trump just as more voters chose Gore than Bush. In state legislative elections, Democrats often have received more votes than Republicans but failed to capture a house majority due to gerrymandering. This happened in Virginia in 2016 and it happened in several other states this November. In this year's Congressional races across the country, Democrats outpolled Republicans by about 8 percent.

I know what the systemic difference is too. Republicans are more anal.

Democratic turnout was actually depressed in 2016, which you can observe in the difference between that election and 2018, in which Democratic turnout was similar to 2008 (i.e. a lot).

Regardless, as a rule, Democrats become complacent much more easily than Republicans, which is the reason why they turn out to vote less frequently. The reason for this is that Republicans have lifetime court appointments as an additional motivation. If Democrats could be convinced to take that issue as seriously as Republicans do, I believe that would be the one factor that would even the field in terms of total motivating power, and would be the factor that would see Republicans relegated to insignificance as a political force.

Maybe McConnell running a tank over the nomination process will break that complacency. We'll see.

Democratic turnout was actually depressed in 2016, which you can observe in the difference between that election and 2018, in which Democratic turnout was similar to 2008 (i.e. a lot).

Regardless, as a rule, Democrats become complacent much more easily than Republicans, which is the reason why they turn out to vote less frequently. The reason for this is that Republicans have lifetime court appointments as an additional motivation. If Democrats could be convinced to take that issue as seriously as Republicans do, I believe that would be the one factor that would even the field in terms of total motivating power, and would be the factor that would see Republicans relegated to insignificance as a political force.

Maybe McConnell running a tank over the nomination process will break that complacency. We'll see.

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And the reason for Republican obsession with court appointments is what?

Traits associated with anal retentiveness: "...orderliness, stubbornness, and compulsions for control." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_retentiveness.
And the reason for Republican obsession with court appointments is what?

Traits associated with anal retentiveness: "...orderliness, stubbornness, and compulsions for control." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_retentiveness.

They care about lifetime appointments because they basically lost the culture war (with the notable exception of the gun issue), and control of the courts is how they win it. Control of the courts also locks in voter-suppression strategies, thereby locking in their own power.

The fact that you're attributing their obsession with the courts to personality flaws rather than real, tangible outcomes is part of why Republicans turn out to vote more reliably.

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