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Immigration Reform (1 Viewer)


Jun 8, 2013
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As you all probably know, the immigration reform bill has passed the Senate 68-32. Sadly, it appears that it will be dead on arrival in the house, as Mr. Boehner shows no interest in bringing it up for a vote ( in all likelihood, it would pass if he did). I support the Immigration Reform bill, not because it favors only my ideology (as many people insist on before supporting bills), but because it is a COMPROMISE. Republicans get their Border Security, Democrats get their Citizenship Program. It gives both parties what they want, and the both have to give some. For instance, I think the extra border security is not needed, but I am willing to deal with it for the sake of progress. It appalls me how common sense compromise such as this has such a difficult time to get passed. Compromise is a hallmark of Democracy, and without it, nothing important gets done. Well, that's just my 2 cents.
Even if it passes, it is really nothing but political hot air. Amnesty after the border is secured when the borders will not be secured, Obama will just declare them secured and grant the amnesty "but they have to go to the back of the line too" meaning they will get to stay here for 10 -12 years in limbo and then be officially admitted. No meaningful reform to caps or to facilitate ease of entry and exit. A real immigration reform isn't a compromise---it would have to be something absolutely everybody hated part of it.
That was said, of immigration reform, in 1986 as well but, meanwhile back in reality, it seems that a mere 11 million have "slipped through the cracks". The nonsense that after we grant amnesty to the current batch of illegal aliens that then we will better secure the border and "universally" use E-verify is simply BS. We now have immigration laws that the POTUS simply refuses to enforce citing a "lack of resources"; to expect the honest enforcement of even stricter laws is insane.
As you all probably know, the immigration reform bill has passed the Senate 68-32. Sadly, it appears that it will be dead on arrival in the house, as Mr. Boehner shows no interest in bringing it up for a vote ( in all likelihood, it would pass if he did).

It should be dead on arrival.This amounts to Little Johnny telling little Suzie he will leave her alone if she gives him her cookie.After Johnny eats the cookie there is nothing to stop Johnny from picking on Suzie.Just like after the 12-20 million plus illegals have legal status there is nothing to stop the pro-illegal scum in office from neutering any enforcement measures. If this amnesty passes we will be in the same boat 27 years from now but we will have 30-60 million illegals.

I support the Immigration Reform bill, not because it favors only my ideology (as many people insist on before supporting bills), but because it is a COMPROMISE.
A compromise implies that both sides are getting something.The anti-illegal immigration side is not getting anything in return.A promise to secure the border that can be yanked at any time after amnesty is granted not a compromise.

Republicans get their Border Security, Democrats get their Citizenship Program. It gives both parties what they want, and the both have to give some. For instance, I think the extra border security is not needed, but I am willing to deal with it for the sake of progress.
You do realize there are democrats who oppose amnesty for illegals and there are republicans who support amnesty for illegals?This is not a democrat verse republican thing.This is anti-illegal immigration side verses the pro-illegal immigration side.

It appalls me how common sense compromise such as this has such a difficult time to get passed. Compromise is a hallmark of Democracy, and without it, nothing important gets done. Well, that's just my 2 cents.

Seeing how we had a common sense compromise in 1986 only a ****en retard would honestly think this new immigration reform bill it was actual compromise.
That was said, of immigration reform, in 1986 as well but, meanwhile back in reality, it seems that a mere 11 million have "slipped through the cracks". The nonsense that after we grant amnesty to the current batch of illegal aliens that then we will better secure the border and "universally" use E-verify is simply BS. We now have immigration laws that the POTUS simply refuses to enforce citing a "lack of resources"; to expect the honest enforcement of even stricter laws is insane.

Even if it passes, it is really nothing but political hot air. Amnesty after the border is secured when the borders will not be secured, Obama will just declare them secured and grant the amnesty "but they have to go to the back of the line too" meaning they will get to stay here for 10 -12 years in limbo and then be officially admitted. No meaningful reform to caps or to facilitate ease of entry and exit. A real immigration reform isn't a compromise---it would have to be something absolutely everybody hated part of it.

You guys are very, very misled. I think you need to look up the facts. Obama has deported more people than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT. Net illegal Immigration is 0, and according to some estimates is in the negatives (a lot of them are getting deported or leaving on their own). By the way, I would highly doubt he would refuse to enforce the Border Security section, as he would have people like you screaming bloody murder. Seriously people, if all you have to back up what you say is what you heard on "Fox and Friends" please stay quiet.
You guys are very, very misled. I think you need to look up the facts. Obama has deported more people than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT. Net illegal Immigration is 0, and according to some estimates is in the negatives (a lot of them are getting deported or leaving on their own). By the way, I would highly doubt he would refuse to enforce the Border Security section, as he would have people like you screaming bloody murder. Seriously people, if all you have to back up what you say is what you heard on "Fox and Friends" please stay quiet.

Well first of all you clearly have no idea what YOU are talking about. I would virtually open the borders in an organized way if it were my call. So People like me are not the problem--it will be the DEMOCRATIC SUPPORTING UNIONS who would oppose what I want.
It should be dead on arrival.This amounts to Little Johnny telling little Suzie he will leave her alone if she gives him her cookie.After Johnny eats the cookie there is nothing to stop Johnny from picking on Suzie.Just like after the 12-20 million plus illegals have legal status there is nothing to stop the pro-illegal scum in office from neutering any enforcement measures. If this amnesty passes we will be in the same boat 27 years from now but we will have 30-60 million illegals.

A compromise implies that both sides are getting something.The anti-illegal immigration side is not getting anything in return.A promise to secure the border that can be yanked at any time after amnesty is granted not a compromise.

You do realize there are democrats who oppose amnesty for illegals and there are republicans who support amnesty for illegals?This is not a democrat verse republican thing.This is anti-illegal immigration side verses the pro-illegal immigration side.

Seeing how we had a common sense compromise in 1986 only a ****en retard would honestly think this new immigration reform bill it was actual compromise.

So mush for keeping this civil. James, I say again, Obama has deported more people than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT. Net illegal Immigration is 0, and according to some estimates is in the negatives (a lot of them are getting deported or leaving on their own). Stop hearing only what you want to hear. There is NO REASON for Obama not to enforce Border Security. It would piss of way to many people if he didn't. Both sides are getting something, Democrats get Citizenship Program, Republicans more security. But they both have to give some so the other gets what they want. That's Compromise James! If you don't believe me you can look it up on Webster! Also, you and I both know that the pro- Citizenship for Illegals and the ant-citizenship for illegals almost always goes across party lines. I don't know what you trying to imply by suggesting it doesn't. Finally calling me a retard tells me multiple things. 1. Your so much of a brainwashed fool that you cant justify your own position with facts, baseless theories fed to you is the best you can do. 2. Compromise must be a foreign word to you, because this bill is a perfect example of it and 3. You haven't even read the bill. I don't want to hear your baseless claims, I want a reasonable discussion. Preferably one without analogies talking about people named little Johnny and Suzie and a cookie.
Well first of all you clearly have no idea what YOU are talking about. I would virtually open the borders in an organized way if it were my call. So People like me are not the problem--it will be the DEMOCRATIC SUPPORTING UNIONS who would oppose what I want.

Your going to have to elaborate, cause I'm afraid you've lost me. One minute your complaining about Amnesty, the next you say you would open the borders in an organized way. It seems a bit contradictory. Also, to address what I missed for your previous statement, The bill in question DOES alter caps and reform. It raises caps for educated immigrants and sets up a sort of low skilled worker visa system. That's not even to mention that The Congressional Budget Office announced last week that the legislation would boost the economy by increasing the Gross Domestic Product by 3.3 percent by the year 2023, and by 5.4 percent by 2033. The CBO said it would also lower the federal deficit by $197 billion over the first 10 years, and $700 billion over the next 20 years.
As you all probably know, the immigration reform bill has passed the Senate 68-32. Sadly, it appears that it will be dead on arrival in the house, as Mr. Boehner shows no interest in bringing it up for a vote ( in all likelihood, it would pass if he did). I support the Immigration Reform bill, not because it favors only my ideology (as many people insist on before supporting bills), but because it is a COMPROMISE. Republicans get their Border Security, Democrats get their Citizenship Program. It gives both parties what they want, and the both have to give some. For instance, I think the extra border security is not needed, but I am willing to deal with it for the sake of progress. It appalls me how common sense compromise such as this has such a difficult time to get passed. Compromise is a hallmark of Democracy, and without it, nothing important gets done. Well, that's just my 2 cents.
I don't care that a handful of D.C. Dems and Repubs created a "compromise".

Their "compromise" sells all of America's citizens down the river.

The "compromise" is meaningless.

It's still a Benedict Arnold amnesty and legalization of criminals bill that forever does an injustice to the millions of American citizens whose jobs, classrooms, living space, road space, trauma centers, etc., etc., etc. the 20 million illegals stole.

We don't need no stinkin' "compromise" of justice.

What we need is to kill this bill, kill it now, kill it fast, kill it very, very dead.

Then we need to begin to enforce the current laws on the books against trespassing, identity forgery, and multi-count theft .. and force all the illegals to self-deport.

There can be no right compromise of justice.

Until Americans who had their resources stolen by the 20 million illegals get their recompense justice ..

.. Until the 20 million illegals get their just criminal desserts ..

The only compromise I want to see is the strong arm of American rule of law that compromises the criminal behavior of, not only the 20 million illegals, but any Benedict Arnold D.C. official who votes for this bill.
I don't care that a handful of D.C. Dems and Repubs created a "compromise".

Their "compromise" sells all of America's citizens down the river.

The "compromise" is meaningless.

It's still a Benedict Arnold amnesty and legalization of criminals bill that forever does an injustice to the millions of American citizens whose jobs, classrooms, living space, road space, trauma centers, etc., etc., etc. the 20 million illegals stole.

We don't need no stinkin' "compromise" of justice.

What we need is to kill this bill, kill it now, kill it fast, kill it very, very dead.

Then we need to begin to enforce the current laws on the books against trespassing, identity forgery, and multi-count theft .. and force all the illegals to self-deport.

There can be no right compromise of justice.

Until Americans who had their resources stolen by the 20 million illegals get their recompense justice ..

.. Until the 20 million illegals get their just criminal desserts ..

The only compromise I want to see is the strong arm of American rule of law that compromises the criminal behavior of, not only the 20 million illegals, but any Benedict Arnold D.C. official who votes for this bill.

Do explain...How does this sell American citizens down the river? How is this traitorous? How does this "forever does an injustice to the millions of American citizens whose jobs, classrooms, living space, road space, trauma centers, etc., etc., etc. the 20 million illegals stole."? Can you back any of this up? Also
"and force all the illegals to self-deport", good luck with that. That's a pipe dream my friend. The only way to get most to leave is by Forced Deportation, which is costly and impractical. Why spend so much money just to make people leave, when the CBO says accepting them into society will boost the economy by increasing the Gross Domestic Product by 3.3 percent by the year 2023, and by 5.4 percent by 2033. The CBO said it would also lower the federal deficit by $197 billion over the first 10 years, and $700 billion over the next 20 years? I assume your a republican, so shouldn't you be all in for things reducing the deficit?
So mush for keeping this civil. James, I say again, Obama has deported more people than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT.
Thats like bragging you got a raise when it was only a nickel per hour and you only work part time making minimum wage.The other presidents did little to no enforcement. So Obama barely doing more than those other presidents is not much of an accomplishment. Plus Obama inflated the numbers to make it seem like he deported a lot.

Judiciary Committee: Obama DHS Deportation Statistics Inflated

Net illegal Immigration is 0, and according to some estimates is in the negatives (a lot of them are getting deported or leaving on their own). Stop hearing only what you want to hear. There is NO REASON for Obama not to enforce Border Security.

What pro-illegal scum will do is claim the border is secured and either neuter or gut funding for border security.
Pro-illegal scum are already trying to claim that the border is secured.

Napolitano on Immigration: Border Is Secure So 'Fix the Entire System' - ABC News

It would piss of way to many people if he didn't.

They could care less how many people they piss off.They did it in 1986 and this amnesty will be a repeat of that with hollow promises of enforcement while illegals from other countries invade ours.
Both sides are getting something, Democrats get Citizenship Program, Republicans more security. But they both have to give some so the other gets what they want. That's Compromise James! If you don't believe me you can look it up on Webster! Also, you and I both know that the pro- Citizenship for Illegals and the ant-citizenship for illegals almost always goes across party lines. I don't know what you trying to imply by suggesting it doesn't.

Again a compromise implies both sides are getting something.Hollow promises of enforcement is not a compromise. Things that can be yanked on the whim of pro-illegal scum on office is not a compromise.

Finally calling me a retard tells me multiple things. 1. Your so much of a brainwashed fool that you cant justify your own position with facts, baseless theories fed to you is the best you can do.
There is nothing baseless about what I said. Look up Reagan Amnesty.They promised enforcement in exchange for giving amnesty to 1.3 million illegals.All we got was amnesty for nearly 3 million illegals, no actual enforcement and 27 years later we have 12-20 million plus illegals in this country.

Amnesty won't work: Secure our borders | The American Legion
When President Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., said, "This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.3 million illegal aliens.

2. Compromise must be a foreign word to you, because this bill is a perfect example of it and 3. You haven't even read the bill. I don't want to hear your baseless claims, I want a reasonable discussion.

Ever heard of the saying "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"? This gang of 8 bill and any other so called immigration reform compromise is nothing more than a shell game or 3 card Monte.

Preferably one without analogies talking about people named little Johnny and Suzie and a cookie.

The cookie analogy is accurate.The pro-illegal scum promise enforcement in exchange for granting amnesty to illegals. So one of two things will happen. One is the enforcement measures get gutted or neutered while illegals are getting legal status. Or the enforcements measures get neutered or gutted after the 12-20 million illegals get legal status.Do you know how I know this will happen? It happened in 1986.We were promised enforcement measures in exchange for amnesty.Not only did illegals get amnesty but over twice as many illegals got amnesty then what they originally said were going to get amnesty and we got little to no enforcement.Which is why we have 12-20 million illegals in this country right now. No immigration bill should have amnesty, legalization, dream acts or any other form of amnesty.
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You guys are very, very misled. I think you need to look up the facts. Obama has deported more people than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT. Net illegal Immigration is 0, and according to some estimates is in the negatives (a lot of them are getting deported or leaving on their own). By the way, I would highly doubt he would refuse to enforce the Border Security section, as he would have people like you screaming bloody murder. Seriously people, if all you have to back up what you say is what you heard on "Fox and Friends" please stay quiet.

So deportation is very possible and required by the law.

Undocumented immigrants line up for relief from deportation - CNN.com

President Obama

Obama's immigration enforcement director to resign

Obama's Immigration Record

Dream Act students cheer Obama's immigration enforcement policy - latimes.com
Thats like bragging you got a raise when it was only a nickel per hour and you only work part time making minimum wage.The other presidents did little to no enforcement. So Obama barely doing more than those other presidents is not much of an accomplishment. Plus Obama inflated the numbers to make it seem like he deported a lot.

Judiciary Committee: Obama DHS Deportation Statistics Inflated

What pro-illegal scum will do is claim the border is secured and either neuter or gut funding for border security.
Pro-illegal scum are already trying to claim that the border is secured.

Napolitano on Immigration: Border Is Secure So 'Fix the Entire System' - ABC News

They could care less how many people they piss off.They did it in 1986 and this amnesty will be a repeat of that with hollow promises of enforcement while illegals from other countries invade ours.

Again a compromise implies both sides are getting something.Hollow promises of enforcement is not a compromise. Things that can be yanked on the whim of pro-illegal scum on office is not a compromise.

There is nothing baseless about what I said. Look up Reagan Amnesty.They promised enforcement in exchange for giving amnesty to 1.3 million illegals.All we got was amnesty for nearly 3 million illegals, no actual enforcement and 27 years later we have 12-20 million plus illegals in this country.

Amnesty won't work: Secure our borders | The American Legion
When President Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., said, "This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.3 million illegal aliens.

Ever heard of the saying "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"? This gang of 8 bill and any other so called immigration reform compromise is nothing more than a shell game or 3 card Monte.

The cookie analogy is accurate.The pro-illegal scum promise enforcement in exchange for granting amnesty to illegals. So one of two things will happen. One is the enforcement measures get gutted or neutered while illegals are getting legal status. Or the enforcements measures get neutered or gutted after the 12-20 million illegals get legal status.Do you know how I know this will happen? It happened in 1986.We were promised enforcement measures in exchange for amnesty.Not only did illegals get amnesty but over twice as many illegals got amnesty then what they originally said were going to get amnesty and we got little to no enforcement.Which is why we have 12-20 million illegals in this country right now. No immigration bill should have amnesty, legalization, dream acts or any other form of amnesty.

Lets start from the top. Obama deported 400,000 people last year, if he wasn't trying to enforce laws that number would be much lower. Also, I am going to ignore the claim of the chairperson of the judiciary committee, as republicans are known for their baseless claims *Cough* Darrel Issa and IRS "Scandal" *Cough*. The border is more secure than Ever! Net immigration is 0! Do you have any proof that the border is not secure? Also, quit calling me names just because you cant back up what you say, its annoying. The President isin't Ronald Reagan James! The circumstances are different. Also, you probably don't know this, but there is a part the bill that's says that no green cards can be issued until the Border Security is in place. That in itself invalidates most of your argument. Also, its been over 25 years since we had immigration reform, I'd say that's long enough to invalidate the "fool me twice" argument. I also think it is incorrect to call it Amnesty, they have to pay both back taxes and current taxes, and wait 13 years. That is not amnesty, they have to earn it, and a large amount of them probably wont be able to afford to for some time. Not to mention the CBO ( which is much more credible then one republican) says that Immigration Reform would boost the economy and lower the deficit. So, I ask you, Where is the harm? How would Immigration reform harm us in any way?

I don't think I ever said it wasn't. What are you trying to say?

You asked for others to back up their assertions with facts (so I supplied several links for you to ignore), although do not do so in your posts. Obama has said that he "lacks resources" to enforce the immigration law, thus he decided to "prioritize" (selectively prosecute) immigration law violations.
As you all probably know, the immigration reform bill has passed the Senate 68-32. Sadly, it appears that it will be dead on arrival in the house, as Mr. Boehner shows no interest in bringing it up for a vote ( in all likelihood, it would pass if he did). I support the Immigration Reform bill, not because it favors only my ideology (as many people insist on before supporting bills), but because it is a COMPROMISE. Republicans get their Border Security, Democrats get their Citizenship Program. It gives both parties what they want, and the both have to give some. For instance, I think the extra border security is not needed, but I am willing to deal with it for the sake of progress. It appalls me how common sense compromise such as this has such a difficult time to get passed. Compromise is a hallmark of Democracy, and without it, nothing important gets done. Well, that's just my 2 cents.

It does not guarantee border security actually. There is a provision to where the security measures can be scrapped. Not to mention the bill is 1000 pages plus. Who really knows what is in that crap?
If the overwhelming majority of illegals were conservative republicans, liberals would be arming the border themselves and picking them off as they crossed. This is not immigration reform, it is the shoring up of the potential liberal voting base for generations to come. Both parties are out of touch. Time to clean house and start over again.
Do explain...How does this sell American citizens down the river? How is this traitorous? How does this "forever does an injustice to the millions of American citizens whose jobs, classrooms, living space, road space, trauma centers, etc., etc., etc. the 20 million illegals stole."? Can you back any of this up? Also
"and force all the illegals to self-deport", good luck with that. That's a pipe dream my friend. The only way to get most to leave is by Forced Deportation, which is costly and impractical. Why spend so much money just to make people leave, when the CBO says accepting them into society will boost the economy by increasing the Gross Domestic Product by 3.3 percent by the year 2023, and by 5.4 percent by 2033. The CBO said it would also lower the federal deficit by $197 billion over the first 10 years, and $700 billion over the next 20 years? I assume your a republican, so shouldn't you be all in for things reducing the deficit?
You ask questions that have obvious answers, so I won't coddle your disengenuous mocking, whereby you feign concern for economics to excuse the egregious act of injustice toward American citizens.

Though I am not a Repub, not affiliated with any political party as I wait and work for a true centrist political party to form, you, however, are clearly a liberal Democrat.

And, as we all know, liberal Dems are pushing this amnesty and legalization bill because they know that once legalized to vote, the 20 million former illegals will vote for their champions, the worker's party, the Democrats, forever making the liberal Dems dominant, so the liberal Dems think.

That's the most Benedict Arnold cynical excuse for selling American citizens down the river: a political power-play.

That you apparently think that no one sees what has been openly talked about in the news and admitted by liberal Dems, well, you must think the general American public is really ignorant, or at least you hope they are.

That you divert with meaningless questions of mechanics, albeit inaccurately presented, so you don't have to be faced with the obvious injustice amnesty for the 20 million tresspassing and thieving illegals clearly is to millions of Americans robbed by them and the entire American citizenry in general, is typical manipulative behavior that would make a corrupt politician proud.

Your attempt to pull the wool over people's eyes has failed miserably.
haven't gotten to read the bill yet; maybe this weekend. hopefully it doesn't get watered down to uselessness like health care reform did. my guess is that they'll write so many exceptions in that millions will be excluded.
Lets start from the top. Obama deported 400,000 people last year, if he wasn't trying to enforce laws that number would be much lower. Also, I am going to ignore the claim of the chairperson of the judiciary committee, as republicans are known for their baseless claims *Cough* Darrel Issa and IRS "Scandal" *Cough*.

Again he inflated the numbers and slightly deporting more illegals when there is 12-20 million in the US does not make him a advocate for secure borders and no illegal immigration.

The border is more secure than Ever! Net immigration is 0! Do you have any proof that the border is not secure? Also, quit calling me names just because you cant back up what you say, its annoying.

1.net illegal immigration is not 0.
2.Slightly securing the border slightly more than the previous president doesn't make the border secure.

The President isin't Ronald Reagan James! The circumstances are different.

The only difference is that instead of 3 million illegals we now have 12-20 million plus illegals.Pro-illegal scum in office are still trying to **** over the American people. And unlike Reagan Obama has been suing states for cracking down on illegal immigration.

Also, you probably don't know this, but there is a part the bill that's says that no green cards can be issued until the Border Security is in place. That in itself invalidates most of your argument.

No it doesn't.Because pro-illegals can simply claim the border is secured and strip any funding for it.And second there is nothing to stop them from stripping any border security once all the illegals have green cards.

Also, its been over 25 years since we had immigration reform,

Which they had plenty of time to secure the border, crack down on scum who hire illegals, but they didn't. 25 years is not that long ago.

I'd say that's long enough to invalidate the "fool me twice" argument.

No it doesn't.

I also think it is incorrect to call it Amnesty, they have to pay both back taxes and current taxes, and wait 13 years. That is not amnesty, they have to earn it, and a large amount of them probably wont be able to afford to for some time.

Which I am sure will be gutted or watered down. Even they don't it is still amnesty.

Not to mention the CBO ( which is much more credible then one republican) says that Immigration Reform would boost the economy and lower the deficit. So, I ask you, Where is the harm? How would Immigration reform harm us in any way?

I fail to see how it will seeing how most illegals work low wage jobs, this bill will encourage more illegal immigration, and lower the wages of Americans thus putting more on welfare.The CBO is full of ****.

Again either you are a retarded if you honestly believe this bill is a actual compromise or you are a liar for claiming it is.
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You ask questions that have obvious answers, so I won't coddle your disengenuous mocking, whereby you feign concern for economics to excuse the egregious act of injustice toward American citizens.

Though I am not a Repub, not affiliated with any political party as I wait and work for a true centrist political party to form, you, however, are clearly a liberal Democrat.

And, as we all know, liberal Dems are pushing this amnesty and legalization bill because they know that once legalized to vote, the 20 million former illegals will vote for their champions, the worker's party, the Democrats, forever making the liberal Dems dominant, so the liberal Dems think.

That's the most Benedict Arnold cynical excuse for selling American citizens down the river: a political power-play.

That you apparently think that no one sees what has been openly talked about in the news and admitted by liberal Dems, well, you must think the general American public is really ignorant, or at least you hope they are.

That you divert with meaningless questions of mechanics, albeit inaccurately presented, so you don't have to be faced with the obvious injustice amnesty for the 20 million tresspassing and thieving illegals clearly is to millions of Americans robbed by them and the entire American citizenry in general, is typical manipulative behavior that would make a corrupt politician proud.

Your attempt to pull the wool over people's eyes has failed miserably.

Then the Republicans are losers either way. If they can't appeal to any minorities but white males they are toast anyway. That's the whole reason for any action on immigration now, surely you know this.
Then the Republicans are losers either way. If they can't appeal to any minorities but white males they are toast anyway. That's the whole reason for any action on immigration now, surely you know this.

So you are claiming that all minorities support illegal immigration or amnesty for illegals? Isn't that like saying white people can't dance,gay people can dance, jews are good with money or that black people love watermelon and fried chicken with the blanket statement about minorities supporting amnesty for illegals?
As you all probably know, the immigration reform bill has passed the Senate 68-32. Sadly, it appears that it will be dead on arrival in the house, as Mr. Boehner shows no interest in bringing it up for a vote ( in all likelihood, it would pass if he did). I support the Immigration Reform bill, not because it favors only my ideology (as many people insist on before supporting bills), but because it is a COMPROMISE. Republicans get their Border Security, Democrats get their Citizenship Program. It gives both parties what they want, and the both have to give some. For instance, I think the extra border security is not needed, but I am willing to deal with it for the sake of progress. It appalls me how common sense compromise such as this has such a difficult time to get passed. Compromise is a hallmark of Democracy, and without it, nothing important gets done. Well, that's just my 2 cents.

Immigration reform is nothing but unlimited immigration, destroying any hope a US CITIZEN had, the CEO report states this as I have posted.
The border was not fixed in 1986, "reform" and it will not be fixed this time.

The bill is TREASON

ALL that vote for it are TRAITORS to all US CITIZENS that make up the USA. (they of course only represent the mega Corps)
If the overwhelming majority of illegals were conservative republicans, liberals would be arming the border themselves and picking them off as they crossed. This is not immigration reform, it is the shoring up of the potential liberal voting base for generations to come. Both parties are out of touch. Time to clean house and start over again.

I wish cleaning house would be as easy as it sounds. This political gridlock is not helping anybody. Moving on, That is not true, their are many Hispanics Sympathetic to the Republican Cause, as many are very religious and therefore often socially conservative. Republicans might actually have a chance to get a good chuck of them on their side if they would resist their impulse to deport them.
You ask questions that have obvious answers, so I won't coddle your disengenuous mocking, whereby you feign concern for economics to excuse the egregious act of injustice toward American citizens.

Though I am not a Repub, not affiliated with any political party as I wait and work for a true centrist political party to form, you, however, are clearly a liberal Democrat.

And, as we all know, liberal Dems are pushing this amnesty and legalization bill because they know that once legalized to vote, the 20 million former illegals will vote for their champions, the worker's party, the Democrats, forever making the liberal Dems dominant, so the liberal Dems think.

That's the most Benedict Arnold cynical excuse for selling American citizens down the river: a political power-play.

That you apparently think that no one sees what has been openly talked about in the news and admitted by liberal Dems, well, you must think the general American public is really ignorant, or at least you hope they are.

That you divert with meaningless questions of mechanics, albeit inaccurately presented, so you don't have to be faced with the obvious injustice amnesty for the 20 million tresspassing and thieving illegals clearly is to millions of Americans robbed by them and the entire American citizenry in general, is typical manipulative behavior that would make a corrupt politician proud.

Your attempt to pull the wool over people's eyes has failed miserably.

You are very skilled at ranting about baseless claims my friend. First and foremost, if the answers are so obvious, how come your explanation is so flawed? You are being spoon fed ludicrous information. Did you ever stop to think that many Hispanics are religious, and therefore have many socially conservative leanings? If republicans would stop being so hostile towards them, they might actually get a sizable amount of votes from them, if they would just help them out for once. It just seems like they cant resist the impulse to be hostile towards them. Democrats know this, and if they wanted to keep the majority of the Hispanic vote they could just forget about immigration reform and keep winning overwhelmingly with the Hispanics, as Hispanics have no other party to look to. But it appears republicans are to ignorant to grasp this opportunity to change that. Also, to make you feel better, I will now refer to you as a "Conservative leaning Independent".

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