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Imams Visit Auschwitz, Nazi Death Camp, Pray For Holocaust Victims (1 Viewer)

Based on what? You keep making this claim, and people keep addressing it with the same polling information, which you simply ignore:

When 70% of the population of Pakistan and Egypt want to execute people for changing their religion, that claim is clearly needs supported. Because at that point, questioning the assumption is more than reasonable

Yeah, I was thinking too during the Egyptian revolution, are these people really ready for or deserve democracy? When they treat so many minorities terribly, at least so far as I can tell, that seriously challenges the OP's position that Islam is not a religion of hate. It will take more than some field trips by a few Imams to convince me otherwise. Take off the burkas, allow women to drive and vote, stop persecuting gays and non-Muslims, then I'll at least consider the sincerity of any overtures of 'peace.'
There are a lot of peaceful Muslims.
Unfortunately on the other hand, there are whole countries and societies that endorse, and support things like Wahhabism, Salafism, there are a lot of societies that endorse movements like the Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah etc... and support them.

As indeed do many Druze, which would suggest that support for Hezbollahs actions is not entirely based upon theology but a reaction (Albiet an unjust and miscalculated one) to Israels actions in the region.
As indeed do many Druze, which would suggest that support for Hezbollahs actions is not entirely based upon theology but a reaction (Albiet an unjust and miscalculated one) to Israels actions in the region.

Druze are different due to their own religious/social views of the world.
Btw, the support doesn't necessary have to be merely on a theological basis, however it is wrong to exclude theological reasons for the support of various terrorist groups.

Imams Visit Auschwitz, Nazi Death Camp, Pray For Holocaust Victims

I thought I would post this as just another piece of evidence which demonstrates there are many Muslim activists out there trying to fight the tide of hate from political radicals on both sides of the spectrum.

There are those who are hell bent on proving that Islam is a religion of hate, despite the fact that the hateful acts are committed by a minority that the majority deplore. The Muslim world is by far more occupied by peace lovers and moderates. It's just the radicals who shout loud, along with governments whose fueled hatred of Muslims and the Middle East are part of political and military agendas.

May the awareness of peace continue to spread. :peace

Ironically, the odds that he will die an unnatural death at the hand of a fellow Muslim has dramatically increased.
Yeah, I was thinking too during the Egyptian revolution, are these people really ready for or deserve democracy? When they treat so many minorities terribly, at least so far as I can tell, that seriously challenges the OP's position that Islam is not a religion of hate. It will take more than some field trips by a few Imams to convince me otherwise. Take off the burkas, allow women to drive and vote, stop persecuting gays and non-Muslims, then I'll at least consider the sincerity of any overtures of 'peace.'

Democracy would be a good step towards eliminating that discrimination.
Good for them. Hopefully, more muslims will look to these imams as the new religious figureheads rather than the nuts who are in charge now. Islam needs a "renaissance" period and the best way to start it is within.
Democracy would be a good step towards eliminating that discrimination.

Good, then you agree with George W Bush. ;)
If anyone reading this hates Muslims because they are Muslims, then guess what?

You ARE either monumentally ignorant AND/OR emotionally disturbed...and most of the world knows it...except you (but they are mostly too polite to tell you to your face).

Have a nice day.
Much like what western democracies are struggling with. High apathy, a few corrupting the whole system, and a few fighting against it.

True, but at a far lesser and more humane degree. We can't get away from corruption. We can only maintain a healthy look out for it. Corruption in the MENA, however, equals slaughter. It's this brand of corruption that has created the violent theme in the civilization and it is exported in the form of cowardly terrorism.

Simply pointing out that corruption exists in the West also doesn't really address the issue. It's another way for people to avoid it. Almost the entire civilization in the MENA avoiding awkward truths in their societies and cultures is bad enough without intelligent educated civilizations in the West giving them excuses to look away from the mirrors.
It's a nice gesture indeed, considering the awful amount of antisemitism in the muslim community.

Still, I don't have to hate muslims to dislike Islam. I'm sure many wonderful people would be far better off without it. It's a conviction, what can you do?
in all honesty, how?

Democracy is the answer to all of their problems. First acknowledge the substantial material problems....

1) Decreasing fresh water supplies in a region where population is growing.

2) Economic disaster with unemployment near or over 40% (Aged 15-35 can't afford to get married).

Now the religious problems....

1) Islam is fixed in the grasps of radical leaders and all creativity and imagination is suppressed. (between 12 and 150 million radicals within the region).

2) Islam's emphasis on the Sunni Tribe constantly makes tribal identity a priority in government and in all manners of politics creating resenments, hatreds, corruptions, and slaughter. Voting will give the majority their power, which means the larger tribes within these "Frankenstein's Monster" nations will continue to do what they do. However, there will be far less rage from the tribes towards each other and far less reason to rebel violently against another tribe's dictator.

3) Half the population is denied to contribute to society (women). No civilization where half their population is denied proper contribution can ever compete with a civilization that employes 100% of its population. The more globalized this world gets, the more inconvenient the situation for the Middle East becomes. This is why Western cultural "intrusion" (Levis and Hollywood banned in Iran, for example) merits a proper defense of Islam for the radicals who think they can turn back the clock or remain fixed in time.

In historical terms, only democracy has shown the agility to deal with such problems. In the absence of answers, radicals will look for scapegoats and foreign devils to take the blame for what Muslims do to Muslims everyday in the news. Without a healthy avenue of protest (picket signs and elections), people will resort to revolution and violence and eventually terror. Frustrated by the complete inability to exert any discernible degree of control over their immediate circumstances, frustrated adherents of Radical Islam, goaded by Radical Islamic Clerics, will resort to terrorism as the only avenue to effect religious, social, political, and economic change.

It really is simple....either we find a way to support the affected countries (most of them) in finding their won solutions to these problems or Americans will continue to grow up and fight these problems with violence.

There have been over 120 democracies created since 1900. They have occurred throughout Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia. Only the Middle East went without democracy thanks to the prescriptions of colonialism and the later Cold War. Months after Iraqis conducted their first successful elections without international (American) troops maintaining security (Sept 2010), Tunisia sparks off the Arab Spring (Dec 2010). One by one Muslim countries in the MENA rebelled against their dictators and chanted "democracy." Even Muslims know that democracy is their best chance to reverse their civilization's path to ultimate failure. They have to take charge of their destinies and this will only happen under democracies.

Why is it that when it comes to democracy people praise the ability and the health of being able to choose the future (or try to anyway), but it becomes a bad word in relation to Democracy? Is it because people think of Bush and Iraq? It's no reason to deny and pretend it's bad for the Middle East, especially with it being what the rest of the world has and is doing. There is another problem though. Lebanon tried democracy and created proper representation from the tribes into a working government after WWII. They ultimately failed into civil war, which may have far more to do with the fact that it is yet another Frankenstein's Monster creation and marks a deeper trouble that democracy can't fix. Witness Iraq, where democracy exists. The population is carved into three distinct tribes and is the source of historical hatred that needs sorted out. In terms of nation, Iraq should be three separate countries. Of course, if Islam was healthier and was more tribal friendly and accepting, the Shia, Sunni, and the Kurds wouldn't seek blood as often as they do to settle scores that have nothing to do with modern times.

So there appears to be plenty of problems underneath the terrorism and slaughter. Democracy is the only bumpy path left untested. What does democracy offer? Creativity, economic freedom, religious flexibility, political outlets, healthier media, answerable leaders who worry about election time and therefore have a reason to do what they are supposed to (at least appear to do so).
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