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I'm proud of Tlaib Already (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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I think what Tlaib did much like AOC is doing policy wise is that she exposed the expletive nature of politics. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen news reports of WH meetings especially in recent times devolved into shouting matches full of curse words. Every movie and TV show about politics (even the west wing) had politicians cursing at one another. Now it looks like other politicians are cursing out in the open. If you curse behind closed doors but put on the holier than thou righteous face on during interviews and for the public. That makes you a hypocrite!

The British parliament have been doing it for ages. It's time for American politicians to stop pretending they are so righteous and moral.
I find it hilarious that the people who have no problem with the president cursing on national tv are upset that Tlaib said a curse word in a bar.
I find it hilarious that the people who have no problem with the president cursing on national tv are upset that Tlaib said a curse word in a bar.

....all the while (the GOP) soapboxing their feigned aversion to political correctness.
....all the while (the GOP) soapboxing their feigned aversion to political correctness.

I remember when right wingers were worried about how they would explain what a blowjob is to their children.

But they seem to have no concerns about explaining why our president grabs ******s
Trump turning Schiff's last name into a vulgarity: "Hilarious!"
Junior Congresswoman calling trump a vulgarity: "This is the beginning of the end of civil discourse!"
I remember when right wingers were worried about how they would explain what a blowjob is to their children.

But they seem to have no concerns about explaining why our president grabs ******s

In a political party packed with conservative old white males one is something they always have to pay for and the other is free, normal and acceptable behavior.
I remember when right wingers were worried about how they would explain what a blowjob is to their children.

But they seem to have no concerns about explaining why our president grabs ******s

I blame the internet! Thanks Al Gore!
Junior Congresswoman calling trump a vulgarity: "This is the beginning of the end of civil discourse!"

It's 2019, I think it's safe to say that cursing is apart of civil discourse.
In a political party packed with conservative old white males one is something they always have to pay for and the other is free, normal and acceptable behavior.

From this point on the Congress is going to get more and more diverse. Trump was the angry old white man's President, he is their last resort, and America will never make that mistake again.
I remember when the left and their lapdog media exploded in fauxrage when someone said that Obama lied.

Now they are more worried that she screwed up Nancy's con job than they are about her language.
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I remember when the left and their lapdog media exploded in fauxrage when someone said that Obama lied.

Sorry, but that has nothing to do with the topic. This is about politicians cursing. Yes, I'm sure Obama cursed...
I think what Tlaib did much like AOC is doing policy wise is that she exposed the expletive nature of politics. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen news reports of WH meetings especially in recent times devolved into shouting matches full of curse words. Every movie and TV show about politics (even the west wing) had politicians cursing at one another. Now it looks like other politicians are cursing out in the open. If you curse behind closed doors but put on the holier than thou righteous face on during interviews and for the public. That makes you a hypocrite!

The British parliament have been doing it for ages. It's time for American politicians to stop pretending they are so righteous and moral.

I wouldn't have used the words she did, but then again, I remember the days when Presidents didn't use the words that this one does.

The Republicans look incredibly ignorant pretending to be offended by the words she used at a private event. I'm so sick of the hypocrisy of Trump Fan Nation. They can take their pearls that they're clutching and shove them.
Sorry, but that has nothing to do with the topic. This is about politicians cursing. Yes, I'm sure Obama cursed...

I edited my post to make it relevant to the topic.
I think what Tlaib did much like AOC is doing policy wise is that she exposed the expletive nature of politics. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen news reports of WH meetings especially in recent times devolved into shouting matches full of curse words. Every movie and TV show about politics (even the west wing) had politicians cursing at one another. Now it looks like other politicians are cursing out in the open. If you curse behind closed doors but put on the holier than thou righteous face on during interviews and for the public. That makes you a hypocrite!

The British parliament have been doing it for ages. It's time for American politicians to stop pretending they are so righteous and moral.

In that case you should be thanking Trump as he's definitely caused many a politicians "holier than thou" attitudes to crumble.
So which is it? We want civility or we dont? Or do we want to have it both ways depending on when its convenient?
In that case you should be thanking Trump as he's definitely caused many a politicians "holier than thou" attitudes to crumble.

Yep Trump definitely played a part, but he still acts shocked when others do what he does.
Personally, I am not that offended by the word that Rashida used. It only showed that she is no lady.

I am, however, disgusted by her impertinence.

She and Alexandria are newbies; yet they are already strutting around as if they owned the place.
I remember when right wingers were worried about how they would explain what a blowjob is to their children.

But they seem to have no concerns about explaining why our president grabs ******s

Trump didn't say he grabs ******s. Your reading comprehension is atrocious.
I think what Tlaib did much like AOC is doing policy wise is that she exposed the expletive nature of politics. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen news reports of WH meetings especially in recent times devolved into shouting matches full of curse words. Every movie and TV show about politics (even the west wing) had politicians cursing at one another. Now it looks like other politicians are cursing out in the open. If you curse behind closed doors but put on the holier than thou righteous face on during interviews and for the public. That makes you a hypocrite!

The British parliament have been doing it for ages. It's time for American politicians to stop pretending they are so righteous and moral.
yea, if you're fine with an antisemite.
I find it hilarious that the people who have no problem with the president cursing on national tv are upset that Tlaib said a curse word in a bar.
But wait! That same word is in the Trump vocabulary used publicly-

I think what Tlaib did much like AOC is doing policy wise is that she exposed the expletive nature of politics. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen news reports of WH meetings especially in recent times devolved into shouting matches full of curse words. Every movie and TV show about politics (even the west wing) had politicians cursing at one another. Now it looks like other politicians are cursing out in the open. If you curse behind closed doors but put on the holier than thou righteous face on during interviews and for the public. That makes you a hypocrite!

The British parliament have been doing it for ages. It's time for American politicians to stop pretending they are so righteous and moral.

I'm not offended in the slightest that she called Donald Trump a nasty name. He's certainly put himself in the position where he shouldn't expect otherwise. I'm more offended that she wants to ethnically cleanse Israel.

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