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I'm Back! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Under The Northern Star, Alaska
Political Leaning
Hear hear! I've come back, though some of you may be dismayed over my return, but oh well. Deal with it!

It's obvious that I haven't died. (DERRRR)
I've just been away and have been too busy to log on. I can't say that I'll be on here every day, but I'll try to get on as often as I can. Learning to be a Professional Photographer is a lot more work than one would've guessed. I'm always on assignment.

But other than that. I'm still the same ol' Donkey. And don't you all come jumping in here all at once to say "nice to see ya ol' buddy" or "please say it isn't so. I hated you before and hate you even now". Or else I'll think that some of you actually missed me or really did hate me. And that may or may not be a good thing.
Welcome back You Jack a$$.;)
Well, hey there! You probably won't believe this, but I have asked myself several times.....Wonder whatever happened to 'ole Donkey1499?

We need you over on the Person Below Me thread....it's dying a slow, painful death.

Good to see you back, DonkeyBoy.
mixedmedia said:
Well, hey there! You probably won't believe this, but I have asked myself several times.....Wonder whatever happened to 'ole Donkey1499?

We need you over on the Person Below Me thread....it's dying a slow, painful death.

Good to see you back, DonkeyBoy.

Awww. You really missed me? I'm touched.

The thread is THAT bad? I'll have to check it out later.
Nice to see you again, Donk!...:2wave:
Welcome back! :)
Donkey1499 said:
It is so strange... even the libs missed me. Even that liberal piece o' crap, cnredd. LOL
Yeah...I'm Liberal...

Just ask Navy Pride...:doh
cnredd said:
Yeah...I'm Liberal...

Just ask Navy Pride...:doh

Ol' Naval Prizzle is still here? I thought he would've been banned by now. You know, because everbody, but the reasonable, hate him. LOL



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