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If You Live in America and Say You Are a Christian (1 Viewer)

Do you pray/intercede for the President?

  • Daily

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Often

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Whenever I remember

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • I am not a person of faith

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Other (there's always one ....)

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Do you pray for President Obama?
Of course. I do on my own and someone at church always adds our leaders into prayers as well.
I used to all the time. I need to get back into the habit.
I wouldn't say I pray... but I hold humanity in general in my thoughts often, so that would include Obama.
And I am the one.
I am not a praying man; for me, this works not....
So, whatever will be, will be.
But I do hope that things are slowly improving and that our President will be able to survive the onslaughts of ignorance and fear.
What about people of other faiths? I'm spiritual, not religious, and do sometimes prey for Obama, though usually I prey for more broad objectives... such as world peace or aiding those who are suffering. It is my hope that those of any spiritual or religious faith prey for the president, as he is the leader of our nation, and if he fails, we fail. Even if you disagree with his agenda, you can still prey for things that we can all agree upon, such as balancing the budget or peace in the middle east or saving our economy.

There is obviously more one can prey for than simply "I hope Obama succeeds".
Yep. I prayed for Bush too. It's a tough job that affects all of our lives. Would of prayed for Clinton, but I didn't care about politics, and would of prayed for the first Bush too, but I was an infant :lol:
What about people of other faiths? I'm spiritual, not religious, and do sometimes prey for Obama, though usually I prey for more broad objectives... such as world peace or aiding those who are suffering. It is my hope that those of any spiritual or religious faith prey for the president, as he is the leader of our nation, and if he fails, we fail. Even if you disagree with his agenda, you can still prey for things that we can all agree upon, such as balancing the budget or peace in the middle east or saving our economy.

There is obviously more one can prey for than simply "I hope Obama succeeds".

I left it at Christians because the Bible tells them to pray for their leaders. Since so many seem to despise him, I don't know how they can do so.
I ask God to be with him and touch his heart.
That's pretty easy because I mean it.
I don't exactly thank God for putting him in my life, like I do other people. :)
Yes I do, daily usually, I pray for him amd all the world leaders, that he finds the Lord if he doesn't know him already and that he uses wisdom to help the country. Sometimes I may forget but I try to include him/them in my prayers every day. Sometimes when I get too bothered by the news I may not want to think about it every so often. :(
Yup, I ask for him to have guidance and protection/safety, he and his family.
I pray for him whenever I remember to.
I Timothy 2:1-2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Why would Christians pray to God for Obama? Shouldn't they pray to Allah for Obama? Afterall, Obama is a secret Muslim ninja.
Why would Christians pray to God for Obama? Shouldn't they pray to Allah for Obama? Afterall, Obama is a secret Muslim ninja.

Ya nut. ;) *she said politely*
Why would Christians pray to God for Obama? Shouldn't they pray to Allah for Obama? Afterall, Obama is a secret Muslim ninja.

The ninja thing is a new development :shock:
I left it at Christians because the Bible tells them to pray for their leaders. Since so many seem to despise him, I don't know how they can do so.
While I do not currently ascribe to any religion/belief, I was raised in a Christian household.
My parents would probably pray that god would give our leaders guidance so they make the right choices.
Such can cover any and all political figures, it would seem.

Of course, part of my parents small sub-religion is that they don't vote or participate in politics at all - so technically, they don't have an opinion...

The ninja thing is a new development :shock:
His legend only grows with time… :mrgreen:
I left it at Christians because the Bible tells them to pray for their leaders. Since so many seem to despise him, I don't know how they can do so.

Yes, I pray for him.

I pray that God will open his eyes and turn him to the right path.

So far, not so good.... :mrgreen:

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