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If You Had To Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist .... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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Political Leaning
If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

moronic question truth be told. I need way more information than that.

I would have to know the people much more specifically if I were to judge who I thought was morally superior.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

Religion or lack thereof is not a ground on which I can make a judgement of a person.

Ever heard of something called "personality"?????
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two
would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

I don't judge anyone based on how much time they waste or don't waste on their knees praying to a non-existent God.

"Although it's not true that all conservatives are stupid, it is true that most stupid people are conservative." ~ John Stuart Mill
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Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

That may well depend on the specific religion of the person doing the judging. It would seem that one just may favor a member of their own congregation over the general public. It is not logical to use a person's religion (alone) to make moral judgements. There are both saints and sinners among those professing any religious views.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

Religion doesn't make one more moral anymore than an atheist. Plenty of people in politics has shown that.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

Perhaps my view is colored since I'm an atheist, but it would seem that the individual who does what is right and acts in an ethical manner, without the carrot and stick mentality which religion imposes, is the better person. [The word "morals" has such religious overtones, I refuse to describe my actions moral. ]
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

What are their names and how can I get to know them well enough to make a judgement? What if one was a rabid bluegrass fan and the other into thrash metal?
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

You really can't make that determination, there are plenty of moral theists and plenty of moral atheists and likewise, lots of immoral people who fall into both categories. People are people. However, if you want to talk in general terms, secular morality is clearly superior to religious morality because, according to many theists, if their god decided that rape was moral, they'd have no problem running around raping people.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

One's religious views do not dictate one's moral character.

There is no reason to make an ethical judgment based solely upon the individual's stated religious views.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

One of the most poorly framed and leading questions I've seen in a long time, well, except maybe for almost anything posted by JPCusick....Congratz
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

moronic question truth be told. I need way more information than that.

I would have to know the people much more specifically if I were to judge who I thought was morally superior.

I guess liberals from the east coast need everything spelled out for them, perhaps your government can respond for you. Would you prefer I include names and social security numbers?
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

What are their names and how can I get to know them well enough to make a judgement? What if one was a rabid bluegrass fan and the other into thrash metal?

"Mom" and "dad", the rest you must deal with in an abstract way...genius.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

Objectively speaking, the monotheist, pretty much by definition.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

I guess liberals from the east coast need everything spelled out for them, perhaps your government can respond for you. Would you prefer I include names and social security numbers?
You're missing the point. Just saying "religious" and "non-religious" doesn't give any actual information about the person's intentions and actions. It's not enough information about the person to make any sort of judgment about their moral standing.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

One of the most poorly framed and leading questions I've seen in a long time, well, except maybe for almost anything posted by JPCusick....Congratz

I was taught many moons ago studying interpersonal communications, despite the question there is always a fitting response. Maybe because this is a written formant some questions get piled on to with a load of "what ifs" or "not enough info". The question so far remains mostly unanswered because people for the most part can't grasp the theoretical because they cannot cut it with a knife and fork and that is sad. When one is taught to think, the only tool necessary is the brain.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

Religion isn't the sole source of morality, nor would I even say a superior brand of morality. That being said even if someone is brought up morally and taught morals (regarldess of source) doesn't mean they take.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

Religion or lack thereof is not a ground on which I can make a judgement of a person.

Ever heard of something called "personality"?????

Ever heard of answering a posted question regardless of how trying it may (for some)? Ever take a philosophy class?
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

I guess liberals from the east coast need everything spelled out for them, perhaps your government can respond for you. Would you prefer I include names and social security numbers?

I would like more spelled out yes.

"You mad cuz your question is bad"

I don't feel like bashing conservatism but bashing you may be a good option.

Here, haz a bash for posting stupid questions and wasting DP space and money -----> :hammer:
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

Religion isn't the sole source of morality, nor would I even say a superior brand of morality. That being said even if someone is brought up morally and taught morals (regarldess of source) doesn't mean they take.

I agree with part 2 of the first sentence but not part 1 of the first sentence.

Religions give a moral code to people who follow them that they must follow. Religion is a source of morality, although yes, I wouldn't call it the best source.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

Objectively speaking, the monotheist, pretty much by definition.

objectively speaking, you're wrong.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

Objectively speaking, the monotheist, pretty much by definition.

Somebody who believes in only one imaginary being? I see no reasoning behind your remark.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If there were two very similar types of people with the only outstanding difference is one is religious and the other is not which of the two would you or could say might be the "better" person morally?

If by religious you mean judeochristian, a religious person generally comes with assurances of having committed himself to minimal standards of morality and good conduct while an atheist person has no such tradition, so religious persons for me as a general rule.

Now, before all the atheists moan and belly ache about how we should judge people on more information that that, the whole crux of the OP was what the categories "religious" and "atheistic", in and of themselves, imply about a person. And yes, I know that everyone knows of rotten Christians and saintly atheists, but we are speaking of generalities here.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....

If by religious you mean judeochristian, a religious person generally comes with assurances of having committed himself to minimal standards of morality and good conduct while an atheist person has no such tradition, so religious persons for me as a general rule.

I don't agree. Many people pay only lip service to religion. I find it hard to believe that every American politician is truly religious, for example. People are people, you have to get to know them to judge whether they are moral or not.
Re: If You Had Tio Chose Between A God Fearing Person vs. An Atheist ....


Based on prison population percentage and great minds, the better odds are on the atheist.

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