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If this is true, people should be sick. (1 Viewer)


Klattu Verata Nicto
DP Veteran
May 19, 2005
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Libertarian - Right
I was listening to talk radio over the week and more than one caller has been sharing experiences similar to each other. Here goes, apparently protestors, not content with the response they have been getting from their earlier efforts are now using soldier funerals for their podium, it seems that they are standing outside of the funeral homes(private property usually, not covered by free speech) and churches(private property-not covered by free speech) and cemeteries(could go either way) and chanting their usual drug induced, brain-dead slogans right in front of those grieving families who just lost a loved one for the cause.
Boy, talk about humanity and compassion:roll: And if that would have been my friend or family member I do believe I would have hurt at least one of those creeps.
Liberals, if you care to answer this one civilly and honestly, is this something you condone, encourage, or otherwise support, and if so, how can you justify this behavior and still say you support the troops. I welcome your opinions.
Disclaimer - this is a third hand account and I haven't seen any writings on it, so it could be that it isn't happening, but either way I wouldn't be surprised.
Are you sure it's not Phelps and his fellow religious nuts? What you describe sound a lot like what they do. Sorry to tell they have nothing to do with liberals.

Republican Sen. Brent Steele's proposal was prompted by an August protest in which members of an anti-gay church in Kansas showed up at the Martinsville funeral of Staff Sgt. Jeremy Doyle, who had died in Iraq.

Members of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka say they believe that the deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq are God's way of punishing the United States for taking too lenient an attitude about gay people. They have protested at the funerals of about 50 soldiers, including one in Portage, since June.

At Doyle's funeral they held up signs that said "God blew up the troops," dragged the U.S. flag on the ground and chanted that God was punishing America, according to news accounts.

"That's sick," Steele, of Bedford, said yesterday. "It was emotional battery. It was designed to hurt them."

LaMidRighter said:
I was listening to talk radio over the week and more than one caller has been sharing experiences similar to each other. Here goes, apparently protestors, not content with the response they have been getting from their earlier efforts are now using soldier funerals for their podium, it seems that they are standing outside of the funeral homes(private property usually, not covered by free speech) and churches(private property-not covered by free speech) and cemeteries(could go either way) and chanting their usual drug induced, brain-dead slogans right in front of those grieving families who just lost a loved one for the cause.
Boy, talk about humanity and compassion:roll: And if that would have been my friend or family member I do believe I would have hurt at least one of those creeps.
Liberals, if you care to answer this one civilly and honestly, is this something you condone, encourage, or otherwise support, and if so, how can you justify this behavior and still say you support the troops. I welcome your opinions.
Disclaimer - this is a third hand account and I haven't seen any writings on it, so it could be that it isn't happening, but either way I wouldn't be surprised.

That is disgusting, how low can the far left whackos go?
These idiots need to quit reading NavyPride's signature - you CAN support the troops without supporting the mission! Protest the MISSION, not the guys in harm's way who have no choice in the matter. As if grieving parents are capable of bringing our troops home in the first place...these people need a clue smacked into them.
Binary_Digit said:
These idiots need to quit reading NavyPride's signature - you CAN support the troops without supporting the mission! Protest the MISSION, not the guys in harm's way who have no choice in the matter. As if grieving parents are capable of bringing our troops home in the first place...these people need a clue smacked into them.

You know it's a volunteer army right?

Anyways I've heard this same story I think it's true it would most certaintly not be out of character for these people considering the long history of U.S. military bashing of the anti-war movement in this country.
An admission of guilt from, unbelievably, an anti-war protest sight although they try to spin it to look like they're the victims which is laughable:

Protesters Try to Remove Maine Peace Flags Fri Nov 11,10:24 AM ET
Yahoo News

WATERVILLE, Maine - Protesters led by a veterans post tried to remove a flag display placed by peace activists at a veterans cemetery, and five were charged with criminal trespass.

The display remained intact Friday, Veterans Day, despite a threat by at least one of the protesters to return later to finish yanking up the flags.

The display of 2,000 white flags, meant to remember U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, was set up at Veterans Memorial Park cemetery Oct. 30 under a permit issued to Waterville Area Bridges for Peace and Justice.

Members of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars post complained, saying they wanted the flags removed before Veterans Day. The permit allows the flags to remain in place until the first snowfall.

On Thursday, about 10 people went to the cemetery and, under the glare of television camera lights, some began removing the flags as eight peace group members and sympathizers gathered nearby. Police moved in quickly to make the arrests.

Wayne Elkins, the VFW commander who led the protesters and was among those detained, said he had no problem with the peace group, as long as it stays out of the cemetery.

"They desecrated our veterans' grounds. If they want to protest, let them protest. We don't mind. But to desecrate hallowed ground is wrong," he said.

He and the four others were released on the condition that they stay away from the park until Sunday, police said.

The peace activists stayed out of the fracas.

"Obviously, I don't want to fight them for the flags," said Bill Lord, a Vietnam veteran. "Really, I think that the VFW and Bridges for Peace and Justice have a lot in common. I believe in peacefully working things out


White flags = peace flags? Give me a ****ing break, this is an obvious desecration of the graves of U.S. soldiers and the fact that it was sanctioned by the local government is even more disgusting.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You know it's a volunteer army right?
You know the military doesn't dictate foreign policy right? The military is a tool, and a tool is only as good as the "tool" who uses it.
scottyz said:
Are you sure it's not Phelps and his fellow religious nuts? What you describe sound a lot like what they do. Sorry to tell they have nothing to do with liberals.
To be fair, an extremist is and extremist is an extremist. I really don't care which side of the aisle did this it is still very wrong and those families and deceased soldiers memories deserve the respect they earned by their sacrifice. I assume it is a leftist group however because that fits right into the peace movement's M.O.
LaMidRighter said:
To be fair, an extremist is and extremist is an extremist. I really don't care which side of the aisle did this it is still very wrong and those families and deceased soldiers memories deserve the respect they earned by their sacrifice. I assume it is a leftist group however because that fits right into the peace movement's M.O.
You assume, but you have no source for this. Given that i've heard people on the right label Phelps group as leftist hippies when they really aren't i'm going to assume what you heard is the same misinformation.
Navy Pride said:
That is disgusting, how low can the far left whackos go?

You do know what they say about assumption...right?

Phelps plans to protest soldier's funeral

Associated Press writer

BOISE, Idaho -- A Kansas preacher and gay rights foe whose congregation is protesting military funerals around the country said he's coming to Idaho on today to picket the memorial for an Idaho National Guard soldier killed in Iraq.

A flier on the Web site of Pastor Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church claims God killed Cpl. Carrie French with an improvised explosive device in retaliation against the United States for a bombing at Phelps' church six years ago.

"We're coming," Phelps said Monday in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

Westboro Baptist either has protested or is planning protests of other public funerals of soldiers from Michigan, Alabama, Minnesota, Virginia and Colorado. A protest is planned for July 11 at Dover Air Force Base, the military base where war dead are transported before being sent on to their home states.

scottyz said:
Are you sure it's not Phelps and his fellow religious nuts? What you describe sound a lot like what they do. Sorry to tell they have nothing to do with liberals.

Two points...

How does this strawman argument have anything to do with the original topic? Do you feel so defensive of the protestors that you need to deflect the negativity with some negativity of your own?

This topic has already been discussed on this forum...


I refer you to the responses of some of the Conservative members of this forum...

Navy Pride said:
Just another stretch of the first amendment.........It happens all the time in this country...........That is the sad part............

Simon W. Moon said:
Bcuz Phelps is pure and solid asshat. That's the short answer anyway.

cnredd said:
They should have gave the deceased soldier a 21 gun salute aimed in a certain direction....

Fantasea said:
It is sad that there are blind fools who wrap themselves in their own constitutional rights and freedoms while trampling on the rights and freedoms of others.

Fortunately, they are seen for what they are and are largely ignored.

Stinger said:
15 people including children? This is just a bunch of anti-American wacko's getting headlines. I bet if they didn't get national attention they soon dry up and go away.

So you can see that you bring something to the table that is not only "old hat" to the forum, but one in which the Conservative members of the forum agreed that they are equally horrible to the original subject posted by LaMidRighter.

Read the last part of the original post...

Liberals, if you care to answer this one civilly and honestly, is this something you condone, encourage, or otherwise support, and if so, how can you justify this behavior and still say you support the troops. I welcome your opinions.

Your only answer is an article?....You didn't even attempt to answer his question!...Your only rebuttal is a redirect...

cnredd said:
Two points...

How does this strawman argument have anything to do with the original topic? Do you feel so defensive of the protestors that you need to deflect the negativity with some negativity of your own?

This topic has already been discussed on this forum...


I refer you to the responses of some of the Conservative members of this forum...

So you can see that you bring something to the table that is not only "old hat" to the forum, but one in which the Conservative members of the forum agreed that they are equally horrible to the original subject posted by LaMidRighter.

Read the last part of the original post...

Liberals, if you care to answer this one civilly and honestly, is this something you condone, encourage, or otherwise support, and if so, how can you justify this behavior and still say you support the troops. I welcome your opinions.

Your only answer is an article?....You didn't even attempt to answer his question!...Your only rebuttal is a redirect...

Did you not read his original post????

Disclaimer - this is a third hand account and I haven't seen any writings on it, so it could be that it isn't happening, but either way I wouldn't be surprised.

What did he bring new to this forum?? An accusation with no facts to back it up. How you are you suppose to validate a third hand account of something that may or may not have happened with an answer? You're denying his third hand account sounds a lot like what Phelps does in fact do?
scottyz said:
Did you not read his original post????

What did he bring new to this forum?? An accusation with no facts to back it up. How you are you suppose to validate a third hand account of something that may or may not have happened with an answer? You're denying his third hand account sounds a lot like what Phelps does in fact do?
A simple, "I don't know if this is true or not because you didn't provide legitimate sources, but if this IS true, he is what I think..."

But instead you come with, "If you think it's wrong, I'll just show you something ELSE that's wrong," AND it was something that the Conservatives have alrady said "It's wrong", so bringing it up again does absolutely nothing to answer the original question...
cnredd said:
A simple, "I don't know if this is true or not because you didn't provide legitimate sources, but if this IS true, he is what I think..."

But instead you come with, "If you think it's wrong, I'll just show you something ELSE that's wrong," AND it was something that the Conservatives have alrady said "It's wrong", so bringing it up again does absolutely nothing to answer the original question...
Since it's a third hand account with no source I provided a link and a story to what that third hand account is probably referring to. Hard to discuss a vague third hand account of something. Since I know that people on the right try to attribute Phelps actions to anti-war leftists, it seems likely the same mistake or tactic is being repeated again. Is that a problem?
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As in Vietnam there are some on the left in this country who do not want us to succeed in Iraq for political reasons even if it mean the death of our brave men and women there.....

They put their politcal bias and hate for this president baove everything else...

That is the sad part..........

Mr T says:"I pity the fool who don't substantiate his claims."
Navy Pride said:
As in Vietnam there are some on the left in this country who do not want us to succeed in Iraq for political reasons even if it mean the death of our brave men and women there.....

They put their politcal bias and hate for this president baove everything else...

That is the sad part..........

While this statement is indeed true, the Broad brush you use to paint an entire group of people (liberal) is far from productive. In that you seem to think anyone who dissaproves of the War is a Liberal, you are essentally insulting a large percentage of the thinking population through your anger. This accomplishes Two primary things:

1) Those who are Not liberals (whatever that may be) find themselves leaning further away from you, if only to disassociate from what you project.

2) Those who are liberal find justification in whatever stance they hold simply because you make an ass of yourself.

You are not...in any way helping the conservative movement, Nor are you painting a pretty picture of those who serve this country with honor.
scottyz said:
Since it's a third hand account with no source I provided a link and a story to what that third hand account is probably referring to. Hard to discuss a vague third hand account of something. Since I know that people on the right try to attribute Phelps actions to anti-war leftists, it seems likely the same mistake or tactic is being repeated again. Is that a problem?
"People on the right"...Nice phrase...

I guess you missed all of those comments here from "People on the right" that thought that Phelps was a moron...Go through that whole thread...who, out of the "People on the right", had something nice to say about him and his actions...I'll give you a hint...NO ONE....

I guess you'll accept "mediamatter.com"(Ha!) over the opinions of the very forum members with whom you attempt to debate...:roll:

And you STILL haven't answered the original question...

Liberals, if you care to answer this one civilly and honestly, is this something you condone, encourage, or otherwise support, and if so, how can you justify this behavior and still say you support the troops. I welcome your opinions.

I don't see how you starting out an answer with, "If this is actually true, then etc, etc, etc..." is being prevented...
cnredd said:
"People on the right"...Nice phrase...

I guess you missed all of those comments here from "People on the right" that thought that Phelps was a moron...Go through that whole thread...who, out of the "People on the right", had something nice to say about him and his actions...I'll give you a hint...NO ONE....

I guess you'll accept "mediamatter.com"(Ha!) over the opinions of the very forum members with whom you attempt to debate...:roll:

And you STILL haven't answered the original question...

Liberals, if you care to answer this one civilly and honestly, is this something you condone, encourage, or otherwise support, and if so, how can you justify this behavior and still say you support the troops. I welcome your opinions.

I don't see how you starting out an answer with, "If this is actually true, then etc, etc, etc..." is being prevented...
Neither you or the original poster of have answered the question of whether or not this is a real story or backed it up with any sort of evidence. I'm not denying Phelps is a moron, but I'm giving a plausible source of where this story might have originated. What is the problem with that?
scottyz said:
Neither you or the original poster of have answered the question of whether or not this is a real story or backed it up with any sort of evidence. I'm not denying Phelps is a moron, but I'm giving a plausible source of where this story might have originated. What is the problem with that?

I know you were not addressing me but...see post #10
scottyz said:
Neither you or the original poster of have answered the question of whether or not this is a real story or backed it up with any sort of evidence. I'm not denying Phelps is a moron, but I'm giving a plausible source of where this story might have originated. What is the problem with that?
The problem is that it took you to get to post #19 to make a statement that if Post #1 was referring to Phelps, then he is a moron...

You could've just as easily said that in Post #2 along with the article...The fact that Phelps "has nothing to do with Liberals", as you originally posted, has NOTHING to do with answering the question...

As shown through a previous thread, the "Right" has already objected, heavily I might add, to Phelps and his followers, much to the chagrin of your self-proclaiming partisan website, mediamatters.com...

You want to lose any semblance of credibility, I suggest you continue to use them as a source...:roll:
cnredd said:
The problem is that it took you to get to post #19 to make a statement that if Post #1 was referring to Phelps, then he is a moron...

You could've just as easily said that in Post #2 along with the article...The fact that Phelps "has nothing to do with Liberals", as you originally posted, has NOTHING to do with answering the question...

As shown through a previous thread, the "Right" has already objected, heavily I might add, to Phelps and his followers, much to the chagrin of your self-proclaiming partisan website, mediamatters.com...

You want to lose any semblance of credibility, I suggest you continue to use them as a source...:roll:

Somehow I thought it was a given that Phelps is a moron. Anyone who goes to someones funeral to protest is a moron, but somehow I thought that was a given. Is that the question you want answered?

As usual your goofy little tirade has nothing to do with the subject, which is this story. I'd like answers about the authenticity of this story.

Excuse me if I noticed that Ladmidrighters story closely resembles the stories about Phelps. Are you denying that ladmidrighters description of events closely resembles exactly what Phelps group does? That Fox News has labeled them as a left wing group in the past is a fact. The same mistake is likely being made here. Sorry for trying to bring some facts into this discussion
On a purely emotional note, when I was active duty I pulled funreal duty and I was allowed to experience only a little bit of what the families went through. I helped fold the flag and even after doing this several times, every time they played taps, it was hard not to get upset.

Later on, both my grandparents died and were buried in a National Cemetery that I worked at for a year. Now, I dont know what the laws are regarding a National Cemetery since its federal ground, but if word got around that some people were planning a protest there, I would wait until they were at my grandparents grave and explain that they in no uncertain terms were they to involve that plot in their protest.

I dont know how many I would get, but I can swing my aluminum bat pretty quick.

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