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If election 2004 were held today, who would you vote for? (1 Viewer)

If election 2004 were held today, who would you vote for?

  • George Bush

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Ralph Nader

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Other (please post)

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters


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DP Veteran
May 21, 2005
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I'm just curious. If you vote "Other," please try to limit your vote to candidates who actually ran for President in 2004.

I shouldn't have to make this disclaimer, but I've come to expect as much from some people in these forums, so here it is. Please don't say "You lost the election, get over it," because that has nothing to do with this poll and it's just stupid. Thanks, and have a nice day!
I could never vote for a big liberal like Kerry and if I voted for any of the other candidate it would just be a wasted vote because the have no chance of being elected........
The only wasted vote is a vote for the candidate you don't actually want to win. It's not like betting on a losing horse, it's your voice! IMHO that is........
I could never vote for a big liberal like Kerry
I agree with this point, although not because Kerry is such a "big liberal" but because he was such a ****ing wet blanket. I swear I've wiped things off my shoes with more charisma than him. I think the dems would have been better off with Howard "yaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggg!!!!!" Dean, at least he had strong emotions.....
Binary_Digit said:
The only wasted vote is a vote for the candidate you don't actually want to win. It's not like betting on a losing horse, it's your voice! IMHO that is........

That is your opinion, I don't happen to agree with it.......When you vote for a person that has zero chance to win you waste your vote.........
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
I agree with this point, although not because Kerry is such a "big liberal" but because he was such a ****ing wet blanket. I swear I've wiped things off my shoes with more charisma than him. I think the dems would have been better off with Howard "yaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggg!!!!!" Dean, at least he had strong emotions.....

The only chance the dems had was with a moderate candidate like Leiberman but since the democratic party is so far to the left he did not win one primary.......Hell I might even have voted for him..........
Bush has disappointed me on the border issue, which living in the Southwest is a huge issue. Still, I thank God everyday that Kerry didn't end up in office.
mistermain said:
Bush has disappointed me on the border issue, which living in the Southwest is a huge issue. Still, I thank God everyday that Kerry didn't end up in office.

Amen my friend Amen....
Navy Pride said:
The only chance the dems had was with a moderate candidate like Leiberman but since the democratic party is so far to the left he did not win one primary.......Hell I might even have voted for him..........

Lieberman isn't really a moderate, he's a conservative.

What's the point of nominating someone like him who is completely unrepresentative of his party? Maybe he'd win the election...but how would Democrats win by having a DINO in the White House?

At least with Kerry there was some alternative between the two main candidates (although Dean would've been better and third-parties should not be excluded). Lieberman is just a Bush clone.
Kandahar said:
Lieberman isn't really a moderate, he's a conservative.

What's the point of nominating someone like him who is completely unrepresentative of his party? Maybe he'd win the election...but how would Democrats win by having a DINO in the White House?

At least with Kerry there was some alternative between the two main candidates (although Dean would've been better and third-parties should not be excluded). Lieberman is just a Bush clone.

I would say Leiberman is a moderate....He is a fiscal conservative but he is way left on social issues such as abortion and gay rights.......

If he was a conservative he sure would have been Gore's running mate in 2000...
Navy Pride said:
I would say Leiberman is a moderate....He is a fiscal conservative but he is way left on social issues such as abortion and gay rights.......

If he was a conservative he sure would have been Gore's running mate in 2000...
Ok, lets see, Lieberman was Pro-Choice. So that makes him a liberal?

The vast majorty of Americans are Pro-Choice to one degree or another.

And what Gay Rights was Lieberman liberal on?? I dont think he was for Gay Marriage or Civil Unions.

The thing is, Lieberman ideologically was perfectly in line with my beliefs on 9 out of 10 issues probably. Then again, ideologically, their is very little difference at all between Lieberman and Bill Clinton.

I like Lieberman, but the reason why he did not win the primaries has nothing to do with his ideology and everything to do with him be a short little very, very, very dull candidate.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Ok, lets see, Lieberman was Pro-Choice. So that makes him a liberal?

The vast majorty of Americans are Pro-Choice to one degree or another.

And what Gay Rights was Lieberman liberal on?? I dont think he was for Gay Marriage or Civil Unions.

The thing is, Lieberman ideologically was perfectly in line with my beliefs on 9 out of 10 issues probably. Then again, ideologically, their is very little difference at all between Lieberman and Bill Clinton.

I like Lieberman, but the reason why he did not win the primaries has nothing to do with his ideology and everything to do with him be a short little very, very, very dull candidate.

The vast amount of American are anti abortion , they are about split pro choice and pro life but are moving closer and closer to pro life when they find out that 3500 babies are murdered in the womb every day.........

Leiberman ran on the ticket as VP with Gore who is one of the biggest liberals in the country...........

No Social Conservative is pro choice........

As Senator Zell Miller has said over and over again Clinton fooled eveyone in 1992 as Hillary is trying to do now......He ran as a moderate and governed as a Liberal.............Miller even made the keynote speech at the 1992 Democratic Conv.......Hell the first thing he did in office was try to appease the gay community by pushing that they serve openly in the military....Thank God cooler heads prevailed..........

When it comes to the Clintons, you say "Fool Me once, Shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.............

There are no 100% Conservative in the democratic party..There are Fiscal Conservatives but no Social ones..........
Navy Pride said:
The vast amount of American are anti abortion , they are about split pro choice and pro life but are moving closer and closer to pro life when they find out that 3500 babies are murdered in the womb every day.........

Leiberman ran on the ticket as VP with Gore who is one of the biggest liberals in the country...........

No Social Conservative is pro choice........

As Senator Zell Miller has said over and over again Clinton fooled eveyone in 1992 as Hillary is trying to do now......He ran as a moderate and governed as a Liberal.............Miller even made the keynote speech at the 1992 Democratic Conv.......Hell the first thing he did in office was try to appease the gay community by pushing that they serve openly in the military....Thank God cooler heads prevailed..........

When it comes to the Clintons, you say "Fool Me once, Shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.............

There are no 100% Conservative in the democratic party..There are Fiscal Conservatives but no Social ones..........

No, there are lots of social moderates in the Democratic Party and very few social liberals.

When I say that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice to one degree or another, I mean that to be pro-life, you cannot support abortion under any circumstances. By all the polling I have ever seen, only about 20% or so of Americans support that position. The rest therefore must be to some degree or another pro-choice. The abortion debate is not a big issue with me at all, but I am just pointing out that being pro-choice does not make someone a social liberal.

Moreover, I know you are like one of those blinded with Clinton rage right wingers, but the fact is, on the issues, their is hardly a hair worth of difference between Clinton and Lieberman. They are both New Democrats. They are both big DLC Dems, and they are both centrists. You may not think that Clinton was, but any reasoned look at the policies he supported while in office, and the fact that he had the highest approval ratings of any president since FDR, is evidence of his ideology being in line with the majority of Americans.
SouthernDemocrat said:
No, there are lots of social moderates in the Democratic Party and very few social liberals.

When I say that the vast majority of Americans are pro-choice to one degree or another, I mean that to be pro-life, you cannot support abortion under any circumstances. By all the polling I have ever seen, only about 20% or so of Americans support that position. The rest therefore must be to some degree or another pro-choice. The abortion debate is not a big issue with me at all, but I am just pointing out that being pro-choice does not make someone a social liberal.

Moreover, I know you are like one of those blinded with Clinton rage right wingers, but the fact is, on the issues, their is hardly a hair worth of difference between Clinton and Lieberman. They are both New Democrats. They are both big DLC Dems, and they are both centrists. You may not think that Clinton was, but any reasoned look at the policies he supported while in office, and the fact that he had the highest approval ratings of any president since FDR, is evidence of his ideology being in line with the majority of Americans.

Well you need to read a real Southern Demcrat's book Zell Miller who said the Democratic Party has been hijacked by the far left..........Do you really believe that Gore would have selected a Conservative as his running mate?

Name me one prominent democrat in the Senate who is a through and through Conservative, both socially and fiscally.........
Navy Pride said:
Well you need to read a real Southern Demcrat's book Zell Miller who said the Democratic Party has been hijacked by the far left..........Do you really believe that Gore would have selected a Conservative as his running mate?

Name me one prominent democrat in the Senate who is a through and through Conservative, both socially and fiscally.........

If the views and opinions of the majority of the so called conservatives on this website a good representation of a "through and through Conservative" then...
why would any Democrat want to be that way.
Navy Pride said:
Well you need to read a real Southern Demcrat's book Zell Miller who said the Democratic Party has been hijacked by the far left..........Do you really believe that Gore would have selected a Conservative as his running mate?

Name me one prominent democrat in the Senate who is a through and through Conservative, both socially and fiscally.........

I never said that Lieberman was a Conservative. I said he was a centrist. Look, half the people in this country lean to one degree or another to the left of center, half the people in this country lean to one degree or another to the right of center. Don't take this the wrong way, but I think your problem is that you are so way to the right of center, that you don't realize that the majority of the country is not near as far to the right as you are.

Name me one prominent Republican in the Senate who is a through and Through liberal, both socially and fiscally?

I mean really, that has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of. Of course, Democrats are not conservatives, and Republicans are not liberals. I mean imagine that.:roll:

So what, Zell Miller is pissed off at the Democratic Party. As if no Republican's have left the party or have became disillusioned with it? I am thinking of one from Vermont off hand that put the Dems in the majority for a while.

You like Zell Miller because Zell Miller is not a real Democrat, the Democratic Party did not leave him, if anything, in the past the Democratic party was far more liberal than it is today. In fact, there is no denying that it was. Zell Miller was never anything but a political opportunist. He ran as a Democrat and supported Democrats because he felt like they were his best bet at the time.
Navy Pride said:
Name me one prominent democrat in the Senate who is a through and through Conservative, both socially and fiscally.........

Name me one prominent Republican in the Senate who is a through and through Conservative, both socially and fiscally
SouthernDemocrat said:
I never said that Lieberman was a Conservative. I said he was a centrist. Look, half the people in this country lean to one degree or another to the left of center, half the people in this country lean to one degree or another to the right of center. Don't take this the wrong way, but I think your problem is that you are so way to the right of center, that you don't realize that the majority of the country is not near as far to the right as you are.

Name me one prominent Republican in the Senate who is a through and Through liberal, both socially and fiscally?

I mean really, that has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of. Of course, Democrats are not conservatives, and Republicans are not liberals. I mean imagine that.:roll:

So what, Zell Miller is pissed off at the Democratic Party. As if no Republican's have left the party or have became disillusioned with it? I am thinking of one from Vermont off hand that put the Dems in the majority for a while.

You like Zell Miller because Zell Miller is not a real Democrat, the Democratic Party did not leave him, if anything, in the past the Democratic party was far more liberal than it is today. In fact, there is no denying that it was. Zell Miller was never anything but a political opportunist. He ran as a Democrat and supported Democrats because he felt like they were his best bet at the time.

Zell Miller was a democrat probably before you were born.........The Democratic Party the party of JFK and Scoop Jackson left him........I voted for both of them.......

If you call a centrist a moderate then I agree.....

Collins and Chaffee are both Republicans who are moderate to Liberal......

Now I am still waiting for you to name me one democratic senator who is a conservative.........
Navy Pride said:
Zell Miller was a democrat probably before you were born.........The Democratic Party the party of JFK and Scoop Jackson left him........I voted for both of them.......

If you call a centrist a moderate then I agree.....

Collins and Chaffee are both Republicans who are moderate to Liberal......

Now I am still waiting for you to name me one democratic senator who is a conservative.........
Collins and Chaffee are far from liberal. They are rather just closer to the center than other Republicans.

JFK was way to the left of Clinton on almost everything. Yes, he was strong on defense, but everyone was in the Cold War days. Especially in the 60s. JFK himself said he was a proud liberal and considered himself a New Deal Democrat. Yeah, he cut taxes, but when he cut taxes the top rate was 91% and he only cut it down to 70% and that was only because they had pretty much finished paying off the World War II debts. Can you imagine if a President today pushed for a top bracket tax at 70%?

You dont think thats liberal?

Moreover, conservatives at the time of JFK were far more moderate than conservatives today. Barry Goldwater represented the solid right of the Republican Party in the 60s, today he would be a moderate Republican at best.

As far as more cconservative Senate Democrats go:

Mark Pryor
Ben Nelson
Evan Bayh
Joesph Lieberman

There are tons of them. Any DLC Democrat, and pretty much half of the Senate Democrats are DLC Democrats.
Last edited:
Navy Pride said:
I could never vote for a big liberal like Kerry and if I voted for any of the other candidate it would just be a wasted vote because the have no chance of being elected........
Another fine example of the intelligence that some Americans have regarding the value of their vote. If one doesn't vote their conscience what else will they not do when their conscience is tested?

Didn't you start a thread entitled "Inquiring Minds Want To Know"?
SouthernDemocrat said:
Collins and Chaffee are far from liberal. They are rather just closer to the center than other Republicans.

JFK was way to the left of Clinton on almost everything. Yes, he was strong on defense, but everyone was in the Cold War days. Especially in the 60s. JFK himself said he was a proud liberal and considered himself a New Deal Democrat. Yeah, he cut taxes, but when he cut taxes the top rate was 91% and he only cut it down to 70% and that was only because they had pretty much finished paying off the World War II debts. Can you imagine if a President today pushed for a top bracket tax at 70%?

You dont think thats liberal?

Moreover, conservatives at the time of JFK were far more moderate than conservatives today. Barry Goldwater represented the solid right of the Republican Party in the 60s, today he would be a moderate Republican at best.

As far as more cconservative Senate Democrats go:

Mark Pryor
Ben Nelson
Evan Bayh
Joesph Lieberman

There are tons of them. Any DLC Democrat, and pretty much half of the Senate Democrats are DLC Democrats.

all 4 of your people are pro choice.........The top 3 coming from red states that President Bush carried by huge margins have to toe the line but they are not true Conservatives along the lines of Allen and Santorum.......

Oh and Bayh is so Conservative that he voted against John Roberts.......

Try again.............Give me one hard core Conservative democrat in the senate...........

Chaffee and Collins are both pro abortion and gay rights........
26 X World Champs said:
Another fine example of the intelligence that some Americans have regarding the value of their vote. If one doesn't vote their conscience what else will they not do when their conscience is tested?

Didn't you start a thread entitled "Inquiring Minds Want To Know"?

Well I hope you voted for Buchanan or Nader in 2000 becasue without your vote President Bush would not have gotten elected but somehow i think you voted for ALgore......

Yeah I did start that thread.......I was cusrious if your girlfriend had the hots for the Reverend (and i use the term loosely) jackson........
Navy Pride said:
all 4 of your people are pro choice.........The top 3 coming from red states that President Bush carried by huge margins have to toe the line but they are not true Conservatives along the lines of Allen and Santorum.......

Oh and Bayh is so Conservative that he voted against John Roberts.......

Try again.............Give me one hard core Conservative democrat in the senate...........

Chaffee and Collins are both pro abortion and gay rights........

Just because someone votes against Roberts doesn't make them liberal.
Navy Pride said:
That is your opinion, I don't happen to agree with it.......When you vote for a person that has zero chance to win you waste your vote.........
There's an indisputable level of intelligence to the thought process that arrives at the conclusion that any vote is a wasted vote.

Mr. Pride, would you care to explain your thinking to the good people of Iraq? I mean all of those people who risked their lives to vote their conscience regardless if their candidate had a chance to win were wasting their vote AND risking their lives?

You're a frickin' genius Navy Pride!

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