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If Biden was a leader (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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If Biden was a leader as his apologists constantly claim he is he would lead the world in cutting off all oil imports from Russia. He would rally America into a war time footing and coax his snowflake followers into sucking it up.
He'd at least temporarily ignore the AGW cult and unleash US oil production in America.
If Biden was a leader he'd set an example for the world and Russia wouldn't have the money to continue their invasion. Their economy would completely collapse and Putins corpse would dangle from a Russian bridge.
Unfortunately Biden is not a leader and eventually Ukraine will be overcome as Biden and NATO " protest in the strongest terms".
If Biden was a leader as his apologists constantly claim he is he would lead the world in cutting off all oil imports from Russia. He would rally America into a war time footing and coax his snowflake followers into sucking it up.
He'd at least temporarily ignore the AGW cult and unleash US oil production in America.
If Biden was a leader he'd set an example for the world and Russia wouldn't have the money to continue their invasion. Their economy would completely collapse and Putins corpse would dangle from a Russian bridge.
Unfortunately Biden is not a leader and eventually Ukraine will be overcome as Biden and NATO " protest in the strongest terms".

Why would America need to go into “war footing” when it’s not at war?
I did. Your premise is stupid. The US can support Ukraine without going on “war footing”.
Basically we have all but declared economic war on Russia but we are pulling our punches by not going after their energy income. If you fight a war halfway you are guaranteed to lose.
If Biden was a leader as his apologists constantly claim he is he would lead the world in cutting off all oil imports from Russia. He would rally America into a war time footing and coax his snowflake followers into sucking it up.
He'd at least temporarily ignore the AGW cult and unleash US oil production in America.
If Biden was a leader he'd set an example for the world and Russia wouldn't have the money to continue their invasion. Their economy would completely collapse and Putins corpse would dangle from a Russian bridge.
Unfortunately Biden is not a leader and eventually Ukraine will be overcome as Biden and NATO " protest in the strongest terms".
Democrats expect others to sacrifice but are unwilling to do so themselves. Their view of freedom is that anything that makes their life more difficult makes them less free and that concept of freedom guides everything they do.
Basically we have all but declared economic war on Russia but we are pulling our punches by not going after their energy income. If you fight a war halfway you are guaranteed to lose.

- You do realize that the US gets very little oil+gas from Russia. Europe is the largest consumer of Russia oil+gas.

Maybe you should suggest that to the EU.
If Biden was a leader as his apologists constantly claim he is he would lead the world in cutting off all oil imports from Russia. He would rally America into a war time footing and coax his snowflake followers into sucking it up.
He'd at least temporarily ignore the AGW cult and unleash US oil production in America.
If Biden was a leader he'd set an example for the world and Russia wouldn't have the money to continue their invasion. Their economy would completely collapse and Putins corpse would dangle from a Russian bridge.
Unfortunately Biden is not a leader and eventually Ukraine will be overcome as Biden and NATO " protest in the strongest terms".

Russian gas heats much of Europe.
Basically we have all but declared economic war on Russia but we are pulling our punches by not going after their energy income. If you fight a war halfway you are guaranteed to lose.

Might that be because we don’t want an economic war to turn into a shooting war with Russia?

Our “half measures” seem to be doing a lot of ****ing damage and they have done nothing even remotely comparable to us.
Its been awhile. Why should the US move to a war footing?

What impact would that have on Russia seeing how Putin is being a spoiled brat?
Basically we have all but declared economic war on Russia but we are pulling our punches by not going after their energy income. If you fight a war halfway you are guaranteed to lose.
Might that be because we don’t want an economic war to turn into a shooting war with Russia?

Our “half measures” seem to be doing a lot of ****ing damage and they have done nothing even remotely comparable to us.
Snowflake thinking on display.
- You do realize that the US gets very little oil+gas from Russia. Europe is the largest consumer of Russia oil+gas.

Maybe you should suggest that to the EU.
Maybe we should lead not suggest.
Basically we have all but declared economic war on Russia but we are pulling our punches by not going after their energy income. If you fight a war halfway you are guaranteed to lose.

Nice generic statement. Didn't really address the point that it is a EU issue.

Heck, why don't we just nuke Russia now and get it over with. You know, don't go to a war footing. Just do it. It would be a surprise:giggle:.
I did. Your premise is stupid. The US can support Ukraine without going on “war footing”.
The problem is, the Biden pukes want Americans to suffer while they throw money at Ukraine and keep paying Russia for oil. And the reason for doing so is "alternative energy".

Here's one of those Biden pukes being honest about it:

The problem is, the Biden pukes want Americans to suffer while they throw money at Ukraine and keep paying Russia for oil. And the reason for doing so is "alternative energy".

Here's one of those Biden pukes being honest about it:

How is America “suffering” due to the economic actions against Russia?
Democrats expect others to sacrifice but are unwilling to do so themselves. Their view of freedom is that anything that makes their life more difficult makes them less free and that concept of freedom guides everything they do.

That's why we refused to wear masks and social distance.
Nice generic statement. Didn't really address the point that it is a EU issue.

Heck, why don't we just nuke Russia now and get it over with. You know, don't go to a war footing. Just do it. It would be a surprise:giggle:.
The US imports an average of 209,000 barrels per day of crude oil and 500,000 bpd of other petroleum products from Russia.
Biden should end that immediately and rally the world to do the same but he's not a leader so he won't.
President Biden cannot be a leader because sadly his mental (and physical) attributes preclude such a possibility.

What he is, is the man who gets credit for ousting DJT.

For that, many Americans will be eternally grateful.

We are being run by his "advisers," who consist of no doubt very sincere people who think they have the answers to our domestic and international challenges.

To be frank, no one expects anything from President Biden. Everyone realizes that he is merely the spokesman for the people who actually are making policy (and writing his speeches).

Like everyone else, I wish President Biden the best of health and hope that he can attend the Inauguration in January, 2025.
How is America “suffering” due to the economic actions against Russia?
I didn't say anything about economic actions against Russia, so why are you asking me that question?
If Biden was a leader as his apologists constantly claim he is he would lead the world in cutting off all oil imports from Russia. He would rally America into a war time footing and coax his snowflake followers into sucking it up.
He'd at least temporarily ignore the AGW cult and unleash US oil production in America.
If Biden was a leader he'd set an example for the world and Russia wouldn't have the money to continue their invasion. Their economy would completely collapse and Putins corpse would dangle from a Russian bridge.
Unfortunately Biden is not a leader and eventually Ukraine will be overcome as Biden and NATO " protest in the strongest terms".
"If Biden was a leader"
How would you be able to recognize that?
Its “snowflake thinking” to not want a war with a nuclear power?

Man, Reagan must have been a massive snowflake.
It's snowflake thinking to be afraid to go all in with our economic war on Russia. You want a symbolic economic war with no real teeth and no sacrifice from you.

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