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If 100 people lived on Earth: (1 Viewer)

Given the size of the earth, if they were evenly distributed they would most likely have all died alone never knwong they were not the only human.

That or an asteroid.
My money is on the asteroid.
D**n asteroids!
Given the size of the earth, if they were evenly distributed they would most liekly have all died alone never knwoign they were not the only human.

That or an asteroid.
My money is on the asteroid.
D**n asteroids!

Yep. It seems like very time I have a party, along comes an asteroid and screws up the whole thing....
Maybe we should build a wall to keep all these asteroids out?
They could all work for the UN and thus starve. ;)
It wouldn't matter, there wouldn't be enough genetic diversity and humanity would die out.
The planet and life would be a better place for it.

Better for whom? Of what value is the planet and life if no one is alive to enjoy it?
Better for whom? Of what value is the planet and life if no one is alive to enjoy it?

Plants would be aroudn to enjoy it
Better for whom? Of what value is the planet and life if no one is alive to enjoy it?
Ahhh, you believe it is all here for us. Pssst, we are only the Caretakers and not very good ones of those.
Ahhh, you believe it is all here for us. Pssst, we are only the Caretakers and not very good ones of those.

No, I don't believe the planet is here for us, its just that we are the only creatures that are capable of recognizing and appreciating any value it might be.
No, I don't believe the planet is here for us, its just that we are the only creatures that are capable of recognizing and appreciating any value it might be.

Oh, I don't know about that, I have seen more than one animal seem to be enjoying a nice day, I think they grasp more than we give them credit for and we are not nearly as observant as we believe we are, heck we now have to tell children to go outside and play, what the ......... is wrong with that.
OK, here's the video I tried to post in the OP. Sorry for the confusion, but I see I gave some people a great chance to make jokes.
Including some good ones!

OK, here's the video I tried to post in the OP. Sorry for the confusion, but I see I gave some people a great chance to make jokes.
Including some good ones!

I prefer the original OP
OK I just watched the first 30 secs or so of the video and my original assessment appears to be correct. They are distributed all over the globe. Each one would die alone never knowing there were other humans.
Also apparently they are all lego people, thus they couldn't reproduce anyway. Mind you they would also be made of plastic so it would take millennia for their bodies to decompose.
Everyone would get to go to the Super Bowl!

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