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Identification of bioactive molecules from tea plant as SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors (1 Viewer)


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Identification of bioactive molecules from tea plant as SARS-CoV-2 main
protease inhibitors

The SARS-CoV-2 main protease enzyme (Mpro) plays a central role in viral replication & thus becomes an attractive target for anti-viral drugs. Inhibition of Mpro causes the virus to die.

In this study, computerized analytical methods were used to identify the 68 molecules with the highest docking energy. of these, a total of 3 molecules were identified as being potent Mpro inhibitors:

Selected bioactive molecules based on -CDOCKER interaction energy.

S. No. Molecules -CDOCKER Interaction Energy
1. Oolonghomobisflavan-A 75.54
2. Theasinensin D 71.58
3. Theaflavin-3′-O-Gallate

Theasinensin D - Wikipedia

Theaflavin-3-gallate - Wikipedia

oolong homobisflavan A, oolong homobisflavan A Suppliers and Manufacturers at Okchem.com

These are all polyphenol compouds found in Chinese oolong tea. Oolong tea could serve a an inexpensive home remedy for covid-19.
Swell. That's one more thing that will be unavailable on grocery store shelves and Amazon for the next year.
Swell. That's one more thing that will be unavailable on grocery store shelves and Amazon for the next year.

This tea is not that expensive. I'm not prepping any brand but here is one example: Imozai Organic Oolong Tea Bags 100 Count Individually Wrapped $8.49. Because they are likely different in composition you might want to sample several.
Identification of bioactive molecules from tea plant as SARS-CoV-2 main
protease inhibitors

The SARS-CoV-2 main protease enzyme (Mpro) plays a central role in viral replication & thus becomes an attractive target for anti-viral drugs. Inhibition of Mpro causes the virus to die.

In this study, computerized analytical methods were used to identify the 68 molecules with the highest docking energy. of these, a total of 3 molecules were identified as being potent Mpro inhibitors:

Selected bioactive molecules based on -CDOCKER interaction energy.

S. No. Molecules -CDOCKER Interaction Energy
1. Oolonghomobisflavan-A 75.54
2. Theasinensin D 71.58
3. Theaflavin-3′-O-Gallate

Theasinensin D - Wikipedia

Theaflavin-3-gallate - Wikipedia

oolong homobisflavan A, oolong homobisflavan A Suppliers and Manufacturers at Okchem.com

These are all polyphenol compouds found in Chinese oolong tea. Oolong tea could serve a an inexpensive home remedy for covid-19.

Interesting, but show me the studies. As I recall hydroxychloroquin killed the virus in vitro too...but did nothing to improve the clinical course.
Well it certainly helped the Chinese dodge a bullet with COVID :lol:
Identification of bioactive molecules from tea plant as SARS-CoV-2 main
protease inhibitors

The SARS-CoV-2 main protease enzyme (Mpro) plays a central role in viral replication & thus becomes an attractive target for anti-viral drugs. Inhibition of Mpro causes the virus to die.

In this study, computerized analytical methods were used to identify the 68 molecules with the highest docking energy. of these, a total of 3 molecules were identified as being potent Mpro inhibitors:

Selected bioactive molecules based on -CDOCKER interaction energy.

S. No. Molecules -CDOCKER Interaction Energy
1. Oolonghomobisflavan-A 75.54
2. Theasinensin D 71.58
3. Theaflavin-3′-O-Gallate

Theasinensin D - Wikipedia

Theaflavin-3-gallate - Wikipedia

oolong homobisflavan A, oolong homobisflavan A Suppliers and Manufacturers at Okchem.com

These are all polyphenol compouds found in Chinese oolong tea. Oolong tea could serve a an inexpensive home remedy for covid-19.

But if Trump mentions hydroxychloroquine he gets attacked for it. By the way, check this out, what I have been saying all along:

COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act
Interesting, but show me the studies. As I recall hydroxychloroquin killed the virus in vitro too...but did nothing to improve the clinical course.

See the reference at the top.
Swell. That's one more thing that will be unavailable on grocery store shelves and Amazon for the next year.

On the plus side, all that oolong stock I bought will let me retire 3 years ago.
I hate tea.. I've tried all my life, MANY many times to like it..It's cheap, easy to make, you can get it anywhere, what's not to like? But I never could develope a taste for it..

I'll stick to gin and tonics(quinine) for my Covid-19 prevention...;)
Identification of bioactive molecules from tea plant as SARS-CoV-2 main
protease inhibitors

The SARS-CoV-2 main protease enzyme (Mpro) plays a central role in viral replication & thus becomes an attractive target for anti-viral drugs. Inhibition of Mpro causes the virus to die.

In this study, computerized analytical methods were used to identify the 68 molecules with the highest docking energy. of these, a total of 3 molecules were identified as being potent Mpro inhibitors:

Selected bioactive molecules based on -CDOCKER interaction energy.

S. No. Molecules -CDOCKER Interaction Energy
1. Oolonghomobisflavan-A 75.54
2. Theasinensin D 71.58
3. Theaflavin-3′-O-Gallate

Theasinensin D - Wikipedia

Theaflavin-3-gallate - Wikipedia

oolong homobisflavan A, oolong homobisflavan A Suppliers and Manufacturers at Okchem.com

These are all polyphenol compouds found in Chinese oolong tea. Oolong tea could serve a an inexpensive home remedy for covid-19.

Do you have to snort it? Do those compounds survive stomach acid?
I hate tea.. I've tried all my life, MANY many times to like it..It's cheap, easy to make, you can get it anywhere, what's not to like? But I never could develope a taste for it..

I'll stick to gin and tonics(quinine) for my Covid-19 prevention...;)

Nothing prevents you fro making the brewed tea into cocktail
Stop spreading alt. med. nonsense. You're just as bad as Trump.
See the reference at the top.

I read through the first one. Pretty complicated theoretical article but nowhere can I find a study involving real patients in a double blind controlled situation. Maybe I missed it. Until there is a good double blind controlled study done by a reputable group this is hogwash. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I read through the first one. Pretty complicated theoretical article but nowhere can I find a study involving real patients in a double blind controlled situation. Maybe I missed it. Until there is a good double blind controlled study done by a reputable group this is hogwash. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Tea never hurt anyone. This blend has been identified as containing polyphenolc ingredients that have a negative (positive?) effect on the main enzyme in covid.
Tea never hurt anyone. This blend has been identified as containing polyphenolc ingredients that have a negative (positive?) effect on the main enzyme in covid.

Great! Drink lots of tea if it makes you feel good. But to suggest that there is a single shred of credible evidence that compounds in tea have been shown to have any effect on Covid 19 is totally wrong.
This tea is not that expensive. I'm not prepping any brand but here is one example: Imozai Organic Oolong Tea Bags 100 Count Individually Wrapped $8.49. Because they are likely different in composition you might want to sample several.

Well, I should be pretty well stocked on Oolong now!

The only problem is that I decided I also needed to order some Lapsang Souchong just in case that was really the cure but Amazon sent me Chai Ultra Spice in stead and nobody as said anything about Chai curing anything. I should have this all fixed by tomorrow so things are definitely looking up!
Yes, I know. What I'm wondering is if those chemicals in a cup of tea make it to where they need to be, in sufficient strength to stop the Virus.

Brew up a big pot & drink it until you start to feel better.
Great! Drink lots of tea if it makes you feel good. But to suggest that there is a single shred of credible evidence that compounds in tea have been shown to have any effect on Covid 19 is totally wrong.

I disagree with your usage of 'totally.' Neither of us knows until it's tried.
I disagree with your usage of 'totally.' Neither of us knows until it's tried.

If you disagree with my usage of "totally" then show me credible evidence (as in double blind placebo controlled studies) that indicates it works. Otherwise, I stand by what I said. What I did NOT say is that its not possible for those chemicals to work, just that there is no proof that they do.
If you disagree with my usage of "totally" then show me credible evidence (as in double blind placebo controlled studies) that indicates it works. Otherwise, I stand by what I said. What I did NOT say is that its not possible for those chemicals to work, just that there is no proof that they do.

Drinking tea to hopefully make you feel better doesn't sound like rocket science to me.
Identification of bioactive molecules from tea plant as SARS-CoV-2 main
protease inhibitors

The SARS-CoV-2 main protease enzyme (Mpro) plays a central role in viral replication & thus becomes an attractive target for anti-viral drugs. Inhibition of Mpro causes the virus to die.

In this study, computerized analytical methods were used to identify the 68 molecules with the highest docking energy. of these, a total of 3 molecules were identified as being potent Mpro inhibitors:

Selected bioactive molecules based on -CDOCKER interaction energy.

S. No. Molecules -CDOCKER Interaction Energy
1. Oolonghomobisflavan-A 75.54
2. Theasinensin D 71.58
3. Theaflavin-3′-O-Gallate

Theasinensin D - Wikipedia

Theaflavin-3-gallate - Wikipedia

oolong homobisflavan A, oolong homobisflavan A Suppliers and Manufacturers at Okchem.com

These are all polyphenol compouds found in Chinese oolong tea. Oolong tea could serve a an inexpensive home remedy for covid-19.

One of my favorite teas!
Drinking tea to hopefully make you feel better doesn't sound like rocket science to me.

Drink all the tea you want if it makes you feel better-as long as you are not claiming it is proven to have an effect on Covid 19 despite all the wonderful chemicals in it.

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