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I was relieved when Biden won our Presidency. Today I'm ecstatic. (1 Viewer)

I'd still rather Bernie were elected, but I admit Bernie would have had difficulty getting much more done - Machin is the same roadblock - and it's hard to see how he'd do better than Biden on this war and might not have been as effective rallying Europe. I agree with you about how good it is Biden's elected.
I wonder if the person creating that tweet knows that when first asked Biden said no. Then someone corrected him so he went back to change his statement to yes
I too thank Biden for starving the people of Afghanistan :)
The image of an American president standing up there and carrying that dictator's water, accepting his propaganda and lies at face value ("President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today"), as Trump did in Helsinki is revolting.

Good to now have a President who's on our side.
I am a lib-dog, and I voted for Biden. Would have held my nose and voted for Bernie had he won because Trump was a wannabe dictator.

But I call it like I see it. I believe refreshing difference between the left and the right is that the left can have honest takes about their leadership, and I'm no different. I think Biden has been a, well, good president so far. The problem is, we need someone to be not just good, but great. I'm not convinced he's great. Maybe just only good.
Putin behaved himself under Trump

Attacking the United States is bad behavior.

In 2020, a major cyberattack suspected to have been committed by a group backed by the Russian government penetrated thousands of organizations globally including multiple parts of the United States federal government, leading to a series of data breaches.[1][28][29] The cyberattack and data breach were reported to be among the worst cyber-espionage incidents ever suffered by the U.S., due to the sensitivity and high profile of the targets and the long duration (eight to nine months) in which the hackers had access.[35] Within days of its discovery, at least 200 organizations around the world had been reported to be affected by the attack, and some of these may also have suffered data breaches.[1][36][37] Affected organizations worldwide included NATO, the U.K. government, the European Parliament, Microsoft and others.[36]
President Donald Trump was silent for days after the attack, before suggesting that China, not Russia, might have been responsible for it, and that "everything is well under control".[50][51][52]
Attacking the United States is bad behavior.

So is bombing hospitals and innocent civilians.

In 2019, the Visual Investigations team proved that Russian pilots had bombed four hospitals in Syria, a busy commercial street and a camp for displaced families. This work was part of a series awarded the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting in 2020.
So is bombing hospitals.

And interfering in our elections!

You think he would have pulled a Biden?
It astounds me Trump defenders have no idea how stupid they sound when they say things like this, when Biden has been repeatedly given credit for his part in leveling the consequences which have effectively cut Russia off from most of the developed world.

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