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I told you so!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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I said in an earlier OP that although Trump said he would take responsibility for the shutdown, it is on film, he would walk it back and blame the Dems. Now he and the GOPers are saying it is the Dems fault as all they have to do is spend 5 billion dollars on a boondoggle called the "Wall to save Trump's rep with the Trump cultists. If they want to spend 5 billion, do so on our Vets. SO, I told you so!!!
I said in an earlier OP that although Trump said he would take responsibility for the shutdown, it is on film, he would walk it back and blame the Dems. Now he and the GOPers are saying it is the Dems fault as all they have to do is spend 5 billion dollars on a boondoggle called the "Wall to save Trump's rep with the Trump cultists. If they want to spend 5 billion, do so on our Vets. SO, I told you so!!!

You made a good call, but after watching the appeaser in the WH flip flop everyday, pretty much everyone knew who Trump would blame in the end.

Blaming the Dems for shutting down our government, while the Repubs control the WH, the Senate and the House, would be hilarious if it wasn't so weak and predictable...
This isn’t a gray area. Trump insisted that meeting with Pelosi and Schumer be public. And he emphatically and without reservation took responsibility for the shutdown. With PRIDE he owned it. Anybody who denies that either didn’t watch it, is delusional, or is being dishonest.

There is no wiggling out of this one. It is the Trump Shutdown, by his own words. And since his base WANTS the shutdown I’m not sure why he would WANT to share responsibility.
I said in an earlier OP that although Trump said he would take responsibility for the shutdown, it is on film, he would walk it back and blame the Dems. Now he and the GOPers are saying it is the Dems fault as all they have to do is spend 5 billion dollars on a boondoggle called the "Wall to save Trump's rep with the Trump cultists. If they want to spend 5 billion, do so on our Vets. SO, I told you so!!!
A magnificent feat of prognostication. Who could have known that Trump would flip flop and lie? Not like he hasn’t done it before, many times.
A magnificent feat of prognostication. Who could have known that Trump would flip flop and lie? Not like he hasn’t done it before, many times.

NOt really, after two years of trump we all know he will not take responsibility for anything negative, even if he created the situation. I think he will find a way to blame Obama if his move to leave Syria gets the Kurds massacred.
I said in an earlier OP that although Trump said he would take responsibility for the shutdown, it is on film, he would walk it back and blame the Dems. Now he and the GOPers are saying it is the Dems fault as all they have to do is spend 5 billion dollars on a boondoggle called the "Wall to save Trump's rep with the Trump cultists. If they want to spend 5 billion, do so on our Vets. SO, I told you so!!!

Don't get too cocky predicting the Orange Cancer would recant any given statement.
This isn’t a gray area. Trump insisted that meeting with Pelosi and Schumer be public. And he emphatically and without reservation took responsibility for the shutdown. With PRIDE he owned it. Anybody who denies that either didn’t watch it, is delusional, or is being dishonest.

There is no wiggling out of this one. It is the Trump Shutdown, by his own words. And since his base WANTS the shutdown I’m not sure why he would WANT to share responsibility.

Yep, that coupled with Trump's announcement in March that he would not sign another budget bill leaving out funding for the Great Wall Of Trump. This is Trump's "read my lips" moment for sure. A problem with such government "shutdowns" is that many "non-essential" federal employees get paid (retroactively) for not working. MAGA indeed.
A magnificent feat of prognostication. Who could have known that Trump would flip flop and lie? Not like he hasn’t done it before, many times.

Yep, Trump's positions tend to evolve rather rapidly.
Yep, Trump's positions tend to evolve rather rapidly.

Oh oh, better not say that around Trump. He probably doesn't beleive in "Evilution" either.
I said in an earlier OP that although Trump said he would take responsibility for the shutdown, it is on film, he would walk it back and blame the Dems. Now he and the GOPers are saying it is the Dems fault as all they have to do is spend 5 billion dollars on a boondoggle called the "Wall to save Trump's rep with the Trump cultists. If they want to spend 5 billion, do so on our Vets. SO, I told you so!!!

Predicting that Trump would backtrack and blame the Democrats is about as safe as predicting cooler weather in the USA in December than in July.

I want to go on record right now predicting that it will be warmer this summer than now.
I said in an earlier OP that although Trump said he would take responsibility for the shutdown, it is on film, he would walk it back and blame the Dems. Now he and the GOPers are saying it is the Dems fault as all they have to do is spend 5 billion dollars on a boondoggle called the "Wall to save Trump's rep with the Trump cultists. If they want to spend 5 billion, do so on our Vets. SO, I told you so!!!

Of course he did. But the cultists who follow him are too stupid to discern anything any more.

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