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I am so tired of the fat acceptance movement and people trying to force the world to accommodate people that have no discipline and have lost control. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 29, 2016
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Political Leaning
If you're fat the world doesn't exist to accommodate you. Get your shit together. Also stop polluting the minds of young people by making them think it's cool to accept being extremely fat and unhealthy.
If you're fat the world doesn't exist to accommodate you. Get your shit together. Also stop polluting the minds of young people by making them think it's cool to accept being extremely fat and unhealthy.
Why do you care if someone is fat?

Mind your own business
Why do you care if someone is fat?

Mind your own business

I don't. I care when they demand attention and accommodation from society for the fact that they're fat. Also I care that the fat acceptance movement is harmful to children and young adults.
I don't. I care when they demand attention and accommodation from society for the fact that they're fat. Also I care that the fat acceptance movement is harmful to children and young adults.
Like how? Give an example
Like how? Give an example

Fat people constantly complain about how a human-sized world is often inaccessible to them. They want bigger seats, bigger parking spaces, bigger everything as if it's not their fault and society should care. And again, the fat acceptance movement is harmful to young people. Being fat is unhealthy and young people should be taught that they should strive to be healthy, not that it's fine to give up and just be fat.
If you're fat the world doesn't exist to accommodate you. Get your shit together. Also stop polluting the minds of young people by making them think it's cool to accept being extremely fat and unhealthy.

How fat is too fat?
Fat people constantly complain about how a human-sized world is often inaccessible to them. They want bigger seats, bigger parking spaces, bigger everything as if it's not their fault and society should care. And again, the fat acceptance movement is harmful to young people. Being fat is unhealthy and young people should be taught that they should strive to be healthy, not that it's fine to give up and just be fat.
Again so what? Let them complain. How does a bigger seat hurt you?

Companies push that alcohol and smoking and fast food is cool .....is that great for kids?
Again so what? Let them complain. How does a bigger seat hurt you?

It matters to me. Society should not be expected to accommodate that shit. If they can complain then I can complain about their complaining. So what?

Companies push that alcohol and smoking and fast food is cool .....is that great for kids?

No, and it's probably related to the problem outlined in the OP.
It matters to me. Society should not be expected to accommodate that shit. If they can complain then I can complain about their complaining. So what?

No, and it's probably related to the problem outlined in the OP.
Complain away. Then have a beer, a cigarette and a cheeseburger in front of your kid. Lol
How fat is too fat?

I don't care about how fat a person gets if they own it and leave society alone. If a fat person expects airlines and movie theaters to make special seats just to accommodate them I take issue with that. Also when they pollute the minds of young people with fat-acceptance rubbish.
Complain away. Then have a beer, a cigarette and a cheeseburger in front of your kid. Lol

I don't drink beer or smoke cigarettes. That cheeseburger sounds pretty good though. Maybe after that I'll workout and be generally active in front of my kid too.
If you're fat the world doesn't exist to accommodate you. Get your shit together. Also stop polluting the minds of young people by making them think it's cool to accept being extremely fat and unhealthy.

Uhhhh... I agree with you but how on earth do fat people bother you or hurt you??????????????????????????????????//

Seems to me you have something against fat people you have not shared.
Uhhhh... I agree with you but how on earth do fat people bother you or hurt you??????????????????????????????????//

Seems to me you have something against fat people you have not shared.

I am tired of their social movement. You can barely use social media anymore without being exposed to it regularly. The movement is unhealthy for society and it's absurd to expect society to build infrastructure to accommodate extreme obesity.

I'll also admit to being generally disgusted by them. It's the physical manifestation of laziness and a lack of discipline. It makes me physically uncomfortable to even see an extremely obese person.

By the way they also inundate healthcare systems all over the world. Any doctor will tell you about the extreme impact caused by obese patients. My own brother works in the medical field and is starting to have back pains at 26 because he has to constantly move enormous people around to help give them treatment. It's a disgusting, harmful lifestyle and society should be louder about that fact.
If you're fat the world doesn't exist to accommodate you. Get your shit together. Also stop polluting the minds of young people by making them think it's cool to accept being extremely fat and unhealthy.
I think we can speak against obesity without belittling and insulting.
Fat people constantly complain about how a human-sized world is often inaccessible to them. They want bigger seats, bigger parking spaces, bigger everything as if it's not their fault and society should care. And again, the fat acceptance movement is harmful to young people. Being fat is unhealthy and young people should be taught that they should strive to be healthy, not that it's fine to give up and just be fat.
As long as my tax dollars are not used for big seats, it's their life . Be fat if it's your thing
I'll also admit to being generally disgusted by them. It's the physical manifestation of laziness and a lack of discipline. It makes me physically uncomfortable to even see an extremely obese person.
This statement is a good example of why there's a movement of body acceptance. Obese people get judged unfairly all the time by bigots and they're tired of it. Like you (I assume), I'm not a fan of being told what I should consider attractive, but being attractive and being worthy of basic human courtesy and respect are not the same thing.
This statement is a good example of why there's a movement of body acceptance. Obese people get judged unfairly all the time by bigots and they're tired of it. Like you (I assume), I'm not a fan of being told what I should consider attractive, but being attractive and being worthy of basic human courtesy and respect are not the same thing.

I don't berate any fat people in the street. I've never targeted a fat person like that in my entire life. By the way all of the yelling in the world isn't going to make people stop finding fat people gross. They are gross and everybody knows it; it's just a social taboo to say it.
I don't berate any fat people in the street. I've never targeted a fat person like that in my entire life. By the way all of the yelling in the world isn't going to make people stop finding fat people gross. They are gross and everybody knows it; it's just a social taboo to say it.
If you think it, it's easy to act like it and not realize it. They call those acts "microagressions" and they are not lost on the victim. Your attitude about obese people is toxic and hateful.
If you think it, it's easy to act like it and not realize it. They call those acts "microagressions" and they are not lost on the victim. Your attitude about obese people is toxic and hateful.

I think most people are secretly disgusted by fat people. Even fat people are disgusted by fat people.
Okay, time to be harsh.

Fat shaming is not the answer, shaming of any kind tends to cause other consequences, but leaving people to become obese and not try to help is both an economic and social issue.

Like it or not, pretend to be Libertarian or whatever, we are a community and there is an impact to our economy and our society. According to both the AMA and CDC roughly 1/3rd of this nation is obese with another 1/3rd being overweight.

The fact is... not opinion, not some soap box I am standing on but fact... is obesity the leading underline health issue killer in this nation today. Obesity is not listed by the AMA or CDC as the primary reason for death but both list the influence obesity has on heart disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, etc. By various studies we know obesity makes one anywhere from 4x to 10x times more likely to die from what I am talking about than those who are at a more healthy weight.

And that leads me to the economics of the matter, healthcare costs that are distributed onto the rest of us. Again, like it or not, but all health insurance no matter who provides that insurance are all based on the exact same principle. Distribution of the costs of the sick onto the healthy. You may scream socialism or communism or whatever other shit some politician says to the media but the fact of the matter is over 17% of our GDP in this nation is purely healthcare related. And do not pretend for a moment that obesity matched with "mind your own business" nonsensical attitudes magically make this all better.

So where is the line, we all do unhealthy things? For that I am not sure.

But what I do know is when the AMA and CDC say north of 20% of all healthcare costs are because of obesity we need to be talking about it and we need to do something to mitigate it. I am not happy paying another 20% just so obese people can be at home, happy, and prideful about it. We had to do this before.... with over processed, filled to the brim with awful chemicals, and horrible production of cigarettes.

This time we have alternatives that could help without having to go so far as we did with cigarettes, food and exercise would do wonders for the 2/3rd of this nation that are in some way overweight and unhealthy. And yes, that impacts us all when we can show over half the nation is costing the rest of us in a plethora of ways.
Okay, time to be harsh.

Fat shaming is not the answer, shaming of any kind tends to cause other consequences, but leaving people to become obese and not try to help is both an economic and social issue.

Like it or not, pretend to be Libertarian or whatever, we are a community and there is an impact to our economy and our society. According to both the AMA and CDC roughly 1/3rd of this nation is obese with another 1/3rd being overweight.

The fact is... not opinion, not some soap box I am standing on but fact... is obesity the leading underline health issue killer in this nation today. Obesity is not listed by the AMA or CDC as the primary reason for death but both list the influence obesity has on heart disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, etc. By various studies we know obesity makes one anywhere from 4x to 10x times more likely to die from what I am talking about than those who are at a more healthy weight.

And that leads me to the economics of the matter, healthcare costs that are distributed onto the rest of us. Again, like it or not, but all health insurance no matter who provides that insurance are all based on the exact same principle. Distribution of the costs of the sick onto the healthy. You may scream socialism or communism or whatever other shit some politician says to the media but the fact of the matter is over 17% of our GDP in this nation is purely healthcare related. And do not pretend for a moment that obesity matched with "mind your own business" nonsensical attitudes magically make this all better.

So where is the line, we all do unhealthy things? For that I am not sure.

But what I do know is when the AMA and CDC say north of 20% of all healthcare costs are because of obesity we need to be talking about it and we need to do something to mitigate it. I am not happy paying another 20% just so obese people can be at home, happy, and prideful about it. We had to do this before.... with over processed, filled to the brim with awful chemicals, and horrible production of cigarettes.

This time we have alternatives that could help without having to go so far as we did with cigarettes, food and exercise would do wonders for the 2/3rd of this nation that are in some way overweight and unhealthy. And yes, that impacts us all when we can show over half the nation is costing the rest of us in a plethora of ways.

Good post. Obese people are harming more than just themselves. Their impact on society and even our planet is measurable and it's significant.

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