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Hunter Biden has been under investigation since Obama. Why didn't Trump's DOJ press charges while Trump was in office? (1 Viewer)


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Oct 29, 2020
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Title of thread is self-explanatory.

The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry.

Title of thread is self-explanatory.

The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry.
I assumed they didn't have enough to go on at the time?

Why do you think they didn't?
I assumed they didn't have enough to go on at the time?

Why do you think they didn't?
Rudy told Daily Caller about the "damning" texts and emails in October 2020 before the election.

Could it be because there was no there there?
Rudy told Daily Caller about the "damning" texts and emails in October 2020 before the election.

Could it be because there was no there there?
Oh, you're talking about the laptop stuff. I was thinking of the tax stuff and business dealings which they're now investigating.
Barr himself was personally aware of all the details and felt no need to make anything public leading up to the election. He also stated publicly he saw no basis for appointing a special counsel. Presumably because nothing he saw implicated Joe Biden or was more significant than a typical criminal tax investigation. Joe Biden himself left only one Trump appointed prosecutor in place and that was the one heading the investigation against Hunter. Hardly the action of a guilty accomplice.
Oh, you're talking about the laptop stuff. I was thinking of the tax stuff and business dealings which they're now investigating.
The emails and texts from the laptop are being touted as evidence of Hunter's nefarious business dealings and his supposed kickback payments to Joe.

Hunter Biden has issues, no doubt. But these supposed revelations about the laptop are not a new smoking gun.
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Rudy told Daily Caller about the "damning" texts and emails in October 2020 before the election.

Could it be because there was no there there?

Has anyone noticed the people they most loudly insist are criminals never go to jail, let alone get indicted.

The only thing I can think of is that Sussman guy and that case sounds like a nothingburger facing imminent collapse, not that it amounted to anything anyway.
I think the emails and texts from the laptop are being touted as evidence of Hunter's nefarious business dealings and his supposed kickback payments to Joe.

Hunter Biden has issues, no doubt. But these supposed revelations about the laptop are not a new smoking gun.
No, they're not. It's going to fizzle pretty quickly if it doesn't get too much oxygen. It was always a lame, confused story.
Hunter Biden had a $600k no-show job on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. *Crickets* from the media, *crickets* from Bob Barr and his DOJ, and *crickets* from The New York Times. And as Hunter related in his emails "The Big Guy" always got his ten percent.
Hunter Biden had a $600k no-show job on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. *Crickets* from the media, *crickets* from Bob Barr and his DOJ, and *crickets* from The New York Times. And as Hunter related in his emails "The Big Guy" always got his ten percent.
So you're saying that Barr, Trump's DOJ, and Trump's Republican-controlled Senate were all part of the deep state from 10/20 to the end of Trump's presidency?

Hunter Biden had a $600k no-show job on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. *Crickets* from the media, *crickets* from Bob Barr and his DOJ, and *crickets* from The New York Times. And as Hunter related in his emails "The Big Guy" always got his ten percent.
So typical of the right not having their facts straight. That is why they have zero credibility in this matter. The alleged 10% going to the " big guy", whoever that was, was not related to Burisma but to some dealings in China.
Hunter Biden had a $600k no-show job on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. *Crickets* from the media, *crickets* from Bob Barr and his DOJ, and *crickets* from The New York Times. And as Hunter related in his emails "The Big Guy" always got his ten percent.
Then it ought to be easy to provide some documentation. Let's start with any evidence that President Biden is the 'Big guy'.
So you're saying that Barr, Trump's DOJ, and Trump's Republican-controlled Senate were all part of the deep state from 10/20 to the end of Trump's presidency?


You summed it up beautifully. Trump was elected to drain the swamp but the swamp was too strong. Let's pray another, stronger version of Trump comes along soon.
So typical of the right not having their facts straight. That is why they have zero credibility in this matter. The alleged 10% going to the " big guy", whoever that was, was not related to Burisma but to some dealings in China.

So sorry. I must have mixed up the Biden family's financial ties to Ukraine with their business dealings with China. I'm new to the whole sell your political influence game.
So sorry. I must have mixed up the Biden family's financial ties to Ukraine with their business dealings with China. I'm new to the whole sell your political influence game.
Apparently you have a lot of catching up to do including the Trump children.

Title of thread is self-explanatory.

The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry.

There is only one possible answer to your question.

Unlike the Democrats, Trump did NOT weaponize the agencies of government.
So typical of the right not having their facts straight. That is why they have zero credibility in this matter. The alleged 10% going to the " big guy", whoever that was, was not related to Burisma but to some dealings in China.
Ah, so Brandons corruption didnt start until the China dealings. Thanks for clearing that up.
Apparently you have a lot of catching up to do including the Trump children.

It's the they all do it defense. Just glad the the NY Times finally came grips with the fact Hunter Biden's laptop was an actual thing which existed.

Title of thread is self-explanatory.

The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry.
Not sure why this is so baffling to you. The reason Trumps DOJ didnt press charges is because they werent able to put a case together in the 2 months remaining in their term. They may well have started an investigation but they dont announce such things.
Not what I said......you must get dizzy with all the spinning you do.
You said the 'big guy' reference was related to the China corruption, not the Ukraine corruption. sorry if we got our Biden corruption scandals confused.
Barr himself was personally aware of all the details and felt no need to make anything public leading up to the election. He also stated publicly he saw no basis for appointing a special counsel. Presumably because nothing he saw implicated Joe Biden or was more significant than a typical criminal tax investigation. Joe Biden himself left only one Trump appointed prosecutor in place and that was the one heading the investigation against Hunter. Hardly the action of a guilty accomplice.

This was the moment Trump and his minions regulated Barr to the "deep state" (aka, anyone who doesn't do exactly what Trump wants). That's how the current crop of right wing idiots roll. Everything and everyone they hate is a criminal and belongs in jail, and if it doesn't happen, it's because of the deep state/shadow government/"globalists"/whatever other group they are told to hate
There is only one possible answer to your question.

Unlike the Democrats, Trump did NOT weaponize the agencies of government.

oh, he absolutely did. It's just that nothing was there. Can't invent evidence to jail your political opponents, even though that's what you people want.

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