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How Septic Tanks Help The Environment (1 Viewer)


I'm all about helping the environment. I think the trees are important - so I make every effort to ensure that I make the smallest impact possible on the environment. Taking showers every other day, turning off electronics not in use, re-using plastic bags from the supermarket. Heck! I also try to limit my politics so there's less hot air in the room!

However, there's one thing I haven't been able to do that I'd really like to - and that is,
to use a septic tank instead of a sewage system. To simplify what Septic systems are all about I'll quote a related article down below:

"Septic systems are underground wastewater treatment structures, commonly used in rural areas without centralized sewer systems. They use a combination of nature and proven technology to treat wastewater from household plumbing produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry"

No one knows what that means, so I'm here to explain. A septic system is basically the septic tank and the "drainfield" - This is also called the "soil absorption field" for a reason you'll understand in a minute.

Basically, whenever you use any indoor plumbing, all your waste is sent underground into the septic tank. Inside the septic tank, floatable matter like oils and grease are separated from wastewater; also, of course, any "Solids" are separated from wastewater too.

All the wastewater is called "Effluent". Its PEE. Effluent is liquid waste or sewage - usually discharged into the ocean when you have sewer pipes. When it comes to septic tanks, Effluent is slowly released into the soil. BASICALLY, all your pee is very slowly released into your "soil absorption field".

Any heavy solids end up as sludge at the bottom of the tank. Its POO. Sludge is basically a wet mud kind of substance - its solid, but also liquid.

ANYWAYS, every 3 to 5 years you should clean out your septic tank - The more people using indoor plumbing, and depending on the size of the septic tank - The more often you'll have to clean out the tank.

The tank is cleaned by a tube pulling out all the solids. Once the tank is fully cleaned out, a service technician will WALK INSIDE THE TANK and check all the components and make sure there aren't any problems (You can't check for broken parts, with solids all over them!)

If you only take one thing away from this article, its this. Instead of all your feces and acidic urine ending up in the ocean - get a septic tank! The urine will be put back into the soil, and everything else will be sent to a waste treatment plant to be used by the agricultural industry. Bottom line - All true environmentalists use septic tanks! So if you have the means, I definetly recommend you invest in one!
Most human waste does not go into the ocean. Most of the US isn't near close enough to do so. In comes waste treatment plants which purifies and cleans up human waste. Wiki ~ Sewage Treatment

Also something to consider is that septic tanks simply are not doable in high population areas. Imagine how big a septic tank would have to be in order to service 100 people living in an apartment building. All of them taking showers, doing dishes, taking a dump/pissing every single day. Any septic tank for such a group of people would have to be so large that it would cost an inordinate amount of money and time just to place it, much less do what is necessary for the upkeep.
Septic tanks cause extreme problems to fresh water around here, serious environmental damage.
You haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about re septic tanks.
You already admitted you don't have any experience with them, so why run around preaching as if you know anything about them?

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