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How many Pro Life people Have had an Abortion. (1 Viewer)

Ever had an abortion ? Your Identy wil not be made public I hope

  • If You are Pro Choice have you or your significant other ever had an abortion(s)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If you are Pro LIfe have you ever or your significant other had an abortion(s).

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • If You are Pro Abortion have you or your significant other had an abortion(s)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pro Life never had an abortion

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Pro Choice never had an abortion

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Pro Abortion Never had an abortion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Many people have become Pro Life after having an abortion. People calling themselfs Pro Choice often use the term to defend what they did. So I have several questions.

1) If you are Pro Choice have you ever had an abortion?

2) If you are Pro Life have you ever had an abortion?

3) If you are Pro Abortion have you ever had an abortion?
Pro life and never have never could
Well, you already know that I'm very pro choice, but I've never been pregnant, therefore, never even had to think about having an abortion. I've always been pro choice though, from the time I could understand what abortion was.

I have friends that have had abortions, and they are firmly pro choice. And yes, they were pro choice before the fact as well, so it's not a "defense of what they did". They shouldn't have to defend anything.
Stace says"I have friends that have had abortions, and they are firmly pro choice. And yes, they were pro choice before the fact as well, so it's not a "defense of what they did". They shouldn't have to defend anything."

Well you are young so most people your age are pro-choice. I was too at your age. But let me tell you, things have a way of coming back to haunt you.

I had my abortion at 24 years old. I was an educated woman but uneducated about abortion. I walked in, paid the money, sat in line, got the abortion and didn't phase me one bit. The physical pain I thought about however. Got married at 25, had my first child at 26, my second at 28. I began to think a little bit about abortion along the way. The abortion I had happened to be my husbands child.

A few years later my sister had a child at 21 1/2 weeks. They called the family in to see her before they thought she would die. She was 1 pound, and smaller than a telephone receiver. You could literally see the blood running through her tiny veins. I stood there and had my FIRST PANIC ATTACK. Not because of her size or the fact that she might die but because of what I knew I had done. I talked to nurses about fetal growth and development and realized I had been wrong, totally wrong. Not many people get to see a little one this small. It literally shocks you. The whole neonatal unit was filled with little ones.

So I went through some depression. Probably ten years after that I became so depressed I had to seek counseling. I thought about suicide. All I could do was to think of what I had done, that I had taken a life. I did research and read and talked to people in the medical field. I couldn't function. It affected all aspects of my life. Nothing helped me. The facts spoke for themselves.

On 9-11 as those building came down I gave my life to Christ. I asked HIm to forgive me, and He did. I know I am forgiven in my heart, but the facts remain the same. I took a life.
I work for The Right To Life in my state, trying to witness about my experience and to educate woman about fetal development. Nine out of ten woman (even those pregnant) have no clue about the development of the child they carry. And when I work the booth at schools and fairs......I would say the vast majority do not know either.

Funny most men posting on here say, this isn't and shouldn't be an emotional issue. Wrong. The facts themselves make abortion an emotional issue. Every photograph of an aborted baby, every testimony of woman devastated by post abortion stress syndrome, every story of woman being lied to and exploited by the abortion industry is emotional. No wonder- since all the facts point one direction-abortion kills children. Pro-lifers like myself don't make this an emotional issue, it is an emotional issue. How could the killing of innocent children be anything less.

Pro choice advocates compensate for their lack of factual foundations by appealing to the emotions through horror stories of back alley abortions and pregnancies due to rape. Sometimes their treatment of the factual data is inaccurate in the extreme.

In 1961, Dr. Alan Guttmaucher director of Planned Parenthood wrote that when, "fertilization has taken place; a BABY has been conceived."

Landrum Shettles and David Rorvik, Rites of Life (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1983), 112-3.

A 1963 Planned Parenthood publication stated, "An abortion KILLS THE LIFE of a baby after it has begun." 'Plan Your Children for Health and Happiness" (New York:planned Parenthood-World Population, 1963), 1.

What PP knew then has since been proven. Abortion kills. The worlds biggest abortion provider and they admitted it in their literature. Of course now its a money making industry.......so they don't say it today. They do not want their old literature out and they do not share this information with the public. The old stuff doesn't serve their agenda today.

I know from experience that for every abortion there are two victims, one dead and one damaged. Your friends might be fine today, but tomorrow just might be another story. You can't tell me with 100% certainty that they will not go through what I did. Look at the men and woman that suffer with psychological trouble after wars.

Woman do not have to lie to themselves about what they are doing at the moment the abortion takes place, I believe they know. And most woman who have had abortions will tell you it was not their finest hour. Many woman remain haunted by guilt feelings that never go away.
I am prochoice and have never had an abortion.

However, had I gotten pregnant when I was unmarried, I would have had one.
doughgirl said:
Stace says"I have friends that have had abortions, and they are firmly pro choice. And yes, they were pro choice before the fact as well, so it's not a "defense of what they did". They shouldn't have to defend anything."

Well you are young so most people your age are pro-choice. I was too at your age. But let me tell you, things have a way of coming back to haunt you.

I had my abortion at 24 years old. I was an educated woman but uneducated about abortion. I walked in, paid the money, sat in line, got the abortion and didn't phase me one bit. The physical pain I thought about however. Got married at 25, had my first child at 26, my second at 28. I began to think a little bit about abortion along the way. The abortion I had happened to be my husbands child.

A few years later my sister had a child at 21 1/2 weeks. They called the family in to see her before they thought she would die. She was 1 pound, and smaller than a telephone receiver. You could literally see the blood running through her tiny veins. I stood there and had my FIRST PANIC ATTACK. Not because of her size or the fact that she might die but because of what I knew I had done. I talked to nurses about fetal growth and development and realized I had been wrong, totally wrong. Not many people get to see a little one this small. It literally shocks you. The whole neonatal unit was filled with little ones.

So I went through some depression. Probably ten years after that I became so depressed I had to seek counseling. I thought about suicide. All I could do was to think of what I had done, that I had taken a life. I did research and read and talked to people in the medical field. I couldn't function. It affected all aspects of my life. Nothing helped me. The facts spoke for themselves.

On 9-11 as those building came down I gave my life to Christ. I asked HIm to forgive me, and He did. I know I am forgiven in my heart, but the facts remain the same. I took a life.
I work for The Right To Life in my state, trying to witness about my experience and to educate woman about fetal development. Nine out of ten woman (even those pregnant) have no clue about the development of the child they carry. And when I work the booth at schools and fairs......I would say the vast majority do not know either.

Funny most men posting on here say, this isn't and shouldn't be an emotional issue. Wrong. The facts themselves make abortion an emotional issue. Every photograph of an aborted baby, every testimony of woman devastated by post abortion stress syndrome, every story of woman being lied to and exploited by the abortion industry is emotional. No wonder- since all the facts point one direction-abortion kills children. Pro-lifers like myself don't make this an emotional issue, it is an emotional issue. How could the killing of innocent children be anything less.

Pro choice advocates compensate for their lack of factual foundations by appealing to the emotions through horror stories of back alley abortions and pregnancies due to rape. Sometimes their treatment of the factual data is inaccurate in the extreme.

In 1961, Dr. Alan Guttmaucher director of Planned Parenthood wrote that when, "fertilization has taken place; a BABY has been conceived."

Landrum Shettles and David Rorvik, Rites of Life (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1983), 112-3.

A 1963 Planned Parenthood publication stated, "An abortion KILLS THE LIFE of a baby after it has begun." 'Plan Your Children for Health and Happiness" (New York:planned Parenthood-World Population, 1963), 1.

What PP knew then has since been proven. Abortion kills. The worlds biggest abortion provider and they admitted it in their literature. Of course now its a money making industry.......so they don't say it today. They do not want their old literature out and they do not share this information with the public. The old stuff doesn't serve their agenda today.

I know from experience that for every abortion there are two victims, one dead and one damaged. Your friends might be fine today, but tomorrow just might be another story. You can't tell me with 100% certainty that they will not go through what I did. Look at the men and woman that suffer with psychological trouble after wars.

Woman do not have to lie to themselves about what they are doing at the moment the abortion takes place, I believe they know. And most woman who have had abortions will tell you it was not their finest hour. Many woman remain haunted by guilt feelings that never go away.

I'm sorry you had that experience.

My sister in law has had at least three abortions (we think it might have been four, but we're not certain). She's part of the group that I can't stand....using abortion as a form of birth control. Having one abortion is one thing....but when you're having multiple abortions, you need to seriously think about your lifestyle choices. Anyway, she doesn't seem to feel any remorse or regret over the abortions, and trust me, she is not one to hide her emotions about ANYTHING.

A friend of mine had an abortion in college, and now has a 4 year old daughter with another baby due next summer. I won't say that she regrets her decision to have an abortion, but she does think about it a lot. She is still firmly pro choice.

Age has nothing to do with it. Many people are wise beyond their years.

I really don't think I'll ever change my mind on this....It's not my place to tell another person what they can and can't do with their own body (or something connected to their body), when I myself don't like other people trying to make those decisions, or any others, for me.
doughgirl said:
Stace says"I have friends that have had abortions, and they are firmly pro choice. And yes, they were pro choice before the fact as well, so it's not a "defense of what they did". They shouldn't have to defend anything."

Well you are young so most people your age are pro-choice. I was too at your age. But let me tell you, things have a way of coming back to haunt you.

I had my abortion at 24 years old. I was an educated woman but uneducated about abortion. I walked in, paid the money, sat in line, got the abortion and didn't phase me one bit. The physical pain I thought about however. Got married at 25, had my first child at 26, my second at 28. I began to think a little bit about abortion along the way. The abortion I had happened to be my husbands child.

A few years later my sister had a child at 21 1/2 weeks. They called the family in to see her before they thought she would die. She was 1 pound, and smaller than a telephone receiver. You could literally see the blood running through her tiny veins. I stood there and had my FIRST PANIC ATTACK. Not because of her size or the fact that she might die but because of what I knew I had done. I talked to nurses about fetal growth and development and realized I had been wrong, totally wrong. Not many people get to see a little one this small. It literally shocks you. The whole neonatal unit was filled with little ones.

So I went through some depression. Probably ten years after that I became so depressed I had to seek counseling. I thought about suicide. All I could do was to think of what I had done, that I had taken a life. I did research and read and talked to people in the medical field. I couldn't function. It affected all aspects of my life. Nothing helped me. The facts spoke for themselves.

On 9-11 as those building came down I gave my life to Christ. I asked HIm to forgive me, and He did. I know I am forgiven in my heart, but the facts remain the same. I took a life.
I work for The Right To Life in my state, trying to witness about my experience and to educate woman about fetal development. Nine out of ten woman (even those pregnant) have no clue about the development of the child they carry. And when I work the booth at schools and fairs......I would say the vast majority do not know either.

Funny most men posting on here say, this isn't and shouldn't be an emotional issue. Wrong. The facts themselves make abortion an emotional issue. Every photograph of an aborted baby, every testimony of woman devastated by post abortion stress syndrome, every story of woman being lied to and exploited by the abortion industry is emotional. No wonder- since all the facts point one direction-abortion kills children. Pro-lifers like myself don't make this an emotional issue, it is an emotional issue. How could the killing of innocent children be anything less.

Pro choice advocates compensate for their lack of factual foundations by appealing to the emotions through horror stories of back alley abortions and pregnancies due to rape. Sometimes their treatment of the factual data is inaccurate in the extreme.

In 1961, Dr. Alan Guttmaucher director of Planned Parenthood wrote that when, "fertilization has taken place; a BABY has been conceived."

Landrum Shettles and David Rorvik, Rites of Life (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1983), 112-3.

A 1963 Planned Parenthood publication stated, "An abortion KILLS THE LIFE of a baby after it has begun." 'Plan Your Children for Health and Happiness" (New York:planned Parenthood-World Population, 1963), 1.

What PP knew then has since been proven. Abortion kills. The worlds biggest abortion provider and they admitted it in their literature. Of course now its a money making industry.......so they don't say it today. They do not want their old literature out and they do not share this information with the public. The old stuff doesn't serve their agenda today.

I know from experience that for every abortion there are two victims, one dead and one damaged. Your friends might be fine today, but tomorrow just might be another story. You can't tell me with 100% certainty that they will not go through what I did. Look at the men and woman that suffer with psychological trouble after wars.

Woman do not have to lie to themselves about what they are doing at the moment the abortion takes place, I believe they know. And most woman who have had abortions will tell you it was not their finest hour. Many woman remain haunted by guilt feelings that never go away.

Sorry for your lost, I know your Story has probally saved so many lives. I guess because I am Irish I am very emotional about the issue. Abbortion is so very emotional issue. Boy during my Life I was a jerk. God only knows if I have chidren somewhere probally living in poverty or worse killed in the most horrific way. Lord help me. The Little guy in my avatar showed me the way .
"Anyway, she doesn't seem to feel any remorse or regret over the abortions, and trust me, she is not one to hide her emotions about ANYTHING."

I kept mine bottled up for years. People can put on good shows and I did just that. Abortion is different than other things. It's not conversation one has with people especially if your the one who has had one. How many people do you know that outwardly admit and talk like they are proud of having an abortion?

I personally have talked to my own children about mine. I wanted them to know that I was not perfect, that I suffered from past mistakes and that things have consequences. I presented the facts about fetal development.
I just wanted them to know that the decisions you make in life have life-long effects. You might not think so at the time, but they might later in life.

They had seen me suffering through the years but never knew why.

You also said, " She's part of the group that I can't stand....using abortion as a form of birth control. Having one abortion is one thing....but when you're having multiple abortions, you need to seriously think about your lifestyle choices."

This is what I do not get. You're pro-choice, you say abortion is not murder and that it's basically nothing. So why would you hate that group using it for birth control?......So they pay the money, so what? If you think its not morally bad, then why would you think that way? :confused:

"Age has nothing to do with it. Many people are wise beyond their years."

WEll...........I was brought up to respect my elders. Kids your age aren't brought up that way anymore. You do not look to them for wisdom. I happen to believe that they are for the most part wiser about most things. I am not saying that there aren't kids your age or my childrens ages that are not mature.........but if I had to have a discussion or go ask advise about a problem.......it wouldnt be to someone your age. I think there is something to be said about aging.
doughgirl said:
This is what I do not get. You're pro-choice, you say abortion is not murder and that it's basically nothing. So why would you hate that group using it for birth control?......So they pay the money, so what? If you think its not morally bad, then why would you think that way? :confused:

Well, Im not Stace but I think I can answer that question.

Yeah, Abortion can be morally wrong, and no, I don't consider it murder, one reason I don't think its murder is because its not a violent crime in the definition of violent crime (not one you would make up because you consider it to be a violent act). Reguardless, thats not what Im going to discuss right now. One of the reasons why we believe in the right to choose, is because we do not believe it is the government's duty to tell others what to do with thier body.
There is a misconception among the pro-life stance that anyone who thinks Roe V. Wade should stay in place, are saying that they want to go around aborting babies everywhere and support it as the first action to take when in the situation of an unwanted pregnancy. Personally, I have a problem with the government making too many laws regulating moral values in the first place, do not take this out of context, I am in no way saying that there should be no laws regulating moral acts, but, the government has gone too far in some cases with controling other peoples freedoms based on "moral values". But, im rambling off topic again.

From a faith perspective, Jewish law does not forbid the act of aborting the unborn. However, they do not encourage this (who would?), they do encourage someone to learn more about abortion, consider the other alternative options, and consult your Rabbi on a case by case basis.
doughgirl said:
"Anyway, she doesn't seem to feel any remorse or regret over the abortions, and trust me, she is not one to hide her emotions about ANYTHING."

I kept mine bottled up for years. People can put on good shows and I did just that. Abortion is different than other things. It's not conversation one has with people especially if your the one who has had one. How many people do you know that outwardly admit and talk like they are proud of having an abortion?

My sister in law has no problem talking about her abortions. My friend that I keep mentioning, it took her awhile to actually tell me about it (we've only been friends for a couple of years), and I certainly wouldn't say she was PROUD of it, but she still feels that it was the right choice for her at the time.

You also said, " She's part of the group that I can't stand....using abortion as a form of birth control. Having one abortion is one thing....but when you're having multiple abortions, you need to seriously think about your lifestyle choices."

This is what I do not get. You're pro-choice, you say abortion is not murder and that it's basically nothing. So why would you hate that group using it for birth control?......So they pay the money, so what? If you think its not morally bad, then why would you think that way? :confused:

I've never stated whether or not I thought abortion was morally wrong. I don't look at it in those terms, because every individual person follows their own moral code, so what's morally wrong to me may not be so to the next person. It's not my place to tell someone else what is right and/or what is wrong, when it's not my life.

With that being said, it is still a woman's prerogative to have multiple abortions if she so chooses....I just think that if having to get one abortion doesn't make you realize that you're probably not making good lifestyle choices (i.e. maybe you should be on birth control) then you really need to reevaluate your life. I would never condemn someone for having multiple abortions, it's their life and their choice. But on a personal level, I think that using abortion as a method of birth control is not the smartest idea in the book.

"Age has nothing to do with it. Many people are wise beyond their years."

WEll...........I was brought up to respect my elders. Kids your age aren't brought up that way anymore. You do not look to them for wisdom. I happen to believe that they are for the most part wiser about most things. I am not saying that there aren't kids your age or my childrens ages that are not mature.........but if I had to have a discussion or go ask advise about a problem.......it wouldnt be to someone your age. I think there is something to be said about aging.

My ex-stepfather tried to always tell me to respect my elders, but I believe more in respecting those who show me respect. I'll be respectful to begin with, but if I am not shown the same courtesy, then I don't have the patience for it. I'm hardly a child, and I've seen things and been through things that a lot of people my age wouldn't even dream of. I've been told my whole life that I'm much more mature than my peers, that I'm wise beyond my age. Am I being conceited by saying that? I'm not trying to be, it's just something that's I'm very matter-of-fact about.

Besides, the only thing I was really mentioning in regards to age was people changing their opinions on this issue as they get older.
Never been pregnant, and don't intend to be for another decade or so.
Caine said, "Yeah, Abortion can be morally wrong, and no, I don't consider it murder, one reason I don't think its murder is because its not a violent crime in the definition of violent crime (not one you would make up because you consider it to be a violent act)."

Ha ha You ahve got to be kidding??????????

Abortion can be morally wrong? Oh yea.........you tell me when it's morally wrong?

It's not murder you say? If it is not murder than why do you say its morally wrong? ha ha ha :rofl

NOT A VIOLENT CRIME?????? What in the hell do you classify dismemberment of an unborn child while the heart is beating? Do you have any idea what the abortion procedure does? Obviously you do not. I would suggest looking into it. I am to shocked at your statement to say anything right now.

Stace said, "I've never stated whether or not I thought abortion was morally wrong. I don't look at it in those terms, because every individual person follows their own moral code, so what's morally wrong to me may not be so to the next person. It's not my place to tell someone else what is right and/or what is wrong, when it's not my life."

Then you wouldn't do anything about your neighbors abusing their children, right?

Do you think its ok to abort at 8 months? You will say yes of course because you wouldnt want to impose your morals on another womans right to choose? :rofl

Whose life is the childs in the womb? Does the mother own the life of her child? If she did, no court in the land would do anything to her if she hurt her kids. No court would take kids away from mothers if they owned them.
I do not own my two children. They used my womb to grow and i nurtured them. They had their own bloodtypes, DNA, organs, arms, legs........

You said, "I think that using abortion as a method of birth control is not the smartest idea in the book."

You say they aren't doing anything bad. So why do you feel this way? It"s expensive but why do you feel the woman should make a lifestyle change if in your opinion she is doing nothing wrong.

EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk about repeating the same flimsy arguments over and over again.
doughgirl said:
NOT A VIOLENT CRIME?????? What in the hell do you classify dismemberment of an unborn child while the heart is beating?
Regardless of your hyperbole, it is alegal, surgical removal of tissue, nothing more.
Do you have any idea what the abortion procedure does?
Obviously you do not. I would suggest looking into it. I am to shocked at your statement to say anything right now.
Ah, we get it. If we are not emotionally showcked into histrionics, we must just not be "getting" it, because YOU were so shocked?

It is all about emotional fervor with the prolifrs, with not a lick of facts or logic. Pathetic.
steen said:
It is all about emotional fervor with the prolifrs, with not a lick of facts or logic. Pathetic.

As for doughgirl's post, it doesn't deserve a response, until maybe you can stop getting so emotional over the issue.

Just because YOU think it is such a horrid thing, does not mean it is, and should be law. Not all people think the same way, but of course, you are obviously in total support of a dictatorship in which the laws are all determined by the feelings of one person. Skrew that.
doughgirl said:
Stace said, "I've never stated whether or not I thought abortion was morally wrong. I don't look at it in those terms, because every individual person follows their own moral code, so what's morally wrong to me may not be so to the next person. It's not my place to tell someone else what is right and/or what is wrong, when it's not my life."

Then you wouldn't do anything about your neighbors abusing their children, right?

Well, first of all, the issue is abortion, not child abuse. But you know what? I WOULD call Child Services if I knew my neighbors were beating their children, because it's a little different when we're talking about an actual living breathing child that you can touch and see and hear. Not to mention, I myself was abused as a child and often wished there were someone that cared enough to step in and help me.

So don't assume that you know everything about me, or what I would do in certain situations, because you obviously don't.

Do you think its ok to abort at 8 months? You will say yes of course because you wouldnt want to impose your morals on another womans right to choose? :rofl

If it's going to save the mother's life, yes it's ok. If the fetus wouldn't survive anyway, then yes, it's ok. But again, don't sit there and assume you know how I'm going to answer.

Whose life is the childs in the womb? Does the mother own the life of her child? If she did, no court in the land would do anything to her if she hurt her kids. No court would take kids away from mothers if they owned them.
I do not own my two children. They used my womb to grow and i nurtured them. They had their own bloodtypes, DNA, organs, arms, legs........

If the child is inside of the mother's womb, then yes, she does own it. No one else is carrying it, no one else is responsible for it at that point.

You said, "I think that using abortion as a method of birth control is not the smartest idea in the book."

You say they aren't doing anything bad. So why do you feel this way? It"s expensive but why do you feel the woman should make a lifestyle change if in your opinion she is doing nothing wrong.

EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!

That whole statement doesn't make any sense. I may personally think that using abortion as a birth control method isn't the greatest thing in the world, but it's not my choice to make, now is it? I never said that I thought anyone should make a lifestyle change.....If that's what she wants to do to her body, and if that's how she wants to spend her money, then so be it. I also never said that I didn't think it was wrong....so please stop trying to misconstrue and twist everything I say to try and suit your own purposes.
Stace said:
so please stop trying to misconstrue and twist everything I say to try and suit your own purposes.
Didn't you know? Thats a neo-con's way of winning debate.
How ironic is it that a pro-lifer would think about suicide?
George_Washington said:
Anybody can think of suicide regardless of their political views. Suicide is a serious symptom of depression and isn't something that should be made the spectacle of jokes.
So it certainly is sad when prolifers try for emotional silliness and "we must therefore be right" cheapness.

Sad when such a serious situation is cheapened by prolife political exploitation
Abortions before the fetus is developed enough to survive aren't bad....or they might be bad but they should be allowed....the fetus is just a clump of cells until that point

The thing about abortions being used for birth control is bad.....I think that the woman should have a reason for the abortion....health, or medically related , but not because she doesn't want the kid or because it would be a scandal, or any other silly reason along those lines.

steen said:
So it certainly is sad when prolifers try for emotional silliness and "we must therefore be right" cheapness.

Sad when such a serious situation is cheapened by prolife political exploitation

Yes it is sad when a pro-lifer rants on and on about their god and about emotions

but it is also sad when all of the pro-choicers rant on about the pro-lifers 'silly positions' without ever supporting their own position...
George_Washington said:
Anybody can think of suicide regardless of their political views. Suicide is a serious symptom of depression and isn't something that should be made the spectacle of jokes.

Who was making a joke? Irony can be just as tragic as it can be funny. Read some William Shakespear. I was not making fun of anyone for being suicidal. I will make fun of anyone who doesn't understand what a word means though. Especially when they make a post at 4:20.
goligoth said:
Abortions before the fetus is developed enough to survive aren't bad....or they might be bad but they should be allowed....the fetus is just a clump of cells until that point
That would be more than 99% of abortions. And that last percent, that deals with medical isues and/or the woman's life or health.
The thing about abortions being used for birth control is bad.....I think that the woman should have a reason for the abortion....health, or medically related , but not because she doesn't want the kid or because it would be a scandal, or any other silly reason along those lines.
Do you know whether it is "silly" in HER life? Are you the expert in her life, to know this?
Yes it is sad when a pro-lifer rants on and on about their god and about emotions

but it is also sad when all of the pro-choicers rant on about the pro-lifers 'silly positions' without ever supporting their own position...
Well, we have done this many times, with prolifers utterly and completely ignoring it. So as there is no real debate, why should we put the effort into debate and evidence?
steen said:
That would be more than 99% of abortions. And that last percent, that deals with medical isues and/or the woman's life or health.
Do you know whether it is "silly" in HER life? Are you the expert in her life, to know this?
Well, we have done this many times, with prolifers utterly and completely ignoring it. So as there is no real debate, why should we put the effort into debate and evidence?

Pride Honesty Integrity?

Or there is always the chance that you could educate someone in certian points if not all;)
FISHX said:
Pride Honesty Integrity?
Through lies, deceptions, misrepresentations, revisionist linguistics, hyperbole and other dishonesty?
Or there is always the chance that you could educate someone in certian points if not all
Through lies, deceptions, misrepresentations, revisionist linguistics, hyperbole and other dishonesty? I guess that for prolife, the goal justifies the means.

That's as bad as the creationists, and they lie A LOT.

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