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How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islam?[W:17] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 7, 2016
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
OK - I know this isn't going to be a popular post, but I'm sincere in my question. It has been on my mind for a very long time, especially with so many of the ways this President responds to our issues dealing with Islam and Terror. I'd like to know what other people honestly feel? Since none of us really know for sure, I'd just like to hear pros and cons about statement/feelings. I know his father seemed like a leader and later in life became a Muslim, I wonder too if that has any bearing.

Sorry, I made a typo I meant Islam in my title but don't know how to correct it.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I don't think it's even a secret.

Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

OK - I know this isn't going to be a popular post, but I'm sincere in my question. It has been on my mind for a very long time, especially with so many of the ways this President responds to our issues dealing with Islam and Terror. I'd like to know what other people honestly feel? Since none of us really know for sure, I'd just like to hear pros and cons about statement/feelings. I know his father seemed like a leader and later in life became a Muslim, I wonder too if that has any bearing.

Sorry, I made a typo I meant Islam in my title but don't know how to correct it.

I would not be surprised, if he understands how valuable Islam was, when it was the religion of a more developed culture than the European. And he was certainly well briefed on the content, meaning and implicatiins of Islam sometime during the past 7 years. Is he a closet mullah? Now that would surprise me. He might not have been an ideal President and certainly messed up badly a few times. But he is not stupid.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

OK - I know this isn't going to be a popular post, but I'm sincere in my question. It has been on my mind for a very long time, especially with so many of the ways this President responds to our issues dealing with Islam and Terror. I'd like to know what other people honestly feel? Since none of us really know for sure, I'd just like to hear pros and cons about statement/feelings. I know his father seemed like a leader and later in life became a Muslim, I wonder too if that has any bearing.

Sorry, I made a typo I meant Islam in my title but don't know how to correct it.

I think because his birth father and his relatives and his step father and his relatives and his sister I think he is sensitive to Muslim issues.That doesn't mean he is a closet Muslim or secretly admires Islam.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I would not be surprised, if he understands how valuable Islam was, when it was the religion of a more developed culture than the European. And he was certainly well briefed on the content, meaning and implicatiins of Islam sometime during the past 7 years. Is he a closet mullah? Now that would surprise me. He might not have been an ideal President and certainly messed up badly a few times. But he is not stupid.

I would never make the mistake of calling Obama a stupid man. But he took office claiming to be a Christian. And, since the Muslim religion is so different to the beliefs held by a vast majority of our citizens here in the US, doesn't he or shouldn't he have had a moral obligation to tell the public his true religious beliefs.

I mean, much of what he does with regards to letting into our country all of the not truly vetted immigrants of Muslim heritage impacts our country enormously. Does he then have a conflict of interest with regards to his beliefs that they should be allowed into our country "no matter what". What about also the possibility that he mandates leadership from the state department and the FBI etc. to look the other way with regards to Muslim's and potential threats. Just the other day, a former assistant leader of the FBI, said himself that "the orders come down from the white house to basically stand down. Their hands are tied". Maybe this is why Omar Mateen was taking off watch lists. I mean, it does deserve to be investigated. Take also that the wife of the shooter in San Bernardino walked around her apartment with bombs being made in the living area and she walks free to this day.

Certainly, there is more to all of this than the people (of all political affiliations) are being told.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I think because his birth father and his relatives and his step father and his relatives and his sister I think he is sensitive to Muslim issues.That doesn't mean he is a closet Muslim or secretly admires Islam.

But what if it does? What are the positives and negatives of having a Muslim President in the US of America? And if he was, why would he hide it prior to election or pretend he was a Christian?
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

But what if it does? What are the positives and negatives of having a Muslim President in the US of America? And if he was, why would he hide it prior to election or pretend he was a Christian?

1. Obama is not Muslim. Get over it.

2. Muslim President? Why not. As long as he or she uploads the Constitution I really don't care what idol they pray to.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I think because his birth father and his relatives and his step father and his relatives and his sister I think he is sensitive to Muslim issues.That doesn't mean he is a closet Muslim or secretly admires Islam.
This! Have nothing else to add, just... this.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

1. Obama is not Muslim. Get over it.

2. Muslim President? Why not. As long as he or she uploads the Constitution I really don't care what idol they pray to.

But why do you say he is not Muslim. What facts do you have to support that? I mean the video shown and his heritage, in my humble opinion, support more the idea that he is.

As far as your second comment - agreed. I don't care either as long as the trust is there that he / she upholds our constitution and I'll add, does the basic jobs as the President of our Country. Keeping the citizens safe is one of the very utmost responsibilities. If his direction and religion conflicts with this very obligation then don't we as citizens have the right to know and to stop it?
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

But why do you say he is not Muslim. What facts do you have to support that?

The burden of proof is on you, not Gaius.

You made the claim that Obama is a Muslim, so you must provide evidence/proof for that claim.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

But why do you say he is not Muslim. What facts do you have to support that? I mean the video shown and his heritage, in my humble opinion, support more the idea that he is.

As far as your second comment - agreed. I don't care either as long as the trust is there that he / she upholds our constitution and I'll add, does the basic jobs as the President of our Country. Keeping the citizens safe is one of the very utmost responsibilities. If his direction and religion conflicts with this very obligation then don't we as citizens have the right to know and to stop it?

Obama has stated on any number of occasions that he is Christian. He was married at a Christian Church in Chicago. He attends services at a Christian church. There is no reason to disbelieve him when he says he is Christian.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

OK - I know this isn't going to be a popular post, but I'm sincere in my question. It has been on my mind for a very long time, especially with so many of the ways this President responds to our issues dealing with Islam and Terror. I'd like to know what other people honestly feel? Since none of us really know for sure, I'd just like to hear pros and cons about statement/feelings. I know his father seemed like a leader and later in life became a Muslim, I wonder too if that has any bearing.

Sorry, I made a typo I meant Islam in my title but don't know how to correct it.

I think the real issue isn't that he admires Islam. The real issue is that he's bought into these progressive theories that everyone other than white, christian males are oppressed. The result is the desire to level the playing field by overlooking flaws and blaming the aforementioned oppressors.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

But why do you say he is not Muslim. What facts do you have to support that? I mean the video shown and his heritage, in my humble opinion, support more the idea that he is. ~.........................
Look, if you've already made up your mind, make your case as well. Nobody has to prove to you that he is this or isn't that, it's you that has to supply evidence.

Or, perhaps the far better idea had it occurred initially, not even post a thread that's clearly just a loaded question.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I would never make the mistake of calling Obama a stupid man. But he took office claiming to be a Christian. And, since the Muslim religion is so different to the beliefs held by a vast majority of our citizens here in the US, doesn't he or shouldn't he have had a moral obligation to tell the public his true religious beliefs.

Obama is genuinely a Christian. Whether he also admires Islam or not is a separate question. Many Christians admire Islam. I have great admiration for a variety of different faiths (Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam) despite not sharing their beliefs.

It's been well documented by those close to Obama that he is a deeply spiritual person whose faith has grown deeper since his election. Here's an article about it in, of all places, the Washington Post (a newspaper that has been leaning right for a number of years):
The quiet impact of Obama's Christian faith | The Washington Post

and here's another one this time from the AP:
Out of the Spotlight Obama Nurtures Christian Faith
I mean, much of what he does with regards to letting into our country all of the not truly vetted immigrants of Muslim heritage impacts our country enormously.

The Southern Baptist Convention, a reliably right-wing religious group that is home to many fundamentalists just passed a resolution calling for churches to step into the gap and welcome refugees into their families. Obama's position is in line with the most conservative of Christian organizations on this issue.

Does he then have a conflict of interest with regards to his beliefs that they should be allowed into our country "no matter what".

Nobody believes they should be allowed into the country no matter what.

What about also the possibility that he mandates leadership from the state department and the FBI etc. to look the other way with regards to Muslim's and potential threats.

There's been no such mandate, now you're just dreaming up doomsday scenarios and putting Obama in the middle of them.

Just the other day, a former assistant leader of the FBI, said himself that "the orders come down from the white house to basically stand down. Their hands are tied". Maybe this is why Omar Mateen was taking off watch lists. I mean, it does deserve to be investigated.
Let's see the whole quote and where it came from. I guarantee you you are taking it out of context.

Take also that the wife of the shooter in San Bernardino walked around her apartment with bombs being made in the living area and she walks free to this day.

What does this have to do with the President?

Certainly, there is more to all of this than the people (of all political affiliations) are being told.

...or so Trump would like you to believe.
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Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

Obama worships himself and no one else.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

Moderator's Warning:
Moving to appropriate forum.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

secretly? obama admitted on national television that he is a muslim.

Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

The burden of proof is on you, not Gaius.

You made the claim that Obama is a Muslim, so you must provide evidence/proof for that claim.

No - I said none of us know for sure. I was asking what others thought.

I don't think there is absolute proof on either side. We don't know what is in this mans heart - only what we think / sense. So, for me to provide proof is just questions and concerns about what he does and how that reads.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islam?[W

What is in his heart is not to be denied by you. What is in his religion, likewise. His religion is not germane to his secular role and function anyway.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I would never make the mistake of calling Obama a stupid man. But he took office claiming to be a Christian. And, since the Muslim religion is so different to the beliefs held by a vast majority of our citizens here in the US, doesn't he or shouldn't he have had a moral obligation to tell the public his true religious beliefs.

I mean, much of what he does with regards to letting into our country all of the not truly vetted immigrants of Muslim heritage impacts our country enormously. Does he then have a conflict of interest with regards to his beliefs that they should be allowed into our country "no matter what". What about also the possibility that he mandates leadership from the state department and the FBI etc. to look the other way with regards to Muslim's and potential threats. Just the other day, a former assistant leader of the FBI, said himself that "the orders come down from the white house to basically stand down. Their hands are tied". Maybe this is why Omar Mateen was taking off watch lists. I mean, it does deserve to be investigated. Take also that the wife of the shooter in San Bernardino walked around her apartment with bombs being made in the living area and she walks free to this day.

Certainly, there is more to all of this than the people (of all political affiliations) are being told.

One certainly would hope that the government is screening the new entries well.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I would not be surprised, if he understands how valuable Islam was, when it was the religion of a more developed culture than the European. And he was certainly well briefed on the content, meaning and implicatiins of Islam sometime during the past 7 years. Is he a closet mullah? Now that would surprise me. He might not have been an ideal President and certainly messed up badly a few times. But he is not stupid.

Pre-Islamic Arab culture was valuable, imo, but absolutist Islam, the enemy of intolerance of new or changing ideas, slowly strangled it. Cultural advance requires free enquiry by independent scholars, something that Islam cannot permit.

Obama is not stupid, as you say. Nor, I think, is he particularly intelligent. I judge him to be ruled by his prejudices - one of which is that Islam is innately 'good'.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

Pre-Islamic Arab culture was valuable, imo, but absolutist Islam, the enemy of intolerance of new or changing ideas, slowly strangled it. Cultural advance requires free enquiry by independent scholars, something that Islam cannot permit.

Obama is not stupid, as you say. Nor, I think, is he particularly intelligent. I judge him to be ruled by his prejudices - one of which is that Islam is innately 'good'.

Islam is, of course, the enemy of tolerance not intolerance.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

Obama has stated on any number of occasions that he is Christian. He was married at a Christian Church in Chicago. He attends services at a Christian church. There is no reason to disbelieve him when he says he is Christian.

Unless we compare statements he's made about healthcare with those of his supposedly chosen religion. After all, he's shown himself to be a pathilogical liar.
Re: How many people feel that our President secretly admires the religion of Islma?

I didn't vote in the poll. I'm going to declare this a sidenote right off the bat: I think ideological reasons guide many of BO's decisions.

For example, BO, who chided the W. administration for attempting to spread the W. administration's greatly expensive ideology to America of democracy to the rest of the world via the Iraq War is attempting to spread the BO administration's greatly expensive ideology to America to the rest of the world of the advantages of being American via open borders and mass immigrations of middle eastern refugees.

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