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How I see christian of today . (2 Viewers)

You can say whatever ... Persian is part of our Ummah either you like that or not ... also Jesus was never been crucified .. either you agree or not ..
I m not hypocrite ... I dont speak about democracy as you ( western people ) do while you cant even practice it in your own countries ...
Show us proof that Jesus was never crucified amid historical evidence and roman documentation showing that he indeed was.

Shery said:
What did the world gain from christian world ????
Technology ??? the technology that spread porn ,,, children porn .. women slavery .. torture ... violence ... etc...
technology that brought destruction and pollution ?
Slavery of women was a result of technology? In that case the islamic countries must be the most technologically advanced civilizations in the world.

Shery said:
One thing you must know ..if you were really good and you are now considered it as the most strongest people in this world ( USA and Western world ) ... this world should be a better place by now .. if you really were good ...
but the reality the world is not a better place at all because of you .. your greed ... your satanic teaching everywhere .. your rejection for God laws ..
I ask you again, what are god's laws?
Additionally there you go again dogging on your own faith. You admit Jesus is an islamic prophet, that christians and muslims alike pray to the same god, yet christianity is satanic teaching? Blasphemy

Shery said:
You speak that what I have mentioned here is lies about bible .. So you even do not follow what is written in your book .. and you always find a way to reform it to fit your lifestyle ..

They are those who, if we appointed them as rulers on earth, they would establish the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat), and would advocate righteousness and forbid evil. GOD is the ultimate ruler.

So you are the rulers .. did that brought heaven in earth ?? or brought poverity and perversion and gayness and all misery to other nations ..

You are no Good .. and You can defend yourselves as you wish that wont change nothing from reality ... your countries are not good .

What has your god's rule brought to this world?
oh yeah



There's one more thing I remember of your god's rule but can't quite remember.... hmmmm
Oh right how could I be so stupid.

I find it hysterical that we're all bad, evil, perverted, and what not but Shery will come here to SHOP.


Allah would be proud.

Don't worry sister. The world is shrinking. The middle east is being brought up to date. One day you'll have a wallmart down the corner and a Costco within 10 miles. Maybe even a sex shop! A vibrator and some batteries and you'll feel better.

Meanwhile we really need to work on our security before Shery comes here and takes out a mall after she's done shopping of course. :cool:
You can say whatever ... Persian is part of our Ummah either you like that or not ... also Jesus was never been crucified .. either you agree or not ..
I m not hypocrite ... I dont speak about democracy as you ( western people ) do while you cant even practice it in your own countries ...

What did the world gain from christian world ????
Technology ??? the technology that spread porn ,,, children porn .. women slavery .. torture ... violence ... etc...

technology that brought destruction and pollution ?

One thing you must know ..if you were really good and you are now considered it as the most strongest people in this world ( USA and Western world ) ... this world should be a better place by now .. if you really were good ...
but the reality the world is not a better place at all because of you .. your greed ... your satanic teaching everywhere .. your rejection for God laws ..

You speak that what I have mentioned here is lies about bible .. So you even do not follow what is written in your book .. and you always find a way to reform it to fit your lifestyle ..

They are those who, if we appointed them as rulers on earth, they would establish the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat), and would advocate righteousness and forbid evil. GOD is the ultimate ruler.

So you are the rulers .. did that brought heaven in earth ?? or brought poverity and perversion and gayness and all misery to other nations ..

You are no Good .. and You can defend yourselves as you wish that wont change nothing from reality ... your countries are not good .

You are banging they same drum, the same we are filthy kafurs argument. Your point about Iran just shows your inability to actually defend the Imperialism committed by Arabs, in fact you ignored most of my post did not attempt to rebut it, and went straight back to you typical unsubstantiated rants about the west.

If you or so fatalistic about the historical invasion of Iran by Arabs, why then should we give a **** about any of the 'alleged' Imperialism that we in the west commit on you? You know, just ****ing suck it, up "Whether you like it or not".........

Anyway getting back to your hypocrisy muslima, if we infidels have only brought technology the destroys lives and enslaves others, please feel free to use technology developed by muslimas and your wonderful prophet.

I'd like to see you type an answer on the computer, watch your muslima-brotherhood TV, hear from your friends on your mobile, enjoy many of the niceties in your home. Pray that you don't get sick either, as there wouldn't be much in your hospitals either without infidel technology. Then in your dispair you could get some higher learning at your university, but you will find it to be a shallow experience without all of the Greek philosophical writings, without the ingenuity of the Chinese or Japanese inventors, without the great writers and philosophers of the Western enlightenment. And ultimately without infidel inventions you wouldn't be able to read your Koran that well after dark, because all you will have are candles and no electricity.

Seriously, before you spout off your Islamist crap, actually think about what you are saying, every time you rant on about the evils of Western society, and then actually question what technology the west has brought, that has benefited mankind, or the Ulema, you make yourself look like an absolute Islamo-bot fool.
How I see christian of Today ?


In our holy book in Islam .. God told us to never mistreat the people of the book .. but is the christian of today is the one who been mentioned in Quran ?

No ... God meant those who has a good hearts and when they hear Quran they cant stop their tears from falling from what they have heard in Quran .

But the christian of Today ... become the religion of the antichrist
Any law been forbiden by God .. is applied and blessed by the christian community ... Such as abortion . adoption .. homosexuality ...Anal sex ...Sex with woman in her courses time ...

All that is acceptable by the christian religion

Judaism and Islam forbid pork ... and both circumsize men for cleaniness .

Christian allow pork and dont circumsize men ...

The christian go to their church to bend their knees infront of a statue ...

The pope hold in his hand a stick that carry a man who been crusified and he call him jesus !!!!

Is that the magic stick Mr pope ?????

Why I m saying that christianity of today =the religion of the antichrist ?

First mission of the antichrist is to make people believe in him instead of believing in God .

This mission was accomplished ...

Jesus was never crucified ... and this man who been crucified is unknown man which I strongly believe .. he was Judas who betrayed jesus ..

So when he betrayed Jesus .. God punished and he appeared to people in the form of jesus .. so People took him and crusified him instead of Jesus

Crusification been always a punishment ... and God dont punish His prophets ..but He would punish the people who betray HIM and HIS prophets .

So this man who been crusified was Judas .. who was able to survive after all this torture because he is the beast .. and he came back to life to revenge and to spread his wrong message ... and after years and years .. in Egypt th christian claims that they have found a Judas bible that clear him from betraying jesus

And this bible is used by many christians .

So the antichrist which is Judas .. Successed to make more than half of this world worship him instead of worshiping GOD ...

while I m watching one of my favorites movies .. which is "last samurai "

I realized that from long time ago the western world always supply countries with arms to kill their own people

This is the christian strategy supply 2 different parties at the same country .. and leave them to kill eachother

This is exactly what the antichrist would do .. turn men against their own brothers ... which what Bush and Blair and Sarkozy trying to do now with Qatar and Saudia ... against Iran ..

But I have bad news for you ... Your plots wont successed .. because your antichrist will no longer be able to support you Inshallah .

You have destroyed Afghanistan .. Iraq ...and what comes around .. goes around .. and it will be back to you Inshallah ..

let see how antichrist and priest who allow gays to get marry in holy places such as Synagogue and church ..will help you to stand against God anger .

The plot of Satan is weak ... and the man on the cross wont help u

and you will see Inshallah ...

So, your a Christian HATTER!!!:roll:
All that BULL $HIT to say that?:roll:
:2funny:Islam:2funny: is a FREEKING JOKE! Although going to meet a bunch of virgins is not a bad idea, its just a LIE!!!
OH! I SEE, your not really a true Islamic!
I find it hysterical that we're all bad, evil, perverted, and what not but Shery will come here to SHOP.

Not all of you .. but the majority .. beside last time I been to the US was in 2004 and since then I never been there and I will never go there again Inshalah...

I said the best thing I have seen there is shopping .. I was being honest that is it ... when I was there .. you were not that cruel with muslims .. and arab .. but today things are totally different .. and your hatred is increasing ..

Beside yes you are not Good ... Prove : Fugitive Marine man who killed the pregnant marine woman .. you really have a huge problem in USA .. as the violence and crimes rates always in rise ... even when you are in peace and there s no invasion as a country as Iraq

You mock iraqi and palestinian that they blowing themselves ? while you are there have no idea what is really going on there ... and how this people suffer from occupation from your troops ... your pervert troops who raped and killed and get away from punishment ...

Or maybe you think that ur troops not pervert ?? with all what we have seen about abu gharib and other incident ...

Allah would be proud.

I would be more than happy if HE proud of me ... and Telling HIS angels about me ... amen .

Don't worry sister. The world is shrinking. The middle east is being brought up to date. One day you'll have a wallmart down the corner and a Costco within 10 miles. Maybe even a sex shop! A vibrator and some batteries and you'll feel better.

We already have everything ... As I said ... I was saying what I have seen Good in your country ( shopping ) that is it .

But for vibrator .. I m sure your pervert community use it a lot ...
and Since you know that you have all this sex shop and gays shop from santa monica in LA to hollywood ... then why blaming me for calling you pervet .. You are proud pervert !!!!!

You dont even feel guilt or ashamed ! ...

Antichrist very proud of you .

Meanwhile we really need to work on our security before Shery comes here and takes out a mall after she's done shopping of course. :cool:

No need ... I will never inshallah come to the US again .. if I will go to anywhere than Egypt .. I will rather to visit Iran or Saudia or any Khalijee country .. I d rather to be warmed between my people ..

The people that your western world mock and insult them .. then come to open huge business here

This is the real hypocrit .
Not all of you .. but the majority .. beside last time I been to the US was in 2004 and since then I never been there and I will never go there again Inshalah...

I said the best thing I have seen there is shopping .. I was being honest that is it ... when I was there .. you were not that cruel with muslims .. and arab .. but today things are totally different .. and your hatred is increasing ..
How do you know if you haven't been here since then???????? If you haven't been here since 2004 then you don't know how things are today and you're just talking out your a$$.

But for vibrator .. I m sure your pervert community use it a lot ...
and Since you know that you have all this sex shop and gays shop from santa monica in LA to hollywood ... then why blaming me for calling you pervet .. You are proud pervert !!!!!

You dont even feel guilt or ashamed ! ...
You're right, I don't. I looooooooove my vibrator.
How do you know if you haven't been here since then???????? If you haven't been here since 2004 then you don't know how things are today and you're just talking out your a$$.

You're right, I don't. I looooooooove my vibrator.

actually when I was there in year 2004 .. I decide it will be the last time I will visit USA .. because when I was entering the US at the gates ... where they check your passport and give you visa .. the woman treated me so so so cruel ..
I was the last person on the line .. and when it came my turns and I was heading to her .. she yelled at me .. saying .. Did I call you to come over here .. you see I m busy .. while ..you dont have to wait till they call you .. you go foward as long as the previous person on the line finished his papers ..

That was because I had scarf on my head ... I was the last passenger in all the rows ... she get all of sudden busy ??? .. just for being a muslima .. you give yourself the right to mistreat me even while I m visiting your country

Come over here and see how we treat our visitors .. Even from you americans who invaded one of our countries !!!!!

So I m sure now it even worse .
actually when I was there in year 2004 .. I decide it will be the last time I will visit USA .. because when I was entering the US at the gates ... where they check your passport and give you visa .. the woman treated me so so so cruel ..
I was the last person on the line .. and when it came my turns and I was heading to her .. she yelled at me .. saying .. Did I call you to come over here .. you see I m busy .. while ..you dont have to wait till they call you .. you go foward as long as the previous person on the line finished his papers ..

That was because I had scarf on my head ... I was the last passenger in all the rows ... she get all of sudden busy ??? .. just for being a muslima .. you give yourself the right to mistreat me even while I m visiting your country

Come over here and see how we treat our visitors .. Even from you americans who invaded one of our countries !!!!!

So I m sure now it even worse .

So let me get this straight. One woman was rude to ya one time and now we're all perverted losers and you're convinced Allah is gonna strike us dead? Bit of a stretch don't ya think?
Look ARealconservative, I'll do it again.

Shery, you are a liar.

God will earthquake your world ... snow storm your world .. tornado your world ... rock your world ... Inshallah .... So I dont think That God will Blame me ... and I hope you can really handle God words .Inshallah
http://www.debatepolitics.com/middle...post1057503492 (Bush calls for the end of Israeli 'occupation' of Arab Lands)

Inshallah means God willing.

So what??? Regarding the post you pasted - we have major snow storms and tornadoes all the time, and some earthquakes. Not to mention the hurricanes. She's actually speaking the truth.
I don't think theres any point in responding to Shery's posts. All she can do is rant about one unsubstantiated claim after another. When someone questions her she immediately moves to another topic with no attempt at supporting a previous claim. She has no argument, no reasons, only fear and hate due entirely to her ignorance.

Shery if you want to actually have a debate why don't you pick a specific topic and argue about it; you have presented many topics that each deserve further inspection on their validity. It sounds like someone has been filling your head with propaganda and you haven't taken the time to properly analyze the facts. Its time to start putting your claims to the test if you wish to be taken seriously.
So let me get this straight. One woman was rude to ya one time and now we're all perverted losers and you're convinced Allah is gonna strike us dead? Bit of a stretch don't ya think?

Again not all of you ... But some of you .. will be dead in this torment
you never wondered why some people can survive nature disasters and other dont ?

because those who dont survive they were the one who meant to die at this disasters .. those whom God chose to doomed them in disasters

By the way some disasters happen in muslims countries too .. which means not only western world when they sin they get punished NO
Any nation regardless what they believe in .. they will be punished if they sin ...

But what I was saying that we have sinner we have bad people in my community and my world but we dont motive and promote sin as you do
Which makes you the religion of antichrist

because only the antichrist would want the sin be spread all over the world ..

I might myself be a sinner but I regret what I do sometimes .. I ask forgiveness .. i dont like to spread sin to others and to conveince them that Sin as homosexuality is a personal matter and God will loves them and bla bla bloaaaaa

well yes for one woman treated me that way ... I felt not welcome in the US anymore .. and I decide to have dignity and stop travelling there .

beside I cant travel to a country who caused all this chaos in Iraq and raped and killed all this innocent people there ...

As you said I cant shop there while other people in my region are suffering everyday from your troops .
I don't think theres any point in responding to Shery's posts. All she can do is rant about one unsubstantiated claim after another. When someone questions her she immediately moves to another topic with no attempt at supporting a previous claim. She has no argument, no reasons, only fear and hate due entirely to her ignorance.

I dont see any ignorance in any of my posts .. I mentioned facts .. things are happening and promoted in your country ... I have seen them myself ...
Also why you call it hate ???

You dare all the time to call my religion fake and insult God and Prophet Mohamed .. The difference between Me and Your world

That I dont dare to insult God and prophet Jesus

but I do dare to tell my opinion about what you believe in .. which it seems to me as the religion of the antichrist .. anything that is against God and the christ teaching .

Shery if you want to actually have a debate why don't you pick a specific topic and argue about it; you have presented many topics that each deserve further inspection on their validity. It sounds like someone has been filling your head with propaganda and you haven't taken the time to properly analyze the facts. Its time to start putting your claims to the test if you wish to be taken seriously.

No that is what you think .. it is only one Issue and one topic
Which is Antichrist rule your world ... End of story .
The people that your western world mock and insult them .. then come to open huge business here

This is the real hypocrit .
:lamo here's the great hypocrite, bitching and whining about how the antichrist goes and opens huge businesses and then going there to shop yourself.:lamo
I don't think theres any point in responding to Shery's posts. All she can do is rant about one unsubstantiated claim after another. When someone questions her she immediately moves to another topic with no attempt at supporting a previous claim. She has no argument, no reasons, only fear and hate due entirely to her ignorance.
Sounds awfully similar to someone we all know - I wonder what happens if and when Shery meets NP??:lamo
Again not all of you ... But some of you .. will be dead in this torment
you never wondered why some people can survive nature disasters and other dont ?
So then God arranged for islamic men to attack the trade towers? Is that right?
Perhaps then God really was talking with our idiot Bush and told him to invade Iraq - to which case you should gladly accept what's happening and embrace it.
Perhaps it was God whom directed that woman at the customs gate to be "rude" to you - afterall, god works in mysterious ways.
So then God arranged for islamic men to attack the trade towers? Is that right?
Perhaps then God really was talking with our idiot Bush and told him to invade Iraq - to which case you should gladly accept what's happening and embrace it.
Perhaps it was God whom directed that woman at the customs gate to be "rude" to you - afterall, god works in mysterious ways.

Do you have any proof .. that Muslims man are the one who really attacked your 2 towers ??? beside those fake tapes that been showed by your CIA ???

Though I am positive that Bin laden cant and have not the facilities and options to makes him able to attack the US this way ...

Let me bring a story I just remembered now ... From couple of years I start to communicate with some islamic group in England .. and I even start to call them from my cellular phone .. They used to send me emails about how they attack foreigners in Saudia arabia etc.......

I was wondering how come they are able to send this kind of emails while they live in a country as England ... and the police there supposely caughting this kind of people .. So I called him asked him some question ...

First I said Salam alikom ... I m so amazed from what you send to me by email ... how come british police didnt caught your group for sending this kind of emails describing in details how they attacked some places in saudia

So the men replied back : he said England is a democratic country .. that is why I left arab countries from long time ago .. we here can say and do whatever we want .. freedom of speech etc...

I said : ok .. but why did this islamic people attacking places in islamic countries why they dont attack for example israel and help palestinians ..

he replied : Oh no we cant .. dont be rough on us ... we tried many times to break israeli security and enter inside but that was impossible .. So we decide to attack foreign target inside the arab countries

I said : Ok .. but that still doesnt make sense to me ... do you think that our conversation is monitored ..?

he said : maybe yes or no .. but we fear nothing over here .. we are in a democratic country ..

I said .. OK I have to go now and we will talk later and keep sending me this emails ... bye bye

What I have conclude from this call and this emails that was sent to me from couple of years

That US and England adopt this kind of people .. fool them that they will help them against the dictatorship leaders in Middle East .. and provide them with money ,weapons and protection .. use them till they dont need them anymore
SO either they caught them or kill them ...

Fool Muslims only would fail in this trap ... As bin laden he was supplied by CIA to kill russian .. when his mission to them was end .. They knew how to get rid of him and how to have an excuse to invade afghanistan ( have more drugs trade ) and Iraq ( have more oil for free ) .
Do you have any proof .. that Muslims man are the one who really attacked your 2 towers ??? beside those fake tapes that been showed by your CIA ???
Fake tapes? Ok, since you assert so, again, PROVE IT.

Shery said:
Though I am positive that Bin laden cant and have not the facilities and options to makes him able to attack the US this way ...
Not exactly difficult to crash a plane into a building.

Shery said:
Let me bring a story I just remembered now ... From couple of years I start to communicate with some islamic group in England .. and I even start to call them from my cellular phone .. They used to send me emails about how they attack foreigners in Saudia arabia etc.......

I was wondering how come they are able to send this kind of emails while they live in a country as England ... and the police there supposely caughting this kind of people .. So I called him asked him some question ...

First I said Salam alikom ... I m so amazed from what you send to me by email ... how come british police didnt caught your group for sending this kind of emails describing in details how they attacked some places in saudia

So the men replied back : he said England is a democratic country .. that is why I left arab countries from long time ago .. we here can say and do whatever we want .. freedom of speech etc...

I said : ok .. but why did this islamic people attacking places in islamic countries why they dont attack for example israel and help palestinians ..

he replied : Oh no we cant .. dont be rough on us ... we tried many times to break israeli security and enter inside but that was impossible .. So we decide to attack foreign target inside the arab countries

I said : Ok .. but that still doesnt make sense to me ... do you think that our conversation is monitored ..?

he said : maybe yes or no .. but we fear nothing over here .. we are in a democratic country ..

I said .. OK I have to go now and we will talk later and keep sending me this emails ... bye bye

What I have conclude from this call and this emails that was sent to me from couple of years

That US and England adopt this kind of people .. fool them that they will help them against the dictatorship leaders in Middle East .. and provide them with money ,weapons and protection .. use them till they dont need them anymore
SO either they caught them or kill them ...

Fool Muslims only would fail in this trap ... As bin laden he was supplied by CIA to kill russian .. when his mission to them was end .. They knew how to get rid of him and how to have an excuse to invade afghanistan ( have more drugs trade ) and Iraq ( have more oil for free ) .

Oil for free? Here's the bogus assertion right here. Have any idea how much a barrel of crude oil now costs? How about since the Iraqi Invasion.
You are completely full of shiit. You want to be taken seriously you best start backing up your assertions with proof.
Start with proving that the tapes were fake and prove that the US and other western countries are getting free oil from Iraq.
I dont see any ignorance in any of my posts .. I mentioned facts .. things are happening and promoted in your country ... I have seen them myself ...
Where should I begin?

Lets start at post #1:

Any law been forbiden by God .. is applied and blessed by the christian community ... Such as abortion . adoption .. homosexuality ...Anal sex ...Sex with woman in her courses time ...
Actually there is a strong Christian resistance to homosexuality. This is visible in the debate over same-sex marriage. Either way it is a VICTIM LESS crime. It does not affect you or anyone else in the slightest. What people do with each other behind closed doors is between them and God. Its none of your business or the governments.

All that is acceptable by the christian religion
Even if it was it does not mean you are correct in your beliefs. You believe in the Quran, Christians believe in their Bible. They are different. Is it any surprise there are differences in moral views?

Christian allow pork and dont circumsize men ...
Another victim-less crime. We have a very different idea on what a government is used for here in America. In the US the government's ONLY job is to protect its citizens. Its job is NOT to enforce a particular religion. Our constitution specifically states such.

Jesus was never crucified ... and this man who been crucified is unknown man which I strongly believe .. he was Judas who betrayed jesus ..
What evidence do you have for this; unsubstantiated accusation.

Crusification been always a punishment ... and God dont punish His prophets ..but He would punish the people who betray HIM and HIS prophets .
Perhaps you should read the Bible for an answer rather than inserting your own ignorant reasoning.

I realized that from long time ago the western world always supply countries with arms to kill their own people
So its our fault countries USE the weapons? Lets not forget how Iran supplies Hamas and other terrorist groups with weapons to blow up infidels and even other innocent Muslims.

And thats just parts from the first post!!!

Also why you call it hate ???
Because you fear Western society and culture. You don't understand WHY there are differences so the only conclusion you can draw is that we are all (mostly) evil. Thus, you ignorantly hate us.

You dare all the time to call my religion fake and insult God and Prophet Mohamed .. The difference between Me and Your world

That I dont dare to insult God and prophet Jesus
You are claiming Christianity is a giant hoax. Many Christians believe Islam is a hoax. Sounds like you don't like it when you are insulted but don't mind insulting others.

but I do dare to tell my opinion about what you believe in .. which it seems to me as the religion of the antichrist .. anything that is against God and the christ teaching .
Once again the US governments job is not to promote a religion. Its to protect its citizens. Homosexuality, consensual anal sex, uncircumcised penises, and consensual sex during a period are victim-less crimes.

No that is what you think .. it is only one Issue and one topic
Which is Antichrist rule your world ... End of story .
Western governments just aren't morally parallel to Islam.
How I see christian of Today ?


In our holy book in Islam .. God told us to never mistreat the people of the book .. but is the christian of today is the one who been mentioned in Quran ?

Wa alaikum assalam, Shery. And on you be peace.

As you can see, it pays for us, Christians, to treat all the lost souls as human souls. Homos, low IQs, anti-Christians are attacking you like mad dogs, defending my Christianity. It pays not to stone them. No Christian has replied to you yet. I can sit back and watch you trashed. But it does not bring peace on me. So, let me guard you from the mad dogs.

We, Christians, stay with the book with all our hearts. We study it , we believe in it and we line up our lives, our thoughts, our achievements, our failures and our sins with the book, and not with anything else.

Allah told you NEVER mistreat the people of the book. He told you NEVER touch a Christian monk. You know that all monks report to the Pope, and the Pope is justone of the monks, don't you? How do you dare to go against Allah’s will?! Do you really think you know better?! I am a Christian, a fanatical believer in the book; and I stand between you and all the homos, low IQs, perverts, Jews, and clowns of DP, and you can not get to them unless you touch me. It is not in your holy book to answer why I am putting my life on the line between you and them. That would be a theological conversation between you and me, and it would be a different topic in a different setting. It has to be a setting of peace. In order to get peace you first have to follow the order of Allah. He told you, - NEVER mistreat the people of the book. Are you smarter than Allah? - blessed be His name, and let His glory and HIS MERCY to shine on all of us. Are you?
Where should I begin?

Lets start at post #1:

Actually there is a strong Christian resistance to homosexuality. This is visible in the debate over same-sex marriage. Either way it is a VICTIM LESS crime. It does not affect you or anyone else in the slightest. What people do with each other behind closed doors is between them and God. Its none of your business or the governments.

Strong resistance ??? nice joke ... that is why Gays celebrate Gay pride parade every year .. what a resistance !
Beside gays are not only behind doors .. you promote them on TV ,,, Books .. equal rights ... spread stories about gays penguins on school which is very malicious thing to start to reflect kids to accept same sex relationship ..

Dont tell me behind closed doors and dont spread fake slogens as usual such as resistance .. because it is a big joke and lie .

Even if it was it does not mean you are correct in your beliefs. You believe in the Quran, Christians believe in their Bible. They are different. Is it any surprise there are differences in moral views?
I believe in part of bible .. and I have nothing against any words coming from God ...but your bible been corrupted
Proof .. old tastment and new tastement are believing not in the same God
Jews believe in one God and not human .. you believe that Jesus is God .. SOn and the soul .. which is completely different then what Jews believe
even if you pretend that you agree with eachother

Jews eat Kosher food .. you dont
Jews circumsize men as muslim .. you dont ..
Jews believe in one God .. you dont .. Christian believe in 3 in 1 father , son and soul ... christ is your saviour !

Another victim-less crime. We have a very different idea on what a government is used for here in America. In the US the government's ONLY job is to protect its citizens. Its job is NOT to enforce a particular religion. Our constitution specifically states such.

again .. more lies ... If what you say is true .. so why in your currency you say In God we trust ? why Bush claim crusades when the 2 towers been hit ..

Your government spread Sex and Homosexuality and drugs .. so you can always be busy in other things but politics and what your governments do to the world ..

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