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How I see christian of today . (1 Viewer)

that doesn't matter. Your claim was

If it is as you so state how is it even possible that the acts themselves are sin? They would not be sin. The whole believe in christ and repent is in itself telling that the acts are not advocated but looked down upon and if not outright taboo, but that through repenting via the teachings of christ that the person may still seek salvation. In that they are then not condemned eternally for a single act of sin to which all mankind is prone to.
So again, where is this advocacy garbage, or are you in err?

I dont believe it .. who you are trying to fool ... if I lived only in Egypt and I havent seen your world .. I might doubt in my information ..
I have lived where you live and seen how people act and behave .. and what they believe in ... it is a shame that you have a LOT OF CHURCH AND SYNAGOGUE FOR GAYS ??? dont you feel that is a shameful thing ???

No matter what you say to me ... that wont change nothing from reality ..

Based on what are you more than positive. Even in the Quran it does not state that Jesus hated gays. So how can you draw this conclusion?

Based on what ???

See here is my point ... you are now showing your true face ..

but here what islam said about Gays .. So as long as we believe in Jesus as one of our prophets So certainly ... he wouldnt love what God doomed before ..

7:80] Lot said to his people, "You commit such an abomination; no one in the world has done it before!

[7:81] "You practice sex with the men, instead of the women. Indeed, you are a transgressing people."

[7:82] His people responded by saying, "Evict them from your town. They are people who wish to be pure."

[7:83] Consequently, we saved him and his family, but not his wife; she was with the doomed.

[7:84] We showered them with a certain shower; note the consequences for the guilty
11:69] When our messengers went to Abraham with good news, they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace," and soon brought a roasted calf.

[11:70] When he saw that their hands did not touch it, he became suspicious and fearful of them. They said, "Do not be afraid, we are being dispatched to the people of Lot."

[11:71] His wife was standing, and she laughed when we gave her the good news about Isaac, and after Isaac, Jacob.

[11:72] She said, "Woe to me, how could I bear a child at my age, and here is my husband, an old man? This is really strange!"

[11:73] They said, "Do you find it strange for GOD? GOD has bestowed His mercy and blessings upon you, O inhabitants of the shrine. He is Praiseworthy, Glorious."

[11:74] When Abraham's fear subsided, and the good news was delivered to him, he proceeded to argue with us on behalf of Lot's people.

[11:75] Indeed, Abraham was clement, extremely kind, and obedient.

[11:76] "O Abraham, refrain from this. Your Lord's judgment has been issued; they have incurred unavoidable retribution."

[11:77] When our messengers went to Lot, they were mistreated, and he was embarrassed by their presence. He said, "This is a difficult day."

[11:78] His people came rushing; they had grown accustomed to their sinful acts. He said, "O my people, it would be purer for you, if you take my daughters instead. You shall reverence GOD; do not embarrass me with my guests. Have you not one reasonable man among you?"

[11:79] They said, "You know well that we have no need for your daughters; you know exactly what we want."

[11:80] He said, "I wish I were strong enough, or had a powerful ally!"

[11:81] (The angels) said, "O Lot, we are your Lord's messengers, and these people cannot touch you. You shall leave with your family during the night, and let not anyone of you look back, except your wife; she is condemned along with those who are condemned. Their appointed time is the morning. Is not the morning soon enough?"

[11:82] When our judgment came, we turned it upside down, and we showered it with hard, devastating rocks.

[11:83] Such rocks were designated by your Lord to strike the transgressors

So give me one reason why would Prophet Jesus or if he is God as you are saying .. which he is not ... why would he loves people been doomed at prophet Lot time ???

They are Sodom .. and the same story in your bible .. and they were doomed as well .

What you're doing here is simply hearrasy. The Quran does not state that Jesus condemned Gay's themselves.

Though the Quran does state that Jesus was indeed the messiah

Christians do not state that Jesus is God, they clearly state that he is the son OF God.

Uh, no, human's created religion and god so as to explain many things to which they could not.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not a christian, so please subside with this "you" "you" "you".

Of course jesus is the messiah Christ Issa Jesus .. and no human didnt create religion .. Human are very weak .. Look at the sky and see how small you are ?? so creation was only made by God .. either this earth .. universe or religion.

and as long as I explained the you you you before .. why you keep repeating yourself !?
Same rules in Judaism and Islam and almost in christianity ..

10 commandment ... So why would I argue in something that been mentioned more than one time ...

Beside I believe in islam .. and when you believe in God .. He enlight your way ... and He said ...
15:96] who set up another god beside GOD. They will surely find out.

[15:97] We know full well that you may be annoyed by their utterances.

[15:98] You shall sing the praises of your Lord, and be with the prostrators.

[15:99] And worship your Lord, in order to attain certainty.

Also He said ....

49:7] And know that GOD's messenger has come in your midst. Had he listened to you in many things, you would have made things difficult for yourselves. But GOD made you love faith and adorned it in your hearts, and He made you abhor disbelief, wickedness, and disobedience. These are the guided ones.

So from 10 years I wasnt the same as now .. but with patience .. reading .. surfing .. knowing about other religions ... comparing ... thinking .. You gather more knowledge and then you are free to chose which religion did really touch your hearts and mind ...

I tried many times to doubt in islam but everytime i do that .. I fail .. I m very certain of what I believe ... Thank God .
Interesting - let me ask you this then. On what basis do you have that proves that the 10 commandments are indeed authentic? And if the 10 commandments are the only written text of god (word of god), then what does that make the old testment, new testment and quran? Seems they're all the jibber jabber of human's - not god.
If islam adopt homosexuality ... I wouldnt be by now a muslima .. I would know that is a fake corrupted religion to fit the human sin lifestyle

Please dont call dark ages civilization ... I know that civilized people can differ between wrong and right .. and when Men play woman role or a woman play man role that is not acceptable .. each one of us has his/her role ...

I said nothing of the Dark Ages, but it was civilization even if it went backwards (because of....religion, yet another great thing gods have done for mankind). Man has free will, and thus no defined role. You may live in some archaic version of the world, but things change, everything changes. You either adapt or you die out, this backwards, dark ages type, view of homosexuality will die out too. Gods come and gods go, religions die and change; nothing is infinite...not your religion and not your god and not your morals; everything evolves. It's time to get out of the dark ages and start moving forward again.

How shameful when a man allow another men to sleep with him .same for 2 women .

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. No one is saying you have to be gay, you don't have to be gay; no one is going to force you one way or the other (well at least in the US where we are free). You do not have the right to force others to obey your morals or the rule of your gods either. Mankind need not be forced to obey the edicts of imaginary, mystical creatures

God rules cant be change by human rules .. human are sinner weak ... if we leave our destiny in human hands .. we will be all doomed ...
The only one who would benefit to change and reform religion is Satan ..

I dont see any changes in the world ... I see that history repeat itself

God mentioned all of this nations before ... so what did change ? I dont see anything new came up in this century ??? Actually I see more dark ages coming by allowing more sin ...

Prophet Loot .. Job .. Noah ... all those prophets suffered from people who wants to refuse God law just because it doesnt fit their own lifestyle and how did this people end up ???

Why do you think God sent messengers or holy books ? to annoy us ?? bothering us with stories ??? no to protect us from Satan sedition .

A gods rule may certainly be changed by mankind, hell even our gods can be changed by mankind. It has happened a lot during our history. Do you obey the edicts of Zeus? Do people suffer for ignoring Poseidon? Of course not, while those gods existed in the hearts and minds of humans in times past, we cast them off because our needs changed. We get rid of gods when they no longer serve a purpose for the race. NOTHING IS INFINITE. This is something that is very important to understand. From the time we invented gods till now, we have been refining them and changing them, making new "divine" edicts by which to live by. Your god is no different, it will be cast aside when it no longer serves any purpose, your religion will one day die; nothing is infinite. Gods didn't send anything, no rules or prophets or holy books, mankind invented the whole of it. Religion and gods serve us, we will use them till those particular religions and gods do us no good. At that time we get rid of them, it's happened countless times with countless gods in the past; and it will continue into the future. Static religion will die even more quickly because mankind continues to evolve and change and our needs change with that. Your god is just one of many that man has invented, it's not the first and it won't be the last.

The only religion I saw spreading hates is the KKK ...
and I guess all of them was christian .

I see a lot of religions spreading hate, including yours and your irrational hatred of the Jews. All religion is flawed, all your gods are equally false and imaginary. And all religion has at some point been abused by those in charge to trick the people into a line of action they would normally not take. Mankind will be better off without these artificial constructs of our imagination; here's to the time when man can put its reliance on gods aside.
I dont believe it .. who you are trying to fool ... if I lived only in Egypt and I havent seen your world .. I might doubt in my information ..
Well for starters I quite seriously doubt that you've ever seen my world. Secondly it seems that you've only had your eyes open to what you wanted to see and the prejudice that you already had to begin with rather than seeing what was actually there.

Shery said:
I have lived where you live and seen how people act and behave .. and what they believe in ... it is a shame that you have a LOT OF CHURCH AND SYNAGOGUE FOR GAYS ??? dont you feel that is a shameful thing ???
No, I don't see that as shameful at all, I see that as a modern society recognizing that there's no shame in being who you are - are you fearful of homosexuality? Again, I seriously doubt you've ever lived where I've lived so don't speak as if you understand me at all newbie.

Shery said:
No matter what you say to me ... that wont change nothing from reality.
Forgiveness again does not equate to advocacy. So again, it is your claim, the burden of proof rests with you to prove to me and the rest of this forum that christianity advocates homosexuality.

Shery said:
Based on what ???

See here is my point ... you are now showing your true face ..

but here what islam said about Gays .. So as long as we believe in Jesus as one of our prophets So certainly ... he wouldnt love what God doomed before ..

7:80] Lot said to his people, "You commit such an abomination; no one in the world has done it before!

[7:81] "You practice sex with the men, instead of the women. Indeed, you are a transgressing people."

[7:82] His people responded by saying, "Evict them from your town. They are people who wish to be pure."

[7:83] Consequently, we saved him and his family, but not his wife; she was with the doomed.

[7:84] We showered them with a certain shower; note the consequences for the guilty
11:69] When our messengers went to Abraham with good news, they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace," and soon brought a roasted calf.

[11:70] When he saw that their hands did not touch it, he became suspicious and fearful of them. They said, "Do not be afraid, we are being dispatched to the people of Lot."

[11:71] His wife was standing, and she laughed when we gave her the good news about Isaac, and after Isaac, Jacob.

[11:72] She said, "Woe to me, how could I bear a child at my age, and here is my husband, an old man? This is really strange!"

[11:73] They said, "Do you find it strange for GOD? GOD has bestowed His mercy and blessings upon you, O inhabitants of the shrine. He is Praiseworthy, Glorious."

[11:74] When Abraham's fear subsided, and the good news was delivered to him, he proceeded to argue with us on behalf of Lot's people.

[11:75] Indeed, Abraham was clement, extremely kind, and obedient.

[11:76] "O Abraham, refrain from this. Your Lord's judgment has been issued; they have incurred unavoidable retribution."

[11:77] When our messengers went to Lot, they were mistreated, and he was embarrassed by their presence. He said, "This is a difficult day."

[11:78] His people came rushing; they had grown accustomed to their sinful acts. He said, "O my people, it would be purer for you, if you take my daughters instead. You shall reverence GOD; do not embarrass me with my guests. Have you not one reasonable man among you?"

[11:79] They said, "You know well that we have no need for your daughters; you know exactly what we want."

[11:80] He said, "I wish I were strong enough, or had a powerful ally!"

[11:81] (The angels) said, "O Lot, we are your Lord's messengers, and these people cannot touch you. You shall leave with your family during the night, and let not anyone of you look back, except your wife; she is condemned along with those who are condemned. Their appointed time is the morning. Is not the morning soon enough?"

[11:82] When our judgment came, we turned it upside down, and we showered it with hard, devastating rocks.

[11:83] Such rocks were designated by your Lord to strike the transgressors

So give me one reason why would Prophet Jesus or if he is God as you are saying .. which he is not ... why would he loves people been doomed at prophet Lot time ???
Simple, there are always two sides to any story. While islam focuses on the prophet mohammed, christianity focuses on christ. While islam focuses on justice, christianity focuses on unconditional love. Is there any story that is more right than the other? nope. Just flip sides of the same coin - the end result is the same.

Shery said:
They are Sodom .. and the same story in your bible .. and they were doomed as well.
They are doomed unless they repent is what the bible says.

Shery said:
Of course jesus is the messiah Christ Issa Jesus .. and no human didnt create religion .. Human are very weak .. Look at the sky and see how small you are ?? so creation was only made by God .. either this earth .. universe or religion.
Prove to me that god exists then.

Shery said:
and as long as I explained the you you you before .. why you keep repeating yourself !?

You must have me confused with someone else. So do explain to me the you you you part.
I see a lot of religions spreading hate, including yours and your irrational hatred of the Jews. All religion is flawed, all your gods are equally false and imaginary. And all religion has at some point been abused by those in charge to trick the people into a line of action they would normally not take. Mankind will be better off without these artificial constructs of our imagination; here's to the time when man can put its reliance on gods aside.
I'll drink to that :cheers:
Interesting - let me ask you this then. On what basis do you have that proves that the 10 commandments are indeed authentic? And if the 10 commandments are the only written text of god (word of god), then what does that make the old testment, new testment and quran? Seems they're all the jibber jabber of human's - not god.

The 10 commandments make sence to me ..
very wise commandments that wouldnt come out from a man ..

Because Cain start the killing thing ... So I dont think Men are wise at all .

old testment and new one .. to me are holy books that been reformed by human and corrupted .. but still parts of it true ... but I dont take it as my reference .. My reference is Quran ... which God promised to protect Quran from corruption ... and I trust God promises .

The thing disbelieve in God laws after what He did to us ..wouldnt be the right thing ..

38:69] "I had no knowledge previously, about the feud in the High Society.

[38:70] "I am inspired that my sole mission is to deliver the warnings to you."

[38:71] Your Lord said to the angels, "I am creating a human being from clay.

[38:72] "Once I design him, and blow into him from My spirit, you shall fall prostrate before him."

[38:73] The angels fell prostrate, all of them,

[38:74] except Satan; he refused, and was too arrogant, unappreciative.

[38:75] He said, "O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating before what I created with My hands? Are you too arrogant? Have you rebelled?"

[38:76] He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from clay."

[38:77] He said, "Therefore, you must be exiled, you will be banished.

[38:78] "You have incurred My condemnation until the Day of Judgment."

[38:79] He said, "My Lord, respite me till the Day of Resurrection."

[38:80] He said, "You are respited.

[38:81] "Until the appointed day."

[38:82] He said, "I swear by Your majesty, that I will send them all astray.

[38:83] "Except Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely to You alone."

[38:84] He said, "This is the truth, and the truth is all that I utter.

[38:85] "I will fill Hell with you and all those who follow you."

[38:86] Say, "I do not ask you for any wage, and I am not an impostor.

[38:87] "This is a reminder for the world.

[38:88] "And you will certainly find out in awhile."


But Men cant stop to argue ...

18:54] We have cited in this Quran every kind of example, but the human being is the most argumentative creature.

[18:55] Nothing prevented the people from believing, when the guidance came to them, and from seeking the forgiveness of their Lord, except that they demanded to see the same (kind of miracles) as the previous generations, or challenged to see the retribution beforehand.

[18:56] We only send the messengers as simply deliverers of good news, as well as warners. Those who disbelieve argue with falsehood to defeat the truth, and they take My proofs and warnings in vain.

[18:57] Who are more evil than those who are reminded of their Lord's proofs, then disregard them, without realizing what they are doing. Consequently, we place shields on their hearts to prevent them from understanding it (the Quran), and deafness in their ears. Thus, no matter what you do to guide them, they can never ever be guided.

[18:58] Yet, your Lord is the Forgiver, full of mercy. If He called them to account for their deeds, He would annihilate them right there and then. Instead, He gives them a respite until a specific, predetermined time; then they can never escape.

[18:59] Many a community we annihilated because of their transgressions; we designated a specific time for their annihilation.
yes - it is the other side to the BHKad coin.

I'm sorry, but does anyone here respect bhkad? At all?

Respect is earned, neither of them have done so in the least.
Well for starters I quite seriously doubt that you've ever seen my world. Secondly it seems that you've only had your eyes open to what you wanted to see and the prejudice that you already had to begin with rather than seeing what was actually there.

I been 3 times to The US ... and germany and italy .. I cant talk about italy and germany as much as the US .. because the US I spent more than 6 month at the first time ...

I m not saying that all your life is negative .. you might have coupld of good things such as shopping .. and hmmmm I think shopping .

No, I don't see that as shameful at all, I see that as a modern society recognizing that there's no shame in being who you are - are you fearful of homosexuality? Again, I seriously doubt you've ever lived where I've lived so don't speak as if you understand me at all newbie.

If you are not ashamed .. so why even care about God ! ...

Forgiveness again does not equate to advocacy. So again, it is your claim, the burden of proof rests with you to prove to me and the rest of this forum that christianity advocates homosexuality.

you must be kidding me ! ... No problem to be gay as long that Jesus is your savior .. and christianity do not tolerate homosexuality this way !

Yeah antichrist will always claim that Sin is a civilized thing ...
Only weak would see your hell as heaven and Thank God I m not weak .

Simple, there are always two sides to any story. While islam focuses on the prophet mohammed, christianity focuses on christ. While islam focuses on justice, christianity focuses on unconditional love. Is there any story that is more right than the other? nope. Just flip sides of the same coin - the end result is the same.

Where in any of this verses ... mentioning anything about Prophet MOhamed ???? it is all about prophet Loot and Prophet Ibrahim !

They are doomed unless they repent is what the bible says.

Prove to me that god exists then.

Repent means to you .. believe that jesus is your savior .. no problem be gay . Jesus loves you ...

He will prove to you ... later ...

You must have me confused with someone else. So do explain to me the you you you part.

YOu .. means your community .. Society .. western world .. christianity ...
The 10 commandments make sence to me ..
very wise commandments that wouldnt come out from a man.
In otherwords because you can't think of any other explaination other than that of devine intervention being the cause of the 10 commandments is the reason why you think man did not write them - other than that you have no proof?

Shery said:
Because Cain start the killing thing ... So I dont think Men are wise at all .

old testment and new one .. to me are holy books that been reformed by human and corrupted .. but still parts of it true ... but I dont take it as my reference .. My reference is Quran ... which God promised to protect Quran from corruption ... and I trust God promises .
I don't see anywhere on the 10 commandments where god said he'd protect the quran. And since the 10 cammandments are the only source to which you've stated that god wrote you can not use the quran as a reference - god did not write the quran. If I showed you a book and told you that it is the written word of god what prevents you from accepting that it is the written word of god other than your belief?
Yet are your beliefs not prone to mis-judgment and mis-guidance? Such as a dream that you believed to be real? So what is telling you that you're not being misguided and misjudging in this case?
I act as I find ... when I pray against you .. it means that the previous post was offensive to my world or some events happened by your world against my world .

Oh please, can you pray against me too? Pray for my death and destruction, it only makes your silly religion look sillier when it fails to come true.

Come on, let's get some serious prayer action going! :roll:
I been 3 times to The US ... and germany and italy .. I cant talk about italy and germany as much as the US .. because the US I spent more than 6 month at the first time. I m not saying that all your life is negative .. you might have coupld of good things such as shopping .. and hmmmm I think shopping.
What makes you think for a moment that I'm from the US, German, Italy or even the western world? Like I said, don't pretend to know me when you don't newbie.

Shery said:
If you are not ashamed .. so why even care about God !
I don't. what I do care about is false representation, lies and willful ignorance. All of which you've shown here.

Shery said:
you must be kidding me ! ... No problem to be gay as long that Jesus is your savior .. and christianity do not tolerate homosexuality this way !

Yeah antichrist will always claim that Sin is a civilized thing ...
Only weak would see your hell as heaven and Thank God I m not weak.
Actually you seem very weak and I see that from your obvious insecurity in needing to somehow seem "not weak".
Since you're making a new claim now, perhaps you can point out to who here has claimed that sin is a civilized thing?

Shery said:
Where in any of this verses ... mentioning anything about Prophet MOhamed ???? it is all about prophet Loot and Prophet Ibrahim !
Learn to read. I didn't say the quran mentions the prophet mohamed I said your religion focus from mohamed and his teachings.

Shery said:
Repent means to you .. believe that jesus is your savior .. no problem be gay . Jesus loves you
Believe in the teachings of christ, recognize your sin and don't sin any more and then perhaps you will achieve salvation. If you were better read in the bible you would understand this.

Shery said:
He will prove to you ... later
I'm asking you to. As you see it as proof positive that god exists then show me that god indeed exists. Would you believe me were I to tell you that I am god?

Shery said:
YOu .. means your community .. Society .. western world .. christianity ...
Christianity is not me, nor is western world for that matter. My society does not observe what you've described nor does my community.
so again, restrain yourself from the you you you unless it actually applies.
OK .. so let me bring this close to you ...

You would agree that your government brought laws and rules that you must follow .. and if you break it .. you may get punished ..

But You will have to follow this country or government rules and laws .. though this laws and rules has been made by human

but You dont agree to follow the law and rules that been sent by God to human ...

Conclusion ... You follow the thing that you can see and touch .. the law that been applied by other human

But you refuse the law of God .. because you think it is fake and not worth to be followed ??? right ???

And we must obey and follow the government but the government should not follow God rules and Laws

because human laws and rules are much better than God 's law ..!!

No. I believe religion is the expression of ones soul, of ones faith and belief. Religion, forced by a government upon people, is a cheap and tawdry thing that insults and distorts the true meaning of the religion. Religion, not taking freely upon a person, is worthless and more than that destructive and wrong. You seek a world where everyone is forced, by the government, to follow the religion and the rules of the god you believe. I seek a world where every person is free to practice the religion that their soul calls to and where religion is pure because it is the CHOICE of the person to practice it.
No. I believe religion is the expression of ones soul, of ones faith and belief. Religion, forced by a government upon people, is a cheap and tawdry thing that insults and distorts the true meaning of the religion. Religion, not taking freely upon a person, is worthless and more than that destructive and wrong. You seek a world where everyone is forced, by the government, to follow the religion and the rules of the god you believe. I seek a world where every person is free to practice the religion that their soul calls to and where religion is pure because it is the CHOICE of the person to practice it.

And these are the Christians I deeply respect and am proud to share U.S. heritage with.
How I see christian of Today ?


In our holy book in Islam .. God told us to never mistreat the people of the book .. but is the christian of today is the one who been mentioned in Quran ?

No ... God meant those who has a good hearts and when they hear Quran they cant stop their tears from falling from what they have heard in Quran .

But the christian of Today ... become the religion of the antichrist
Any law been forbiden by God .. is applied and blessed by the christian community ... Such as abortion . adoption .. homosexuality ...Anal sex ...Sex with woman in her courses time ...

All that is acceptable by the christian religion

Judaism and Islam forbid pork ... and both circumsize men for cleaniness .

Christian allow pork and dont circumsize men ...

The christian go to their church to bend their knees infront of a statue ...

The pope hold in his hand a stick that carry a man who been crusified and he call him jesus !!!!

Is that the magic stick Mr pope ?????

Why I m saying that christianity of today =the religion of the antichrist ?

First mission of the antichrist is to make people believe in him instead of believing in God .

This mission was accomplished ...

Jesus was never crucified ... and this man who been crucified is unknown man which I strongly believe .. he was Judas who betrayed jesus ..

So when he betrayed Jesus .. God punished and he appeared to people in the form of jesus .. so People took him and crusified him instead of Jesus

Crusification been always a punishment ... and God dont punish His prophets ..but He would punish the people who betray HIM and HIS prophets .

So this man who been crusified was Judas .. who was able to survive after all this torture because he is the beast .. and he came back to life to revenge and to spread his wrong message ... and after years and years .. in Egypt th christian claims that they have found a Judas bible that clear him from betraying jesus

And this bible is used by many christians .

So the antichrist which is Judas .. Successed to make more than half of this world worship him instead of worshiping GOD ...

while I m watching one of my favorites movies .. which is "last samurai "

I realized that from long time ago the western world always supply countries with arms to kill their own people

This is the christian strategy supply 2 different parties at the same country .. and leave them to kill eachother

This is exactly what the antichrist would do .. turn men against their own brothers ... which what Bush and Blair and Sarkozy trying to do now with Qatar and Saudia ... against Iran ..

But I have bad news for you ... Your plots wont successed .. because your antichrist will no longer be able to support you Inshallah .

You have destroyed Afghanistan .. Iraq ...and what comes around .. goes around .. and it will be back to you Inshallah ..

let see how antichrist and priest who allow gays to get marry in holy places such as Synagogue and church ..will help you to stand against God anger .

The plot of Satan is weak ... and the man on the cross wont help u

and you will see Inshallah ...

Oh Sherry please cut the hypocrisy. Please tell me what your Koran and Sharia law advocate for Jews and Christians if they accept dhimi status under your muslima ways?

Please enlighten us kufurs (like atheists like myself) would be treated under sharia law.

Sherry what is wrong with eating pork? Don't give me the usual argument about being unclean, or having parasites in their meat..... A) If you actually see other farm animals, they can have very unclean habits. B) Parasites can found in halal animals.......

Your Allah must have really got confused about the male foreskin. First he creates one because it serves a purpose in sexual intercourse, but then he realizes that if muslima men are too lazy to use soap and water it will no longer be nice and clean for muslima women. Oh yes circumcision, makes so much sense when God 'designed the forskin' in the first palce.

Sherry have you actually got any proof, apart from your Koran that says Jesus wasn't cruicified? I mean its bad enough that Chrisitians believe that he came back from the dead, but muslimas some how think that he just floated to heaven.... Ha ha, I like that one.

You know what, how about you provide me with some proof that Jesus even existed, outside of the New Testament or the Koran.

Oh Sherry you forget the Muslimas love invading other nations. Sherry why don't you tell us about the Muslimas that thought it would be a great idea to bring Persia into the Ulema? How they destroyed Persian culture, destroyed the religion of Zoroastrianism.

How the Ulema invaded, by force whole areas of the Middle East. Sherry don't you know that before you ancestors lost to the Arab armies, Egyptians were Chrisitians, Jews, and animists. Interesting how muslimas forget their past......

How about you share your knowledge of the Imperialist Ottaman Turks that invaded Europe, and where only stopped from turning Europe into a muslima nation, by the Austrians outside tha gates of Vienna.

Sherry, how about you tell us about the Moors, that weren't just content to live in their native North Africa, but had to 'convert' the infidels in the peninsula of Iberia (now Spain and Portugal).

Sherry how about you share with us the history of the Muslima armies that tried to invade Sicily?

Sherry how about telling us how Muslima farmers grow opium in Afghanistan, and how the Taleban and Al-Queda traffic this crop to earn cash so that they can fight the infidels.

Western society is not the anti-christ, neither is the Middle East. But lets face it your culture is sex obsessed, and not in healthy way. What kind of religion obsesses about homosexuality, anal sex between heterosexuals, has a god that creates women but then wants them to be modest, because the men he created can't control themselves? What kind of society whole handedly rejects enlightenment, individual values, capitalism, and scientific inquiry, yet uses the very technology generated by infidel values?

As has been said before, if your culture does not change to infidel ways once you run out of oil, you can have all you Korans, madrases, sharia law, pious men and women, but you muslimas will be poor and un-educated fools. only wallowing in theocracy. And then who will you blame for your woes?

Your hypocrisy is amazing Muslima.
Many things you say that christanity is for your wrong. They are against gay sex, abortion, sex before marrige, and pretty much anything with pleasure. Also Jesus died according to the bible for your sins, my sins, and everyone else's. So please look up your facts that would be great. Also Jesus was crucified the Romans have records of this.
Oh my God "shery the Muslim" insulted the Pope and Jesus! We must run to the streets and riot killing a couple of hundred of people who had nothing to do with this!.....:roll:

Is your burka on too tight?
I think its cutting off the O2 from your brain...
those who you call them terrorist are my people ... in your eye they are terrorist ... in my opinion .. they resist your invasion to their countries ..

The ones who behead, kill civillians, strap bombs to themselves are "your people"? What about the ones that support us? Are they your people to or are you just a terrorist wannabe?

they defend their proud and dignity and trying to get freedom ...

Freedom to treat women like dogs?

God is fair ..

All hail the camel god! :roll:

and if you are the right side .. you wouldnt fear my prayers .. because if I m the bad one .. God wouldnt reply me back .. God is fair and He knows who deserve what ... He created this world and He knows how to manage it .

On what planet would you think that I would fear your prayers :lol:

And yes you are the bad one.

Like I said your god is laughing at you.
Hang on there, you speak as if you know what God's rules are. So tell me then what are god's rules? How do you know without doubt that they are indeed god's rules?

No chitty chitty bang bang! Some dood handed her a Koran and said (this is the word of god).... And she believes it.
Oh my God "shery the Muslim" insulted the Pope and Jesus! We must run to the streets and riot killing a couple of hundred of people who had nothing to do with this!.....:roll:

Is your burka on too tight?
I think its cutting off the O2 from your brain...

Show me one single insult to prophet jesus ???

I dont dare to insult him .. he is one of our prophet ...

I dont dare to paint prophets or mock them as you do ...

but I sare to mock the pope .. though I didnt insult him .

I think I was very clear .. and dont try to put words on my mouth ..
because I dont even dare to insult prophet jesus ..

The only people who dare insult God and Prophets is western people .
Show me one single insult to prophet jesus ???

I dont dare to insult him .. he is one of our prophet ...

I dont dare to paint prophets or mock them as you do ...

but I sare to mock the pope .. though I didnt insult him .

I think I was very clear .. and dont try to put words on my mouth ..
because I dont even dare to insult prophet jesus ..

The only people who dare insult God and Prophets is western people .

Shery, you insuly god anytime you post about praying for others deaths.
Oh Sherry please cut the hypocrisy. Please tell me what your Koran and Sharia law advocate for Jews and Christians if they accept dhimi status under your muslima ways?

Please enlighten us kufurs (like atheists like myself) would be treated under sharia law.

Sherry what is wrong with eating pork? Don't give me the usual argument about being unclean, or having parasites in their meat..... A) If you actually see other farm animals, they can have very unclean habits. B) Parasites can found in halal animals.......

Your Allah must have really got confused about the male foreskin. First he creates one because it serves a purpose in sexual intercourse, but then he realizes that if muslima men are too lazy to use soap and water it will no longer be nice and clean for muslima women. Oh yes circumcision, makes so much sense when God 'designed the forskin' in the first palce.

Sherry have you actually got any proof, apart from your Koran that says Jesus wasn't cruicified? I mean its bad enough that Chrisitians believe that he came back from the dead, but muslimas some how think that he just floated to heaven.... Ha ha, I like that one.

You know what, how about you provide me with some proof that Jesus even existed, outside of the New Testament or the Koran.

Oh Sherry you forget the Muslimas love invading other nations. Sherry why don't you tell us about the Muslimas that thought it would be a great idea to bring Persia into the Ulema? How they destroyed Persian culture, destroyed the religion of Zoroastrianism.

How the Ulema invaded, by force whole areas of the Middle East. Sherry don't you know that before you ancestors lost to the Arab armies, Egyptians were Chrisitians, Jews, and animists. Interesting how muslimas forget their past......

How about you share your knowledge of the Imperialist Ottaman Turks that invaded Europe, and where only stopped from turning Europe into a muslima nation, by the Austrians outside tha gates of Vienna.

Sherry, how about you tell us about the Moors, that weren't just content to live in their native North Africa, but had to 'convert' the infidels in the peninsula of Iberia (now Spain and Portugal).

Sherry how about you share with us the history of the Muslima armies that tried to invade Sicily?

Sherry how about telling us how Muslima farmers grow opium in Afghanistan, and how the Taleban and Al-Queda traffic this crop to earn cash so that they can fight the infidels.

Western society is not the anti-christ, neither is the Middle East. But lets face it your culture is sex obsessed, and not in healthy way. What kind of religion obsesses about homosexuality, anal sex between heterosexuals, has a god that creates women but then wants them to be modest, because the men he created can't control themselves? What kind of society whole handedly rejects enlightenment, individual values, capitalism, and scientific inquiry, yet uses the very technology generated by infidel values?

As has been said before, if your culture does not change to infidel ways once you run out of oil, you can have all you Korans, madrases, sharia law, pious men and women, but you muslimas will be poor and un-educated fools. only wallowing in theocracy. And then who will you blame for your woes?

Your hypocrisy is amazing Muslima.

You can say whatever ... Persian is part of our Ummah either you like that or not ... also Jesus was never been crucified .. either you agree or not ..
I m not hypocrite ... I dont speak about democracy as you ( western people ) do while you cant even practice it in your own countries ...

What did the world gain from christian world ????
Technology ??? the technology that spread porn ,,, children porn .. women slavery .. torture ... violence ... etc...

technology that brought destruction and pollution ?

One thing you must know ..if you were really good and you are now considered it as the most strongest people in this world ( USA and Western world ) ... this world should be a better place by now .. if you really were good ...
but the reality the world is not a better place at all because of you .. your greed ... your satanic teaching everywhere .. your rejection for God laws ..

You speak that what I have mentioned here is lies about bible .. So you even do not follow what is written in your book .. and you always find a way to reform it to fit your lifestyle ..

They are those who, if we appointed them as rulers on earth, they would establish the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat), and would advocate righteousness and forbid evil. GOD is the ultimate ruler.

So you are the rulers .. did that brought heaven in earth ?? or brought poverity and perversion and gayness and all misery to other nations ..

You are no Good .. and You can defend yourselves as you wish that wont change nothing from reality ... your countries are not good .

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