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How I see christian of today . (1 Viewer)


Dec 22, 2007
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How I see christian of Today ?


In our holy book in Islam .. God told us to never mistreat the people of the book .. but is the christian of today is the one who been mentioned in Quran ?

No ... God meant those who has a good hearts and when they hear Quran they cant stop their tears from falling from what they have heard in Quran .

But the christian of Today ... become the religion of the antichrist
Any law been forbiden by God .. is applied and blessed by the christian community ... Such as abortion . adoption .. homosexuality ...Anal sex ...Sex with woman in her courses time ...

All that is acceptable by the christian religion

Judaism and Islam forbid pork ... and both circumsize men for cleaniness .

Christian allow pork and dont circumsize men ...

The christian go to their church to bend their knees infront of a statue ...

The pope hold in his hand a stick that carry a man who been crusified and he call him jesus !!!!

Is that the magic stick Mr pope ?????

Why I m saying that christianity of today =the religion of the antichrist ?

First mission of the antichrist is to make people believe in him instead of believing in God .

This mission was accomplished ...

Jesus was never crucified ... and this man who been crucified is unknown man which I strongly believe .. he was Judas who betrayed jesus ..

So when he betrayed Jesus .. God punished and he appeared to people in the form of jesus .. so People took him and crusified him instead of Jesus

Crusification been always a punishment ... and God dont punish His prophets ..but He would punish the people who betray HIM and HIS prophets .

So this man who been crusified was Judas .. who was able to survive after all this torture because he is the beast .. and he came back to life to revenge and to spread his wrong message ... and after years and years .. in Egypt th christian claims that they have found a Judas bible that clear him from betraying jesus

And this bible is used by many christians .

So the antichrist which is Judas .. Successed to make more than half of this world worship him instead of worshiping GOD ...

while I m watching one of my favorites movies .. which is "last samurai "

I realized that from long time ago the western world always supply countries with arms to kill their own people

This is the christian strategy supply 2 different parties at the same country .. and leave them to kill eachother

This is exactly what the antichrist would do .. turn men against their own brothers ... which what Bush and Blair and Sarkozy trying to do now with Qatar and Saudia ... against Iran ..

But I have bad news for you ... Your plots wont successed .. because your antichrist will no longer be able to support you Inshallah .

You have destroyed Afghanistan .. Iraq ...and what comes around .. goes around .. and it will be back to you Inshallah ..

let see how antichrist and priest who allow gays to get marry in holy places such as Synagogue and church ..will help you to stand against God anger .

The plot of Satan is weak ... and the man on the cross wont help u

and you will see Inshallah ...
.....and a time may come, when the followers of Allah actually begin to understand the teachings of the prophet that do not focus on violence and destruction of the infadel...Inshallah

Not that you will reach this enlightenment before submitting to the animal within you.
All religions are silly.

Out of the big three though, Islam is the most ridiculous of them all.

And if you live your life with out trying bacon once - it's your loss.
what is FBI ? fake bureau of insanity ?

look whos talking about violence .. it really crack me up when I see a western person speak or dare to speak about violence

Who spread all this weapons to the world ? who start the world war 1 and 2

Who has Guantanamo ??? who had the Abu gharib scandal ???

who has the most violent country in the world with the highest rates of crimes ?

who spread violence on movies and games ..

hhaaaaa who you think you are fooling!!!!!!

When you say violence .. Americans pop up in my mind ..

You cowboys ... you built your land on thousand of dead native americans bodies from ur slaughter since you invade their lands ... and you are talking about violence ?? you genocide a whole country with their whole cultuer and even native americans feels ashamed about who they are because of your movies which is called ( the silent genocide ) ...

Maybe you can fool those muslims who wants to kiss :kissass but not me ...

your stereotype .. and your old style unfortunately wouldnt work with some1 as me ....

Violence lol .. look whos talking ...

The most savages nations in this world .... most of the world had suffered from your violence .. plots .. greed ...

Vatican who supported every savage action against humanity ..

But tell you what ???

This man on the cross wont help you ... I promise you that Inshallah .

let see if your pope can really help you with this stick he carry it on his hand ... ??? or no .

actually you reminds me a lot of every nation who turned their prophet to God .. instead of praying and worshiping God .. They seeked something they can see and touch .. so they build statue to worship it ...

whatever if it is a human statue or an animal statue ..

I m sure Jesus and Saint marry arent so happy about those fake statues you pray for in your holy places .. !!!!!!
the US has the "highest rate of crime"?

listen, "Shery", here's the deal.

Western Civilization is a better civilization then yours. The brief ascednecy of the Middle East was a fluke brought on only by the collapse of the Roman Empire. We built the steam engine, built the machine gun, discovered pennecilin and harnessed the atom. You're primitive savages adherant to a barbaric and backward religion. Nationalism and secularism are the only ways to modernity, and because of this you will continue to suffer in perpetual backwardness. It took the West centuries to crawl out of the pit of superstition and we will never be forced back into it again.

The only reason that your civilization is given the bare amount of attention it is is because of your petroleum. as soon as it runs out you'll join Africa in "that wretched part of world we don't care about".

All of this goes double for the American South.
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All religions are silly.

Out of the big three though, Islam is the most ridiculous of them all.

And if you live your life with out trying bacon once - it's your loss.


the US has the "highest rate of crime"?

listen, "Shery", here's the deal.

Western Civilization is a better civilization then yours. The brief ascednecy of the Middle East was a fluke brought on only by the collapse of the Roman Empire. We built the steam engine, built the machine gun, discovered pennecilin and harnessed the atom. You're primitive savages adherant to a barbaric and backward religion. Nationalism and secularism are the only ways to modernity, and because of this you will continue to suffer in perpetual backwardness. It took the West centuries to crawl out of the pit of superstition and we will never be forced back into it again.

No your civilization is the antichrist civilization .. the civilization that promote to return to the dark ages when women were cheap meat trade by men .. which is happening but in different style in our century ..

your civilization built engine .. guns not to buid but to destroy and to pollute the heaven in earth ...

I havent seen any barbaric more than you ... who end up that sister and brother figure out on their wedding that they are brother .. and because you allow everything forbiden .. this is the result of your sin .. a chaos and hassel everywhere

and I didnt know that American woman are that sweet .. till I saw this american soldier totaly naked laughing and at her hand a saw while a dead iraqi body beside her ... and she is proud ... I didnt know that you are that savage till I saw it with my own eyes .. and published by your own media ..

If I spent a whole day mention how savage and barbaric is your nation ... it wouldnt be enough to mention all your crimes against humanity .

The only reason that your civilization is given the bare amount of attention it is is because of your petroleum. as soon as it runs out you'll join Africa in "that wretched part of world we don't care about".

All of this goes double for the American South.

Yeah and because you are very civilized nation .... you decide to come here to show some of your civilization of greed and barbaric in Iraq and Afghanistan ...

I m not sure about Joining africa .. because I m already part of Africa and I m more than well Hamdulilah ( thank God ) ... and I will be always more than OK ... because of God will .. even if your antichrist has another opinion .

Every day .. I realize that every word in Islam is more than true

Prophet Mohamed said there will be time .. of the antichrist when weak soul will see his hell as heaven .. which is the poor souls sees america and western world as heaven while it is the real hell

and The believer will see your heaven as hell ... which is the true you .. the true you who allow every sin to be commited and blessed by your religion .. priest and law ..

Why you think every country has a law ?? and why when you break the law you go to jail ??? and get punished ??? ...

I hope you can imagine what will happen when you keep and insist and bless breaking GOD Laws .
Oh good, more religious lunatics, that's all we need. :roll:
who start the world war 1 and 2

The United States didn't start those wars.

This proves how ignorant you are. Ask yourself honestly, "If I can be so wrong about this, what else am I wrong about".
The United States didn't start those wars.

This proves how ignorant you are. Ask yourself honestly, "If I can be so wrong about this, what else am I wrong about".

This thread about christian .. Mr smart .. not about USA ..
and Christian and western world is the one who start this wars ..

Read before you comment ... Mr well educated !
This thread about christian .. Mr smart .. not about USA ..
and Christian and western world is the one who start this wars ..

Read before you comment ... Mr well educated !

So, you picked out a couple wars started by Christian Nations - and this leads you to your end rant?

Christianity makes up what? About 33% of the World. The next closest is around 20%.

So the numbers alone would indicate that most wars should involve Christian Nations.

Seems pretty stupid to me.
So, you picked out a couple wars started by Christian Nations - and this leads you to your end rant?

Christianity makes up what? About 33% of the World. The next closest is around 20%.

So the numbers alone would indicate that most wars should involve Christian Nations.

Seems pretty stupid to me.

Since this 2 war world .. till now ... Christian are funding wars
and weapons trade ... and You will never stop ...

Admit it .. You are not peaceful countries or peaceful people ...

when I been in USA .. people always warned me to talk to stranger because they always said that spycho is out there

You can go with a nice guy for a date .. it end up your whole life ..

Your community is very violent .. why you ignore what happened in abu gharib like nothing did happen ?? which is something should be a very dangerous sign about your culture and your generation ..

and I will keep repeat abu gharib because it was a really disgusted event .. that been ignored like nothing did happen !

Daily rape and killing by your troops in Iraq .. and You call us violent ..

Double standard values is always exist in your world .
Since this 2 war world .. till now ... Christian are funding wars
and weapons trade ... and You will never stop ...

Admit it .. You are not peaceful countries or peaceful people ...

when I been in USA .. people always warned me to talk to stranger because they always said that spycho is out there

You can go with a nice guy for a date .. it end up your whole life ..

Your community is very violent .. why you ignore what happened in abu gharib like nothing did happen ?? which is something should be a very dangerous sign about your culture and your generation ..

and I will keep repeat abu gharib because it was a really disgusted event .. that been ignored like nothing did happen !

Daily rape and killing by your troops in Iraq .. and You call us violent ..

Double standard values is always exist in your world .

Your religion isn't peaceful.

I'm an athiest - how well does that play in your region?

Your religion isn't peaceful.

I'm an athiest - how well does that play in your region?

No one cares what do you believe in ... we are not God

What you believe is your own business as long you respect our beliefs and tradition ..

I had a japanese vistor from couple of days .. she dont believe in God ..

and I will ask her to join the forum to tell you .. about her experience in Egypt ... and now she is in india ...

As long you dont desire to harm and occupy our land ..

and keep irritating us by putting more troops in iraq and afghanistan ..
So we dont care .. what you believe in .. even if you believe in your own small finger in your feet !

and seems you never been to the middle east ...
No one cares what do you believe in ... we are not God

What you believe is your own business as long you respect our beliefs and tradition ..

I had a japanese vistor from couple of days .. she dont believe in God ..

and I will ask her to join the forum to tell you .. about her experience in Egypt ... and now she is in india ...

As long you dont desire to harm and occupy our land ..

and keep irritating us by putting more troops in iraq and afghanistan ..
So we dont care .. what you believe in .. even if you believe in your own small finger in your feet !

and seems you never been to the middle east ...

It is safe to say I will never visit the Middle East.

I don't respect your beliefs or traditions. At times I would feel the need to express my feelings, and would be putting my life in grave danger by doing so.

You have so little respect for my beliefs, that I must remain silent, whereas you can shout your beliefs from the roof tops.
It is safe to say I will never visit the Middle East.

I don't respect your beliefs or traditions. At times I would feel the need to express my feelings, and would be putting my life in grave danger by doing so.

You have so little respect for my beliefs, that I must remain silent, whereas you can shout your beliefs from the roof tops.
It is not our loss ... dont bother to come !

one thing you need to know ... who live comfortably in middle east wouldnt want to live in the US ..

You have no life in the US .. your life has no taste ..

SOmething about here with all the disadvantages we have ... is totally different .. we have something you dont have ...

Which I believe it is satisfaction ... many kind people here ..

I cant deny there s kind people in USA ... but I wouldnt want to live in USA .

USA only for shopping ... visit .. but for living .. no way .
It is not our loss ... dont bother to come !

one thing you need to know ... who live comfortably in middle east wouldnt want to live in the US ..

You have no life in the US .. your life has no taste ..

SOmething about here with all the disadvantages we have ... is totally different .. we have something you dont have ...

Which I believe it is satisfaction ... many kind people here ..

I cant deny there s kind people in USA ... but I wouldnt want to live in USA .

USA only for shopping ... visit .. but for living .. no way .

freedom of expression isn't for everyone.

You would likely be miserable here as I would be miserable there.
Shery is not a real muslim. I have asked her to translate this twice. She has not:

Yep, people naked being lead around on a leash is MUCH more violent then rape rooms, pain inducing torture chambers, and whatever acts would lead to giant pits of buried bodies.

YEP! OUR VIOLENT SOCIETY IS THE ONLY CAUSE OF PAIN IN IRAQ. Everyone lived happily and splendidly with no pain from anyone any where in any way before the U.S. came. Saddam was a teddy bear that never hurt a soul. Only americans and christians can hurt people! DON"T YOU SEE THE TRUTH PEOPLE! LISTEN TO THE POOR SPEAKING TROLL!

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