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How Flynn can still win his case. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
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Political Leaning
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.

I wonder what remedy a judge might have...hmmm... can you say contempt of court?
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.

Interesting thing, so you would approve a Biden DoJ just not having a prosecutor show up for ANYTHING that is partisan. Good call. Do you realize what a corrupt form of justice you are advocating?

It's folks like you who are actually ADVOCATING for a Banana Republic.
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Interesting thing, so you would approve a Biden DoJ just not having a prosecutor show up for ANYTHING that is partisan. Good call. Do you realize what a corrupt form of justice you are advocating?

Being thrown in jail and probably disbarred is pretty good motivation for a prosecutor to attend an hearing... Despite all the tough talk from some posters, few are willing to risk imprisonment and loss of their career over a case like this...
I wonder what remedy a judge might have...hmmm... can you say contempt of court?

Why would it be contempt of court for the Executive to decline to prosecute?
Its actually the absolute discretion of the Executive for this.
Why would it be contempt of court for the Executive to decline to prosecute?
Its actually the absolute discretion of the Executive for this.

Not appearing at a hearing would be contempt... Has NOTHING to do with what one might argue... A court is appearance isn't a request, it's an order...
Not appearing at a hearing would be contempt... Has NOTHING to do with what one might argue... A court is appearance isn't a request, it's an order...

The OP was talking about a prosecution.
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.

So, making a mockery of the judicial system while eroding the rule of law.

Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.
The trial is over. They're in the sentencing phase, which the judge can do himself without a prosecutor.

You're thinking in terms of the trial phase, where a case gets dismissed if the prosecution does not show. Flynn's case is past that.
The OP was talking about a prosecution.

If I were the prosecution, I would be more worried about my ability to respond truthfully to the judges questions about why the prosecution has suddenly changed their mind...
If I were the prosecution, I would be more worried about my ability to respond truthfully to the judges questions about why the prosecution has suddenly changed their mind...

They've found quite the adversary in Sullivan. And also on their minds might be that Barr may be gone 21 JAN! Then, a new guy comes in ...
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.

Flynn does not need a prosecutor, he has already plead guilty twice. He just needs the judge to determine his punishment. There are no "backsies" in a court of law. Maybe if Flynn was judged insane and committed but barring that no.
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.

Uh, the case is over. The defendant pleaded guilty.

The stuff you Trumpsters make up!111

They've found quite the adversary in Sullivan. And also on their minds might be that Barr may be gone 21 JAN! Then, a new guy comes in ...

Or it might be on Sullivans' mind there might be a new guy on Jan 21, and so he is trying to stretch things out...
Flynn does not need a prosecutor, he has already plead guilty twice. He just needs the judge to determine his punishment. There are no "backsies" in a court of law. Maybe if Flynn was judged insane and committed but barring that no.

Criminal complaints are thrown out all the time, even when the defendant has pleased guilty, even years later, when the prosecutor realizes some defect had existed in the prosecution.
With respect to Flynn, the problem was discovered by the prosecution quite early on and, in the interest of justice, dropped the charges.
He could also have not lied to the FBI and then pled guilty to it.
Criminal complaints are thrown out all the time, even when the defendant has pleased guilty, even years later, when the prosecutor realizes some defect had existed in the prosecution.
With respect to Flynn, the problem was discovered by the prosecution quite early on and, in the interest of justice, dropped the charges.

And how exactly are those criminal complaints thrown out? That's right a judge has hearing, listens to evidence and then rules on the motion... EXACTLY what Sullivan has proposed..
He could also have not lied to the FBI and then pled guilty to it.

People who are innocent often plead guilty. It is not uncommon for a person to spend more time in jail waiting for trial due to pleading not guilty than if they plea guilty. The criminal justice system is built entirely around forcing people to plea guilty, whether they are guilty or not.

Do you have a spare $500,000 for lawyers? Nor does that consider extorting Flynn with threats to prosecute his son.
People who are innocent often plead guilty. It is not uncommon for a person to spend more time in jail waiting for trial due to pleading not guilty than if they plea guilty. The criminal justice system is built entirely around forcing people to plea guilty, whether they are guilty or not.

Do you have a spare $500,000 for lawyers? Nor does that consider extorting Flynn with threats to prosecute his son.

have you managed to get through the week so far without lying to the FBI and then pleading guilty to it? i have. let's keep a running tab. when you accidentally lie to the FBI and then plead guilty to it, start a thread, and we'll continue our discussion. until then, happy Wednesday.
have you managed to get through the week so far without lying to the FBI and then pleading guilty to it? i have. let's keep a running tab. when you accidentally lie to the FBI and then plead guilty to it, start a thread, and we'll continue our discussion. until then, happy Wednesday.

When was the last time the FBI interviewed you?
When was the last time the FBI interviewed you?

hasn't happened. I guess that i must be doing something right, like not lying about my contacts with the ambassador of a foreign country that was trying to interfere in the US election. i can't say that this has even come close to happening, honestly. how about you?
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.

If you're not a lawyer who works in the federal court system, or quoting one, no one cares about your opinion any more then we'd care about your opinion on how to do brain surgery, or design rocket engines. Lawyers who do represent clients in that system spend a great deal of time learning the federal rules of criminal or civil procedure. If you knew the rules you'd be citing them.
hasn't happened. I guess that i must be doing something right, like not lying about my contacts with the ambassador of a foreign country that was trying to interfere in the US election. i can't say that this has even come close to happening, honestly. how about you?

What's still incredible all these months later is Flynn had to know the conversations were recorded, because he's talking to the Russian ambassador, and still lied his ass off to the FBI. He knows better than that, in part because he's very experienced in such matters as former Director of the DIA.

I guess it was just arrogance, but it's still a mystery why he did it because even arrogance shouldn't cause someone with his background to commit a felony that he knows will be caught, and he's betting on the FBI and federal prosecutors just not caring that he spit in their faces with those lies. He could just refuse the interview.... get a lawyer. Etc.
Simply show up to court and there not be a prosecutor there.
The judge cannot be the prosecutor of the case nor can he appoint one.

The prosecutor simply just doesn't show up at all that or they show up and
they simply say we are dropping all charges and we are dismissing the case
and any plea deal that was signed was done under duress as new information has
been given.

Given that new information not turned over to the defense states that flynn did not
lie to the FBI we can move to not only not charge but we will be submitting
briefs to go over those who lied to this court and committed a grave miscarriage of justice.

This is why you arent a lawyer.

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