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How does the President impact your day to day life? (1 Viewer)

Axe Cap

Feb 21, 2020
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Political Leaning
In an election year with the incumbent one of the most controversial political figures ever I am genuinely curious about the President's impact on each of your day to day lives. How has your day to day life changed since Trump has been president? Do you anticipate it changing if Biden wins?

Please don't respond with crap about COVID because no matter who was president during this all of our lives would still be impacted in a similar way currently. It seems to me that many presidential decisions are more foreign policy based and geared towards the future as local politicians have more day to day impact. It just humors me how much people lose their minds on both sides over who is president. The only thing that changed in my day to day life since Trump has been president is I pay less in taxes. If Biden wins I don't anticipate much to change except probably paying more in taxes again. Obviously every individual is different so I'm curious to hear how who holds office affects your day to day life.
He blew the virus deal. Horribly. Lied about it, claimed no responsibility for dealing with it and still does nothing about it, causing mass confusion throughout the country. He threatens our elections and our national security by trying to extort a foreign leader. He promotes racists and conspiracy wackos. Everything he touches dies. Even the PO.
The stock market's impact on my 401k is the biggest for me, especially now that I am nearing retirement.

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I got a $200+ refund on my health insurance that never happened when Obama was POTUS. #ThanksDonald.
Trump's horribly botched pandemic response is absolutely impacting everyone's life.

Obama never followed the law and sent me a check. Donnie did. He drained the swamp and found me $200 buck in confederate gold. #4MoreYears
In an election year with the incumbent one of the most controversial political figures ever I am genuinely curious about the President's impact on each of your day to day lives. How has your day to day life changed since Trump has been president? Do you anticipate it changing if Biden wins?

Please don't respond with crap about COVID because no matter who was president during this all of our lives would still be impacted in a similar way currently. It seems to me that many presidential decisions are more foreign policy based and geared towards the future as local politicians have more day to day impact. It just humors me how much people lose their minds on both sides over who is president. The only thing that changed in my day to day life since Trump has been president is I pay less in taxes. If Biden wins I don't anticipate much to change except probably paying more in taxes again. Obviously every individual is different so I'm curious to hear how who holds office affects your day to day life.

Having served for over 20 years, honor is important to me. Trump is a stain on the honor of this country.
In an election year with the incumbent one of the most controversial political figures ever I am genuinely curious about the President's impact on each of your day to day lives. How has your day to day life changed since Trump has been president? Do you anticipate it changing if Biden wins?

Please don't respond with crap about COVID because no matter who was president during this all of our lives would still be impacted in a similar way currently. It seems to me that many presidential decisions are more foreign policy based and geared towards the future as local politicians have more day to day impact. It just humors me how much people lose their minds on both sides over who is president. The only thing that changed in my day to day life since Trump has been president is I pay less in taxes. If Biden wins I don't anticipate much to change except probably paying more in taxes again. Obviously every individual is different so I'm curious to hear how who holds office affects your day to day life.

The constant and over-the-top grab for attention, which is generally bogus, insulting, and has little to do with actual factual relevent politics. It would be refreshing to read or watch the news (or where ever he continually pops up) without the first 10 articles being all trump, all the time.
How does it feel knowing your country is being run by self-serving gangsters?
Obama never followed the law and sent me a check. Donnie did. He drained the swamp and found me $200 buck in confederate gold. #4MoreYears

You would be dangerous if you knew what you were talking about. But like most trump supporters you thank Donald for something Obama did.
In an election year with the incumbent one of the most controversial political figures ever I am genuinely curious about the President's impact on each of your day to day lives. How has your day to day life changed since Trump has been president? Do you anticipate it changing if Biden wins?

Please don't respond with crap about COVID because no matter who was president during this all of our lives would still be impacted in a similar way currently. It seems to me that many presidential decisions are more foreign policy based and geared towards the future as local politicians have more day to day impact. It just humors me how much people lose their minds on both sides over who is president. The only thing that changed in my day to day life since Trump has been president is I pay less in taxes. If Biden wins I don't anticipate much to change except probably paying more in taxes again. Obviously every individual is different so I'm curious to hear how who holds office affects your day to day life.

I've been stuck inside all summer because the federal government couldn't be bothered to work with the states to get a handle on COVID, plus I had a paycut for a while due to the resulting economic shock. My girlfriend lost her job due to COVID as well and just recently found another one.

And now due to his stupid crap trying to force open schools, I cannot go see one of my friends since their school has already had an incident.
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The constant and over-the-top grab for attention, which is generally bogus, insulting, and has little to do with actual factual relevent politics. It would be refreshing to read or watch the news (or where ever he continually pops up) without the first 10 articles being all trump, all the time.

I definitely agree on this one lol.

Actually it sucks for too many people who bought as good as no insurance policies just to checks a box thereby subsidizing free birth control for women in households with close to 6 figure incomes.
You would be dangerous if you knew what you were talking about. But like most trump supporters you thank Donald for something Obama did.

Obama=No Checks

those are the facts.
Actually it sucks for too many people who bought as good as no insurance policies just to checks a box thereby subsidizing free birth control for women in households with close to 6 figure incomes.

Bizarre word salad.

Just enjoy your Obamacare rebate check.
I've been stuck inside all summer because the federal government couldn't be bothered to work with the states to get a handle on COVID, plus I had a paycut for a while due to the resulting economic shock. My girlfriend lost her job due to COVID as well and just recently found another one.

That's really unfortunate. I am sorry to hear that. Thankfully I am still working as normal and outside of the brief period where nearly everything was shut down I am back to normal life.

How much do you blame your state government vs federal on COVID?
I got a $200+ refund on my health insurance that never happened when Obama was POTUS. #ThanksDonald.

Pretty cheap price to sell your dignity for.
In an election year with the incumbent one of the most controversial political figures ever I am genuinely curious about the President's impact on each of your day to day lives. How has your day to day life changed since Trump has been president? Do you anticipate it changing if Biden wins?

Please don't respond with crap about COVID because no matter who was president during this all of our lives would still be impacted in a similar way currently. It seems to me that many presidential decisions are more foreign policy based and geared towards the future as local politicians have more day to day impact. It just humors me how much people lose their minds on both sides over who is president. The only thing that changed in my day to day life since Trump has been president is I pay less in taxes. If Biden wins I don't anticipate much to change except probably paying more in taxes again. Obviously every individual is different so I'm curious to hear how who holds office affects your day to day life.

Trump has exponentially diminished the way other nations veiw our Nation which, since our currency IS the Worlds Reserver Currency, greatly jeopardizes our financial standing in the world and he has jeopardized our treaties around the world. Both of which affect my finances and safety.

And, sorry, NO he does NOT get a pass on COVID because his mishandling of the pandemic can be directly linked to unnecessary death and has affected my ability to travel since Europe no longer allows American passports there. Unless you are part of the 1% your taxes will go up soon while the supper wealthy's tax cut is perpetual; unless prospective President Biden changes that law. There is nothing humorous about a president that believes and acts as though he is above the law and has the backing of OUR Attorney General; which affects EVERY AmeriCAN because we are a Country of laws.
That's really unfortunate. I am sorry to hear that. Thankfully I am still working as normal and outside of the brief period where nearly everything was shut down I am back to normal life.

How much do you blame your state government vs federal on COVID?

Governor DeWine did an excellent job in my opinion. I would say his biggest error was in not calling a mask mandate quickly enough, botching ramping up the unemployment system, and not calling out the militia people who paraded around the capital calling out Dr Acton to resign. His only true error is not being willing to enforce a mask mandate with fines. However, he was totally hamstrung by an inept federal government.
In an election year with the incumbent one of the most controversial political figures ever I am genuinely curious about the President's impact on each of your day to day lives. How has your day to day life changed since Trump has been president? Do you anticipate it changing if Biden wins?

First, I could answer your question, but it's the wrong question. The president, given the power to represent the people of the country, matters in other ways than 'your daily life'.

Please don't respond with crap about COVID because no matter who was president during this all of our lives would still be impacted in a similar way currently.

Your claim is false. Compare the US to the rest of the world.
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First, I could answer your question, but it's the wrong question. The president matters in other ways than 'your daily life'. There are all kinds of ways the person we choose to be given power to represent the country and people is important.

I wouldn't mind you asking for things more than the virus, but your claim is false. A different, better president would have caused FAR less harm from the virus to the American people. You appear to be trying to cover up many important impacts of who the president is.

I would change your response to "could" have caused far less harm. To act like any other person you put in the seat would have been much better is silly. I think states have just as much blame and responsibility of how this has been handled. And at the end of the day it is pretty obvious that a large portion of our population is going to do what they want vs what they are told to do.

But yes I definitely agree and understand that the President has a far greater impact on other aspects but that is why I asked about daily life. Because at the end of the day it really doesn't affect people but they lose their mind when discussing politics.

Please don't respond with crap about COVID because no matter who was president during this all of our lives would still be impacted in a similar way currently. .

WRONG...and don't tell people how to respond and perhaps you should have said besides Covid how did it impact you.

Trump F'd it up,

He was briefed in January when Repug Senators sold their stocks

He called it a hoax,

Was against masks and refused to wear one until last month,

Pushed a medication that did not work and in the past month praised a crazy woman doctor who pushed it along with demons and alien DNA,.

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