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How do you compost a human body - and why would you? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast - USA
Political Leaning

This is the vision - in an indoor garden, a honeycomb structure lines the walls, and inside each cell, a human body composts. When it's done, loved ones take home a pot of soil, not an urn of ash.A person's final resting place could be the foundations of a flowerbed or could feed the roots of a tree.
This is what Washington state is preparing to legalise. If the bill passes, the western state would be the first in the nation to allow human composting as a burial option.


Sure sounds better than embalming and burial. Sounds a bit less menacing than cremation.

I like the sound of composting over many of the other options.

I have no desire to be embalmed and buried.

Would you sign up for this? If not, why?


Sure sounds better than embalming and burial. Sounds a bit less menacing than cremation.

I like the sound of composting over many of the other options.

I have no desire to be embalmed and buried.

Would you sign up for this? If not, why?

Next step...Soylent Green.

Marketing message: Take home a piece of your loved one...let them nourish you even after they have passed on.
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It takes a lot of practice, but I got it eventually.
Serious response : I might consider it, but it's one of many unappealing options. Being a mummy in a mausoleum sounds interesting, though.
Serious response : I might consider it, but it's one of many unappealing options. Being a mummy in a mausoleum sounds interesting, though.

Why is it unappealing?

Are you familiar with the process of mummification? It's not very pretty.
Next step...Soylent Green.

Marketing message: Take home a piece of your loved one...let them nourish you even after they have passed on.

"Wow these tomatoes are fabulous. What's your secret?"

"They each have a little bit of my grandparents in them."
Just keep Fido out of the garden...
That's the hope anyway...:shock:

I suppose you could have your body frozen, and then cooked, if you're worried about it. Maybe you could get shot in the head, then get frozen, and THEN get burned.
Why is it unappealing?

Are you familiar with the process of mummification? It's not very pretty.

I dug mummies when I was a kid. As for appealing, I don't find much appealing about death.
That's the hope anyway...:shock:

That’s why the last stitch in the navies of old was through the nose...



Sure sounds better than embalming and burial. Sounds a bit less menacing than cremation.

I like the sound of composting over many of the other options.

I have no desire to be embalmed and buried.

Would you sign up for this? If not, why?

What is done about the smell? Real estate sales in the area could be affected......
That’s why the last stitch in the navies of old was through the nose...

What is done about the smell? Real estate sales in the area could be affected......



Sure sounds better than embalming and burial. Sounds a bit less menacing than cremation.

I like the sound of composting over many of the other options.

I have no desire to be embalmed and buried.

Would you sign up for this? If not, why?

Sure, although I'm fine with cremation. The biggest waste is cemetaries and burying people to be worm food on perfectly good land

Although I prefer those tree bod things where a tree grows from using your decaying body. But I don't know about just regular old composting
Or donate my body to science is probably the best, most useful thing to do
Apologies in advance.

Well if we're talking about recycling of family members then can I get a deposit refund on my parents and in-laws like I do for bottles and cans? And can we leave our dead on the curb-side in the brown biodegradable heavy duty paper bags we use for leaves?

My bad taste festival is now over and regularly scheduled programming will resume in progress.


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