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How do we VOTE for Democrats and Republicans year after year??? Are we that Dumb?? (1 Viewer)


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Jul 25, 2005
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These politicians are corrupt, lying, scumbags. They dont even promise much that would accomplish anything....even in their fake promises!!

How dumb is the average American that we can keep voting for the SAME people year after year. Republicans and Democrats are all one big party! The elections are a charade for the public. They use culturally divisive issues to divide the ignorant voters into groups and they keep up this corrupt scheme we know as government. We have the illusion of a democracy and thats what keeps them in power.

Vote for anything besides the Republicrats, or you're a tool of people much smarter than you'll ever be. And thats sad, cuz these people are Grade A morons!
I think alot of it revolves around the corrupt relationship between government and the corporate, mainstream media.

(for those who dont know about corporate media) See a handful of massive corporations control the media. These corporations own many, many of the largest and most well known companies in the nation. Thus these companies contribute massive amounts of money to the re-election campaigns to BOTH parties. This allows them to cover all the bases, regardless of which candidate wins. This is why we hear about the Campaign Finance System corrupting the hell out of this country. So the corporations get favors because they get them elected, and in turn the mainstream media pumps up this hyperpartisan nonsense and plays the elections like a horserace. This helps people to buy into the charade. Its corrupt, its undemocratic, and political scholars have been saying this since the 70's and especially the 80's. It makes me sick how blind people can be!
This thread is way over most of your heads, unfortunately.
I agree about the convenient hegemony. When you look there is little difference between the two main parties.
TheHonestTruth said:
These politicians are corrupt, lying, scumbags. They dont even promise much that would accomplish anything....even in their fake promises!!

How dumb is the average American that we can keep voting for the SAME people year after year. Republicans and Democrats are all one big party! The elections are a charade for the public. They use culturally divisive issues to divide the ignorant voters into groups and they keep up this corrupt scheme we know as government. We have the illusion of a democracy and thats what keeps them in power.

Vote for anything besides the Republicrats, or you're a tool of people much smarter than you'll ever be. And thats sad, cuz these people are Grade A morons!

If you want my oppinion, just look at the last line under my sig.
We are a nation of mindless drones controlled by the media. This level of stupidity should be a crime.
We need as strong third party. Or some Patriotic grass roots movement has to take over the democratic party. returning it to all the people.
The two parties are too alike and the democrats have abandoned many Americans.
JOHNYJ said:
We need as strong third party. Or some Patriotic grass roots movement has to take over the democratic party. returning it to all the people.
The two parties are too alike and the democrats have abandoned many Americans.

Both parties have abandoned their basic principles and the common man in America. They keep selling us out the highest bidder.

They work so closely together that their differences aren't worth mentioning.

Its a charade because people dont think about how corrupt they are. Its a charade because Republicans are supposed to get us less government and less taxes but they only create more and more. Democrats were supposed to represent blue collar intrests. They just keep taking more money for themselves and keep screwing the common man to give special intrests and high powered industries more favors. Most people are consumed by the divisive cultural issues they dangle in front of stupid people that really wont change no matter which party gets elected (like abortion and gay marriage for example).
Perhaps its because people think voting for an independent party would make no difference?

Heres an idea. Form an online colation of sorts and have all on there agree to vote for a party of your choosing. Hey, it could happen. WEll maybe not, but I can only pray.
FinnMacCool said:
Perhaps its because people think voting for an independent party would make no difference?

Heres an idea. Form an online colation of sorts and have all on there agree to vote for a party of your choosing. Hey, it could happen. WEll maybe not, but I can only pray.

Theres a few major reasons why people are discouraged by the institutions we have to squash third parties. The wasted vote concept is used to the republicrats advantage. We can blame the government itself for supressing third parties and their potential to influence politics. We have laws and institutions set up to squash their already slim chances.

I'll break it down:

The electoral college is set up so that only a majority (or a plurality) will win the actual votes that get you elected. Therefore 3rd party candidates that get say 20% of the vote will not have any gains made in the political process. You have to win an entire state to get any real votes, so this basically discounts the effect of the cumulative vote that would help encourage the main parties to mesh with some 3rd party ideas to recapture those votes. But since anything below a majority/plurality doesn't count at all, the main parties have little or no incentive. Therefore 3rd parties and their ideas are unfairly shut out.

Federal campaign finance laws match (double in effect) the campaign expenses of the main two parties, but not for third parties. These laws were passed in recent history to squash the third party.

The CPD is a group of multinational corporation heads who run the debates. Two people mangage the thing at the top, One is a republican one is a democrat. Since Ross Perot was in the debates in 92 and won 19% of the popular vote, they haven't let a 3rd party candidate in the elections. They are now closed to anyone outside of the two major parties.

The corporate media also helps the fiasco. They are major corporations who donate to the main parties. This is why our government is corrupt. Follow the money. This is why corporate media ignores new ideas from 3rd parties and doesn't even mention them during election season.
It's like hmm gore or bush, they both suck, kerry or bush, they both suck they're all puppets of special intrests and corporations. Its the same every 4 years. Its all a charade. These people are puppets and they've all got the same hand up their asses.
Im sorry if I sound like it, but Im not truly directing my anger at the mindless drones of the American public. People's decisions are only as good as the information they get. Its very easy to be fooled by this corrupt government and our corrupt corporate media.
The President is little more than a figurehead these days to go on TV and make us feel better about our policies. They have other people making most of their decisions for them, because others make the up the information on which they base their decisions. These decisions magically screw the common man more and more, they create more taxes give us less freedom and give more favors to special intrests and mega corporations who lobby aggresively and participate in the form of legalized bribery we know as the campaign finance system.
We dont have a democracy. Its a corporatocracy.





You're right when you point out that the winner take all system we have here discourages third party involvement (especially at the national level), but I don't think you're right when you say that 3rd party ideas get shut out. A lot of libertarians get elected to public office (mostly at the local level) and 3rd party candidates can help determine the outcomes of elections by stealing votes away from major party candidates. I realize this isn't the same thing as having a strong 3rd party that can challenge Republicans and Democrats for control of the government, but it is something.

As much as the current system may suck, I still prefer it to a proportional system where dozens of parties can send representatives to government and they have to build coalitions to form a working government.
JOHNYJ said:
We need as strong third party. Or some Patriotic grass roots movement has to take over the democratic party. returning it to all the people.
The two parties are too alike and the democrats have abandoned many Americans.

Support the Constitution Party.

Hell yeah.

Vote libertarian
maybe if i wasnt on prozac id get into politics
lori palmer said:
maybe if i wasnt on prozac id get into politics

I suggest getting off drugs, they are really bad for you, especially strange chemicals that may cause permanant changes in the brain. Good luck, I wish you well.

But anyway, back on topic.

Ive made a point about electronic voting screwing society from a fair election. This is a scary thought. But its not as though we ever knew other elections weren't rigged. Its probably just gonna get much easier with digital voting.
TheHonestTruth said:
Vote Libertarian


There you go. Actually, I have been saying this for years. I voted for Badnarik. Voted for Buchanan in 2000. There is a small chance that I might vote Republcan in 2008, if Tom McClintock of California gets the nomination. If he does, that means the Bushneviks will have been driven out of the party. I think that will happen.. Bush and his crooked cronies will be gone. Not sure if McClintock will make the nomination though, but I would sure like to see that. A real dark horse, but a REAL Conservative candidate for a change. Once the Bushneviks are gone from the GOP, then it will be the Democrats turn to unload their own treasonous baggage.
danarhea said:
There you go. Actually, I have been saying this for years. I voted for Badnarik. Voted for Buchanan in 2000. There is a small chance that I might vote Republcan in 2008, if Tom McClintock of California gets the nomination. If he does, that means the Bushneviks will have been driven out of the party. I think that will happen.. Bush and his crooked cronies will be gone. Not sure if McClintock will make the nomination though, but I would sure like to see that. A real dark horse, but a REAL Conservative candidate for a change. Once the Bushneviks are gone from the GOP, then it will be the Democrats turn to unload their own treasonous baggage.

That sounds like some really wish-washy libertarian views, I mean I sort of hate to rain on your parade thinking that McClintock would bring in major reforms, but presidents are puppets and figureheads and really little else.

If you vote for republicans or democrats youve become a pawn in a sad game of lies. Every mainstream candidate looks so good and promising to their supporters and then they conform to the machine of modern day politics when they get in office.

Its not to say its impossible, nothing is really. But its so unlikely that a mainstream candidate would reform anything. They are corrupted by money and forces which they dont control. Its possible that a true reformer with a secret agenda could change politics in America. But I just think there are too many fears a reformer would have in trying this. I think a president like that would get assasinated by powers within our government. I honestly believe that. That candidate would probably die from a mysterious heart attack. The system is far larger than any one man could change. Its gonna take a revolution of thought among the public.

Please dont vote for Republicans, they are the worse than democrats by more than a smidgen. They represent nothing of their purported views. Less taxes, less federal government and bureaucracy, and yet its all lies.
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If we are to have a 3rd party, I think it should be made up of moderates. They would come from both the Dems and Repubs, excluding the extremists from both parties, that being the far left liberals and far right conservatives.

I registered with the Republican party, but sometimes vote for a democrat.
Like most anyone else, I vote for the person who seems to make the most sense, but most times I can't even do that, but have to settle for the lesser of the 2 weasels...
Extremist moderate? Yeah, I like that. The concept should make the extreme lefties and the extreme righties have an extreme fit...:2razz:
UtahBill said:
Extremist moderate? Yeah, I like that. The concept should make the extreme lefties and the extreme righties have an extreme fit...:2razz:
Is that like an "extra medium" drink?;)

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