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How did These Idiots End up Electing Our Next President? (1 Viewer)

Oh, and I almost forgot to add, most normal folks voted for right wingers....

Another poster made the same claim then tied themselves into all sorts of knots trying to get out of the claim when they could not provide evidence of it.

Can you provide evidence that MOST NORMAL FOLKS VOTED FOR RIGHT WINGERS in this past November election?
I quit believing their polling early on...and those are the ones that derived the negatives.

And a lot of people did vote for him, not just because he was not Hillary, but because he had a message of inclusiveness and hope, was saying things we wanted, NEEDED, to hear. Most of us truly do want and think that American can be great... not on the path that O bomb a and Hillary were leading us, but one where we are just given a chance, allowed back in the game without all the establishment controllers moving the goalposts out of American reach, to the establishment's sole benefit.

And, you just do not know how much delight what your post says gives me. Election night watching their faces, it was a hoot. They want to cry, scream, kick, punch, implode/explode and a myriad of other things all at the same time but cannot figure out which one first... they are sooOOOOoooo beside themselves... and hell...that embarrassment factor has to be damn near crippling... they will hate Hillary in the future, ....YOU, YOU witch, you made us lose to...to...to....TRUMP????:lamo:lamo



It's going to take a long time for them to sort out all of those emotions. It's kind of funny actually. I am moderate to the right and my wife is moderate to the left. She voted for Hillary with an intense hatred of Trump. She went to bed thinking (like almost everyone) that Hillary was a shoe in. I stayed up watching the election. I remember thinking that Hillary was having a hard time knocking over the dominoes and as the night wore on the dominoes got more and more out of place and started turning red instead of blue and it seemed like forever and forever that the coverage had to hold off calling those three blue states for Hillary (which ultimately never happened). By the time I went to bed it was looking pretty good for Trump as Hillary's campaign came out and suggested everyone go home and wait for the final results the next day. That was a very telling sign. When my wife woke up the next morning I told her that trump had actually won and you wouldn't believe the look on her face, even though it was far shy of the mental breakdowns and intense crying going on around the country.
Another poster made the same claim then tied themselves into all sorts of knots trying to get out of the claim when they could not provide evidence of it.

Can you provide evidence that MOST NORMAL FOLKS VOTED FOR RIGHT WINGERS in this past November election?

The rest of all elections are by popular vote. I already quoted the vast number of Governorships and legislatures, both state and Federal, won by the right wing. If you are wanting a doctoral study on it, be my guest have at it yourself, prove me wrong.

I mean, c'mon, not like liberals don't have time. Lot of politicos are out of their jobs come January. Hell, maybe you could induce Hillary to start counting. O bomb a will be unemployed in Jan, maybe he would like a census like job. This one might not be over his head. Might not be good with numbers though, and I don't think they have teleprompters going door to door.
No offense at all intended, just a statement of truth and expectation on my part:, if reading comprehension is not a forte, if understanding of analogies become a stretch or are beyond one's grasp, I would heartily recommend excluding/ignoring my posts.

1. "Suck it up buttercup" or

2. racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot

Of the two categories, 1 or 2, which do you believe to be the less inflammatory? Which would most probably, to the rational mind, be consider less as fighting words [ less apt to create a violent reaction]? I know which one [hint] I would choose should I not want to precipitate a verbal or physical confrontation. but that is just my opinion.

Now, still having difficulties considering/applying the analogy? Then here, let me make it easy for you, copy this Gaugingcatenate and paste it into the ignore list area in your user control panel, click ok and save. ;)

Voila', problem solved for all involved. :peace

That you would make such hasty and instinctive [ one cannot give it the aegis of truly sapient and conscious thought] decisions resulting in a poor understanding/comparison perhaps confirms the efficacy of dog whistling?

Are Trump supporters being burnt alive? Are they being lynched for even glancing in the direction of a white woman? Do they lack the right to vote? Do they have to drink from seperate water fountains, use ****tier facilities, etc?

The fact that you would even try to compare yourselves to the civil rights movement is an utter disgrace.

When one is being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, those words are not inflammatory, but rather facts. It is not my fault or anybody else you don't like having the truth about your rhetoric pointed out. The truth is the truth, regardless of your poor feelings. Suck it up.
It's going to take a long time for them to sort out all of those emotions. It's kind of funny actually. I am moderate to the right and my wife is moderate to the left. She voted for Hillary with an intense hatred of Trump. She went to bed thinking (like almost everyone) that Hillary was a shoe in. I stayed up watching the election. I remember thinking that Hillary was having a hard time knocking over the dominoes and as the night wore on the dominoes got more and more out of place and started turning red instead of blue and it seemed like forever and forever that the coverage had to hold off calling those three blue states for Hillary (which ultimately never happened). By the time I went to bed it was looking pretty good for Trump as Hillary's campaign came out and suggested everyone go home and wait for the final results the next day. That was a very telling sign. When my wife woke up the next morning I told her that trump had actually won and you wouldn't believe the look on her face, even though it was far shy of the mental breakdowns and intense crying going on around the country.
Yeah, that would be a tough one to have to suffer through with someone you love.

At the same time, didn't get hit as hard but in 2012 I felt sure, with the economy in the doldrums like it was, 4 years of the bad O bomb a governing behind us, that Mitt was gonna take it. Was sorely disappointed, but that is the way the cookie crumbles at times. It ended up 4 truly bad years for our country. Culturally, as long as I have been alive, I had never seen it slip so fast. The termites had been working on our strong pillars, family, faith, Constitution, economy, for so long that the effects were finally felt along with the forced PC and social engineering... it was a terrible sight for me to watch.
Are Trump supporters being burnt alive? Are they being lynched for even glancing in the direction of a white woman? Do they lack the right to vote? Do they have to drink from seperate water fountains, use ****tier facilities, etc?

The fact that you would even try to compare yourselves to the civil rights movement is an utter disgrace.

When one is being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, those words are not inflammatory, but rather facts. It is not my fault or anybody else you don't like having the truth about your rhetoric pointed out. The truth is the truth, regardless of your poor feelings. Suck it up.

Whoa. Which party from the 50's and 60's was racist?
Are Trump supporters being burnt alive? Are they being lynched for even glancing in the direction of a white woman? Do they lack the right to vote? Do they have to drink from seperate water fountains, use ****tier facilities, etc?

The fact that you would even try to compare yourselves to the civil rights movement is an utter disgrace.

When one is being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, those words are not inflammatory, but rather facts. It is not my fault or anybody else you don't like having the truth about your rhetoric pointed out. The truth is the truth, regardless of your poor feelings. Suck it up.

I am now quite sure you have no idea what an analogy is...probably got stuck on the anal part of it, eh? a·nal·o·gy a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

That you don't see it, or just refuse, no skin off my back... at least I taught you a new word. I have observed your posts, sometimes decent on regurgitating actual history, sometimes not. Analysis/comprehension of impact/prognostication? Like a lot of others here, not your bag it seems.

So let me see if I have this straight, you are actually asking me to call you an out and out racist, a sexist, a homophobe are you? Nah, those are fighting words.
Oh, and I almost forgot to add, most normal folks voted for right wingers... we, as of Jan 20 [ and actually before as Trump has ripped the presidency right out of lazy boy's weak grip]we control the entire Federal government, 33 state governorships, 68 out of 99 legislatures [read super majority at the state level] with 23 states total control like at the Fed level.

Scratch your head on that one, 'cause that represents, in this republic, the new normal.

It’s true. I do. Consider the following:
Stunning Graph Shows the Wrecking Ball Obama Has Taken to the Democrat Party
Matthew K. Burke November 13, 2016
Stunning Graph Shows the Wrecking Ball Obama Has Taken to the Democrat Party
He came in on the false promise of hope and change but America’s first Marxist president brought neither. He was a lifelong leftist community agitator and he governed like one, insisting on ruling America with newly discovered powers located not in the U.S. Constitution, but in his “pen and phone.”
He spent eight years spitting in the face of Americans, pulling the race card at all dissent, targeting patriotic Americans who disagreed with his USSR-like policies with the power of the IRS and other agencies.
He ridiculed Americans who believe in limited, constitutional government and individual liberty as “teabaggers” and accused people who live in rural America as being “bitter, they cling to guns or religion.
Obama’s banana republic rule has backfired and as the stunning graph below shows, Obama has taken a wrecking ball to the Democrat Party since he was elected in 2008.

The founders in their wisdom set up a system of self-governance which was built on the concept of checks and balances, hence the 3 branches of government with enumerated powers and limitations, and what evolved into a two-major party system. Checks and balances.

I don’t believe that its best for the nation to have a major party and a minor party, such as what the graph above would indicate, with one party having so much control where they could almost pass constitution amendments on their own. That much political power, that much control, is counter to the wisdom of check and balances.

Yes, I do hope the Democratic party regains its footing to restore checks and balances between the major political parties. It’s my opinion they won’t be able to do that continuing their careening ever further left. They need to come back to the center, as America is a center-right country.
Whoa. Which party from the 50's and 60's was racist?

Uh....both? Racism was still pretty well institutionalized during that period.

Of course, if you know anything about American history, you'll know about how the segregation now, segregation forever assholes started migrating away from the Democratic Party in the mid to late 1960s.
Oh poor little snowflakes.

What should be taken from the election results is that not everyone was gullible enough to be taken in by the fraudulent lies, deceit, and distortions pushed by Hillary, her MSM partners, and the massive Progressive Machine that spent billions trying to buy the White House for it's own gain.

Looks like the mission statement that needs to be directed to these precious people will be: Suck it up, buttercup

Both candidates were confidence artists. We are fortunate that the President-elect gets his bread buttered on the right side, so it might turn out OK. Trump owes political debts to the GOP, we will benefit when he pays those debts.
I am now quite sure you have no idea what an analogy is...probably got stuck on the anal part of it, eh? a·nal·o·gy a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

That you don't see it, or just refuse, no skin off my back... at least I taught you a new word. I have observed your posts, sometimes decent on regurgitating actual history, sometimes not. Analysis/comprehension of impact/prognostication? Like a lot of others here, not your bag it seems.

So let me see if I have this straight, you are actually asking me to call you an out and out racist, a sexist, a homophobe are you? Nah, those are fighting words.

It was an absurd analogy and utterly disgusting as well.

There are zero similarities between what the people in the civil rights movement went through and Trump supporters today. None. Zilch. Zero.
Having seen a lot of collectivists up close for years in school, the irony that so many of them imagine they are bright and cosmopolitan, while anyone who disagrees with their secular quasi-religion is a nativist moron, has always been good for a laugh. As a group, collectivists are among the dimmer and more ignorant people I have ever run across. Sometimes I think they realize what they're lacking, and put on the veneer of anti-American worldliness and intellectual superiority in hopes that will hide it.

The favorite theme of these people at the moment is that Mrs. Clinton, with her Yale Law School degree and her experience as Secretary of State, would have made a far better President than Mr. Trump, but the millions of Americans they look down on as hicks were too damned dumb to realize how wonderful she was. I hope they continue to think that, and otherwise continue to think and do all the things that have brought them so low. With any luck, they will keep shooting themselves in the foot, and their collectivist views will in time be even more thoroughly discredited and rejected in this country.

I too had very close observance of these elitists, having taught public high school.

Even most of our social studies lefties didn't truly know their history, missed so many lessons, as in morals of the story, of our proud heritage. Reveled in the warts and scars of a nation growing up... only one in the whole bunch was an actual challenge intellectually. He had been a lawyer, pretty decent lawyer apparently, previously. Still, we had some real knock down drag outs with raised voices, ha ha ha... but at least he knew his history and the Constitution. The rest were in various stages of lost, it being their job and not a passion, but who loved to try projecting their party's faults onto us, knew astonishingly little about how economics works, only brought forth the idealized versions of socialism, the sharing and working together aspects, very little of the realities.

Usually were the easy teachers, as well.

I agree with you. To them we are the backwards thinking no nothings, the mean the cruel, with parochial out dated views, the almost, and some even used it in my face, fascist. I would retort calling them Stalinist and Maoists. I do not take well to being called something I detest. But yes, there is a total blindness, that voluntary, almost religious immediately expressed if you dared touch one of their sacred cows, abortion, SSM, welfare, omg education... the eyes almost physically changed, if looks could kill death rays emanating at times, a mother bear protecting her cubs...you know, from these tolerant and gentle souls as long as you agreed with them sorts.

I moved on, no longer there but would have loved to have seen their faces the day after election this year. One of our major goals on thise side should be getting more conservatives into teaching as well as the Feds out of local schools. Currently the kids are at the liberals mercy. I sure wish Trump/Congress would nearly defund the Fed Dept of Ed, that would be a great start.
Uh....both? Racism was still pretty well institutionalized during that period.

Of course, if you know anything about American history, you'll know about how the segregation now, segregation forever assholes started migrating away from the Democratic Party in the mid to late 1960s.

And which party ended slavery?
I will be happy to examine your verifiable evidence of this alleged claim of fact.
You havnt produced any. You seem satisified that we should all accept your unsubstantiated claims why shouldn't we expect you to accept ours back?

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It’s true. I do. Consider the following:

The founders in their wisdom set up a system of self-governance which was built on the concept of checks and balances, hence the 3 branches of government with enumerated powers and limitations, and what evolved into a two-major party system. Checks and balances.

I don’t believe that its best for the nation to have a major party and a minor party, such as what the graph above would indicate, with one party having so much control where they could almost pass constitution amendments on their own. That much political power, that much control, is counter to the wisdom of check and balances.

Yes, I do hope the Democratic party regains its footing to restore checks and balances between the major political parties. It’s my opinion they won’t be able to do that continuing their careening ever further left. They need to come back to the center, as America is a center-right country.
Having taught in the belly of the beast, public schools, and argued here with these lefties, liberalism a religion and they cannot give it up... you want to talk about bitter and clinging, they have no intention of letting go.

I am almost of the opinion, no, I am of the opinion that the party has to die and something more palatable rise up out of the ashes like the Republican party did after the demise of the Whigs.

And I am with you, I don't like the Democrats, they are so often disingenuous win at any costs types, as played out in the last election even tho they lost abysmally, we, I need those separate eagle eyes helping us keep our government on the straight and narrow. I don't trust our government, but I trust less the governments of others. I always liken our parties all the way out to our fringes as the American eagle which needs a strong right as well as left wing to fly straight.

I am glad the dems lost, but in letting themselves down they have let the rest of us down as well.

The rest of all elections are by popular vote. I already quoted the vast number of Governorships and legislatures, both state and Federal, won by the right wing. If you are wanting a doctoral study on it, be my guest have at it yourself, prove me wrong.

I mean, c'mon, not like liberals don't have time. Lot of politicos are out of their jobs come January. Hell, maybe you could induce Hillary to start counting. O bomb a will be unemployed in Jan, maybe he would like a census like job. This one might not be over his head. Might not be good with numbers though, and I don't think they have teleprompters going door to door.

I ask you again since you failed to proved what was requested in your reply: Can you provide evidence of your alleged claim of fact that MOST NORMAL FOLKS VOTED FOR RIGHT WINGERS in this past November election?

Quote Originally Posted by Gaugingcatenate View Post
Oh, and I almost forgot to add, most normal folks voted for right wingers....
You described obama succinctly

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Not by any stretch. But feel free to take each thing I said there and show how it applied to Obama.
It was an absurd analogy and utterly disgusting as well.

There are zero similarities between what the people in the civil rights movement went through and Trump supporters today. None. Zilch. Zero.
Listen dude, I instructed you step by step how to put me on ignore if you do not like my opinions and/or cannot figure out what analogies are. I could not care less what you feel is disgusting. My priorities are not to hold court with those types who need a safe place and maybe some counselling to get over a simple analogy.

So, I am not here to talk with nor placate and sooth the super sensitive about our common history nor about which I can analogize whichever and however I so desire. You have something you actually want to debate, or you just going to keep whining incessantly?
I ask you again since you failed to proved what was requested in your reply: Can you provide evidence of your alleged claim of fact that MOST NORMAL FOLKS VOTED FOR RIGHT WINGERS in this past November election?
Yes I can. Am I going to, no. Not unless you want to pay me by the hour to collect all those individual state results. A logical person can see that it is true. Now, if you want to try to prove me wrong, as I said have at it.

You can ask me again, you will get the same answer.
Combined in the same insult with BUTTERCUP - its pretty hard not miss the obvious.
Thats my point it was obvious to you but i was completely oblivious to that connotation

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Listen dude, I instructed you step by step how to put me on ignore if you do not like my opinions and/or cannot figure out what analogies are. I could not care less what you feel is disgusting. My priorities are not to hold court with those types who need a safe place and maybe some counselling to get over a simple analogy.

So, I am not here to talk with nor placate and sooth the super sensitive about our common history nor about which I can analogize whichever and however I so desire. You have something you actually want to debate, or you just going to keep whining incessantly?

Agreed "disgusting" is a bit off. Ridiculous, laughable, maybe pathetic, seem better choices. You don't need to whine about it.
And which party ended slavery?

The same people who'd be horrified at what their party has turned into.

Frankly, what the democratic and republican parties were prior to 1965 or so is irrelevant, because they are very clearly not the same as they once were.

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