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How did These Idiots End up Electing Our Next President? (1 Viewer)

So in addition to some good and decent Americans who voted for Trump do you also agree that there were idiots and racists and bigots who voted for him also?
Do you agree that the left is full of racists and bigots that voted for clinton?

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Hardly, come on, we all, those informed rather, know about the nomination rigging, media collusion with the Democrat nominee, poor candidate choice by the Dems... election fraud either does or it doesn't go on to a significant extent and maybe we will get better numbers on that from an administration not so into manipulating the data...

And as to the subtle manipulation by google, we saw the bias and manipulation caught on facebook, its not really all that secret what the left will do to win. There are no moral bounds, apparently, that must be breached, just finding ways around getting caught seems tantamount.

Facebook admits rogue employees may have shown bias against conservatives - Washington Times


I think that the hardest thing for the left to accept is that when running up against a candidate (Trump) with the highest negatives of any candidate ever in history that they still lost.
I wonder why then 2.8 million more Americans voted for this person than voted for your choice of Trump and did not simply allow you or others who share your views to decide for them?
I thought it was obvious.

Theres a lot mote ignorant bigotted racists on the left than their is on the right.

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Please explain why these morons are even allowed to vote, yet alone have enough votes to put Putin's puppet into office?

What if Obama stole the entire family's identity?
We have pretty well established the idea of "one person, one vote" and efforts to disenfranchise won't go far. We are going in the other direction and allowing more to vote. No racially biased IQ test required.
Hardly, come on, we all, those informed rather, know about the nomination rigging, media collusion with the Democrat nominee, poor candidate choice by the Dems... election fraud either does or it doesn't go on to a significant extent and maybe we will get better numbers on that from an administration not so into manipulating the data...

And as to the subtle manipulation by google, we saw the bias and manipulation caught on facebook, its not really all that secret what the left will do to win. There are no moral bounds, apparently, that must be breached, just finding ways around getting caught seems tantamount.

Facebook admits rogue employees may have shown bias against conservatives - Washington Times


yup - Conspiracy section.
Do you agree that the left is full of racists and bigots that voted for clinton?

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I would be happy to examine your evidence if that is your claim.
I thought it was obvious.

Theres a lot mote ignorant bigotted racists on the left than their is on the right.

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I will be happy to examine your verifiable evidence of this alleged claim of fact.
Wrote it.
Read it.
Understand it.

So how does it apply to the last eight years?

Go back and read it again. It's really pathetic if you can't even understand your very own post.
Go back and read it again. It's really pathetic if you can't even understand your very own post.

You are not making any sense as my post was looking to trump and had nothing to do with anything else.

OH WAIT!!!!!! :shock::doh I get it now!!!! :roll:

What was attempted was the typical right wing knee jerk hit your knee with the hammer reaction. I mention Koch Brothers so some rightie has to immediately invoke George Soros. I mention Trump and some rightie thinks its clever to pretend I was writing about Obama.

Got it. How is that knee?
Are you seriously trying to compare yourselves to the Civil Rights movement?


Jesus ****ing Christ.

I'm too disgusted to say anything else right now.
No offense at all intended, just a statement of truth and expectation on my part:, if reading comprehension is not a forte, if understanding of analogies become a stretch or are beyond one's grasp, I would heartily recommend excluding/ignoring my posts.

1. "Suck it up buttercup" or

2. racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot

Of the two categories, 1 or 2, which do you believe to be the less inflammatory? Which would most probably, to the rational mind, be consider less as fighting words [ less apt to create a violent reaction]? I know which one [hint] I would choose should I not want to precipitate a verbal or physical confrontation. but that is just my opinion.

Now, still having difficulties considering/applying the analogy? Then here, let me make it easy for you, copy this Gaugingcatenate and paste it into the ignore list area in your user control panel, click ok and save. ;)

Voila', problem solved for all involved. :peace

That you would make such hasty and instinctive [ one cannot give it the aegis of truly sapient and conscious thought] decisions resulting in a poor understanding/comparison perhaps confirms the efficacy of dog whistling?
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Why then does the right not purge themselves of such people if they do not want to be tarred with that brush?

And you get the double bonus of using the word SUCK (hint hint at the implications of that which are better left unsaid) and buttercup (an obvious smear at ones masculinity) at the same time.

WOW!!! But you are indeed clever. ;):roll:
Your post is an interesting example of how poorly we communicate with each other. Not a slight on anyone but an observation.

The word suck triggered a defensive response from you and i had not considered it in that way until you brought it up in that context.

We hear things differently and i have noticed this and got caught up in it before. Sometimes i find myself over reacting to something that was not intended to be taken as i did. Sometimes its more productive to ask questions before reacting. I think alot of the arguments we have are more missunderstandings than a tual disagreements.

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Your post is an interesting example of how poorly we communicate with each other. Not a slight on anyone but an observation.

The word suck triggered a defensive response from you and i had not considered it in that way until you brought it up in that context.

Combined in the same insult with BUTTERCUP - its pretty hard not miss the obvious.
What you are going to need to do is start reevaluating what you have gotten used to so causually labeling as idiots, racists, bigots. The American people, who are generally none of those, was forever in fear of the left calling them one, if not many, of those.

You see, those vile words/names, over/misused, welded so indiscriminately, like blunt objects, to wound anyone/everyone not agreeing with some strict mindless mindset of the left... this tactic no longer has weight or value. Sure there are some of those in every group, not the many as your side have for so long made it seem.

We have been justly inoculated.

Having seen a lot of collectivists up close for years in school, the irony that so many of them imagine they are bright and cosmopolitan, while anyone who disagrees with their secular quasi-religion is a nativist moron, has always been good for a laugh. As a group, collectivists are among the dimmer and more ignorant people I have ever run across. Sometimes I think they realize what they're lacking, and put on the veneer of anti-American worldliness and intellectual superiority in hopes that will hide it.

The favorite theme of these people at the moment is that Mrs. Clinton, with her Yale Law School degree and her experience as Secretary of State, would have made a far better President than Mr. Trump, but the millions of Americans they look down on as hicks were too damned dumb to realize how wonderful she was. I hope they continue to think that, and otherwise continue to think and do all the things that have brought them so low. With any luck, they will keep shooting themselves in the foot, and their collectivist views will in time be even more thoroughly discredited and rejected in this country.
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Nope - consider the statement: some coin flips resulted in heads up. That only says that (some?) other coin flips resulted in tails up - not that either result was a majority. If anything, Haymarket is adept at not saying much at all.
Another good example of hearing what we want to hear rather than asking a question to get clarification. Maybe haymarket meant some as a miniority as assumed or maybe he meant it as the majority. He is the only one who knows what he meant

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Its extremely self evident... if not, my condolences.

The thing about right wing self evident claims - most of us outside of the right wing can't hear that dog whistle that drives many on the right into such an agitated state. What is believed by them to be self evident is usually a head scratching moment for normal folks.
I always find it pathetic (and a little funny, in a darkly-humored sort of way) to see Trump-supporters' insinuations that it was Trump's "genius" alone that led him to victory.

He had a lot of help from the MSM (who gave him tons of uncritical free press during the primaries and colluded in tarring HRC with the private server nonsense), the FBI, the GOP who coddled and defended him despite his glaring inadequacies, the interference in our electoral process by foreign agents (the Russians and Assange), and the excessive spending of Super Pacs funded by the likes of the Mercer family.

It also didn't hurt that he ran against the second least popular presidential candidate in recent history.

But sure... by all means keep stroking your master.
ok, my bad, you are so right...


I mean....AAAAAaaaHahahahahahahahahahaha, sorry, whew cannot keep a straight face long enough...HHHHHHHHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

The weird thing is that much of the so called blue states are actually Republican, except for the heavily populated cities. Too bad there wasn't a way for the urban areas to form their own country and so to could the non big city areas.
I know, I feel so sorry for like, say an up state NY, any rural area actually.
That is probably the smartest thing I have ever seen you post. Just as long as you know the tree has branches on both sides.

Thanks for the fine compliment. Trying to discern intelligence from political sentiment is a mistake many of us make. I have a hard time believing Trump supporters are capable of doing algebra or enjoying Tolstoy. We bumble along our separate ways.
The thing about right wing self evident claims - most of us outside of the right wing can't hear that dog whistle that drives many on the right into such an agitated state. What is believed by them to be self evident is usually a head scratching moment for normal folks.
No no no you don't.

Sorry, you may be able to get away with blaming public school education for not gaining the skills to understand what I was saying, but you cannot, however, blame it on anything else. Its in English, plain as day...unless you consider night day, boys are girls, etc... then it probably could get confusing as you have no concrete definitions, no solid foundations upon which to stand so that you can understand
I think that the hardest thing for the left to accept is that when running up against a candidate (Trump) with the highest negatives of any candidate ever in history that they still lost.
I quit believing their polling early on...and those are the ones that derived the negatives.

And a lot of people did vote for him, not just because he was not Hillary, but because he had a message of inclusiveness and hope, was saying things we wanted, NEEDED, to hear. Most of us truly do want and think that American can be great... not on the path that O bomb a and Hillary were leading us, but one where we are just given a chance, allowed back in the game without all the establishment controllers moving the goalposts out of American reach, to the establishment's sole benefit.

And, you just do not know how much delight what your post says gives me. Election night watching their faces, it was a hoot. They want to cry, scream, kick, punch, implode/explode and a myriad of other things all at the same time but cannot figure out which one first... they are sooOOOOoooo beside themselves... and hell...that embarrassment factor has to be damn near crippling... they will hate Hillary in the future, ....YOU, YOU witch, you made us lose to...to...to....TRUMP????:lamo:lamo


The thing about right wing self evident claims - most of us outside of the right wing can't hear that dog whistle that drives many on the right into such an agitated state. What is believed by them to be self evident is usually a head scratching moment for normal folks.
Oh, and I almost forgot to add, most normal folks voted for right wingers... we, as of Jan 20 [ and actually before as Trump has ripped the presidency right out of lazy boy's weak grip]we control the entire Federal government, 33 state governorships, 68 out of 99 legislatures [read super majority at the state level] with 23 states total control like at the Fed level.

Scratch your head on that one, 'cause that represents, in this republic, the new normal.
No no no you don't.

Sorry, you may be able to get away with blaming public school education for not gaining the skills to understand what I was saying, but you cannot, however, blame it on anything else. Its in English, plain as day...unless you consider night day, boys are girls, etc... then it probably could get confusing as you have no concrete definitions, no solid foundations upon which to stand so that you can understand

Here is what I said earlier

Quote Originally Posted by haymarket View Post
I NEVER said a Klansman should not be able to vote. So what are you ranting about anyways?

So what exactly were you ranting about?

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