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How about a religious resources sticky thread? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
I think a general religious resources thread would be a good idea.It could contain links to free online bibles,online Qur'ans,offiline programs such the bible database,qur'an viewer,free bibles,Qur'ans, and various other resources for other religions.

Although if such a thread is created it should be somewhat locked and content submitted to mods for approval before being posted so that the thread does not get turned into a "My God is better than your god","you people are worshiping him the wrong way",,"your religion is a terrorist religion","You people are pagans",or a "you people pratice a bastardized version of my religion" thread.
jamesrage said:
I think a general religious resources thread would be a good idea.It could contain links to free online bibles,online Qur'ans,offiline programs such the bible database,qur'an viewer,free bibles,Qur'ans, and various other resources for other religions.

Although if such a thread is created it should be somewhat locked and content submitted to mods for approval before being posted so that the thread does not get turned into a "My God is better than your god","you people are worshiping him the wrong way",,"your religion is a terrorist religion","You people are pagans",or a "you people pratice a bastardized version of my religion" thread.

We actually LIKE to be called Pagans...please feel free to do so...heh
tecoyah said:
We actually LIKE to be called Pagans...please feel free to do so...heh

I think if someone was going toi hijack a religious resources thread and turn it into a "my relgion is better than your religion" thread or a "religious people suck" thread I really do not think they are going to be pc or care if the otehr group is capitalized.
A well intentioned proposal but very problematic. In each mainstream religion, various scripture can be interpreted differently by leadership, biblical scholars, and members of mainstream sub-sects. Then there are the innumerable sects of 'The Church of What's Happening Now' non-mainstream religions. Also, some people consider particular cults as religious... so where does one draw the line of legitimacy?

One of the argumentative attractions of religion is indeed the various theological landscapes. To attempt to quantify this quality would be a daunting and perhaps impossible task. Although Debate Politics is primarily politicaly oriented, we also have a category entirely dedicated to Religion & Philosophy. IMHO, this offering is sufficient and allows everyone the lattitude and leeway to expound on religion and theology without parameter.

Just my take on your proposal James... we love new ideas though! :smile:
Sadly, I agree with Tash on this.
The only way we could implement is to link to gross definitions.

For instance, what is the differnce between Baptist and Taoism and Muslim?

Baptists alone have over 100 denominations! :shock:
Equally, as 911 has proven there are dozens of Islamic faiths as well.

These would have to be broken down to something like Protestant for Baptist and no further.

Daunting task to keep from stepping on toes.

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