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House to Vote on "Cut, Cap, and Balance" Bill (1 Viewer)

Obama is willing to cut spending.

who isn't?


but at 3.75T, i'm afraid he's not willing to cut spending ENOUGH

patience, petersburg, patience
Yes, she said she is going to try to win the nomination, and that is exactly what she is doing

No she is doing what she said she would when she campaigned to get her house seat.
That is not a compromise because the repubs want to raise the ceiling too. And the dems have made several proposals, and the repubs just say "no, no, no"

What bill have the democrats brought to a vote? Show me the proposal with specifics in the proposal. What has Reid brought to the floor of the senate for a vote?
What bill have the democrats brought to a vote? Show me the proposal with specifics in the proposal. What has Reid brought to the floor of the senate for a vote?

The republicans control the house and will not allow any dem bills to come to a vote. This is more proof that the gop will not compromise
The republicans control the house and will not allow any dem bills to come to a vote. This is more proof that the gop will not compromise

Funny but where is Obama's or what about Reid in the democrat controlled senate
The House goes first, according to the constitution

But the senate does not vote on the house bill they have their own bill and when passed committees bring the 2 bills together.

I would thing the senate should be working on something
But the senate does not vote on the house bill they have their own bill and when passed committees bring the 2 bills together.

I would thing the senate should be working on something

Do you have any proof that the senate is not working on something?

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