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House Passes Middle-Class Tax Cut as Dems, GOP Try to Reach Compromise (1 Viewer)

just like the republican party has been hijacked by extremists...


While the Republican gains in the House and Senate are grabbing the most headlines, the most significant results on Tuesday came in state legislatures where Republicans wiped the floor with Democrats.

Republicans picked up 680 seats in state legislatures, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures -- the most in the modern era. To put that number in perspective: In the 1994 GOP wave, Republicans picked up 472 seats. The previous record was in the post-Watergate election of 1974, when Democrats picked up 628 seats.

Devastation: GOP Picks Up 680 State Leg. Seats - Hotline On Call

why, just since nov 2, tsunami tuesday, thirteen state DEMS, from louisiana to maine, have come over to my dark side

are THEY extreme?

Dem State Lawmakers Defecting To GOP Post-election - CBS News

stay up
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Devastation: GOP Picks Up 680 State Leg. Seats - Hotline On Call

why, just since nov 2, tsunami tuesday, thirteen state DEMS, from louisiana to maine, have come over to my dark side

are THEY extreme?

Dem State Lawmakers Defecting To GOP Post-election - CBS News

stay up

There are various forms of extremism. Far right GOP are extreme, Far left DEM are extreme, and rarely do those people do anything worthwhile. Progress isn't made by clinging to ignorance. Currently, the far right are claiming to be the most ignorant...and are proud of it.
There are various forms of extremism. Far right GOP are extreme, Far left DEM are extreme, and rarely do those people do anything worthwhile. Progress isn't made by clinging to ignorance. Currently, the far right are claiming to be the most ignorant...and are proud of it.

So that we are on the same page, what is your definition of far right extremism?
So that we are on the same page, what is your definition of far right extremism?

Every other post is about:

how unfair it is to expect the rich to pay more taxes than the rest of us...
how only the rich "create" jobs...
how expecting the rich to carry their own weight is class envy, or class warfare...
how the unemployed are too lazy to go look for work...
and various other form of BS...

perhaps others will add to the list.

I know plenty of people who are poor due to their own poor planning, but I also know plenty of middle class who have suddenly become poor thanks mostly to the greed on Wall Street.
It is hard to sympathize with some of the newly poor. My son attends church with some who are wealthy, and he has been asked if he and his family are OK financially. He tells them that he was poor before this mess started, didn't have much, but owned all that he had, except his house, and he is able to keep up with that.
It is the overextended who are hurting, and it is mostly their own fault, but I don't think it is a good idea to be kicking people when they are down.
Every other post is about:

how unfair it is to expect the rich to pay more taxes than the rest of us...
how only the rich "create" jobs...
how expecting the rich to carry their own weight is class envy, or class warfare...
how the unemployed are too lazy to go look for work...
and various other form of BS...

perhaps others will add to the list.

I know plenty of people who are poor due to their own poor planning, but I also know plenty of middle class who have suddenly become poor thanks mostly to the greed on Wall Street.
It is hard to sympathize with some of the newly poor. My son attends church with some who are wealthy, and he has been asked if he and his family are OK financially. He tells them that he was poor before this mess started, didn't have much, but owned all that he had, except his house, and he is able to keep up with that.
It is the overextended who are hurting, and it is mostly their own fault, but I don't think it is a good idea to be kicking people when they are down.

So many false statements here which shows lack of reseach and buying only leftwing rhetoric.

The rich do pay more taxes than the "rest of us" as evidenced by the IRS data. Last year 47% of income earners, all at 50,000 a year or less paid zero Federal Income taxes. Is that fair?

Only the rich or those trying to become rich create jobs. How many of those rich people started out rich?

The rich do carry their own weight spending and saving their own money vs. others who have to take it from the rich to exist. In some places that is theft.

What qualities does someone who has been out of work 2-3 years bring to the market place? You don't think that SOME of the terminal unemployed aren't lazy? I contend that they are and won't start looking for work until their "benefits" run out.

There are plenty of people who are poor due to poor planning and a lot of people did lose money in Wall Street. No one however forced those people to invest in Wall Street. Was it greed that forced them to do that? Have you checked history regarding Wall Street investments vs. SS? Personal responsibility remains a problem in today's entitlement mentality and something you have never addressed.
Currently, the far right are claiming to be the most ignorant...and are proud of it.

tell it the voters of ohio, pennsylvania, new york, florida, virginia, wisconsin, michigan and illinois

in those 8 bellwether battlegrounds alone, 32 house seats and 6 gubs (florida was already "red") switched sides, dem to gop

ZERO went the other way

in the senate (in just those 8 kingmaker commonwealths, mind you), my side gained 3 (toomey, johnson and portman), a fourth (florida) was already mine, and 2 more (virginia and michigan) had no upstairs seats in play

while at the state level---we gained brand new control (just in time for GERRYMANDERING!) of the ny senate, pa house, ohio house, michigan house, wisconsin house and senate

we own both houses and the gub in PA, OH, MI, WI, FL and VA

yup, it's all an appeal to ignorance

meanwhile, obamites know better


seeya in '12, when more than a dozen upper house dem incumbents are genuinely in danger vs only ONE republican, chappaquiddick's scott brown

party on
So many false statements here which shows lack of reseach and buying only leftwing rhetoric.

The rich do pay more taxes than the "rest of us" as evidenced by the IRS data. Last year 47% of income earners, all at 50,000 a year or less paid zero Federal Income taxes. Is that fair?

Only the rich or those trying to become rich create jobs. How many of those rich people started out rich?

The rich do carry their own weight spending and saving their own money vs. others who have to take it from the rich to exist. In some places that is theft.

What qualities does someone who has been out of work 2-3 years bring to the market place? You don't think that SOME of the terminal unemployed aren't lazy? I contend that they are and won't start looking for work until their "benefits" run out.

There are plenty of people who are poor due to poor planning and a lot of people did lose money in Wall Street. No one however forced those people to invest in Wall Street. Was it greed that forced them to do that? Have you checked history regarding Wall Street investments vs. SS? Personal responsibility remains a problem in today's entitlement mentality and something you have never addressed.

But I have said that we should all bear the burden, proportionately to our guilt. I have said that I have always paid taxes, even when poor, back in the days of everybody paying something at least. I have addressed poor planning by some, and greed by others. It is a given that SOME are abusing the system, among the poor, and to a greater extent among the rich. I have siblings who abuse the system, and have said so. No one forced us to invest in Wall Street? Why do you think the IRA was invented? Why did the govt make it easy for Wall Street to screw the small investor by turning a blind eye to the problem? Why doesn't the govt offer a reward program for Wall street employees to turn in their crooked bosses? Does anyone think the Madoff type financier operated in a vacuum? No, lots of people knew, and kept quiet.
There are no level playing fields in fiance. The average citizen should do the one thing that will destroy Wall Street as it is, get out of it, and force it to become a tool that all can use without fear of losing all you have to more sophisticated (crooked) investors.
I don't listen to pundits of either stripe, don't have to...it is clear, has been for decades, that the marketplace is a bait and switch operation, if not actual organized crime. I know several brokers and bankers who are out of luck at the time they should be retiring with a good portfolio. They worked inside the operation, at a lower level than the crooks, and still didn't see the hammer falling.
Ubercons are mixing their koolaid a bit too strong and soon they might not be able to taste the special extra ingredient.
tell it the voters of ohio, pennsylvania, new york, florida, virginia, wisconsin, michigan and illinois

in those 8 bellwether battlegrounds alone, 32 house seats and 6 gubs (florida was already "red") switched sides, dem to gop

ZERO went the other way

in the senate (in just those 8 kingmaker commonwealths, mind you), my side gained 3 (toomey, johnson and portman), a fourth (florida) was already mine, and 2 more (virginia and michigan) had no upstairs seats in play

while at the state level---we gained brand new control (just in time for GERRYMANDERING!) of the ny senate, pa house, ohio house, michigan house, wisconsin house and senate

we own both houses and the gub in PA, OH, MI, WI, FL and VA

yup, it's all an appeal to ignorance

meanwhile, obamites know better


seeya in '12, when more than a dozen upper house dem incumbents are genuinely in danger vs only ONE republican, chappaquiddick's scott brown

party on

I said just like the republican party has been hijacked by extremists...

not sure what you thought it meant....

The republican party has made a hard right turn, essentiallly a U turn, without knowing what direction we should go. BTW, I am a republican, believe it or not. And I started saying a long time ago that the GOP has lost touch with the public, and it will be thier fault if we get a dem in the WH.
So far, I don't see a GOP candidate on the horizon. We have less than 2 years, people. Keep listening to the extremists, and Obama will win again...
Either way, the debt will increase, the deficit will stay high. The GOP doens't have the balls to do what is needed to turn our economy around...
I said just like the republican party has been hijacked by extremists...

not sure what you thought it meant....

The republican party has made a hard right turn, essentiallly a U turn, without knowing what direction we should go. BTW, I am a republican, believe it or not. And I started saying a long time ago that the GOP has lost touch with the public, and it will be thier fault if we get a dem in the WH.
So far, I don't see a GOP candidate on the horizon. We have less than 2 years, people. Keep listening to the extremists, and Obama will win again...
Either way, the debt will increase, the deficit will stay high. The GOP doens't have the balls to do what is needed to turn our economy around...

There is going to come a time when you wake up and realize that "extremism" which you claim the Republicans have is actually mainstream and you are out of it.
But I have said that we should all bear the burden, proportionately to our guilt...

Ubercons are mixing their koolaid a bit too strong and soon they might not be able to taste the special extra ingredient.

on this thread alone, offerings from obamites:

1. taxes are justice

2. we should all contribute to assure we "get our fair share"

3. we should pay in proportion to our guilt

debate with such alien lines of thought is impossible, a waste of time, we simply do not speak the same language

which is why LINKS must always trump

and out there in the real world, where semantics and philosophies are forced to the bottom line, this deal is 100% done

no tax increases in time of recession---econ 101

write to senators feingold and his fellows, manchin and his mates

explain to them about guilt and justice and each american's fair share
There is going to come a time when you wake up and realize that "extremism" which you claim the Republicans have is actually mainstream and you are out of it.

obama's school (harvard law) of thought is today fringe

as demontrated in the biggest wave election since 1938, the year after the great roosevelt recession

as demonstrated by the senate's actions on the #1 issue of now, american's precise 2011 relationship with the irs

party on, progressives
There is going to come a time when you wake up and realize that "extremism" which you claim the Republicans have is actually mainstream and you are out of it.
IF that is the case, Obama wins again. There are too many voters out there who vote according to what does the most for them as individuals. And more of them are DEMS than GOP.
It is short sighted thinking and will only add to deficits and debt. Surely you can see that from your extreme right position? Or do you need binoculars?:2razz:
if obama signs mitch mcconnell's tax cut for the rich, expect a 2012 primary challenge from the left---consensus of coffee joe's msnbc panel this am

if afghanistan develops as it almost surely will...

stay up
opposition to obama is not moderate, true

Have we had, in recent history, a GOP or DEM president that didn't govern from somewhere close to the middle, once elected?
IF that is the case, Obama wins again. There are too many voters out there who vote according to what does the most for them as individuals. And more of them are DEMS than GOP.
It is short sighted thinking and will only add to deficits and debt. Surely you can see that from your extreme right position? Or do you need binoculars?:2razz:

Apparently the electorate didn't get the message this last election. this country is center right, not far left. What exactly did Obama win on Nov. 2, 2010?
Sorry but bea.gov disagrees with you and that is the non partisan agency that records economic growth. The economy wasn't collapsing in the fourth qtr of 2008 because that is the quarter that TARP was implemented. Not sure where you get your information but I suggest non partisan sites and not leftwing sites that you apparently use. I learned a long time ago to trust but verify. I don't believe politicians of either side so give me just the facts. The recession ended in June 2009 and Obama has lost more jobs in 2010 than were lost in 2009.

I'm not sure what you are reading (or smoking), but the BEA website does indeed suggest the US economy was collapsing in the 4th Qtr of 2008, a notion that is backed up by anyone that had owned a least one share of stock and had a pulse .


The recession did indeed end at some point in 2009, but as we know, jobs loss and job gain activity always trails the beginning and end of the recession, often by months. Accordingly, the job losses of the first part of 2009 are attributable to the recession delievered by GW. As to Obama's performance in fixing the problem.... well, at least this did not become a depression, thanks to quick bi-partisian actions during both the waning months of the Bush Presidency and the early months of the Obama presidency, but overall, I think Obama's performance has been very poor on the economy. He is showing himself to be a very weak president. While we can certainly place some of the blame on the Republicans in congress who are more interested in party than country, the President should be able to work through that kind of political shenanigans.

It is unfortunate that our choice is between politicians from the party of the wimps and the party of the fools...
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Apparently the electorate didn't get the message this last election. this country is center right, not far left. What exactly did Obama win on Nov. 2, 2010?

Over confidence is a trap....and if Obama is half as smart as he gets credit for, he will spring that trap using the very words and actions of the GOP over the last few years. We could make every GOP politician aware of this, and they will find a way to ignore the danger.

Obama won the WH by DEFAULT. The GOP sent in a few cheerleaders to play against a real jock. It can happen again...
I'm not sure what you are reading (or smoking), but the BEA website does indeed suggest the US economy was collapsing in the 4th Qtr of 2008, a notion that is backed up by anyone that had owned a least one share of stock and had a pulse .

BEA : Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Graph

The recession did indeed end at some point in 2009, but as we know, jobs loss and job gain activity always trails the beginning and end of the recession, often by months. Accordingly, the job losses of the first part of 2009 are attributable to the recession delievered by GW. As to Obama's performance in fixing the problem.... well, at least this did not become a depression, thanks to quick bi-partisian actions during both the waning months of the Bush Presidency and the early months of the Obama presidency, but overall, I think Obama's performance has been very poor on the economy. He is showing himself to be a very weak president. While we can certainly place some of the blame on the Republicans in congress who are more interested in party than country, the President should be able to work through that kind of political shenanigans.

It is unfortunate that our choice is between politicians from the party of the wimps and the party of the fools...

It is unfortunate that most people don't understand the foundation upon which our country was built. Never in history has unemployment been this bad after the end of a recession and the fact is the Obama policies do not promote the private sector thus are doing nothing positive thus the results. The recession began in December 2007 and went until June 2009. What did Obama do that caused the recession to end 5 months after the recession ended but has led to a jobless recovery?

I have no use for Obama because of his policies which are anti growth, anti business, anti individual wealth creation, pro govt. growth, and thus creating a bigger nanny state. The people are waking up slowly but Nov. 2 was a sign of things to come.

To be perfectly honest I have no use for RINO Republicans either but I do know what made this country great and it wasn't Obama style policies.
Over confidence is a trap....and if Obama is half as smart as he gets credit for, he will spring that trap using the very words and actions of the GOP over the last few years. We could make every GOP politician aware of this, and they will find a way to ignore the danger.

Obama won the WH by DEFAULT. The GOP sent in a few cheerleaders to play against a real jock. It can happen again...

The GOP sent a real weak candidate against someone who everyone wanted to believe and who spoke nothing but rhetoric. His resume showed an inexperienced candidate who would be in over his head and the results are showing that more should have paid attention to the resume.
The GOP sent a real weak candidate against someone who everyone wanted to believe and who spoke nothing but rhetoric. His resume showed an inexperienced candidate who would be in over his head and the results are showing that more should have paid attention to the resume.

The fact remains, he won.....
another fact remains, the GOP is in disarray, and labeling republicans who don't measure up to your standards isn't the best approach to deal with that disarray...
Sanity wins out over the biggest tax increase in U.S. History and the tax and Spend dreams of the "Trifecta of Doom."

What is it about the simple idea that people who make over $250,000 a year are the ones who create the jobs.

We don't need more taxes we need less spending. But if your a tax and spend Lefty you have a serious lack of mental acuity.
yeah they "create the jobs" and then give those jobs to illegals.
The fact remains, he won.....
another fact remains, the GOP is in disarray, and labeling republicans who don't measure up to your standards isn't the best approach to deal with that disarray...

That is your opinion but the results speak for themselves. Doesn't matter what the Republicans do at this point but it will come January 2011 and that is when we will see if there is any real difference.

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