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House Ethics Committee: Dem Rep. Kihuen sexually harassed women, violated House rules (1 Viewer)


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Get him! Glad he's out of the picture though.

House Ethics Committee: Dem Rep. Kihuen sexually harassed women, violated House rules

The House Ethics Committee has found that retiring Rep. Ruben Kihuen sexually harassed multiple women, both during his campaign for Congress and while a lawmaker.

Last year, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that Kihuen should step down. He did not. But Kihuen did not seek re-election to a second term.​
Only because he wasn't coming back, anyway.
Only because he wasn't coming back, anyway.

Oh Meadows was nailed for 40 K to pay back. Should come from his salary, not other funds
Oh Meadows was nailed for 40 K to pay back. Should come from his salary, not other funds

If he had run for re-election and won, y'all defend the **** out of him...lol
If he had run for re-election and won, y'all defend the **** out of him...lol

Man how can you be wrong on such a constant basis. Oh yeah, a persons politics is how you judge peoples character
I wouldn't trust Fox reporting on a Dem.

Mark Meadows, Ruben Kihuen sanctioned over sexual harassment-related allegations

Kihuen, who was only elected in 2016, saw his congressional career quickly ended following media reports that he had sexually harassed at least three women, including during his time as a state legislator in Nevada. According to the Ethics Committee, the Nevada Democrat made repeated sexual advances to one of his campaign aides. This included "the touching of her thigh on two occasions, comments on how she looked, suggestions that Representative Kihuen would take her out if she did not work for him, a suggestion that she and Representative Kihuen should get a hotel room together, and questions regarding whether she would ever cheat on her boyfriend." A Nevada lobbyist told congressional investigators that Kihuen "made unwanted physical and verbal advances towards her including, among other things, sliding his hand under her dress and onto her thigh, grabbing her buttocks, messages asking her to come and sit on his lap, asking her what color her panties were, suggesting she would look good naked, and messages suggesting, through the use of emojis, that they make a sex tape together."

"Despite Representative Kihuen’s denials, each of the complainant’s allegations were supported by documentary evidence and some of the alleged incidents were corroborated by third party witnesses," the report states. "Furthermore, at least two outside entities were made aware of Campaign Staffer and D.C. Firm Employee’s allegations and approached Representative Kihuen, and his campaign, about his behavior in 2016 and 2017." Kihuen announced his retirement in Dec. 2017, after Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democrats demanded he resign from office.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Man how can you be wrong on such a constant basis. Oh yeah, a persons politics is how you judge peoples character

That's how y'all do it. :lamo

The ****ing irony! :lamo
He represented the Nevada 4th district, which was won by Steven Horsford, the democratic candidate. Let's hope that Mr Horsford will be more ethical in his actions to women.

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