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House erupts into shouting after moment of silence for Orlando (1 Viewer)


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Jun 30, 2013
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House erupts into shouting after moment of silence for Orlando | TheHill

House Democrats staged protests Monday evening in response to a moment of silence on the floor to remember the victims of the attack in a gay nightclub in Orlando, the worst mass shooting in American history.

After Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) led the House in the moment of silence in honor of the 49 people who died in the massacre on Sunday, the chamber erupted into shouting as Democrats expressed frustration over the lack of votes to restrict guns after repeated mass shootings.

"Where's the bill?" Democrats chanted.

"Show some respect!" other Democrats shouted.

Some lawmakers walked out of the House chamber before the moment of silence began in protest, including Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.). Earlier in the day, Himes declared he would not participate in any more moments of silence as a form of protest of the lack of legislative responses to mass shootings.

"The fact is that a moment of silence is an act of respect, and we supported that. But it is a not a license to do nothing," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters off the House floor afterward.

stay classy Democrats. If republicans pulled a stunt like that the media would roast them over hot coals.
Not surprising, really. Hypocrisy and pure cosmeticism is all the GOP has offered for years.

I can understand why the dems might be angry.
I think there are a lot of people whose attitude at this point is, "Keep you ****ing thoughts and prayers to yourself and just DO something about it!"

I think that type of emotion is understandable in light of the worst mass shooting in US history.
What would you like to see done? What law would have prevented this slaughter?
I think there are a lot of people whose attitude at this point is, "Keep you ****ing thoughts and prayers to yourself and just DO something about it!"

I think that type of emotion is understandable in light of the worst mass shooting in US history.

Sure. I understand that, for people who don't respect or understand the 2nd Amendment. It's a powerful moment, and emotion is strong.

I expect those who claim the right to make decisions on behalf of the rest of us, however, to act like ****ing adults. If Republicans had reacted by pitching a fit in the middle of Obama's public statement over his refusal to begin rounding up and mass-deporting Muslims, they would be no less classless.
Like shutting down the government?

seems the Dems control the Senate. So who really didn't pass a budget? Congress (all parties are to blame).

Back to the OP. Pretty lame to act that way. Just goes to show Congress is broken.

If not an AR purchased legally, the nut would find some other way to kill a bunch of people.
House erupts into shouting after moment of silence for Orlando | TheHill

stay classy Democrats. If republicans pulled a stunt like that the media would roast them over hot coals.

Showboating for their constituency.

Trying to stampede legislation by appeals to emotion...kinda-sorta like how the Republicans were able to stampede the Democrats shortly after 9/11 and we ended up with the Patriot Act and another mid-east war we are still dealing with today.

Stampedes "to action!" were not a good idea then, and they are not a good idea NOW; regardless of which Party is trying to pull the heart-strings. :no:
I think there are a lot of people whose attitude at this point is, "Keep you ****ing thoughts and prayers to yourself and just DO something about it!"

I think that type of emotion is understandable in light of the worst mass shooting in US history.
But that is ALL it is, emotion... there is not a bit of logic about what Dems want to "DO" about it.

Certainly could not be considered the fault of guns... or not having enough gun laws. Mateen could just as easily have used a bomb vest that he, apparently, told law enforcement on the scene that he was wearing.
After so many horrific massacres it's pretty obvious that silence and praying isn't working.
seems the Dems control the Senate. So who really didn't pass a budget? Congress (all parties are to blame).

Back to the OP. Pretty lame to act that way. Just goes to show Congress is broken.

If not an AR purchased legally, the nut would find some other way to kill a bunch of people.

No they don't lol
Translation: We want to violate the peoples constitutional rights! Where is the bill that will allow us to do it! :lamo
After so many horrific massacres it's pretty obvious that silence and praying isn't working.

Yes, we need to limit violate peoples rights! Where is our bill! :lamo
"The fact is that a moment of silence is an act of respect, and we supported that. But it is a not a license to do nothing," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters off the House floor afterward.

A mass shooting isn't license to violate the peoples constitutional rights either. Oh and btw, we already have laws against this kind of behavior.

How stupid and whiny can this bitch be? First she can't read bills then she demands bills that violate the ****ing law she is meant to uphold.

I demand a bill I won't read!
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Pretty absurd move by the Democrats. Just from reading the summary, it essentially sounds like they were acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

I agree something needs to change. I also agree that a moment of silence doesn't pass as a solution. But I disagree completely with acting like a toddler, especially when it was so obviously planned.
Translation: We want to violate the peoples constitutional rights! Where is the bill that will allow us to do it! :lamo

So does Trump...big time. Where does the Constitution allow torture and violation of religious freedom and freedom of the press?
They should draft a bill that speaks towards the drafters opinions on the best sandwich and declare it as a gun control bill just to see if Pelosi will read it. I bet the stupid bitch will vote for it without even knowing she just voted for a sandwich opinion bill that does absolutely nothing.
So does Trump...big time. Where does the Constitution allow torture and violation of religious freedom and freedom of the press?

Yeah, so I'm not a Trump supporter.

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