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Hope for Europe? (1 Viewer)

I call it reality, Germany does ban it's journalists from what they can write.

And are there no problems with Islam? Sure there are problems with some Islamic people.

But what people gain by making up problems with Islam? Well that is what populists and nazi's do. And they are not ridiculed, they were rightfully named nazi's.

The problem with Islamic people is Islam. Islam is just like Nazism, maybe a bit worse. The Nazis lasted 12 years Islam has lasted 1400 and has done far more damage. You will be busy trying to find an ideology closer to Nazism than Islam.
The problem with Islamic people is Islam. Islam is just like Nazism, maybe a bit worse. The Nazis lasted 12 years Islam has lasted 1400 and has done far more damage. You will be busy trying to find an ideology closer to Nazism than Islam.

Your own ideology is a lot closer to Nazism, actually.

And way to try and hand wave away the millions murdered by Adolf Hitler and his cronies.
Naw, we've had an over-abundance of those from you.

It's spelled with a double "l" BTW.

Who cares? Yes or no to my question. Does the Koran fit the modern definition of hate speech?
Your own ideology is a lot closer to Nazism, actually.

And way to try and hand wave away the millions murdered by Adolf Hitler and his cronies.

You have no idea what my ideology is, but my ideology includes freedom. The freedom to say what you wish. The freedom to warn people something has gone to far and endangers their freedom. And the freedom to ignore people who think they know what you think.
Read your papers. If your government allows them to tell you.

A little bit thin for an argument mate.

You can find a paper for any mindset here - some even believe the government (and the evil Americans ;) ) poisons us with "chemtrails". Would be a waste of time reading every nonsense.
The problem with Islamic people is Islam. Islam is just like Nazism, maybe a bit worse. The Nazis lasted 12 years Islam has lasted 1400 and has done far more damage. You will be busy trying to find an ideology closer to Nazism than Islam.

Again, that is nonsense, books do not make doctrine, people who read/use/or dare I say misuse, do that. Just like the bible, it did not try to convert by force entire populations, the bible did not wage wars, no that was done by people justifying their actions based on the bible.

And there is an ideology closer to Nazism rather than Islam, it is called Neo-Nazi, extreme right wing doctrines and even fake communism is more akin to nazism than Islam.

A book in and of itself is not a negative doctrine, it is what people do with it to justify their actions that is the problem.
Who cares? Yes or no to my question. Does the Koran fit the modern definition of hate speech?

Does the Bible? The Bible is way more violent than the Koran.
European countries and the EU can learn a lot from the USA if you ask me. But gun laws are not one of them. My opinion is actually that they don't really influence the rate and gravity of crimes all that much, but a change in either direction in how easy or difficult it is to get a gun can do much more harm than good I think.

Of course they do. The murder rate in the US is 5 times the EU average with guns being used in 70% of them. Put plainly guns make killing far too easy, it was why they were invented in the first place after all.
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Who cares? Yes or no to my question. Does the Koran fit the modern definition of hate speech?
You can try to deflect as much as you want from the content of my post that started this exchange by trying to go off on all sorts of different angles.

It won't work.

To show how it doesn't, here's the content of my post again

"In view of the frequency with which you lie, your arguments are worth squat. In view of that same behaviour you could state that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow and those acquainted with your behaviour by now would be extremely sceptical.

It's "the boy who cried wolf" effect. Get caught lying as often as you get caught and you don't get believed even when you actually tell a truth. Due to the perceived unlikelihood of that latter case ever happening."
You have no idea what my ideology is,
Of course we do, seeing how you constantly demonstrate it.
but my ideology includes freedom. The freedom to say what you wish. The freedom to warn people something has gone to far and endangers their freedom. And the freedom to ignore people who think they know what you think.
Yeah, but when others apply the same freedom to criticize your bigotry and your asinine ideology, you don't ignore that at all, you squeal like a stuck pig, garnishing it all with your lie of being silenced.

Your ideology constitutes that you and those that agree with you have the freedom to speak, while those that speak against you do not. Nazism at its best.

That's your definition of freedom and as such your demonstration of utter hypocrisy.
You have no idea what my ideology is, but my ideology includes freedom. The freedom to say what you wish. The freedom to warn people something has gone to far and endangers their freedom. And the freedom to ignore people who think they know what you think.

That's patently false, as your own words attest. Not only don't you believe in freedom of religion, you've also been on record as supporting terrorist attacks against innocent Muslims.

Yes, your brand of hated goes well too far.
Of course we do, seeing how you constantly demonstrate it. Yeah, but when others apply the same freedom to criticize your bigotry and your asinine ideology, you don't ignore that at all, you squeal like a stuck pig, garnishing it all with your lie of being silenced.

Your ideology constitutes that you and those that agree with you have the freedom to speak, while those that speak against you do not. Nazism at its best.

That's your definition of freedom and as such your demonstration of utter hypocrisy.

"We"? You and CC. Enough said.
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That's patently false, as your own words attest. Not only don't you believe in freedom of religion, you've also been on record as supporting terrorist attacks against innocent Muslims.

Yes, your brand of hated goes well too far.

Your opinion is not contributing one thing but rehashed garbage. Please up your game and try to stay on topic.
Does the Bible? The Bible is way more violent than the Koran.

The Bible is not being discussed, not to mention it verses do not accompany terror attacks. Please tell me the last time someone was killed by someone yelling verses from the OT. Should I wait?
Your opinion is not contributing one thing but rehashed garbage. Please up your game and try to stay on topic.

Your opinion noted and, being that of someone who supports terrorism against American Muslims, dismissed.
Your opinion noted and, being that of someone who supports terrorism against American Muslims, dismissed.

One day I bet you actually hit on the topic with your random irrelevant comments.:lamo
One day I bet you actually hit on the topic with your random irrelevant comments.:lamo

The opinion of someone who supports terrorism against American Muslims is utterly irrelevant.
The opinion of someone who supports terrorism against American Muslims is utterly irrelevant.

Fact based opinion is never irrelevant to a topic, you know, the topic you avoid.

How about Muslims who support terror, are they irrelevant too?
Of course it it, the fact that Pete brought it up just shows that.

You don't get to limit what's discussed here.

You are speaking to the OP. You are not the OP. Enough said. Please go bother someone else as your posts contribute your usual nothing.
Fact based opinion is never irrelevant to a topic, you know, the topic you avoid.

How about Muslims who support terror, are they irrelevant too?

You wouldn't know. You've never posted a fact based opinion, or even a fact.

Where's your proof that those Muslims in Kansas supported terror?
You are speaking to the OP. You are not the OP. Enough said. Please go bother someone else as your posts contribute your usual nothing.

You're truly continuing to believe that you can dictate what is posted in this thread, just because you started it.

Here, let me show you how delusional that belief is, by repeating how I addressed your claim of you being for freedom :

by coldjoint: You have no idea what my ideology is,
Me: "Of course we do, seeing how you constantly demonstrate it
by coldjoint: but my ideology includes freedom. The freedom to say what you wish. The freedom to warn people something has gone to far and endangers their freedom. And the freedom to ignore people who think they know what you think.
Me: Yeah, but when others apply the same freedom to criticize your bigotry and your asinine ideology, you don't ignore that at all, you squeal like a stuck pig, garnishing it all with your lie of being silenced.

Your ideology constitutes that you and those that agree with you have the freedom to speak, while those that speak against you do not. Nazism at its best.

That's your definition of freedom and as such your demonstration of utter hypocrisy.
Of course they do. The murder rate in the US is 5 times the EU average with guns being used in 70% of them. Put plainly guns make killing far too easy, it was why they were invented in the first place after all.

Logical fallacy. Correlation doesn't imply causation. You cannot say that restrictive gun laws are the cause of less murder in Europe (unless you have some evidence to back up that statement). If you look at Ireland, UK, Australia, you see that in those countries the restriction on guns made no difference in murders. Poverty, culture, those are the things that influence homicide rates.
Logical fallacy. Correlation doesn't imply causation. You cannot say that restrictive gun laws are the cause of less murder in Europe (unless you have some evidence to back up that statement). If you look at Ireland, UK, Australia, you see that in those countries the restriction on guns made no difference in murders. Poverty, culture, those are the things that influence homicide rates.
Actually reference was made to killings done with guns.

Europe not only has an overall lesser murder rate than the US, it (also) has an overall lesser frequency of killings being committed by use of firearms.

Your point on poverty, culture, etc. notwithstanding.

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