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Hope for Europe? (1 Viewer)

Mere percentages seem to make a lot of difference in behavior. Remember Islam preaches superiority along with hate. Those things are happening. Mere is your whole thing with Islam

Your constant minimization of the problem is predictable.
Takes nothing from the fact that you lie habitually (as shown).
While you are waiting why don't you regale us with a verse that says something nice about non-Muslims? Can you handle that?
...takes nothing from the fact that, as shown, you lie habitually.
It is there somewhere, and you know it. There is a good chance it is hard to find for a reason. Fail.

Oh, here we go, it is in here. You can download the whole thing.


Still calling the report, (not the source) a lie?

Sop lying. Your bolded comments are NOT in there. You made the claim it is. You find it and you post it. Prove us wrong. You can't. It's NOT there.

Enough with your nonsense.
It's probably a safe bet that they'd find their names being exploited by somebody like you as being totally disgusting, despicable and simply filthy.

Sticks and stones. Children learn that, what happened to you?
It's probably a safe bet that they'd find their names being exploited by somebody like you as being totally disgusting, despicable and simply filthy.

Of course. Any reasonable person would.
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Sticks and stones. Children learn that, what happened to you?
You getting desperate? Being so childish (since you mention children)? Children are usually also brought up to not lie as constantly as you do. So what happened to you?
I am afraid you are wrong because of the religion these refugees follow. They are simply not like Westerners and many have no intention of ever having that problem. You have to let it sink in Islam is different than other religions. That makes it a problem. It causes problems in your schools, it cleans out your welfare programs and costs big bucks for extra police and security.

So what, really so what. Just like all Western Europeans are always so great.
Chain mail for several decades? Can you prove that? I never see Nazis in the movies in chain mail armor, and for that matter the good guys don't wear it either.


Islamic terror attacks? You can prove that too?

I said terror attacks, not islamic terror attacks.
I would really apreciate if you would come along and show me all that violence here coldjoint. You would be my guest.
I would really apreciate if you would come along and show me all that violence here coldjoint. You would be my guest.

LOL dont hold your breath. None of the US Islamophobes in this forum has ever been to Europe, I doubt they even left their hometowns.
LOL dont hold your breath. None of the US Islamophobes in this forum has ever been to Europe, I doubt they even left their hometowns.

Islamophobia has no meaning to anyone but cowards who deny reality in favor of a narrative that is killing people by its transfer of blame to non-Muslims.
I would really apreciate if you would come along and show me all that violence here coldjoint. You would be my guest.

Read your papers. If your government allows them to tell you.
You getting desperate? Being so childish (since you mention children)? Children are usually also brought up to not lie as constantly as you do. So what happened to you?

No desperation on my part, and do not expect any. Islam, itself, wins my arguments for me.
LOL dont hold your breath. None of the US Islamophobes in this forum has ever been to Europe, I doubt they even left their hometowns.

You have touched the matter with a needle.
Read your papers. If your government allows them to tell you.

More nonsense, Germany is 16th on the list of press free countries with generally a sound environment for journalists in Germany with strong constitutional guarantees and an independent judiciary.

So the government does not tell journalists what they can and cannot tell people.
No desperation on my part, and do not expect any. Islam, itself, wins my arguments for me.
In view of the frequency with which you lie, your arguments are worth squat. In view of that same behaviour you could state that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow and those acquainted with your behaviour by now would be extremely sceptical.

It's "the boy who cried wolf" effect. Get caught lying as often as you get caught and you don't get believed even when you actually tell a truth. Due to the perceived unlikelihood of that latter case ever happening.
More nonsense, Germany is 16th on the list of press free countries with generally a sound environment for journalists in Germany with strong constitutional guarantees and an independent judiciary.

So the government does not tell journalists what they can and cannot tell people.

You can call it that is you wish. But you could answer a question, why do you think people are making the problems with Islam up? What do they gain from it? Stands to reason they must have something to lose if they say nothing. Plus they are ridiculed and called Nazis from lack of a credible argument that defends what Islam says.

There is no defense for what Islam says by any objective thinking human being. Tell me what in Islam concerns the well being of all mankind? Good luck finding it. Humanity is Islamic only in Islam. Non-Muslims are not human compared to the Muslim. End of story.
In view of the frequency with which you lie, your arguments are worth squat. In view of that same behaviour you could state that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow and those acquainted with your behaviour by now would be extremely sceptical.

It's "the boy who cried wolf" effect. Get caught lying as often as you get caught and you don't get believed even when you actually tell a truth. Due to the perceived unlikelihood of that latter case ever happening.

Gish galop anyone?
You can call it that is you wish. But you could answer a question, why do you think people are making the problems with Islam up? What do they gain from it? Stands to reason they must have something to lose if they say nothing. Plus they are ridiculed and called Nazis from lack of a credible argument that defends what Islam says.

There is no defense for what Islam says by any objective thinking human being. Tell me what in Islam concerns the well being of all mankind? Good luck finding it. Humanity is Islamic only in Islam. Non-Muslims are not human compared to the Muslim. End of story.

I call it reality, Germany does ban it's journalists from what they can write.

And are there no problems with Islam? Sure there are problems with some Islamic people.

But what people gain by making up problems with Islam? Well that is what populists and nazi's do. And they are not ridiculed, they were rightfully named nazi's.
You can call it that is you wish. But you could answer a question, why do you think people are making the problems with Islam up? What do they gain from it? Stands to reason they must have something to lose if they say nothing. Plus they are ridiculed and called Nazis from lack of a credible argument that defends what Islam says.
In view of the frequency with which you lie, your arguments are worth squat.

Never mind anyone else.

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