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Homes & Gardens (1 Viewer)


*probably reading smut*
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Mar 25, 2010
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I thought we needed a thread to post pictures of great decorating and gardening ideas. :)

My living room walls are very close to this color:


I've been trying to decide what color curtains I should buy for the front window. Right now I have old faded burnt red ones from before I painted and it looks kind of awful. Any thoughts?
I thought we needed a thread to post pictures of great decorating and gardening ideas. :)

My living room walls are very close to this color:

I've been trying to decide what color curtains I should buy for the front window. Right now I have old faded burnt red ones from before I painted and it looks kind of awful. Any thoughts?

Are all 4 walls that color? Do you have carpet, tile or wood floors?

The simple answer would be some shade of white...like a parchment or cream but depending on what else is going on in the room you could also go toward greys.
What you have sounds like it would work with the paint--anything earth toney I suppose would. Maybe instead of playing off the wall, you should play off some color in your furniture or decor items. That'd be my guess. I am not that good at that. My office was originally done by a professional designer. His advice was to "be eclectic" i.e. don't make it too matchy which works great for me.
Are all 4 walls that color? Do you have carpet, tile or wood floors?

The simple answer would be some shade of white...like a parchment or cream but depending on what else is going on in the room you could also go toward greys.

I have carpet - it's a beige color. My couch is also a neutral - like an off white. My wood furniture is like a pecan color.
I thought we needed a thread to post pictures of great decorating and gardening ideas. :)

My living room walls are very close to this color:

View attachment 67148918

I've been trying to decide what color curtains I should buy for the front window. Right now I have old faded burnt red ones from before I painted and it looks kind of awful. Any thoughts?

I'm a neutral gal myself. Cream or white. 'Course I also don't use curtains, so maybe I'm not the best one to ask. When I lived in Door County woods, I took all the curtains down to enjoy the beautiful view -- no neighbors. Now, back in suburban Chicago, I use blinds -- which are "up" unless I need privacy, which is only in the bedrooms. I'll never buy curtains again.

I love the color of your living room!!
Why did you paint "deposit photos" all over your living room walls and floors?
I hang so many posters on my walls the color is kind of irrelevant :lol:
I have carpet - it's a beige color. My couch is also a neutral - like an off white. My wood furniture is like a pecan color.

What about burnt orange?
I have carpet - it's a beige color. My couch is also a neutral - like an off white. My wood furniture is like a pecan color.

Alright. Assuming that the window will be open for the most part you'll probably have some kind of blinds along with the curtains. The blinds or shears or whatever should probably be neutral....like the carpet. You can go a little more crazy with the curtains themselves but you'll probably want to stay pretty light and earthtone. with that particular shade of green it's really easy to make the room look very dark. In the original pic the only reason that room doesn't look like a dungeon is the unobstructed glass wall.
I was wondering about a gold color....

That would work but it would (IMO) need to be fairly subdued....like a sandstone or wheat kind of color.
I was wondering about a gold color....

I thought about that too but gold is one of those spectrums that can look good or really bad IMO. I am fond of the more mustard version of gold. Some of the shades of gold scream 1970's which I hate. I am also not fond of pastels of pretty much anything. Either way, it is your house and you are the one who has to look at it---go with whatever tickles your fancy. You'll probably hate whatever at first, but a few weeks in, you won't care.
I thought we needed a thread to post pictures of great decorating and gardening ideas. :)

My living room walls are very close to this color:

View attachment 67148918

I've been trying to decide what color curtains I should buy for the front window. Right now I have old faded burnt red ones from before I painted and it looks kind of awful. Any thoughts?

Red was the right color drapes to go with your walls, but at the same time it all depends on the color of your furniture/floor.

If you're going with that color of green I see you as an IKEA type individual - trying to do the whole "A Clockwork Orange" deco :lol:
I thought about that too but gold is one of those spectrums that can look good or really bad IMO. I am fond of the more mustard version of gold. Some of the shades of gold scream 1970's which I hate. I am also not fond of pastels of pretty much anything. Either way, it is your house and you are the one who has to look at it---go with whatever tickles your fancy. You'll probably hate whatever at first, but a few weeks in, you won't care.

I was thinking mustard-y.
I'm with Luther - light beige or cream, sandstone or even white. That color is more of a cool color, so white would work well with it.
Are all 4 walls that color? Do you have carpet, tile or wood floors?

The simple answer would be some shade of white...like a parchment or cream but depending on what else is going on in the room you could also go toward greys.

I'd lean toward the cream color or parchment. I tend to think that the gray would be a little too cold as a contrast against the green.

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