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Hillary Clinton will win. You can bet on it. (1 Viewer)

Now that the election is settled and the winner determined I won't have to worry about voting.
The Odds makers have a better history on elections than wonks like Nate Silver.
Hillary is currently 1/3
Trump is currently 12/5
2016 Presidential Election Odds | Next US President | Oddschecker

Thank you, Hillabot. We know that Secretary Pants Suit has budgeted a million bucks to flood internet forums with posts from volunteers, people working for slave wages and web bots. You can tell your Hillary handler you posted on DP and you can check us off your list.

I remember back in July when people said that Trump "couldn't possibly make it" to the nomination, and people were betting against him then, too, in droves, and thus you shouldn't take Trump seriously.

There's a part of me, just for the comeuppance, that wants to see Hillary triple down on that strategy.
Now that the election is settled and the winner determined I won't have to worry about voting.

Well not exactly. Tell me if you are a registered voter and which state you live in, and we can see if it even matters if you vote for president. However if your vote is useful to me in any way I'd be happy to help you out with facts :peace
Well I've already made a bet that Trump will win, so...

But in all seriousness, there is still a chance that either Trump or $Hillary could win the presidential election.
I remember back in July when people said that Trump "couldn't possibly make it" to the nomination, and people were betting against him then, too, in droves, and thus you shouldn't take Trump seriously.

There's a part of me, just for the comeuppance, that wants to see Hillary triple down on that strategy.

You have to keep in mind that those who were saying "Trump wont last" were speaking about the obvious: sane people would eventually come around and figure him out and not vote for him. What they did not realize is that his base of 30% were not among those people. Doing the post hoc ergo propter hoc boogie now is really unworthy of the remainder who are moderately well educated (at least above high school drop out grade).

It is going to be fun watching the Trumpollites massage their reasoning from now to November. :2wave:
What was their prediction in January about who would be the Republican nominee? What odds were they giving Donald then?
You have to keep in mind that those who were saying "Trump wont last" were speaking about the obvious: sane people would eventually come around and figure him out and not vote for him. What they did not realize is that his base of 30% were not among those people. Doing the post hoc ergo propter hoc boogie now is really unworthy of the remainder who are moderately well educated (at least above high school drop out grade).

I've got a grad degree, have been a Trump supporter all along, have been laughing at people like you making your nonsense pronouncements and predictions since the beginning, and have little doubt I'll continue to enjoy doing so all the way to the idiomatic bank.

Enjoy the next 8 years.

Well I've already made a bet that Trump will win, so...

But in all seriousness, there is still a chance that either Trump or $Hillary could win the presidential election.

Try not to worry. The Clinton machine has been oiled and honed for four years now and the RNC (who has their own very good tools) are far behind in preparation. Besides Trump thinks he probably doesn't need the "data processing" (being only partially factious) and can simply win votes as he has been winning them by bloviating-on to the 70% remaining who are not his base. Not going to work.
I've got a grad degree, have been a Trump supporter all along, have been laughing at people like you making your nonsense pronouncements and predictions since the beginning, and have little doubt I'll continue to enjoy doing so all the way to the idiomatic bank.

Enjoy the next 8 years.


I will have an MBA in two weeks and I also have been a Trump supporter all along. Trump has an awful lot of people supporting him for them all to be whacko.
What was their prediction in January about who would be the Republican nominee? What odds were they giving Donald then?

Good question. The odds of "president" have favored Hillary since well before January but the odds for nominee began with Jeb being favored substantially and Donald at eh very bottom which is around (or before) January I would think.
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I remember back in July when people said that Trump "couldn't possibly make it" to the nomination, and people were betting against him then, too, in droves, and thus you shouldn't take Trump seriously.

There's a part of me, just for the comeuppance, that wants to see Hillary triple down on that strategy.

Well one thing's for sure: it wont be Bernie. ;)
I will have an MBA in two weeks and I also have been a Trump supporter all along. Trump has an awful lot of people supporting him for them all to be whacko.

Good for you... seriously. But let's put you in a room of 100 "Average" trump supporters and see where your MBA fits. It has been documented that the core of Trump supporters are not well educated. Here is one link to one of dozens of reports: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/15/who-really-supports-donald-trump-ted-cruz-ben-carson-marco-rubio-and-jeb-bush-in-5-charts/
Good for you... seriously. But let's put you in a room of 100 "Average" trump supporters and see where your MBA fits. It has been documented that the core of Trump supporters are not well educated. Here is one link to one of dozens of reports: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/15/who-really-supports-donald-trump-ted-cruz-ben-carson-marco-rubio-and-jeb-bush-in-5-charts/

Look at how easy it is to just insult a large percentage of Americans. How many Hillary supporters are on welfare?
I will have an MBA in two weeks and I also have been a Trump supporter all along. Trump has an awful lot of people supporting him for them all to be whacko.


That's what I've been saying for months and nobody gets it.

I've got friends who are lawyers, MBAs, chiropractors, engineers, doctors, and the CTO of a pretty good size telecommunications company all who have supported Trump from the beginning.

Yet this myth that only uneducated, back woods, high school drop outs support the guy seems to persist.

Whatever though, all I care is that he wins and as each day passes that seems like more and more of a foregone conclusion.

I'm just looking forward to him making Hillary Clinton look like the lying, thieving, felonious **** that she truly is.

It's like the exhibition match before the main event.
Good for you... seriously. But let's put you in a room of 100 "Average" trump supporters and see where your MBA fits. It has been documented that the core of Trump supporters are not well educated. Here is one link to one of dozens of reports: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/15/who-really-supports-donald-trump-ted-cruz-ben-carson-marco-rubio-and-jeb-bush-in-5-charts/

The core of anyone's supporters are not "well" educated.

America as a whole isn't "well" educated.

I mean, unless we pretend that an undergrad halfway through a BA program in "Homoerotic Etruscan Pottery Art" from State U is a "well" educated voter, then maybe the Democrats jump in to the lead.

But if you put me in a room with 100 "average" Hillary Clinton voters there'd be me, maybe a handful of other truly "well" educated people, and then a bunch of African American welfare recipients, some of urban white trash collecting disability for their opioid addiction, a handful of Latino immigrant itinerant farmers, a bunch of union thugs with a high school diploma between them, and a sampling of the variety of aforementioned knuckleheads with an undergrad degree in some nonsense liberal art who are struggling to make ends meet managing a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise.
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I'll just say that if you had bet money Trump would win the nomination at the beginning of all of this you would have won a good chunk of cash. Trump has been stumping the odds makers throughout this whole thing.

Do I think Hillary is the most likely person to be our next President? Yes. Do I think it is inevitable? No. The biggest mistake Democrats can make is to underestimate Trump. I also don't think the polls are going to be as useful in this election as they have been in other elections. The criteria we have used in the past for predicting who a "likely voter" is probably won't hold for this election. And don't forget about what I call the "F**K IT!" vote. Those are people, who probably don't even like Trump, who will vote for Trump because they are so fed up with the political system and the politicians that run it that they will vote for Trump just to spite the system.

Yet this myth that only uneducated, back woods, high school drop outs support the guy seems to persist.

I have not seen this myth in print. "ONLY" used as an adverb, right? Please give me a link if you can.
The core of American people are not well educated.
True to the degree defining "core". I've been around a long long time and this is the poorest educated citizenry i can recall.
True to the degree defining "core". I've been around a long long time and this is the poorest educated citizenry i can recall.

Part of it's the media's fault. Gone are the days with dazzle them with brilliance... now it's baffle them with bull****.
I'll just say that if you had bet money Trump would win the nomination at the beginning of all of this you would have won a good chunk of cash. Trump has been stumping the odds makers throughout this whole thing.

Do I think Hillary is the most likely person to be our next President? Yes. Do I think it is inevitable? No. The biggest mistake Democrats can make is to underestimate Trump. I also don't think the polls are going to be as useful in this election as they have been in other elections. The criteria we have used in the past for predicting who a "likely voter" is probably won't hold for this election. And don't forget about what I call the "F**K IT!" vote. Those are people, who probably don't even like Trump, who will vote for Trump because they are so fed up with the political system and the politicians that run it that they will vote for Trump just to spite the system.

I have been part of so many campaigns I have forgotten a lot but one thing I never do. No matter how sure you are that you are going to win never project it. Keep your party afraid to drive up turnout. Right now I "guess" this may be the beginnings of a down ballot program. When I am sure I'll say so but as long as you are a Clinton voter you need to doubt she can win. It is political de régulier

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