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Hillary Clinton admires Margaret Sanger (1 Viewer)


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Oct 29, 2012
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Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". Hillary Clinton said these following words about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary enormously admires a woman who believes that black people should be destroyed. That is disgusting.
People want to talk about Donald Trump and the KKK. Hillary is just as racist as Trump and people need to be made aware of it. Sadly, it's possible that many people are aware of it but don't care. If that is true, I feel sorry for those people.
Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". Hillary Clinton said these following words about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary enormously admires a woman who believes that black people should be destroyed. That is disgusting.
People want to talk about Donald Trump and the KKK. Hillary is just as racist as Trump and people need to be made aware of it. Sadly, it's possible that many people are aware of it but don't care. If that is true, I feel sorry for those people.

She also said “I admire Thomas Jefferson, his words and his leadership — and I deplore his un-repentant slave holding. I admire Margaret Sanger being a pioneer and trying to empower women to have some control over their bodies — and I deplore the statements you have referenced. That is the way we often are when we look at flawed human beings. There are things we admire, and things that we deplore.” And she's correct. There are people you may admire despite some of their negative qualities.

But, hey, mouth foaming is more fun, right?
Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". Hillary Clinton said these following words about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary enormously admires a woman who believes that black people should be destroyed. That is disgusting.
People want to talk about Donald Trump and the KKK. Hillary is just as racist as Trump and people need to be made aware of it. Sadly, it's possible that many people are aware of it but don't care. If that is true, I feel sorry for those people.

She also said “I admire Thomas Jefferson, his words and his leadership — and I deplore his un-repentant slave holding. I admire Margaret Sanger being a pioneer and trying to empower women to have some control over their bodies — and I deplore the statements you have referenced. That is the way we often are when we look at flawed human beings. There are things we admire, and things that we deplore.” And she's correct. There are people you may admire despite some of their negative qualities.

But, hey, mouth foaming is more fun, right?

Any links?
Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". Hillary Clinton said these following words about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary enormously admires a woman who believes that black people should be destroyed. That is disgusting.
People want to talk about Donald Trump and the KKK. Hillary is just as racist as Trump and people need to be made aware of it. Sadly, it's possible that many people are aware of it but don't care. If that is true, I feel sorry for those people.

She also said “I admire Thomas Jefferson, his words and his leadership — and I deplore his un-repentant slave holding. I admire Margaret Sanger being a pioneer and trying to empower women to have some control over their bodies — and I deplore the statements you have referenced. That is the way we often are when we look at flawed human beings. There are things we admire, and things that we deplore.” And she's correct. There are people you may admire despite some of their negative qualities.

But, hey, mouth foaming is more fun, right?

I love it when this kind of thread gets shut down in the second post.
She also said “I admire Thomas Jefferson, his words and his leadership — and I deplore his un-repentant slave holding. I admire Margaret Sanger being a pioneer and trying to empower women to have some control over their bodies — and I deplore the statements you have referenced. That is the way we often are when we look at flawed human beings. There are things we admire, and things that we deplore.” And she's correct. There are people you may admire despite some of their negative qualities.

But, hey, mouth foaming is more fun, right?

Newb just got OWNED.
Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". Hillary Clinton said these following words about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary enormously admires a woman who believes that black people should be destroyed. That is disgusting.
People want to talk about Donald Trump and the KKK. Hillary is just as racist as Trump and people need to be made aware of it. Sadly, it's possible that many people are aware of it but don't care. If that is true, I feel sorry for those people.

What do you mean "just as racist as Trump"?

What has Trump said about blacks, or any race for that matter?
What do you mean "just as racist as Trump"?

What has Trump said about blacks, or any race for that matter?

Trump said immigrants are murderers and rapists. (he was referring to hispanic immigrants)

His actions speak even louder: few minorities hired by his businesses...once he was forced to, so he hired ONE OR TWO, then said it was temporary, and their job ended.

Ever seen him with a black or hispanic friend?
Margaret Sanger worked against bigotry.

Martin Luther King Jr. eulogized her as "an unsurpassed intellect," in his 1966 acceptance speech for the Margaret Sanger award.

Margaret Sanger was the mother of birth control in our country and did much to further it, including working with black leaders to educate the black community about birth control. Angela Davis, a black political activist, has used that work to claim that Sanger wanted to exterminate blacks. She was wrong. There is no record or indication that Sanger ever said such a thing, much less believed that way. In fact, Sanger's statements and actions indicate she was one of the minority of white leaders who actively did things to support integration of blacks into society.

Note: Davis was a friend of Jim Jones, the cult leader who gave poisoned Kool-Aid to his hundreds of followers and killed them, including children.
I also admire her, particularly her work for the legalization of birth control. I suppose that's one thing I share in common with Hillary Clinton.
Newb just got OWNED.

OP isnt new- he has been a member for almost 4 years- but he only has 6 total posts though... fancy that.
OP started this exact thread on another board and was promptly pummeled, so he takes it elsewhere.

In fact, now that I look, he's got at least five sites he's spamming this now -- just dropping the OP and amscraying.

Every one of his six posts at DP is an abandoned OP.

Don't expect him to stick around to debate. Hit and run.
Trump said immigrants are murderers and rapists. (he was referring to hispanic immigrants)

His actions speak even louder: few minorities hired by his businesses...once he was forced to, so he hired ONE OR TWO, then said it was temporary, and their job ended.

Ever seen him with a black or hispanic friend?

The first one is true.

Do you have any proof of his hiring practices? What percentage of his employees are of each minority?

I don't know Trump personally so I haven't seen him with any of his friends.

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