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High capacity magazines [W:1390] (1 Viewer)


warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
the next time some anti gun dullard demands that you justify honest citizens owning "high capacity magazines"

just say


If I were a shop keeper seeing a ton of rioters heading towards my shop I'd hope I'd have a 6000 round belt fed GE Minigun handy
Re: High capacity magazines

the next time some anti gun dullard demands that you justify honest citizens owning "high capacity magazines"

just say


If I were a shop keeper seeing a ton of rioters heading towards my shop I'd hope I'd have a 6000 round belt fed GE Minigun handy

That will go over well with the jury at your trial on 450 counts of mans-laughter with about 1000 aggravated assault charges. Along with the civil suits for property damage and wrongful death
Re: High capacity magazines

That will go over well with the jury at your trial on 450 counts of mans-laughter

death by giggle? OH THE HORROR
Re: High capacity magazines

death by giggle? OH THE HORROR

Try not to get caught on tape giggling while your mini gun is cutting down the whole crowd a peaceful protesters. Juries can't relate to that
Re: High capacity magazines

Try not to get caught on tape giggling while your mini gun is cutting down the whole crowd a peaceful protesters. Juries can't relate to that

where did you get the idea anyone should shoot PEACEFUL protestors. I am talking about assholes smashing windows, throwing firebombs, looting etc

those turds ought to be shot down
Re: High capacity magazines

where did you get the idea anyone should shoot PEACEFUL protestors. I am talking about assholes smashing windows, throwing firebombs, looting etc

those turds ought to be shot down

Well the 120 rounds a second out of a 6000 belt really can't tell the difference if your finger is slow off the firing controls
Re: High capacity magazines

I've often wondered what the legal implications would be if a shopkeeper, manger, Mom+Pop family stayed in their business and when looters broke in they open fired?

Does anyone question if a person goes in to rob a store the person behind the counter can use force including deadly force? Does this change if there are 50 robbers?
Re: High capacity magazines

Well the 120 rounds a second out of a 6000 belt really can't tell the difference if your finger is slow off the firing controls

Meh, I trust TD, he's a pretty good shot.
Re: High capacity magazines

the next time some anti gun dullard demands that you justify honest citizens owning "high capacity magazines"

just say


If I were a shop keeper seeing a ton of rioters heading towards my shop I'd hope I'd have a 6000 round belt fed GE Minigun handy

Stop being ridiculous. A Minigun? That's absurd.

A couple of boxes of belts for a full auto Browning model 1911 - either .308 or 30.06 - up on the counter would be fully sufficient. Stop exaggerating and talking about over-reacting.
Re: High capacity magazines

the next time some anti gun dullard demands that you justify honest citizens owning "high capacity magazines"

just say


If I were a shop keeper seeing a ton of rioters heading towards my shop I'd hope I'd have a 6000 round belt fed GE Minigun handy

I'm faintly remembering something from the coverage of the Rodney “Piñata” King riots. Something about certain shops owned by Koreans being the only ones to survive the rioting and looting in an area, because their owners were there with “assault weapons” to defend them.
Re: High capacity magazines

Stop being ridiculous. A Minigun? That's absurd.

A couple of boxes of belts for a full auto Browning model 1911 - either .308 or 30.06 - up on the counter would be fully sufficient. Stop exaggerating and talking about over-reacting.

but GE brings good things to Life


Re: High capacity magazines

I'm faintly remembering something from the coverage of the Rodney “Piñata” King riots. Something about certain shops owned by Koreans being the only ones to survive the rioting and looting in an area, because their owners were there with “assault weapons” to defend them.

It's true and it just wasn't Korean owned businesses. Where ever there were armed individuals protecting a business, they weren't looted or set on fire.
Re: High capacity magazines

I've often wondered what the legal implications would be if a shopkeeper, manger, Mom+Pop family stayed in their business and when looters broke in they open fired?

Does anyone question if a person goes in to rob a store the person behind the counter can use force including deadly force? Does this change if there are 50 robbers?

Yes it does change if there are 50 robbers, with just one robber the bullet cost is negligible but with 50 I would expect the state to reimburse the ammo cost as a token of appreciation at getting 50 criminals off the street all at once
Re: High capacity magazines

Well the 120 rounds a second out of a 6000 belt really can't tell the difference if your finger is slow off the firing controls
Simple fix, fire above belt level, anyone willing to disengage can get into a submissive position under that and put their hands over their head in surrender position.
Re: High capacity magazines

the next time some anti gun dullard demands that you justify honest citizens owning "high capacity magazines"

just say


If I were a shop keeper seeing a ton of rioters heading towards my shop I'd hope I'd have a 6000 round belt fed GE Minigun handy

What are you going to do after the first 90 seconds? :mrgreen:
Re: High capacity magazines

What are you going to do after the first 90 seconds? :mrgreen:

pick up the empty casings

with a front end loader!!!
Re: High capacity magazines

the next time some anti gun dullard demands that you justify honest citizens owning "high capacity magazines"

just say


If I were a shop keeper seeing a ton of rioters heading towards my shop I'd hope I'd have a 6000 round belt fed GE Minigun handy

The idea being that with your self proclaimed expertise that you could kill all several hundred or even a thousand of them who attack your shop?

This seems a really sad and pathetic way to make the case for your crusade to have the same weapons that police officers do. But hey - why let a good crisis go to waste when it can be exploited for ideological extremist purposes? :roll:
Re: High capacity magazines

The idea being that with your self proclaimed expertise

He is an expert, I've not heard him say one incorrect thing regarding firearms. You however repeatedly prove how little you know, and whine about how people don't regard your ignorance as credible.

that you could kill all several hundred or even a thousand of them who attack your shop?

How do you get 700-1000 out of "a ton"?

Where in any Ferguson riot footage did any store have more than a few dozen looters?

Are you in complete denial of the instances of people defending their shops during riots with guns?

This seems a really sad and pathetic way to make the case for your crusade to have the same weapons that police officers do.

US Code 311 already makes that case for him, as does the 2nd Amendment. You're the one who has consistently failed to make the case for prohibition, especially when Harvard has proven that none of the bad ideas you support have ever or would ever reduce gun violence yet instead causes violent crime to increase while restricting the rights of law abiding citizens.

But hey - why let a good crisis go to waste when it can be exploited for ideological extremist purposes? :roll:

Exactly why you Anti-2nd Amendment types jump at every mass shooting as another opportunity to support your anti-liberty agenda. I mean, you are quoting your boy Rahm, you do realize that right?
Re: High capacity magazines

He is an expert,

we are all whatever we claim to be on the internet.

Exactly why you Anti-2nd Amendment types jump at every mass shooting as another opportunity to support your anti-liberty agenda

It was the other poster who attempted to use the crisis to exploit their own agenda. Do try and keep things straight.

And I support the Second Amendment as written.
Re: High capacity magazines

The idea being that with your self proclaimed expertise that you could kill all several hundred or even a thousand of them who attack your shop?

This seems a really sad and pathetic way to make the case for your crusade to have the same weapons that police officers do. But hey - why let a good crisis go to waste when it can be exploited for ideological extremist purposes? :roll:

less looters=more peace. actually mini guns are not in the police arsenal. People who understand guns know that.

shopkeepers should have the same firearms cops do
Re: High capacity magazines

we are all whatever we claim to be on the internet.

It was the other poster who attempted to use the crisis to exploit their own agenda. Do try and keep things straight.

And I support the Second Amendment as written.
no you don't

you claim the 2A was written only to apply to members of the federal militia

we know that is wrong because there is no way the founders saw being in a federal militia as a right that pre existed the formation of the United States
Re: High capacity magazines

less looters=more peace. actually mini guns are not in the police arsenal. People who understand guns know that.

shopkeepers should have the same firearms cops do

You are doing here just what the right accuses the left of doing - using a crisis for their own purposes of advancing their own agenda.
Re: High capacity magazines

You are doing here just what the right accuses the left of doing - using a crisis for their own purposes of advancing their own agenda.

not at all. I am not trying to use emotion to restrict anyone's rights like the sandy hook scum bag gun banners did
Re: High capacity magazines

no you don't

you claim the 2A was written only to apply to members of the federal militia

we know that is wrong because there is no way the founders saw being in a federal militia as a right that pre existed the formation of the United States

And you channel those same Founders and can read their minds and know what they want and don't want? :doh:roll:

Sadly for you Turtle, you have previously admitted that this so called "pre-existing right" only was found in the minds of people and actually was protecting nobody. So that train has already left the station for you.
Re: High capacity magazines

And you channel those same Founders and can read their minds and know what they want and don't want? :doh:roll:

Sadly for you Turtle, you have previously admitted that this so called "pre-existing right" only was found in the minds of people and actually was protecting nobody. So that train has already left the station for you.

Only you would claim that I am channeling something that has been fully documented in dozens of documents from that era.

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