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Hi all (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2006
Reaction score
Tiamat's better half
Political Leaning
I'm a stay at home mom who occasionally likes to pop online for some adult communication. By adult I don't mean x-rated. I just mean something other than Sponge Bob.

I'm a non religious conservative which I find funny 'cause the media makes it appear as if all conservatives are religious fundamentalists.

Feminists tend to not like me which is funny 'cause I'm a woman....so go figure.

I tend to vote Republican though I am sometimes swayed by independents. I have liked some Democrats in the past so I'm not completely close-minded but as of late most dems/liberals scare the daylights out of me.

I live in a very liberal town so I don't often come across those who share my opinions in person. Hopefully that won't be the case here.

Anyway, Hi :2wave:
Welcome to Debate Politics!
Welcome to DP, talloulou! :2wave:
Hello talloulou!:2wave:

Talloulou, Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, welcomes you!

By adult I don't mean x-rated.

Hurmm... You had me going for a sec...

I'm a non religious conservative which I find funny 'cause the media makes it appear as if all conservatives are religious fundamentalists.

Indeed! The Media likes to missrepresent many things about us.

I tend to vote Republican though I am sometimes swayed by independents. I have liked some Democrats in the past so I'm not completely close-minded but as of late most dems/liberals scare the daylights out of me.

I can understand voteing for liberals in the past. However, to vote for any now would be borderline insane!

I live in a very liberal town so I don't often come across those who share my opinions in person. Hopefully that won't be the case here.

So do I at the moment... This is indeed a refreshing place. I hope you enjoy the site.



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