• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Hi all! (1 Viewer)


Active member
Aug 12, 2013
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Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
I'm Steelplate...I am a slightly left of center Democrat. I work with the Developmentally Disabled and I am a working musician when I get the chance to gig. I am a die hard Steelers fan too.

Looking forward to talking with you all....I'm a member of a couple other Political Message Boards, but I dislike the vitriolic nature of them...I was referred here by a friend on one of the other boards.
I'm Steelplate...I am a slightly left of center Democrat. I work with the Developmentally Disabled and I am a working musician when I get the chance to gig. I am a die hard Steelers fan too.

Looking forward to talking with you all....I'm a member of a couple other Political Message Boards, but I dislike the vitriolic nature of them...I was referred here by a friend on one of the other boards.

Welcome and hope you enjoy this board. I feel obligated to warn you however, you are out numbered. Might want to put on that helmet before you sit down at the keyboard
I'm Steelplate...I am a slightly left of center Democrat. I work with the Developmentally Disabled and I am a working musician when I get the chance to gig. I am a die hard Steelers fan too.

Looking forward to talking with you all....I'm a member of a couple other Political Message Boards, but I dislike the vitriolic nature of them...I was referred here by a friend on one of the other boards.

Welcome to DP and hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.

Any Steelers fan is a-one in my book. Is your career working with the developmentally disabled directedly related to your time spent with Democrats? :2razz:

Have fun and watch out for the rules.
well....it seems that Dems are always outnumbered in the message board world. I'm used to it.

Rules? yes....that's something I'll have to get used to. On some of those other boards, it's pretty much a free for all....I think it makes people ugly online when they might very well be excellent people in real life. I had to get away from that atmosphere.
I'm Steelplate...I am a slightly left of center Democrat. I work with the Developmentally Disabled and I am a working musician when I get the chance to gig. I am a die hard Steelers fan too.

Looking forward to talking with you all....I'm a member of a couple other Political Message Boards, but I dislike the vitriolic nature of them...I was referred here by a friend on one of the other boards.

Welcome :) but Go Dallas Cowboys Go
Hi Steelplate. Welcome! I'm a Browns fan if they're playing half way decent. ;) :2razz:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

I hope you enjoy the boards. :)
I'm Steelplate...I am a slightly left of center Democrat. I work with the Developmentally Disabled and I am a working musician when I get the chance to gig. I am a die hard Steelers fan too.

Looking forward to talking with you all....I'm a member of a couple other Political Message Boards, but I dislike the vitriolic nature of them...I was referred here by a friend on one of the other boards.

Whats team is ur favorite?

Pittsburgh Steelers - America's team - and Canada's adopted team, at least in the Toronto/southern Ontario area. Do the Cowboys still put on the pretense of trying to win championships or are they just Jerry's money making machine now?
I'm Steelplate...I am a slightly left of center Democrat. I work with the Developmentally Disabled and I am a working musician when I get the chance to gig. I am a die hard Steelers fan too.

Looking forward to talking with you all....I'm a member of a couple other Political Message Boards, but I dislike the vitriolic nature of them...I was referred here by a friend on one of the other boards.

Welcome. I'm kinda new here too. Been a member for a while but just started actively participating not long ago. I waited to see if this place was like all the rest. It isn't.

There are people on here that their beliefs are diametrically apposed to mine, but with only a very few exceptions, are very polite and will debate you until the cows come home without making one irrational or hateful remark. And if for some reason I misinterpret their statements, they politely correct the record.

Now, that said, there are a few batsh*t crazies here on all sides of every issue. For the most part though, they are held in check by the great majority of the membership, especially those that are of the same political persuasion, but lack the batsh*t crazy gene.

Have fun. Jump in. And for goodness sake... Hang on...
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Welcome Steelplate, hope you have fun here!

I'm Steelplate...I am a slightly left of center Democrat. I work with the Developmentally Disabled and I am a working musician when I get the chance to gig. I am a die hard Steelers fan too.

Looking forward to talking with you all....I'm a member of a couple other Political Message Boards, but I dislike the vitriolic nature of them...I was referred here by a friend on one of the other boards.

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