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Hey AOC is on Trump’s side! (1 Viewer)


No Russian ever called me deplorable
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Jan 20, 2014
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In a bizarre interview AOC said “we are going to run train over the progressive agenda”


According to the urban dictionary “run train” means


So two things here, one why are leftists so perverted? You can’t listen to leftist commentators talk for too long before they use sexually explicit language. People I know from school who are leftists while on Facebook have to use the “F” word, references to sex acts, etc it’s very common. Why? You can look at the way Harvey Weinstein talked before being exposed. It happens on the right too, but mainly on the left. Why sexually explicit language and bad words all the time?

Also she’s misused her own phrase, mark my words “running train on the progressive agenda will be a trump hashtag or something

Oh but don’t worry there’s people who still think that AOC is just an educated empowered woman, who can’t make arguments without (and failing at) talking dirty. Have some dignity AOC
Trump set a new standard for what language is acceptable coming from politicians. I doubt we will be able to turn back the clock on that. Unless we just want to have different standards for female politicians and male politicians.
Reminds me of a story that Christopher Hitchens used to tell.

an old story about another great Englishman — sorry to sound so particular about that this evening — Dr. Samuel Johnson, the great lexicographer, compiler of the first dictionary of the English language.

When it was complete, Dr. Johnson was waited upon by various delegations of people to congratulate him, of the nobility, of the quality, of the Commons, of the Lords — and also by a delegation of respectable ladies of London, who tended on him at his Fleet Street lodgings, and congratulated him.

“Dr. Johnson,” they said, “we are delighted to find that you have not included any indecent or obscene words in your dictionary.”

“Ladies,” said Dr. Johnson, “I congratulate you on being able to look them up.”

Point being that some people will simply scour for hours to dig up something to be offended by. This threads a pretty great example of it. She obviously mean "run train" as in the gamer phrase where you are destroying multiple opponents very easily and not a gang bang. But the right is very desperately in need of something to be offended by so they can pretend to act as though Trump isn't the most offensive thing in american politics by a very wide margin.

Have fun playing that game.
In a bizarre interview AOC said “we are going to run train over the progressive agenda”


According to the urban dictionary “run train” means

View attachment 67248106

So two things here, one why are leftists so perverted? You can’t listen to leftist commentators talk for too long before they use sexually explicit language. People I know from school who are leftists while on Facebook have to use the “F” word, references to sex acts, etc it’s very common. Why? You can look at the way Harvey Weinstein talked before being exposed. It happens on the right too, but mainly on the left. Why sexually explicit language and bad words all the time?

Also she’s misused her own phrase, mark my words “running train on the progressive agenda will be a trump hashtag or something

Oh but don’t worry there’s people who still think that AOC is just an educated empowered woman, who can’t make arguments without (and failing at) talking dirty. Have some dignity AOC

That is one stupid post. The new republican party is pathetic, sad.
I wish people would leave the poor unattractive woman alone, or focus on her legitimate stupid statements instead of making crap like this up.
I wish people would leave the poor unattractive woman alone, or focus on her legitimate stupid statements instead of making crap like this up.

Would that include your need to call her unattractive? Focus, right?
Would that include your need to call her unattractive? Focus, right?

I do find her unattractive in many ways, that doesn't change that attacking her over this run a train comment is stupid.
Reminds me of a story that Christopher Hitchens used to tell.

Point being that some people will simply scour for hours to dig up something to be offended by. This threads a pretty great example of it. She obviously mean "run train" as in the gamer phrase where you are destroying multiple opponents very easily and not a gang bang. But the right is very desperately in need of something to be offended by so they can pretend to act as though Trump isn't the most offensive thing in american politics by a very wide margin.

Have fun playing that game.

You can claim that, but most people do not associate this phrase with online gaming, in fact it was just in the news a few months ago being used to falsely smear the most Honorable Judge Kavanaugh in this way. A Minnesota congressman said of trump “we’ll impeach the motherf***er” multiple leftwing voting outreach campaigns have been made comparing voting to sex. Don’t think it’s a stretch to say that’s the definition she wanted to use

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I wish people would leave the poor unattractive woman alone, or focus on her legitimate stupid statements instead of making crap like this up.

If you focus on any of her statements the left claims it’s evidence of “obsession” or “catcalling”. This one was just too good to pass up though. Because not only did she go to gutter, she didn’t even do it right.

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So you went down to definition 6 after 5 definitions that all went for the sexual meaning and which were around longer, meaning that the “non sexual definition” likely emerged from the sexual one using it as a metaphor.

Kind of like calling someone “bitch” in colloquial.

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Given her youth, it is not unreasonable to suspect she used the term with the more recent pedigree

But no, not like bitch at all
Given her youth, it is not unreasonable to suspect she used the term with the more recent pedigree

But no, not like bitch at all

She’s older then me and I knew what that meant years ago. I also know that many gaming terms evolved from sexual innuendo. When I was in high school playing CoD 4 it was common to here people say “hah you got raped” if they had a low kill to death ratio or something like that. Obviously they didn’t mean literally, but the metaphor and origin there is crystal clear.

There is a society lacking moral values.

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She’s older then me and I knew what that meant years ago. I also know that many gaming terms evolved from sexual innuendo. When I was in high school playing CoD 4 it was common to here people say “hah you got raped” if they had a low kill to death ratio or something like that. Obviously they didn’t mean literally, but the metaphor and origin there is crystal clear.

There is a society lacking moral values.

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I agree that it would reasonable to assume that she knows the phrase has a sexual meaning but, given the context, it seems unlikely she meant it that way because that would not make sense

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