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Hello (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 10, 2005
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Political Leaning
Hi, I'm Nathan Vallejo, and after seeing my bud _____(Arch Enemy) on here posting here everyday in computer engineering, I've finally decided to join. I like to argue and express my views, so I hope I'm welcome.
Yep this is my good buddy Vallejo.

He shares alot of view points as I. But just because he's a friend of mine, doesn't mean you people should go easy on him.

Welcome to Debate Politics Nathan.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

I gotta ask, does Arch always wear the 3 cornered hat?
That pic in the members pic thread - looked like you had one on. Thought it was funny.

It might just be my age. lol
oh.. yeah that was a hat. It rocked.

No, I don't wear that always.. Brenna wouldn't allow such things. Who knows what kind of disease I would get from it.. yuck!

Nathan is actually a good Sig-Maker as well. We've competed for the past couple of years.
Arch Enemy said:
oh.. yeah that was a hat. It rocked.

No, I don't wear that always.. Brenna wouldn't allow such things. Who knows what kind of disease I would get from it.. yuck!

Nathan is actually a good Sig-Maker as well. We've competed for the past couple of years.
First off, Welcome to Debate Politics, Nathan!:2wave:

Could this be a challenge for who can make the best sig?...;)
cnredd said:
First off, Welcome to Debate Politics, Nathan!:2wave:

Could this be a challenge for who can make the best sig?...;)


It sure is a challenge now!

Welcome to Debate Politics Nathan! :2wave:


Glad to have you.
Hope you enjoy it here.

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