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Hello from Wisconsin! (1 Viewer)

My_name_is_not_Larry said:
Hello everybody. This site was promoted by a friend, so I decided to check it out and now, I'm a member

Welcome Wisconsinite! I am from Milwaukee.
Hello My_name_is_not_Larry!:2wave:

Tell the truth, you're Feingold, don't lie, you're him?:doh

Welcome anyhow.:2wave:
Deegan said:
Tell the truth, you're Feingold, don't lie, you're him?:doh

Welcome anyhow.:2wave:

Close to him(although I don't agree with his views). I served 2 terms in the Wisconsin State Assembly.
Greetings, Larry....um, I mean not-Larry. Welcome to DP! :2wave:
Welcome to Debate Politics! :)



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